Ohio Admin. Code 3362-4-08

Current through all regulations passed and filed through December 30, 2024
Section 3362-4-08 - Entertainment
(A) This rule establishes a means of establishing a uniform procedure regarding entertainment costs. Entertainment expenses may be approved by the following: members of the board of trustees, president, vice president(s), secretary to board of trustees, director of development.
(1) Reimbursement for official entertainment while on travel status.
(a) Reimbursement will be made for reasonable expenses incurred in connection with entertainment while on travel status provided such expenses are in conjunction with the conduct of official university business.
(b) A complete detail of the entertainment expenses and the nature of the entertainment are to be included on form e-1 (available from business affairs) and accompanied by original receipts; credit card receipts are not acceptable. The detail shall consist of the following:
(i) Purpose of the entertainment and the benefit to be derived by the university.
(ii) Names of persons entertained. Shawnee state employees should exclude themselves since their expenses will be itemized on the travel expense report.
(iii) Itemize and total the expenses by items purchased. Alcoholic beverages are not reimbursable. Enter the total amount claimed for each day in the appropriate miscellaneous column of the travel expense report.
(2) Reimbursement for on campus entertainment of official guests of the university.
(a) Reimbursement will be made for reasonable expenses incurred while entertaining campus visitors on official university business. Generally, authorized purposes for incurring entertainment expenses are as follows:
(i) To establish and maintain effective external communication and relationships for the benefit of the university.
(ii) To assist operationally in the utilization of early morning, noontime, and evening hours in conference activity with external clientele or prospective employees of the university, thus expanding the available working hours for such purposes, with individual guests or small groups of guests.
(iii) The number of university employees to assist in the entertaining should be kept to a minimum. Generally, this would include no more than two to three employees per guest.
(iv) Spouses of employees included in official entertainment of guests of the university must be an integral part of the entertainment, such as entertaining the spouse(s) of guests.
(3) Generally, entertainment is not authorized for colleagues within the university except as provided for in this rule .
(4) The basis for reimbursement and/or payment of entertainment shall be actual reasonable costs supported by original receipts or vendor invoices. Reimbursement for costs of or payment for, alcoholic beverages will not be authorized.
(5) Any deviation from this rule must have the president's written approval prior to the entertainment. A copy of the approval will accompany the requisition for payment.
(B) Entertainment expenses on campus report form number e-1 must be completed per the instructions and forwarded, along with a payment requisition, to the appropriate university official for approval. After being approved, the expense report and payment requisition will be sent to the controller's office for payment. Request for reimbursement shall be made in a timely manner, i.e. within thirty days after expenses or not later than the fiscal year in which expenses are incurred.

Ohio Admin. Code 3362-4-08

Effective: 6/5/2001
Promulgated Under: 111.15
Statutory Authority: 3362.03
Rule Amplifies: 3362.03