Ohio Admin. Code 3362-4-28

Current through all regulations passed and filed through December 30, 2024
Section 3362-4-28 - Administrators and ATSS sick leave
(A) Upon hire, a full-time administrator or administrative technical support staff (ATSS) will receive one hundred twenty hours of sick leave credited to his/her leave account. If the administrator or ATSS transfers sick leave credit from another Ohio institution, as defined in this policy, such leave will be accepted in lieu of this credit. In such case, if the sick leave transferred is greater than one hundred twenty hours, the eligible employee will receive the actual number of hours transferred to Shawnee state university. If the sick leave transferred amounts to less than one hundred twenty hours, the university will credit that number which will bring the total to a maximum of one hundred twenty hours.
(B) After the first year of employment and thereafter, sick leave will accrue for full time administrators and ATSS pro-rated each pay period for a maximum of one hundred twenty hours per year.
(C) Upon hire, the part-time administrator and ATSS will receive a pro-rated amount of sick leave credit as described in paragraph (A) of this rule, based upon the employee's full-time equivalency (FTE) percentage determined at the time of hire. For example, a half-time employee (.50FTE) will be eligible for a credit of sixty hours of sick leave, etc.
(D) After the first year of employment and thereafter, sick leave shall accrue for part time administrators and ATSS at a pro-rate amount based upon the employee's FTE for each day in any given pay period.
(E) There is no maximum applied to the amount of sick leave that may be accumulated during active employment.
(F) Accumulated sick leave shall be reduced in the following manner:
(1) ATSS (FLSA non-exempt status)

The sick leave account balance will be reduced an hour for each hour of sick leave used.

(2) Administrators (FLSA exempt status)
(a) Partial day - the sick leave account balance will be reduced in four-hour blocks of time when an administrator is absent from at least one-half of the workday.
(b) Full day - applies when an administrator is absent for a full day.
(G) Sick leave may be utilized for an authorized absence from scheduled duties due to illness, accident, exposure to contagious disease, family emergencies requiring the attendance of the administrator, dental or optical examination or treatment, pregnancy and/or childbirth and related conditions, or death in the immediate family.
(H) The definition of an immediate family member includes: grandparents, brother, sister, brother-in-law, sister-in-law, daughter-in-law, son-in-law, father, father-in-law, mother, mother-in-law, spouse, child, grandchild, legal guardian, or other person who stands in the place of a parent.
(I) To request sick leave (including leave that qualifies under the Family Medical Leave Act - FMLA), request form must be submitted to the immediate supervisor and human resources thirty days in advance of the need, if foreseeable and such notice is practicable. If it is not possible for the leave request form to be submitted in advance of the leave, it must be approved by supervision and submitted to human resources upon return from the absence. Time on approved sick leave will run concurrent with an approved leave under FMLA, (refer to board of trustee policy 4.65), administrative family medical leave.
(J) A signed statement from the attending physician, date of medical treatment, and the conditions under which the employee is released to return to work; or, a statement verifying the illness or injury of the employee's immediate family may be requested by the director, human resources or designate prior to the employee's return to work.
(K) The administrator or ATSS, upon official state retirement from active service or upon separation of employment by an ARP participant who meets the eligibility requirements under the OPERS or STRS retirement systems and with ten or more years of service with the university (including predecessor institutions), will be paid in cash for one-fourth of the value of one hundred sixty days (forty days). Payment will be based upon the employee's rate of pay at the time of retirement.
(L) The cash pay out of sick leave balance as provided in paragraph (K) of this rule will be made only once to any administrator or ATSS. An employee who received such cash pay out re-hired by the university after retirement, may accrue and use sick leave while actively employed but shall not convert to cash any unused sick leave balance at the time of a second retirement. Upon the death of an employee who meets the eligibility requirements as outlined in this policy, the cash pay out will be made to the estate.
(M) Intentional misuse of the sick leave provision herein may be considered grounds for disciplinary action. Non-compliance with sick leave rules and regulations may result in the administrator or ATSS not receiving pay for the requested sick leave.
(N) An administrator or ATSS may transfer into the university any accumulated, documented, and verified sick leave balance that has been accumulated by a school system, government agency, department or institution of the government of the state of Ohio.

Ohio Admin. Code 3362-4-28

Effective: 9/4/2007
Promulgated Under: 111.15
Statutory Authority: 3362.03
Rule Amplifies: 3362.03