A student becomes eligible for an Ohio department of higher education (ODHE) one-year certificate or other certificate(s) when the student has completed all the requirements of the program that the student is enrolled in based upon the catalog-in-force and change of major policy (rule 3357:15-13-28 of the Administrative Code) and as defined by the ODHE. Students must also have a grade point average (GPA) of 2.00 or above in their technical courses(s) and a cumulative GPA of 2.00 or above. A maximum of fifteen semester hours of credit transferred from other institutions in accordance with articulation and transfer policy (rule 3357:15-13-25 of the Administrative Code) may be used toward the completion of an ODHE one-year certificate at Stark state college. Coursework over ten years old is subject to review and acceptance by the chair of the department offering the course or the dean of that division. However, Stark state college will consider granting permission to a certificate completer under a catalog more than ten years old if the candidate has been enrolled continuously and the certificate program has not changed appreciably. Students must complete at least three credit hours at Stark state college to receive a career enhancement certificate.
Replaces: 3357:15-13-18
Ohio Admin. Code 3357:15-13-18
Promulgated Under: 111.15
Statutory Authority: 3357.09
Rule Amplifies: 3357.09
Prior Effective Dates: 07/06/2018, 06/03/2019