Ohio Admin. Code 3349-3-74

Current through all regulations passed and filed through December 30, 2024
Section 3349-3-74 - Appendix G - college of dentistry standing committees
(A) Purpose

To establish the name, membership, manner of membership selection and appointment; and to delineate the authority of the standing committees of the college of dentistry.

(B) Definitions
(1) "Affiliated faculty." Faculty who do not meet the criteria established for core faculty. These faculty have roles that are generally limited to formal and informal teaching on a periodic basis. These faculty may or may not receive modest honoraria for their teaching contributions.
(2) "College." A college is a collective body of faculty who prescribe and conduct a course of study leading to the award of a degree or degrees. Herein, the college of dentistry shall be COD.
(3) "Commission on dental accreditation" (CODA) is the is the accrediting body of the college of dentistry.
(4) "Core faculty." Core faculty are tenured, tenure track, and non-tenure track faculty who make a substantive contribution to the college and receive salary support from the college. The dean of the college has the discretion to designate other faculty as core faculty to promote the purposes of the college.
(5) "Dean." The dean is the chief academic and presiding officer of each of the university's respective colleges. The authority and responsibilities of the deans are further defined in the university faculty bylaws under paragraphs (E)(1) to (E)(4) of this rule.
(6) "Ex-officio members." These committee members will serve to advise and support the committee but do not vote.
(7) "Faculty standing committees." The faculty standing committees are appointed to represent the college faculty in interests related to the mission, role, and functions of the college. These committees shall develop policy and provide recommendations to the faculty for governance of the areas of academic business set forth herein. This rule sets forth the purpose, composition, and other matters concerning admissions, academic and professional progress (including executive review), clinical affairs, curriculum, outcomes assessment, nontenure track faculty appointment and promotions, and diversity, equity, and inclusion committees. The charge, composition, and other matters governing university tenure and promotions committees are set forth in separate appendices to the bylaws.
(C) Committees
(1) Name, function, charges and membership

The names, functions, charges, and membership of the standing committees may be altered from time to time upon recommendation of the dean, and a majority vote of the college core faculty.

The name, function, charges, and membership of the standing committees shall be reviewed annually during the first five years of operation. Thereafter, adjustments may be made as set forth in this paragraph.

The standing committees may develop such subcommittees as are necessary to conduct their business. Such subcommittees may include persons other than standing committee members.

(2) Reporting
(a) Standing committees shall submit recommendations for substantive policy changes to the dean.

Standing committees shall submit a cumulative written report of its activities each academic year to the dean and make regular reports to the core faculty at least annually.

(i) Admissions
(ii) Clinical affairs
(iii) Committee on academic and professional progress (CAPP)
(iv) Committee on academic and professional progress (CAPP) executive review
(v) Curriculum
(vi) Diversity, equity, and inclusion
(vii) Non-tenure track appointments and promotions
(viii) Outcomes assessment
(3) Meetings
(a) Meetings will be held at a time and manner that will promote participation.
(b) Meetings may be held either in person, via video or teleconference or by any other modality that will allow all the members to hear each other and participate at the same time.
(c) Any member may request that he/she be allowed to participate via electronic means. The committee chair will take reasonable measures to accommodate such requests.
(d) When meeting via electronic means, a member who wants to speak should identify him/her self.
(e) The college standing committees shall use Robert's Rules of Order newly revised to facilitate their meetings unless it conflicts with the bylaws.
(4) Voting
(a) Generally, voting will take place at the meeting, whether in person or by electronic means. Voice votes are most common; however, written ballots may be used when requested.
(b) Votes may also be taken by mail or by email when a full vote of the membership is desired. The committee chair shall determine who has a right to vote and will send ballots only to those voting members. Votes will be made by each committee member with the vice chair and then chair voting as the last two voting members of the committee. A majority vote is constituted by at least fifty-one per cent of the attending, voting members.
(5) Minutes

Minutes of the curriculum, clinical affairs, and outcomes assessment standing committees shall be kept recording the actions of these committees for accreditation purposes. Minutes of all other standing committees are kept at the discretion of the committee.

(6) Nominations
(a) Faculty
(i) By May first, the office of the dean shall notify all constituencies in writing of expiring terms of the members of the standing committees of the COD to solicit nominations for consideration. Self-nominations are encouraged and accepted and should be submitted to the COD department chairs. By June first, the department chairs will submit potential committee member candidates to the dean of the COD who appoints members of the standing committees.
(ii) All committee members will be notified of their appointment, reappointment, or expiring terms by July first. If a committee member should have to vacate their committee membership position during the committee appointment term, the respective department chair shall notify the office of the dean. If the standing committee's chair is aware of such a situation, they should notify the respective department chair. A call for nominations would go out to potential candidates. Self-nominations are encouraged and accepted and should be submitted to the respective COD department chair. New appointments shall be completed within two months.
(b) Students
(i) Student nominations are different depending on the committee's responsibilities and the need for varying term lengths based on the committee's organization and workflow. The student nomination and selection process for each of the committees is listed as follows:
(a) Admissions committee. A call for nominations will be sent to first-year dental students at the college by April fifteenth. Students desiring to be a part of the admissions committee should complete the student nominations application per the NEOMED office of student services within two weeks of the call for applications. These completed applications will be given to the dean by May first for selection and appointment. Students will be notified of their appointment by July first.
(b) Committee on academic and professional progress (CAPP). A call for nominations will go out to second-year dental students at the college by April fifteenth to be members of CAPP. Students desiring to be a part of CAPP should complete the student nominations application per the NEOMED office of student services within two weeks of the call for applications. Two students will be chosen to be members of CAPP by an election in which second-dental students may vote. Students will be notified of their appointment to the CAPP by July first.
(c) Curriculum committee. A call for nominations will go to the first-year dental students at the college by October first to be members of the student curriculum council. Students desiring to be a part of the student curriculum council should complete the student nominations application per the NEOMED office of student services within two weeks of the call for applications. Two students will be chosen to be members of the student curriculum council by an election in which first-year dental students may vote. One of the elected students will also be assigned to the COD outcomes assessment committee while the other student will also be assigned to the COD curriculum committee. These two students will be notified of their appointment to the student curriculum council and either outcomes assessment committee or curriculum committee by December first.
(d) Diversity, equity, and inclusion committee. A call for nominations will go out to the first-year dental students at the college by October first to be members of the committee. A call for nominations will be sent to the second-year dental students at the college by April fifteenth to be members of the committee. A call for nominations will go out to faculty at the same time a call is made for the nomination of students who the faculty feel would be appropriate for the committee. Students nominated by faculty members should be contacted by the college to determine their willingness to be considered for the committee. Students desiring to be a part of the committee should complete the student nominations application per the COD dean's office within two weeks of the call for applications. Student applications will be sent to the respective standing committee by November first for first-year students and May first for second-year students for committee selection by December first for first-year students and June fist for second-year students. First-year students will be notified by December fifteenth and second-year students will be notified by July first.
(e) Outcomes assessment committee. A call for nominations will go to the first-year dental students at the college by October first to be members of the student curriculum council. Students desiring to be a part of the student curriculum council should complete the student nominations application per the NEOMED office of student services within two weeks of the call for applications. Two students will be chosen to be members of the student curriculum council by an election in which first-year dental students may vote. One of these students will be assigned to the outcomes assessment committee while the other student will be assigned to the curriculum committee. These two students will be notified of their appointment to the student curriculum council and either outcomes assessment committee or curriculum committee by December first.
(ii) Committee chairs with student members should be notified at the same time as student members are notified of their appointment to the committee.
(iii) If a student is unable to fulfill their term on a given committee, the COD office of student success or the COD dean's office per the initial student nomination process should be notified and an immediate call for nominations should be made to the students based on the criteria for the committee's appointment needs (i.e., year in the doctor of dentistry curriculum). New appointments shall be completed within two months.
(7) Membership
(a) Per the faculty bylaws, a committee is a body to which trust is committed. A committee is delegated responsibility to consider, to investigate, to act on, or to report on important faculty matters.
(b) The membership of all committees shall reflect whenever possible the diversity of the college unless otherwise required by accrediting standards and guidelines or other governing law or regulation. Unless otherwise noted for a specific committee, each standing committee will have a chair and vice-chair appointed by the dean. These two leadership positions should represent both the department of general dentistry and the department of specialty dentistry.
(c) Terms of appointment for faculty are normally three years beginning July first unless otherwise specified. Terms of appointment for student members vary depending on the standing committee to which the student is appointed.
(i) Admissions committee: student terms are normally two years beginning July first unless otherwise specified.
(ii) Committee on academic and professional progress (CAPP): student terms are normally two years beginning July first unless otherwise specified.
(iii) Outcomes assessment and curriculum committees: student terms are normally three and one half years beginning December first unless otherwise specified.
(iv) Diversity, equity, and inclusion committee: student terms are normally one and one half years beginning December first for first-year dental students and two years beginning July first for outgoing second year (incoming third year) dental students unless otherwise specified.
(d) Following the restructuring of a committee's composition, terms may be initially staggered to provide for continuity.
(e) Terms on a given committee are not limited to a set number of terms. Faculty members should discuss with their respective department chair the need or desire to rotate off the current committee.
(f) Members shall attend at least eighty per cent of the regularly scheduled meetings of the committee. A member may be replaced prior to the completion of a term upon the request of the committee chair, with approval by the dean, when the member has failed to meet the attendance requirements.
(g) The full membership complement of the standing committees will not be achieved until the faculty hiring plan is fully implemented. Until that time the dean of the COD will carefully balance and prioritize the achievement of the full membership of each standing committee with the workload of faculty as they are recruited and appointed.

Shared faculty from the NEOMED colleges of medicine, pharmacy and graduate studies may serve as voting members on COD standing committees as appropriate in the judgment of the COD dean.

(8) Notification

The COD dean shall appoint and reappoint all members. The COD dean's office will notify members in writing of committee appointments, reappointments, and removals by July first of each academic year unless a member is replacing a previous member mid-term.

(9) Quorum

The majority of voting members present at a meeting, whether in person or via electronic means, of the standing committees constitute a quorum unless otherwise specified in the bylaws.

(10) Guests/expert consultants

Any of the chairs of the standing committees may invite guests/expert consultants from another department, the university, or outside of the university to a committee meeting to provide specific insight and input into a committee's discussion to promote the purposes and goals of the committee. Guests/expert consultants are not members of these committees and do not have voting rights for these committees. They only serve to provide information as requested. Guests/expert consultants should be excused during private discussions of the standing committee and the voting process.

(D) Committee purpose and membership
(1) Admissions committee

The purpose of the COD admissions committee is to oversee the admissions process by setting guidelines for the selection of the colleges' students in accordance with all applicable requirements and standards on selection, the university board of trustees' admissions policy, and other policies promulgated by the university or college, and to ensure that the faculty has final responsibility for the selection of their respective students in order to make individual candidate recommendations to the dean.

(a) All voting non-student admissions committee members must be actively involved in the teaching or advising of COD students.
(b) Membership will total nine voting, two alternates, and three ex-officio, non-voting members when faculty are appointed and available for committee service:
(i) Three department of general dentistry core faculty (voting);
(ii) Three department of specialty dentistry core faculty (voting);
(iii) Two second-year dental students (non-voting unless due to an absence of a third-year dental student member);
(iv) Two third-year dental students (voting);
(v) One affiliated faculty who precepts COD students (voting);
(vi) COD assistant dean of students (ex-officio without vote);
(vii) Director from the office of admissions and financial aid or their designee (ex-officio without vote);
(viii) Representative from the COD standing committee on diversity, equity, and inclusion (ex-officio without vote).
(c) COD departmental core faculty members should be in at least their second year as a core faculty member for voting membership on the committee. A first-year core faculty member can be assigned to the committee in an observation capacity to learn its functioning. The exception to this is newly hired core faculty members with past faculty appointments at another institution of higher education.
(2) COD committee on academic and professional progress (COD CAPP)

The COD committee on academic and professional progress (COD CAPP) evaluates the records of students based on CAPP academic guidelines to evaluate academic (including didactic, preclinical, and clinical) performance and assess intellectual readiness and review unprofessional behavior concerns. COD CAPP enforces specific guidelines for academic advancement while providing due process and an individual review of each student's situation based on CAPP academic guidelines. All COD CAPP meetings are private, and all materials presented and discussed are confidential. Students may be required to attend COD CAPP meetings. Each student is considered individually, on a case-by-case basis, and the student's entire record is evaluated. All committee deliberations and decisions will consider maintaining the quality of dental education and the safety of the community.

(a) Decisions made by COD CAPP are recommendations to the dean and must be approved before decisions are released to students. The student will receive written notification of the committee's decision.
(b) The membership totals six voting, one alternate, and three ex-officio, non-voting members:
(i) At least five core faculty members from the college. A minimum of two of the five will be from the department of general dentistry and a minimum of two of the five will be from the department of specialty dentistry (voting);
(ii) One fourth-year dental student (voting);
(iii) One third-year dental student (non-voting unless due to an absence of the fourth-year dental student member);
(iv) Senior executive director of academic affairs and student services (ex-officio, non-voting);
(v) Academic affairs personnel (ex-officio, non-voting);
(vi) University registrar (ex-officio, non-voting).
(c) COD departmental core faculty members should be in at least their second year as a core faculty member for voting membership on the committee. A first-year faculty member can be assigned to the committee in an observation capacity to learn its functioning. The exception to this is a newly hired core faculty member with past faculty appointments at another institution of higher education.
(3) CAPP executive review - COD

The purpose of the COD CAPP executive review committee is to review appeal petitions from students dismissed by the COD CAPP and to decide if appeals will be granted.

COD CAPP executive review committee will review appeal petitions only if the student has been dismissed by the COD CAPP committee and the request for review includes new, significant, and compelling information that was not available for presentation to the COD CAPP committee initially or the request for review includes evidence of a procedural defect or irregularity in the COD CAPP committee's proceeding. The request for review must state the substantive or procedural defect alleged to have occurred when the COD CAPP committee's decision was made. If the information the student seeks to introduce through the executive review process was available to, or known by, the student at the time of the COD CAPP committee meeting, and was not presented at that time, it cannot serve as the basis for further review.

Disagreement with the COD CAPP committees' decision will not constitute the sole reason for executive review. If a petition for executive review is submitted, the executive review will be scheduled within ten working days of the deadline date for appeal.

Executive review COD CAPP membership is appointed by the dean.

(a) Decisions made by executive COD CAPP are recommendations to the college dean. Decisions of the dean are final and binding. The university registrar will communicate, in writing, the dean's decision to the student.
(b) Executive review CAPP - COD membership totals seven voting (with the seventh vote from the COD assistant dean of students or designee in case of a tie) and two ex-officio, non-voting:
(i) Associate dean for education and academic affairs or designee, COD; serves as chair (voting, only in case of a tie);
(ii) CAPP chair of COD (if the chair is not able to attend, then the CAPP vice chair will attend, ex-officio, non-voting). This member will not be present during deliberation or voting by the COD CAPP executive committee;
(iii) Three department of general dentistry core faculty who are not current members of CAPP (two voting members and one alternate who will vote in the absence of a voting member);
(iv) Three department of specialty dentistry core faculty who are not current members of CAPP (two voting members and one alternate who will vote in the absence of a voting member);
(v) The university registrar (ex-officio, non-voting).
(c) COD departmental core faculty members should be in at least their second year as a core faculty member for voting membership on the committee. A first-year core faculty member can be assigned to the committee in an observation capacity to learn its functioning. The exception to this is a newly hired core faculty member with past faculty appointments at another institution of higher education.
(4) Curriculum committee

The COD curriculum committee (CC) has decision-making and policy-making authority and is responsible for administering the curriculum including ongoing curriculum review.

(a) The CC will communicate to the students and faculty about changes in curriculum, in accordance with CODA standards and guidelines.
(b) Membership totals seven voting, one alternate, and thirteen ex-officio, non-voting:
(i) Three department of general dentistry core faculty (voting);
(ii) Three department of specialty dentistry core faculty (voting);
(iii) One first-year dental student representative, student curriculum council (ex-officio, non-voting);
(iv) One second-year dental student representative, student curriculum council (non-voting unless due to an absence of the third-year dental student member);
(v) One third-year dental student representative, student curriculum council (voting);
(vi) One fourth-year dental student representative, student curriculum council (ex-officio, non-voting);
(vii) One dental affiliated faculty member (ex-officio, non-voting);
(viii) Associate dean for clinical affairs or their designee (ex-officio, non-voting);
(ix) Associate dean for education and academic affairs or their designee (ex-officio, non-voting);
(x) Representative from the office of the registrar (ex-officio, non-voting);
(xi) One curriculum coordinator, office of education (ex-officio, non voting); and
(xii) Chair or designee, outcomes assessment committee (ex-officio, non-voting).
(c) COD departmental core faculty members should be in at least their second year as a core faculty member for voting membership on the committee. A first-year core faculty member can be assigned to the committee in an observation capacity to learn its functioning. The exception to this is a newly hired core faculty member with past faculty appointments at another institution of higher education.
(5) Outcomes assessment committee (OAC)

The outcomes assessment committee (OAC) is responsible for the evaluation of college/program outcomes (to include student outcomes) and for providing timely input to the curriculum committee and/or other appropriate committees/administrators if outcomes are not at the prescribed/expected level.

(a) The OAC will communicate to the curriculum committee and the associate dean for education and academic affairs who will consider any necessary modifications in the curriculum, in accordance with CODA standards and guidelines.
(b) In addition, the responsibilities of the OAC will also include data collection, review and summarizing data, report preparation and the creation of potential recommendations for corrective actions. These OAC reports will be sent to the respective standing committee(s)/administrator(s) for further analysis and finalization of a corrective action plan, if needed. The standing committees recommendations/plans will be sent to the dean's executive committee for review and approval.

An annual report will be prepared by each standing committee that summarizes their activities over the recent academic year and submit it to the OAC by August first each year.

(c) Membership totals eight voting, three alternates, and seven ex-officio, non-voting:
(i) Two or three department of general dentistry core faculty (two votes for senior faculty members with the other serving as an alternate);

Senior faculty members are defined as the longest serving members on OAC. If two faculty members have been on OAC the same length of time, the faculty member with the longest time taught at the college will be considered the most senior faculty member of the two. If the two faculty members have been teaching at the college for the same length of time, the chair will decide which member will vote on a given issue.

(ii) Two or three department of specialty dentistry core faculty (two votes for senior faculty members with the other serving as an alternate);

Senior faculty members are defined as the longest serving members on OAC. If two faculty members have been on OAC the same length of time, the faculty member with the longest time taught at the college will be considered the most senior faculty member of the two. If the two faculty members have been teaching at the college for the same length of time, the chair will decide which member will vote on a given issue.

(iii) One first-year dental student representative, student curriculum council (non-voting unless due to an absence of one of the other dental student members);
(iv) One second-year dental student representative, student curriculum council (voting);
(v) One third-year dental student representative, student curriculum council (voting);
(vi) One fourth-year dental student representative, student curriculum council (voting);
(vii) One dental affiliated faculty member (voting);
(viii) Associate dean for education and academic affairs (ex-officio, non voting);
(ix) Associate dean for clinical affairs or their designee (ex-officio, non-voting;
(x) Chair or designee, curriculum committee (ex-officio, non-voting);
(xi) Director, office of institutional research, or their designee (ex-officio, non-voting); and
(xii) Assistant director, office of student services, or their designee (ex-officio, non-voting).
(6) Clinical affairs committee (CAC)

The CAC, in collaboration with the associate dean for clinical affairs will: monitor outcomes data for the on site dental clinic (e.g. quality metrics); evaluate advances in the science and technology of dental practice, incorporate emerging evidence-based best practices and technology into the on-site patient care clinics; and will review the performance of off-campus clinical sites on a periodic basis to ensure ongoing suitability to serve as a site for students' clinical education. Curriculum committee members may be included in the review of the off-campus clinical sites as needed.

(a) Membership includes:
(i) Chair of the outcomes assessment committee (voting);
(ii) Chair of the curriculum committee (voting);
(iii) Three faculty from the department of general dentistry (voting);
(iv) Three faculty from the department of specialty dentistry (voting);
(v) Two affiliated faculty from the practice sites (voting); and
(vi) The two student representatives from the curriculum and outcomes assessment committee (voting).
(b) The committee will be chaired by the associate dean for clinical affairs.
(7) Non-tenure track appointments and promotions committee

The non-tenure track appointments and promotions committee is a standing committee of the college and is responsible for evaluating materials for faculty appointment, mid-point review, and/or promotion using the criteria for appointment or promotion as provided in rule 3449-3-27 of the Administrative Code. The committee is advisory to the dean of the COD.

(a) A duly constituted COD search committee shall function as the COD non-tenure track appointments and promotions committee for a candidate who is recruited through a search process.
(b) The committee consists of six voting core faculty members who hold the rank of associate professor or professor and one ex-officio, non-voting member. Membership comprises:
(i) Four department of general dentistry core faculty (one which will be appointed by the dean as chair and another as vice chair);
(ii) Two department of specialty dentistry core faculty; and
(iii) One representative of the office of the provost will serve as administrative support (ex-officio, non-voting).
(8) COD diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) committee

The purpose of the diversity, equity, and inclusion committee is to support the mission, and vision developed by the university, to advance student success in all facets of the college, establish and monitor initiatives for the recruitment, retention, and promotion of diverse students, faculty, staff in alignment with the university strategic plan, and identify best practices for incorporating DEI in didactic and experiential curriculum, student advising, co-curricular activities, research, alumni/community relations, and COD policy.

(a) The committee is advisory to the dean of the COD and shall function as the college's advisor and advocate in ensuring diversity, equity, and inclusion in the faculty, staff, and students at the college.
(b) All members must have a commitment to diversity, equity and inclusion and be willing to serve as a liaison to his/her respective department/office on DEI-related issues.
(c) The committee consists of seven voting members, two alternates, and ten to fifteen ex-officio, non-voting members. Membership comprises:
(i) Two department of general dentistry core faculty members (voting);
(ii) Two department of specialty dentistry core faculty members (voting);
(iii) One first year dental student (non-voting unless due to an absence of the second-year dental student member);
(iv) One second-year dental student (voting);
(v) One third-year dental student (voting);
(vi) One fourth-year dental student (non-voting unless due to an absence of the third-year dental student member);
(vii) One affiliated faculty member precepting NEOMED students (voting);
(viii) Representative of NEOMED admissions (ex-officio, non-voting);
(ix) Chair of the curriculum committee or their representative (ex-officio, non-voting);
(x) Chair of the OAC or their representative (ex-officio, non-voting);
(xi) Representative of the university human resources department (ex-officio, non-voting);
(xii) Representative of the COD staff (ex-officio, non-voting); and
(xiii) Up to five additional members-at-large representing faculty or staff who have general interest in diversity issues (ex-officio, non-voting).
(9) Dean's executive committee (DEC)

The purpose of the DEC is to set policy and strategy for the overall COD, assist in the rational allocation of resources, provide recommendations and charges for the COD committees, task forces and groups, provide input concerning university issues of importance, support the mission, and vision developed by the university, to advance student success in all facets of the college, and assist in other matters of strategic and tactical importance to the COD. All matters will be executed in conjunction with the dean.

(a) Terms of membership will be ongoing coincident with the member's role as a COD leader, but shall serve at the pleasure of the college dean. Faculty representatives will serve a three-year term.
(b) From time to time the membership of the DEC may be modified to assure appropriate input and breadth of experience.
(c) DEC membership includes:
(i) Associate dean, dental education and academic affairs;
(ii) Associate dean, clinical affairs;
(iii) Chair, department of general dentistry;
(iv) Chair, department of specialty dentistry;
(v) Two faculty representatives, department of general dentistry, as elected by the department who are responsible for preparing agenda items suggested by the faculty;
(vi) Assistant dean of students;
(vii) Assistant director of operations, compliance and CQI; and
(viii) Dean, COD who serves as chair.

Ohio Admin. Code 3349-3-74

Effective: 11/25/2024
Promulgated Under: 111.15
Statutory Authority: 111.15
Rule Amplifies: 3350.12