Ohio Admin. Code 3362-5-33

Current through all regulations passed and filed through August 26, 2024
Section 3362-5-33 - Emeritus administrator
(A) Purpose:

To recognize selected retiring Shawnee state university administrators for outstanding contributions to the university.

(B) Policy

The designation of emeritus administrator status shall be conferred by the president and reported to the board of trustees. Retired university administrators who receive an emeritus administrator status will be given the title "emeritus" with the most recent title held by the administrator.

(1) Criteria for emeritus administrator status

Retired individuals meeting the following criteria may be recommended and considered for emeritus status.

(a) At least ten years of full-time employment as an administrator with Shawnee state university.
(b) Evidence of outstanding contributions to the university beyond normal performance expectations.
(2) Privileges and responsibilities of emeritus administrator status
(a) Individuals with emeritus status will not receive compensation but may be eligible for special assignments by the university for appropriate compensation and/or reimbursement for expenses at the discretion of the president. Any compensation or reimbursement will be in accordance with university policies. Specifically, the president may grant individuals with emeritus status the following privileges:
(i) Use of university facilities, equipment, and services on an "as available" basis;
(ii) Access to university activities on a basis comparable to faculty and administrators;
(iii) Recognition of emeritus status in appropriate university publications;
(iv) Use of university identification with emeritus status in communications with official groups/organizations; and
(v) Opportunities to be designated as a university representative to specified functions and/or groups/organizations.
(b) Individuals with emeritus administrator status will be responsible to Shawnee state university to:
(i) Support the mission and purposes of Shawnee state university;
(ii) Maintain professional standards that reflect credit on Shawnee state university; and
(iii) Assist in the development of Shawnee state university within the scope of individual capabilities.
(C) Nomination and selection process

Retired administrators shall be considered for emeritus status utilizing the following process.

(1) At any time an administrator has officially retired from the university, any member of the retiree's department at the time of retirement may submit a written recommendation for designation of the retiree as emeritus to the department's supervisor. The request should clearly describe the outstanding contributions of the retiree to the university beyond normal performance expectations.
(2) If the retiree's immediate supervisor supports the recommendation, he/she will forward it to his/her supervisor, who will then, after individual review, forward the recommendation up through the administrative path to the appropriate vice president. At each stage of the review, additional information may be sought to clarify the recommendation and each reviewer may add comment. Any reviewer, who does not support the recommendation, shall return the recommendation to the originating recommender with reasons for non-support and the review process will end. If the vice president supports the recommendation, he/she shall forward it to the president. New recommendations may be submitted on behalf of retirees whose recommendations have been previously rejected.
(3) The president may seek additional information in the process of determining whether to award emeritus administrator status. If the president does not award emeritus status, he/she shall return the recommendation to the originating recommender with reasons for non-support. The president shall report the designation of emeritus status to the board of trustees.

Ohio Admin. Code 3362-5-33

Effective: 11/28/2011
Promulgated Under: 111.15
Statutory Authority: 3362.03
Rule Amplifies: 3362.03