To teach at the university, the instructor of record (excluding graduate assistants) will hold an earned degree recognized by their discipline, as defined in the current "CBA" or in the current rules and regulations of faculty not represented by the "CBA," that is either one level above the level of courses the instructor is teaching or is a terminal degree. The instructor of record may be employed fulltime or part-time by the university. An instructor of record who does not meet the degree requirements will be reviewed for approval through a process outlined in this policy.
The instructor of record who holds less than an earned master's degree will possess at a minimum five years of equivalent experience as documented through an evaluative review process. All academic deans and academic colleges will use the minimum of five years of equivalent experience as the criteria to evaluate course instructors whose highest earned degree is less than a master's degree. The evaluation process for the relevant equivalent experience will include reviews at the department, college and provost levels prior to the assignment of teaching responsibilities at the university. After the initial evaluation, the instructor of record will be evaluated for his/her qualifications only if he/she presents evidence of new credentials, additional course work or degrees, teaches in a new subject area or has not been employed by the university for six consecutive terms.
This policy defines the expected qualifications of each instructor of record and the minimum experience expected for any instructor of record whose highest earned degree is less than a master's degree. Additionally, the policy establishes a review process for academic colleges. This policy aligns with requirements adopted by the state of Ohio and by the higher learning commission, the regional accrediting body.
This policy applies to all academic colleges, schools, departments and programs at the university.
This policy covers the expected qualifications of each instructor of record and the minimum experience expected for any instructor of record whose highest earned degree is less than a master's degree. Additionally, the policy establishes a review process for academic colleges.
The evaluative procedure for the instructor of record whose highest earned degree is less than a master's degree begins with the department chair before proceeding to a review by the college dean and finally the provost's office. The review at each level shall result in a written recommendation to be submitted to all subsequent levels of review. The provost as chief academic officer, has final decision-making authority to determine whether the teaching qualification of an instructor of record whose highest degree is less than a master's degree is sufficient. This review process utilizes workflows and deadlines established by provost.
It is the responsibility of each course instructor to provide current curriculum vitae annually to their college. The current curriculum vitae, along with all relevant documents will be kept in each academic college dean's office and in the academic business office in the provost's office in accordance with the records retention for public colleges and universities in Ohio.
The instructor of record, excluding graduate assistants, teaching in undergraduate programs will hold either a degree at least one level above the instruction level they are teaching or a terminal degree, unless approved following the procedure set forth in paragraph (E) of this rule.
The university defines the minimum threshold as five years of experience or demonstrated skills in the same area in which the potential instructor of record will be teaching for faculty holding less than a master's degree. Credentials will be the primary determinant of minimal instructional qualifications but equivalent experience (having a breadth and depth of experience in outside the classroom, in real-world relevant situations to what the faculty is teaching) and/or industry credentials are other possible determinants.
The evaluation should be conducted initially at the department level, followed by a review by the college dean. The dean will submit a letter and a copy of the instructor's current curriculum vitae to the provost, documenting the equivalent experience and requesting permission to teach. After review, the provost will inform the dean of his/her decision in writing and to the academic business manager, who will maintain a copy of both letters as documentation in the individual's personnel file. After the initial evaluation, the instructor of record will be evaluated for his/her qualifications only if he/she presents evidence of new credentials, additional course work or degrees, teaches in a new subject area or has not been employed by the university for six consecutive terms.
Ohio Admin. Code 3364-72-11
Promulgated Under: 111.15
Statutory Authority: 3364
Rule Amplifies: 3364