An agenda shall be made available electronically at least two full business days prior to each meeting, accompanied by the minutes of the previous meeting.
The executive committee is responsible for agenda-setting and coordination of the work of university council to facilitate deliberation, communication and action. Executive committee recommendations shall be considered in a timely manner by the standing committee to which it is referred.
The student engagement and success committee is responsible for studying, monitoring and making recommendations regarding the university's student engagement and success strategies and practices in collaboration with staff, professional staff, and faculty in appropriate departments.
The information technology committee is responsible for studying, monitoring and making recommendations regarding information technology planning, policies, strategies and practices in collaboration with staff, professional staff, and faculty in appropriate departments.
The budget and finance committee is responsible for studying, monitoring and making recommendations to university council on the development of all university budget, finance and purchasing policies and resource allocations in collaboration with staff, professional staff, and faculty in appropriate departments.
The physical environment committee is responsible for studying, monitoring and making recommendations related to overall campus planning, safety, and the use and assignment of university space, physical facilities and equipment in collaboration with staff, professional staff, and faculty in appropriate departments.
The communication committee is responsible for: assessing and making recommendations regarding the university's internal/external communication strategies and practices; providing/receiving feedback to/from university council on systemic communication issues; tracking issues that have a direct institution-wide impact and recommend action as appropriate; gathering feedback from the constituents that each committee member represents and bring attention to issues for consideration by the whole committee in collaboration with staff, professional staff, faculty and students in appropriate departments.
The campus wellness committee is responsible for developing policy in support of building a campus community that provides a foundation for the life-long wellbeing of each student, employee, partner, and alumnus. It is an institutional priority to continually mold thriving individuals to be citizens that use a lifelong model for reflection, resilience, meaning, and lifelong happiness.
The talent development and human resources committee is responsible for studying, monitoring and making recommendations on the development of all university policies and practices relating to inclusive excellence and to the wellbeing of employees of the university, subject to existing contractual agreements. Issues of wellbeing would include but are not limited to fringe benefits, insurance, employee performance, recreation and wellness and other aspects of working conditions in collaboration with staff, professional staff and faculty in appropriate departments.
The institutional advancement committee is responsible for studying, monitoring and making recommendations on development and alumni issues in collaboration with staff, professional staff and faculty in appropriate departments.
Ohio Admin. Code 3359-10-01.1
Promulgated Under: 111.15
Statutory Authority: 3359.01
Rule Amplifies: 3359.01
Prior Effective Dates: 09/11/2016, 12/18/2017, 02/24/2020, 06/25/2022, 04/29/2023