Words have their ordinary and widely accepted meaning unless the word or phrase has been assigned a specific meaning within their university faculty bylaws.
Public statements on behalf of the university may be made only under the authority of the president.
The university will conduct all inquiries into charges of misconduct discreetly. This information will be held in confidence to the extent permitted by law. All committee meetings and hearings will be closed.
The university will, to the maximum extent permitted by law, protect the privacy of and will not take any adverse action against an individual who, in good faith, makes allegations of misconduct. The university will not tolerate any retaliation by the accused.
The university shall take precautions against real or apparent conflicts of interest on the part of those involved in any investigation or inquiry proceeding. Any person having a conflict of interest must disclose the conflict to the individual responsible for that phase of the proceedings. Objections by the accused to the appointment of a specific inquiry committee or review committee members will be honored if the university concludes that the committee or its member(s) cannot be fair and impartial.
All university employees are required to cooperate in good faith with investigations of possible misconduct.
The university's general counsel will assist during all proceedings (including hearings) by securing, reviewing and maintaining the integrity of evidence, necessary relevant records and materials; and providing consultation to all committees as needed. All final reports will be maintained by the general counsel in a secure manner for at least five years after the termination of the proceedings.
The provost, or designee, will notify the ORI, NSF or other appropriate funding agency if, at any stage of the inquiry or investigation, it becomes apparent that any of the following conditions exist:
If a review committee is convened to consider allegations of scientific misconduct, the provost or his/her designee will notify the appropriate funding agency, in writing of the investigation on or before the date formal proceedings begin. Such notification shall include the name of the person(s) accused, the general nature of the allegations, and the application or grant number(s) involved.
If the provost determines at the end of the ninety calendar days that the review committee cannot complete its work to allow a decision within a one hundred twenty calendar day period:
The final report by the provost to the funding agency, due within one hundred twenty calendar days from the day the investigation begins, must describe:
A faculty member will be automatically suspended by the dean if the:
A faculty member may be suspended by the dean if the:
If the suspension of a nontenure-track faculty member exceeds a year in length, the faculty member's appointment will be withdrawn.
Ohio Admin. Code 3349-3-77
Promulgated Under: 111.15
Statutory Authority: 111.15
Rule Amplifies: 3350.12