The area of review of each injection well or each field or project shall be determined according to either paragraph (A) or (B) of this rule. The director may solicit input from the owners or operators of injection wells within the state as to which method is most appropriate for each geographic area or field.
r = [(2.25KHt) \ (S10x)]1/2
x = (4piKH [hw-hbo(SpGb) ] ) \ 2.3Q
r = Radius of endangering influence from injection well (length)
K = Hydraulic conductivity of the injection zone (length/time)
H = Thickness of the injection zone (length)
t = Time of injection (time)
S = Storage coefficient (dimensionless)
Q = Injection rate (volume/time)
Hbo = Observed original hydrostatic head of injection zone (length) measured from the base of the lowermost underground source of drinking water
hw = Hydrostatic head of underground source of drinking water (length) measured from the base of the lowest underground source of drinking water
SpGb = Specific gravity of fluid in the injection zone (dimensionless)
pi = 3.142 (dimensionless)
The above equation is based on the following assumptions:
Ohio Admin. Code 3745-34-32
Five Year Review (FYR) Dates: 9/11/2024 and 09/11/2029
Promulgated Under: 119.03
Statutory Authority: 6111.043
Rule Amplifies: 6111.043
Prior Effective Dates: 07/25/1984, 04/23/2009