Ohio Admin. Code 3364-70-03

Current through all regulations passed and filed through December 30, 2024
Section 3364-70-03 - Research council
(A) Policy statement

The university research council, committed to enhancing the research and scholarly environment of the institution, is the advisory body for the vice president of research (VPR), representing the interests of the university at large in the research enterprise.

(B) Purpose

The university research council advises the VPR and supports the research enterprise through, but not limited to, the following activities:

(1) reviewing, formulating and recommending general research policies and providing input to other university committees and administrative offices concerning other university policies and practices which affect the conduct of research and scholarship at the university;
(2) developing and overseeing internal programs which utilize university-based funds for advocating and enhancing research at the university;
(3) reviewing and recommending research centers and institutes;
(4) suggesting new opportunities for broadening or enhancing the university's research base such as through the advancement of areas of research excellence; and
(5) providing guidance in the conduct of cases of research misconduct.
(C) Membership

The vice president for research serves as chair of the university's research council and will be the appointing authority for membership on the council. Members of the council are expected to be active scholars and researchers in their respective disciplines. The membership is comprised of twenty-two members as follows:

(1) Vice president for research, ex officio (one).
(2) Dean, college of graduate studies, ex-officio (one).
(3) Associate vice president for research, ex-officio (one).
(4) Director, sponsored programs, ex-officio (one).
(5) Dean of libraries. ex officio (one).
(6) Faculty members appointed by faculty senate (six), serving three-year staggered terms and distributed by discipline as indicated in this rule.
(7) Faculty members selected by the graduate council (six), serving three-year staggered terms and distributed by discipline as indicated in this rule.
(8) Faculty members selected at-large (five).

The six faculty members recommended by the faculty senate have three-year staggered terms; six faculty members recommended by the graduate council have three-year staggered terms; and the at-large faculty members each have one-year terms. Qualifications for selection or appointment as a faculty representative to the council include participation in an active research or scholarship program, evidence of prior research or scholarly achievements, or where appropriate to the discipline, extramural support for research or membership in the graduate faculty. Appointments not made by the faculty senate or graduate council by September fifteenth will have one-year appointments made by the vice president for research to ensure disciplinary representation.

The following disciplinary areas will have representation on the research council:


Number of Representatives









Health science




Human service










Physical/natural sciences


Social science


A member of the research council from the college of medicine will serve as liaison to the college of medicine research advisory council.

(D) Participation in meetings

Council members with two unexcused absences at regularly scheduled meetings may be replaced.

Any member of the research council unable to attend a meeting may designate an alternate representative to attend and must notify the vice president for research in advance of the meeting.

(E) Authority

Nothing in this research council policy shall conflict with the university council constitution as approved by the board of trustees of the university. In the event of a conflict, the university council constitution and bylaws shall prevail.

The authority and power of the university of Toledo (UToledo) research council to take the actions set forth herein have been delegated and, in the ordinary course of events, will continue to be delegated from the board of trustees through the president and officers of the university to UToledo research council.

Replaces: 3364-70-03

Ohio Admin. Code 3364-70-03

Effective: 4/29/2021
Promulgated Under: 111.15
Statutory Authority: 3364
Rule Amplifies: 3364
Prior Effective Dates: 04/13/2020