Ohio Admin. Code 3745-1-16

Current through all regulations passed and filed through December 30, 2024
Section 3745-1-16 - Southeast Ohio tributaries drainage basin
(A) The water bodies listed in table 16-1 of this rule are ordered from downstream to upstream. Tributaries of a water body are indented. The aquatic life habitat, water supply and recreation use designations are defined in rule 3745-1-07 of the Administrative Code. The state resource water use designation is defined in rule 3745-105 of the Administrative Code. The most stringent criteria associated with any one of the use designations assigned to a water body will apply to that water body.
(B) Figure 1 of the appendix to this rule is a generalized map of the southeast Ohio tributaries drainage basin. A generalized map of Ohio outlining the twenty-three major drainage basins and listing associated rule numbers in Chapter 3745-1 of the Administrative Code is in figure 1 of the appendix to rule 3745-1-08 of the Administrative Code.
(C) RM, as used in this rule, stands for river mile and refers to the method used by the Ohio environmental protection agency to identify locations along a water body. Mileage is defined as the lineal distance from the downstream terminus (i.e., mouth) and moving in an upstream direction.
(D) The following symbols are used throughout this rule:

* Designated use based on the 1978 water quality standards.

+ Designated use based on the results of a biological field assessment performed by the Ohio environmental protection agency.

o Designated use based on justification other than the results of a biological field assessment performed by the Ohio environmental protection agency.

Table 16-1. Use designations for water bodies in the southeast Ohio tributaries drainage basin.

Water Body Segment

Use Designations


Aquatic Life Habitat

Water Supply







































| | | | | | | |

Munn run





Little Scioto river






Swauger Valley run





Bonser run





Plum fork





Oven lick





Dry run





Frederick creek





Skull creek





Falls creek





Rocky fork






Long run





Harrison Furnace creek





Tattle creek





Yankee run





Sweet run





Higgins run





McConnel creek





| | | | | | | |

Bull run





Blue run





Back run





Buck run





Fallen Timber creek





Hunting run





Owl creek





Sand run





Laurel Lick run





Blue Ash run





Bear run






Holland fork





Bucklick creek





Little Bucklick creek





Tattle creek





Scaffold lick





Laurel fork





Buckhorn creek





| | | | | | | |

Sugarcamp creek





Jacko run





Millstone run





Glade run





Dry run





Polecat creek





McDowell creek





Brushy fork





Pine creek






Lick run





Sugar creek





North fork





Duck creek





Poplar fork





Sperry fork





Union branch






Little Pine creek





Darby creek






| | | | | | | |

Ellisonville creek





Cannons creek





Cooney branch






Bear run






Turkeyfoot run





Howard run






Hales creek






Brady run






Jackson fork





Youngs branch






Brushy fork






Olive creek






Kimble creek





Negro creek






Painter creek






Sawmill run





Patton run





Chandlers run





| | | | | | | |

Ginat creek





Gervais run





Big Thief creek (Ohio river mile 334.2)





Small drainageway maintenance

Winkler run (Ohio river mile 333.6)





Small drainageway maintenance

Shilling tributary (Winkler run RM 2.15)





Small drainageway maintenance

Norman run





Osburn run





Acid mine drainage

Storms creek - headwaters to downstream boundary of Wayne national forest (RM 8.3)






- all other segments





Little Storms creek (Storm creek RM 1.80)






Hecla branch





Little Storms creek (Storms creek RM 9.23)





Paddle fork






Ice creek





Hog run





Little Ice creek





Sugar creek





Turkey fork





| | | | | | | |

Ned fork





Dog fork





Lick creek





Salliday creek





Buffalo creek





Scarey creek





Symmes creek - headwaters to Black fork (RM 60.3)






- Black fork (RM 60.3) to the mouth






Big creek (Big branch creek)





McKinney creek





Rankin creek





Leatherwood creek





Venisonham creek





Dicks creek





Yellow creek





Sharps creek





Elkins creek






Aaron creek





| | | | | | | |

Long creek





Buckeye creek





Buck creek





Johns creek






Handley branch





Buckeye creek






Brushy Buckeye creek






Slab fork






Pigeon creek





Buffalo creek - headwaters to township road 154 (RM 1.9)






- township road 154 (RM 1.9) to the mouth






Bakers fork





Caulley creek






Miller creek






Beech fork





Asbury creek





Indian creek






| | | | | | | |

Little Buffalo creek







Camp creek






Trace creek






Sand fork - headwaters to Patriot-Cadmus road (RM. 2.7)





-Patriot-Cadmus road (RM 2.7) to the mouth





Peter Cave creek





Wolf creek (Wolf run)






Sweetbit creek





Black fork - headwaters to Dirtyface creek (RM 0.9)






- Dirtyface creek (RM 0.9) to the mouth






Dirtyface creek - headwaters to C-H-D road (RM 4.7)






- C-H-D road. (RM 4.7) to the mouth





Clear fork






Dicks creek





Lefthand fork






Huntingcamp creek





Cub run





Mackley run





| | | | | | | |

Hewitt run






Cherry fork






Sugar run






Unnamed tributary (Symmes creek RM 73.03)





Indian Guyan creek





Bent creek





Bear creek





Fourmile creek





Fivemile creek





Slate run





Wolf creek





Wagner branch





Little Indian Guyan creek





Trace creek





Spring branch





Watson run





Williams creek





Georges creek





| | | | | | | |

Lanes branch





Rocky fork





Johns creek





Drake fork





Unnamed tributary (Drake fork RM 0.55)





Perigen creek





Paddy creek





Little Paddy creek





Twomile creek





Federal creek





Clean fork





Dirty fork





Big creek





Stillhouse branch





Swan creek





Little Swan creek





Peters branch





Unnamed tributary (Swan creek RM 5.95)





| | | | | | | |

Hildebrand run





Teens run





Burrels run





Raccoon creek - confluence of East and West branches (RM 111.9) to Vinton dam (RM 40.3)





- Vinton dam (RM 40.3) to the Ohio River backwaters (RM 8.15)





- Ohio River backwaters (RM 8.15) to the mouth





Bear run





Bullskin creek





Little Bullskin creek





Burnt run





Rocklick creek





Clear fork





Claylick run





Little Claylick run





Fox branch





Rocky fork





Mud creek





| | | | | | | |

Fork creek





Polecat run





Big Beaver creek





Little Beaver creek (Big Beaver creek RM 1.63)





Ryan run





Indian creek





Little Indian creek





Plum run





Barren creek





Trace run





Little Raccoon creek - Lake Rupert







- at RM 30







- all other segments






Deer creek






Keeton run





Spring run





Dickason run





| | | | | | | |

Kyger run





Acid mine drainage

Tarcamp run





Acid mine drainage

Goose run





Acid mine drainage

Greasy run





Acid mine drainage

Buffer run





Acid mine drainage

Flint run





Acid mine drainage

Coal run





Rich run





Acid mine drainage

Mulga run





Acid mine drainage

Meadow run





Sand run





Tripp run





Sugar run





Johnson run





McConnel run






Robinson run





Sugar run





Strongs run






| | | | | | | |

Williams run






Opossum run





Flatlick run





Karr run





Acid mine drainage

Indiancamp run





Rockcamp run





Acid mine drainage

Pierce run






Acid mine drainage

Zinns run





Elk fork - headwaters to Puncheon fork (RM 13.88)






- Puncheon fork to the mouth





Alman run





Flat run





Wolf run





Puncheon fork





Austin Powder tributary





Brush fork





Acid mine drainage

Long run





Flat run





| | | | | | | |

Russell run





Merrit run





Tedroe run





Onion creek





Laurel run





Hewett fork - headwaters to Rockcamp road (RM 4.3)





WAP ecoregion - mine affected

- Rockcamp road (RM 4.3) to the mouth





Rockcamp creek





Coal run





Pine run





Grass run





Carbondale creek





Acid mine drainage

Sandy run - headwaters to Lake Hope






- all other segments





Little Sandy run






Wheelabout creek






Brushy fork






Dunkle creek





| | | | | | | |

Siverly creek





Unnamed tributary (Raccoon creek RM 98.96)





Rocky branch





Twomile run





East branch





West branch





Honey fork





Claylick run





Sardis run





Long run





Clark run





Evans run





Chickamauga creek





Paint creek





Little Chickamauga creek





Mill creek





George creek





Campaign creek





| | | | | | | |

Little Campaign creek





Flatfork run





Little Whiteoak creek





Whiteoak creek





Wolf run





Kyger creek - confluence with Jessie creek to the mouth





Acid mine drainage

- headwaters to confluence with Jessie creek





Little Kyger creek





WAP ecoregion - mine affected

Turkey run





Acid mine drainage

Stingy run





Acid mine drainage

Jessie creek





Acid mine drainage

Unnamed tributary (Kyger creek RM 8.44)





WAP ecoregion - mine affected

Bell Lick run





Stores run





Silver run





Leading creek






Dirt creek





Hysell run





| | | | | | | |

Bailey run





Thomas fork





Long hollow





Little Leading creek





Malloons run





Parker run





Muddy fork





Dexter run





Mud fork





Ogden run





Sisson run





Fivemile run





Forest run





Kerr run





Jesse run





Bowman run





German fork





Wolf run





| | | | | | | |

Dunham run (Yellowbush creek)





Cabin creek





Jennie Walls run





Tupper run





Johns run





Mill run





Tanner run





Toms run





Oldtown creek





Granny run





Silver creek





Savers run





Groundhog creek





Dry run





Locks run





Wells run





Dewitt run





Perry run





| | | | | | | |

Long run





Shade river





Spruce run





Big run





East branch






Spicer creek





Barney fork





Lickskillet run





Big run





Joes creek





Meigs creek





Kappel hollow





Guthrie creek





Palk hollow





Dog hollow





Sugar run





Horse Cave creek





Straight Hollow run





| | | | | | | |

East Horse Cave creek





Aumiller creek





Middle branch






Elk run





Wolfpen run





Pratts fork





Long run





Spring branch





West branch





Walker run





Oliver run





Kingsbury creek





Peach fork





Guyan run





Forked run - headwaters to Forked run reservoir






- all other segments





Little Forked run





Sugarcamp run





| | | | | | | |

Indian run





SRW = state resource water; WWH = warmwater habitat; EWH = exceptional warmwater habitat; MWH = modified warmwater habitat; SSH = seasonal salmonid habitat; CWH = coldwater habitat; LRW = limited resource water; PWS = public water supply; AWS = agricultural water supply; IWS = industrial water supply; BW = bathing water; PCR = primary contact recreation; SCR = secondary contact recreation.


Figure 1. Southeast Ohio tributaries drainage basin.

Click to view image

Ohio Admin. Code 3745-1-16

Effective: 7/18/2022
Five Year Review (FYR) Dates: 11/9/2021 and 07/18/2027
Promulgated Under: 119.03
Statutory Authority: 6111.041
Rule Amplifies: 6111.041
Prior Effective Dates: 04/04/1985, 08/19/1985, 09/20/1988, 04/21/1992, 07/31/1998, 07/21/2002, 11/30/2015