Section 3354:1-11-02.1 - Rulemaking procedure(A) Authority. The board adopts policies. The board generally delegates procedure-making authority to the president. Subject to the president's oversight, each Executive vice president shall develop and adopt procedures impacting his or her own area of responsibility, while actively consulting with other executive vice presidents.(B) Initiating the policy-making process. Policy matters may be introduced at any board committee meeting by the president, an executive vice president, or a trustee. In order to allow committee members to prepare in advance, all policy matters shall be transmitted to the appropriate board committee members at least two weeks prior to the meeting at which the policy matters are to be discussed. Policy recommendations will be introduced to the full board by the standing board committees.(C) Initiating the procedure-making process. New or amended procedures may be suggested by submitting a draft of the new or amended procedure to the responsible executive vice president or to the president.(D) Submission requirements. Anyone recommending a new or revised policy or procedure shall include with the recommendation a written description of the rule and changes it would bring to current rules, a draft of the new and current rules, a document that is marked to show changes to the current rule, and (optionally) a requested effective date.(E) "Two-reading rule." Policy matters are generally not acted upon by the board at the same meeting at which the policy is introduced. Exceptions include emergency situations, and policy matters the governance system has had the opportunity to review prior to the meeting at which the policy is introduced to the full board.(F) Governance system. The agreement between the college and the American association of university professors includes rulemaking processes. Nothing in this rulemaking procedure conflicts with or displaces any provision of that agreement. The agreement's provisions must be considered when addressing many policies and procedures. Those provisions include, without limitation, the following principles: (1) Policy recommendations initiated within the Collegewide governance system will be sent to board committees through the college president.(2) Policy recommendations initiated outside the collegewide governance system may be referred by the chairperson of the board, in consultation with the college president, to the appropriate collegewide joint governance advisory committee for review and comment.(G) Legal review. Policies and procedures have extensive legal implications; they are the rules of the college. No policy or procedure may be adopted, modified, submitted to the board or any board committee, or distributed as an official college rule until it has been reviewed in its final form by the office of legal services. In addition, the Office of legal services shall assign appropriate numbers to policies and file adopted policies in accordance with applicable law.(H) Official format. The college shall maintain an official format and definition for policies and procedures. All proposed policies and procedures must be prepared and circulated in the official format, and must be consistent with the approved definitions.(I) Official database and Internet page. The office of the president shall maintain a database and internet page dedicated to displaying official versions of all policies and procedures. In order to better ensure document integrity, the college shall not maintain any other database of college policies and procedures. However, college groups may link their internet or intranet pages to the office of the president's policy and procedure page and related database. Policies and procedures will be displayed externally (e.g., on the Internet).(J) Implementation. The president or the president's designee shall take all steps necessary and appropriate for the implementation of this procedure.Ohio Admin. Code 3354:1-11-02.1
Effective: 1/1/2016
Promulgated Under: 111.15
Statutory Authority: 3354.09
Rule Amplifies: 3354.09
Prior Effective Dates: 12/15/05