Ohio Admin. Code 3349-5-45

Current through all regulations passed and filed through December 30, 2024
Section 3349-5-45 - International travel
(A) Scope

Students participating in international activities/educational experiences sponsored/approved and/or funded by northeast Ohio medical university (NEOMED) must comply with all obligations set forth in this rule and its associated forms.

(B) Purpose

This rule is implemented in order to uphold the values of safety and education at NEOMED and in order to minimize the liability of the university regarding student international experiences.

(C) Body of rule
(1) A student's eligibility to participate in an international experience is conditional upon written approval of the individual international experience by the course director in collaboration with the office of academic services, receipt by the office of all documentation as required by the procedures outlined in this rule, and verification by the registrar that the student is in good academic standing as determined by their individual degree program.
(2) International experience approval by the university

The international experience committee (or the committee) will include the following members:

(a) One faculty member with experience in international travel
(b) One representative from general counsel
(c) One faculty representative from each college (medicine, pharmacy and graduate studies)
(d) One representative from student affairs
(e) One representative from academic services
(f) One representative from enrollment services
(g) One representative from global engagement
(3) International travel for academic credit and/or funded by NEOMED to a country with a U.S. department of state issued travel warning requires approval from the international experience committee.
(4) International travel for academic credit and/or funded by NEOMED to all other countries requires approval from the office of global engagement.
(5) Approval of an international experience for academic credit is the responsibility of the course director.
(6) Funding approval for extra-curricular international experiences is the responsibility of the NEOMED student council (NSC).
(7) The purpose of the international experience committee will be to judge the safety of an international experience and approve the experience for university student participation.
(8) The international experience committee will meet as needed based on the travel request submitted by students.
(9) Procedures to student international experience approval.
(a) All submissions to the committee must be turned in to the office of global engagement for distribution to the committee a minimum of two weeks prior to the next committee meeting.
(b) Committee meeting dates are posted on the student activities calendar.
(10) Faculty responsibility.

Any university faculty who wish to organize an international experience that will include university students (for academic credit or extra-curricular activity funded by the university) must submit a written application, for review by the office of global engagement, fulfilling the requirements as outlined in the application available in the office of global engagement. Once a faculty member has received approval for his/her international experience, students who wish to participate in the international experience need not submit individual applications to the international experience committee for approval (students must still submit all required documents to the office of global engagement as required by this rule).

(11) Student responsibility.
(a) Any student wishing to receive funding for an extra curricular international experience (research, mission, conference) must adhere to the procedures for requesting student funding outlined by the NEOMED student council.
(b) If an international experience is currently approved by the committee through petition, the student need not submit individual applications to the committee for approval (students must still submit all required documents as required by this rule).
(c) If an international experience is not currently approved, it is the responsibility of the student wishing to participate to submit an application fulfilling the requirements available in the office of global engagement.
(12) Committee decision
(a) If the international experience is approved by the office of global engagement or the committee, the submitting student or faculty will be notified of approval status by an official letter from the office of global engagement within five business days after the committee meeting. Students should not make any travel arrangements prior to receiving written approval from the office of global engagement or the committee. Please note that although the student may receive informal communication regarding the status of the international experience acceptance, it is not official until the formal approval letter is received. Letters are sent to the student's NEOMED email address. It is important to remember that a student's eligibility to participate in an international experience is conditional upon both written approval by committee and receipt by the office of global engagement of all documentation as required by these rule procedures. Furthermore, a student must be in good academic standing as determined by his/her individual degree program.
(b) If an international experience is denied approval by the office of global engagement or the committee, the submitting student or faculty will be notified of international experience denial status by an official letter from the office of global engagement within five business days after the committee meeting. The denial letter will include a detailed explanation listing the reasons why the committee rejected approval of the international experience.
(13) Application for academic credit

In addition to IEC approval, if a student desires to be eligible to receive academic credit for his/her international experience, the student must submit written approval from the course director to the office of global engagement or the international experience committee. Refer to the complete international experience application form for additional requirements.

(14) Tracking students on international experiences

Responsibility for tracking students who are on international experiences is as follows:

(a) M4 electives - coordinator, registration and enrollment
(b) P4 APPES - director, experiential education
(c) NSC funded experiences - NSC advisor
(d) Graduate studies experiences - college of graduate studies
(e) All students' tracking will also reside under the office of global engagement
(15) Student requirements needed to receive committee review

The following documents must be submitted to the office of global engagement at least two weeks prior to the scheduled committee meeting:

Petition for implementation of student international experience with the following attachments:

(a) Documentation of approval for academic credit by course directors (if applicable)
(b) Methods of pre-departure and/or on-site orientation for students
(c) Copy of all information provided to the students/ participants, including all orientation materials
(d) Description of procedures for an emergency evacuation plan
(e) Documentation of all relevant U.S. state department information and advisories
(f) Documentation of participant requirements and responsibilities
(g) Copy of letter accepting student into the international experience (from appropriate official)
(h) A completed risk assessment form (see application)
(16) Student requirements after committee approval
(a) The following documents must be submitted to the office of global engagement at least four weeks prior to their scheduled departure date:

Proof of global assistance insurance with a minimum required coverage as follows:

(i) Medical expense (accident/sickness)- one hundred thousand dollars per incident
(ii) Accidental death/dismemberment-ten thousand dollars
(iii) Emergency medical evacuation-fifty thousand dollars
(iv) Repatriation of remains-twenty five thousand dollars
(b) The student must work with the office of global engagement to obtain satisfactory global assistance insurance, which may be available through one of the following providers:
(i) CISI (www.culturalinsurance.com)
(ii) HTH worldwide insurance services ( www.hthstudents.com)
(iii) CMI (www.studyabroadinsurance.com)
(iv) IMG (www.internationalstudentinsurance.com)
(c) Proof of travel health consult, vaccinations, and prophylaxis (each as recommended by the center for disease control)
(d) Photocopy of current passport (and proof of visa if applicable)
(e) Photocopy of current U.S. state department travel advisories (updated from original pre-meeting submission)
(f) Complete travel itinerary (including all transportation details to, from, and during the international experience)
(g) Emergency contact information (for both the international experience site and within the united states)
(h) Proof of registration with the U.S. department of state (can be done at https://travelregistration.state.gov-print confirmation page)

A signed waiver and release agreement

(17) Required actions for student international experience preparation
(a) Gather information concerning any in-country political problems, safety concerns, or health hazards by consulting current U.S. state department announcements and publications, centers for disease control (CDC) information, and the international experience site.
(b) Investigate visa and other entrance requirements that may be enforced in the host country. Adhere to laws of the host country, standards of professional behavior, and standards of conduct determined by the international experience site. Stay current on U.S. department of state country information and communicate with local site regarding known risks.
(c) Complete orientation for study abroad through self-study or formal preparatory sessions. Such orientation will emphasize knowledge of personal health and safety precautions, universal precautions, infectious disease risks, cultural conditions, personal and professional behavior standards, emergency contact procedures and preparation for medical work (if applicable).
(18) Office of global engagement responsibility

Travel warnings and revocation

In the event of a U.S. state department issued travel warning for the location of a student's international experience prior to a student's departure, a student's eligibility to travel to the location of the international experience may be revoked at the consideration of the university. In the event a U.S. state department warning is issued while a student is abroad, determination of the appropriate action will be made on a case-by-case basis, with the university having the authority to require the student to return to the United States.

(19) Monetary/property loss

The university is not responsible for any monetary or property loss incurred by a student at any time during the planning, preparation or participation in an international experience.

(20) Student responsibility after return to the university

After completion of the international experience, the student must turn in a completed international experience evaluation form to the office of global engagement. This form does not replace the curricular feedback/evaluation form for curricular activities.

Ohio Admin. Code 3349-5-45

Effective: 4/12/2021
Promulgated Under: 111.15
Statutory Authority: 111.15
Rule Amplifies: 3350.12