Current through all regulations passed and filed through December 30, 2024
Section 3745-14-03 - Permit requirements(A) General NOx budget program permit requirements. (1) The designated representative of a NOx budget source subject to this rule required to have a federally enforceable permit for the source shall submit an application for an operating permit or an application for a modification to an operating permit in accordance with Chapter 3745-77 of the Administrative Code (for sources subject to the Title V permit program) or an application for a permit-to-install and operate or an application for a modification to a permit-to-install and operate in accordance with Chapter 3745-31 of the Administrative Code (for sources not subject to the Title V permit program) for each subject NOx budget source, in accordance with the deadlines specified in paragraph (B)(1) of this rule. (2) The designated representative of a NOx budget source subject to this rule shall submit in a timely manner any supplemental information that the director determines is necessary in order to review a permit application and issue or deny a permit.(3) The owners and operators of each NOx budget source required to have a federally enforceable permit shall operate the source in compliance with such permit.(4) The owners and operators of a NOx budget source that is not otherwise required to have a federally enforceable permit are not required to submit a permit application, and to have a permit for such NOx budget source.(B) Submission of permit applications. (1) Application time. (a) For NOx budget sources required to have a Title V operating permit: (i) For any source, with one or more NOx budget units that commence operation before January 1, 2000, the designated representative shall submit a complete permit application covering such NOx budget units to the director before May 1, 2003.(ii) For any source, with one or more NOx budget units that commence operation on or after January 1, 2000, the designated representative shall submit a complete permit application covering such NOx budget unit to the director at least twelve months before the later of May 1, 2004 or the date on which the NOx budget unit commences operation.(b) For NOx budget sources required to have a non-Title V operating permit: (i) For any source, with one or more NOx budget units that commence operation before January 1, 2000, the designated representative shall submit a complete permit application covering such NOx budget units to the director before May 1, 2003.(ii) For any source, with any NOx budget unit that commences operation on or after January 1, 2000, the designated representative shall submit a complete permit application covering such NOx budget unit to the director at least twelve months before the later of May 1, 2004 or the date on which the NOx budget unit commences operation.(2) Duty to reapply. (a) For a NOx budget source required to have a Title V operating permit, the designated representative shall submit a complete permit renewal application for the NOx budget source covering the NOx budget units at the source in accordance with Chapter 3745-77 of the Administrative Code.(b) For a NOx budget source required to have a non-Title V operating permit, the designated representative shall submit a complete permit application for the NOx budget source covering the NOx budget units at the source in accordance with rule 3745-31-04 of the Administrative Code. [Comment: Applications for sources not subject to Chapter 3745-77 of the Administrative Code submitted prior to June 30, 2008 were submitted in accordance with rule 3745-35-02 of the Administrative Code.]
(C) Information requirements for permit applications. (1) A complete permit application for a NOx budget source shall include all of the following elements concerning the NOx budget source for which the application is submitted, in a format prescribed by the director: (a) Identification of the NOx budget source, including plant name and the ORIS (office of regulatory information systems) or facility code assigned to the source by the United States energy information administration, or a facility code assigned to the source by the administrator.
(b) Identification of each NOx budget unit at the NOx budget source . (c) The standard requirements under paragraphs (D)(3) and (D)(4) of rule 3745-14-01 of the Administrative Code. (D) Permit contents. (1) Each permit (including any draft or proposed permit, if applicable) shall contain, in a format prescribed by the director, all elements required for a complete permit application under paragraph (C) of this rule.(2) Each permit is deemed to incorporate automatically the definitions of terms under paragraph (B) of rule 3745-14-01 of the Administrative Code .(E) Permit revisions. (1) For a NOx budget source with a Title V operating permit, the director shall revise the permit, as necessary, in accordance with rule 3745-77-08 of the Administrative Code.(2) For a NOx budget source with a non-Title V operating permit, the director shall revise the permit, as necessary, in accordance with rule 3745-31-04 of the Administrative Code. [Comment: Applications for sources not subject to Chapter 3745-77 of the Administrative Code submitted prior to June 30, 2008 were submitted in accordance with rule 3745-35-02 of the Administrative Code.]
Ohio Admin. Code 3745-14-03
Five Year Review (FYR) Dates: 5/16/2024 and 05/16/2029
Promulgated Under: 119.03
Statutory Authority: 3704.03(E)
Rule Amplifies: 3704.03(A), 3704.03(D), 3704.03(E)
Prior Effective Dates: 06/21/1994, 07/18/2002, 05/25/2004, 07/19/2008, 03/23/2015, 01/29/2018Five Year Review (FYR) Dates: 6/6/2019 and 06/06/2024
Promulgated Under: 119.03
Statutory Authority: 3704.03(E)
Rule Amplifies: 3704.03(A), 3704.03(D), 3704.03(E)
Prior Effective Dates: 06/21/1994, 07/18/2002, 05/25/2004, 07/19/2008, 03/23/2015, 01/29/2018