Ohio Admin. Code 3357:12-5-28

Current through all regulations passed and filed through September 23, 2024
Section 3357:12-5-28 - Sick leave policy and procedures

The Zane state college board of trustees adopted the following sick leave policy and procedures.

(A) Sick leave policy
(1) Instructional and non-instructional employees, upon approval of the responsible administrative officer, may use sick leave for absence due to illness, pregnancy, disability, injury, exposure to contagious disease which could be communicated to others, healthcare appointments, and for absence due to illness, injury or death please see paragraph (D) of this rule in the employee's immediate family. "Immediate family" is defined as spouse, children, parents, brothers and sisters, grandparents, mother-in-law, father-in-law, brother-in-law, sister-in-law, son-in-law, daughter-in-law, grandchildren, and members of the immediate household.
(2) The previously accumulated sick leave of a person who has been separated from public service, whether accumulated pursuant to section 143.29 or 3319.141 of the Revised Code or pursuant to this policy, shall be placed to the individual's credit upon re-employment in the public service, provided that such re-employment takes place within ten years of the date of the last termination from public service. A faculty or non-faculty employee who transfers from another Ohio public agency to Zane state college shall be credited with the unused balance of the accumulated sick leave up to one hundred twenty days.
(a) Full-time employee non-faculty

Each full-time employee of the college shall be entitled to fifteen days of sick leave during contract year. Full-time employees will receive 5.0 hours of sick leave per pay with no limitation of maximum accrual.

(b) Part-time annual employee non-faculty

Each part-time employee who works less than forty hours per week but more than twenty hours per week on an annual contract shall be entitled to a prorated amount of sick leave based upon the number of hours employed per week with no limitation of maximum accrual.

(c) Faculty

Each full-time annual faculty member shall be entitled to fifteen days of sick leave during a contract year. A "contract year" is an employment period of nine months or more which includes three academic quarters. No extra days are gained by being employed a fourth quarter. Faculty will receive 5.0 hours of sick leave per pay with no limitation of maximum accrual. Faculty who elect eighteen pays during a contract year will receive 5.0 hours of sick leave per pay with a manual adjustment occurring before the October fifty pay of each year.

(B) Sick leave procedures
(1) Full-time employee and part-time annual employee (non-faculty)
(a) Employees are responsible for notifying their immediate supervisor prior to the workday in the event of illness, injury, etc.
(b) Application for sick leave must be submitted on the employee leave form immediately upon returning to duty.
(c) The form must be signed by the immediate supervisor.
(d) It is the responsibility of the immediate supervisor to ensure that all sick leave taken is reported to the payroll administrator in the business office.
(e) In the event of absence due to illness of five or more consecutive working days, the employee must present a physician's statement confirming the nature of the illness. The supervisor should request a physician's statement in any event of absence due to illness if extenuating circumstances warrant the request. An extenuating circumstance may include, but not necessarily be limited to. repeated absences of less than five consecutive working days.
(2) Faculty
(a) Faculty are responsible for notifying their appropriate dean prior to their class meeting in the event of illness.
(b) Application for sick leave must be submitted on the employee leave form immediately upon returning to duty.
(c) The form must be signed by the division dean.
(d) It is the responsibility of the division dean in each area to ensure that all sick leave taken is reported to the payroll administrator in the business office.
(e) A faculty member will be charged eight hours of sick leave if an entire day is missed or forty hours of sick leave if a faculty member is absent the entire week. In the event that a faculty member is present at work for part of a day but leaves because of illness, only the hours missed to complement the eight-hour day will be taken.
(f) A faculty member will be charged for one hour of sick leave for every hour missed because of a healthcare appointment, for example, medical, dental, and vision, etc.
(g) Full-time faculty who are on part-time status during the summer or during inter-session classes will be charged one hour of sick leave for every hour missed because of illness, injury, healthcare appointments, etc.
(h) In the event of absence due to illness of five or more consecutive working days, the employee must present a physician's statement confirming the nature of the illness. The supervisor should request a physician's statement in any event of absence due to illness if extenuating circumstances warrant the request. An extenuating circumstance may include, but not necessarily be limited to, repeated absences of less than five consecutive working days.
(C) Cash payment of sick leave credit upon retirement
(1) The Zane state college board of trustees adopted the following policy on cash payment of sick leave credit upon retirement effective July 1, 1979.
(2) Each full-time Zane state college employee with ten years or more of full-time service with the college shall be entitled to payment based on the employee's rate of pay at retirement for one-fourth of the employee's accrued but unused sick leave at retirement up to a maximum accrual of one hundred twenty days, maximum payment of thirty FTE work days or two hundred forty work hours. An eligible employee must simultaneously retire into either the state teachers, school employees, or alternative retirement program and from active service with the college. Payment for sick leave on this basis shall be considered to eliminate all sick leave credit accrued by the employee at that time. Such payment shall be made only once to any employee. Confirmation of retirement shall be obtained from the appropriate retirement system.
(D) Bereavement jLeave
(1) Bereavement leave may be taken in the event of death in the employee's immediate family. "Immediate family" including step family members, is defined as spouse, children, parents, brothers and sisters, grandparents, mother-in-law, father-in-law, brother-in-law, sister-in-law, son-in-law, daughter-in-law, grandchildren, and members of the immediate household. A maximum of five days of sick leave may be taken for bereavement.
(2) Please utilize the procedures outlined in paragraph (B) of this rule "Sick Leave Procedures" for bereavement leave.

Ohio Admin. Code 3357:12-5-28

Effective: 3/18/2015
Promulgated Under: 111.15
Statutory Authority: 2257
Rule Amplifies: 3357