Ohio Admin. Code 3745-31-12

Current through all regulations passed and filed through December 30, 2024
Section 3745-31-12 - Attainment provisions - data submission requirements

[Comment: For dates and availability of non-regulatory government publications, publications of recognized organizations and associations, federal rules, and federal statutory provisions referenced in this rule, see paragraph (AA) of rule 3745-31-01 of the Administrative Code titled, "referenced materials."]

(A) Applicability.

This rule applies to any major stationary source or major modification that is to be constructed in an area designated in 40 CFR 81.336 as attainment for an air pollutant for which the major stationary source or major modification is major.

(B) Data submission authority.

The owner or operator of a proposed major stationary source or major modification shall submit all information necessary to perform any analysis or make any determination required under this rule.

(C) Minimum data submission requirements.

The information required under paragraph (B) of this rule shall include the following:

(1) A description of the nature, location, design capacity and typical operating schedule of the major stationary source or major modification, including specifications and drawings showing the emissions units design and plant layout.
(2) A detailed schedule for construction of the major stationary source or major modification.
(3) For each emissions unit a detailed description as to what system of continuous emissions reduction is planned by the major stationary source or major modification, emission estimates, including maximum emissions rates and any other information as necessary to determine that BACT as applicable would be applied.
(4) The air quality impact of the major stationary source or major modification, including meteorological and topographical data necessary to estimate such impact.
(5) The air quality impacts and the nature and extent of any or all general commercial, residential, industrial and other growth that has occurred since the baseline date was set in the area the major stationary source or major modification would affect.

Ohio Admin. Code 3745-31-12

Effective: 3/11/2023
Five Year Review (FYR) Dates: 11/30/2022 and 11/30/2027
Promulgated Under: 119.03
Statutory Authority: 3704.03(F)
Rule Amplifies: 3704.03(A), 3704.03(F)
Prior Effective Dates: 04/12/1996, 12/01/2006, 05/29/2014