Ohio Admin. Code 3357:15-11-06

Current through all regulations passed and filed through December 30, 2024
Section 3357:15-11-06 - Procedures

The following procedures shall be followed in conducting the business of the board of trustees:

(A) Oath of office. Each member appointed to the board of trustees of the Stark state college district, before entering upon his or her official duties, shall take and subscribe to the following oath:

"I, (Name), promise and swear to support the Constitution of the United States and the constitution of this state and to honestly, faithfully, and impartially perform and discharge the duties of the office of Member, Board of Trustees, Stark State College district, to which I have been appointed, for the term beginning (Date) and ending at the close of business (Date)."

(B) Compensation. Trustees shall serve without compensation, but may be paid their necessary expenses when engaged in the business of the board.
(C) Legal advisor. The attorney general shall be the attorney for the Stark state college district and shall provide legal advice in all matters relating to its powers and duties.
(D) Communications. Communications relating to policy, sent or received by employed staff, shall be reported to the board of trustees by the president where appropriate.
(E) Public requests. The order of business at any regular or special meeting of the board of trustees shall include an opportunity for members of the public to address the board, provided that the following regulations have been met:
(1) Any person desiring to bring a matter to the attention of the board must submit a written request to the president not less than five working days prior to the regular or special meeting of the board. Such request must include the subject to be brought before the board and the name, address, and telephone number of each person who will participate in the presentation.
(2) Any individual or group that has followed the procedure stated above will be afforded time to address the board on the subject designated. Each participant must state name and address upon addressing the board.
(3) No more than five minutes per person and/or fifteen minutes maximum shall be allotted for the entire presentation on a designated subject.
(4) Any person granted an appearance before the board on a matter involving a board employee shall be heard in executive session only.
(5) Disruptive conduct will not be permitted at any meeting of the board nor will defamatory or abusive remarks be tolerated. Anyone who engages in such disruptive conduct shall be denied further speaking privileges and may be subject to removal by the board chair.
(6) The board does not obligate itself to consider any request or proposal presented.
(F) Quorum. A majority of the sitting board members present for a meeting shall constitute a quorum to act on any matter (i.e. if a nine-member board has two current vacancies, then four trustees must be present for a quorum to be achieved). Should a quorum not be present, a roll call shall be made and a notation made of those absent. The meeting can then be adjourned.
(G) Rules of order. Robert's Rules of Order shall be taken as the authority in the transaction of business should the procedure not be defined elsewhere by the board of trustees, the Ohio board of regents, or state statute.
(H) Order of business. The normal order of business shall be as shown. The board may, however, alter the order of business by common consent of the members in order to accommodate the time schedule of guests or individual members of the board:
(1) Call to order
(2) Recognition of visitors
(3) Roll call
(4) Public requests
(5) Agenda changes
(6) Executive session
(7) Consent agenda
(8) Old business
(9) New business
(10) Board of trustees work session
(11) Correspondence
(12) Board activity dates
(I) Conflict with state laws. No policy, procedure, rule, or regulation shall be operative if it is found to be in conflict with any laws of the state of Ohio.
(J) Indemnification of trustees and officers. Each trustee and officer of Stark state college now or hereafter serving as such, shall be indemnified by the legal entity against any and all claims and liabilities to which one has or shall become subject by reason of serving or having served as such trustee or officer, or by reason of any action alleged to have taken, omitted, or neglected by such trustee or officer; if acting in good faith and in a manner reasonably believed to be in or not opposed to the best interests of the legal entity, and with respect to any criminal action or proceeding, had no reasonable cause to believe conduct was unlawful; and the legal entity shall reimburse each person for all legal expenses reasonably incurred in connection with any such claim or liability.
(K) The amount paid to any officer or trustee by way of indemnification shall not exceed actual, reasonable, and necessary expenses incurred in connection with the matter involved.

Ohio Admin. Code 3357:15-11-06

Effective: 3/11/2024
Promulgated Under: 111.15
Statutory Authority: 3357.09
Rule Amplifies: 3357.09
Prior Effective Dates: 10/05/2009, 02/14/2015