Ohio Admin. Code 3344-86-01

Current through all regulations passed and filed through December 30, 2024
Section 3344-86-01 - Principles of excellence for veterans' education

Cleveland state university's compliance with the "8 Principles of Excellence," established by Executive Order 13607 of April 27, 2012 is as follows:

(A) Cleveland state university shall provide veterans and service members with information detailing the total cost of their education including tuition and fees, how much shall be covered by the GI bill, other financial aid for which the veteran may be qualified, estimated student loan debt upon graduation and information on student outcomes. Tuition information including fees and GI bill information is included in this package. Additional GI bill counseling and financial counseling are provided by the VA vet success counselor and the veterans certifying officer. Specific tuition and fee information is publically available at: http://www.csuohio.edu/offices/treasuryservices/tuition.
(B) Cleveland state university shall inform veterans and service members of the availability of federal financial aid and shall do so before packaging or arranging private student loans of alternative financing programs. The veteran student success program shall do so by ensuring veterans and service members applying to Cleveland state university meet with the veterans certifying officer co-located with veteran student success program, "VSSP."
(C) Cleveland state university shall not use fraudulent and unduly aggressive recruiting techniques nor misrepresent its program. The veteran student success program does not recruit, rather it makes itself and Cleveland state university known to veterans and service members through placement of program and university information at various venues, through the web, and at tabling events. Any program specific information directed towards veterans and service members shall have been developed by the particular program and VSSP thus ensuring it is accurate and meets the needs of veterans and service members.
(D) Prior to offering a new course or program, Cleveland state university shall ensure the standards set forth by the higher learning commission of the north central association of colleges and schools and program specific accrediting agencies have been met. As a fully accredited institution of higher learning, Cleveland State University is in full compliance with this principle to the benefit of all students, including veterans and service members, attending Cleveland state university. Additional information on Cleveland state university's accreditation can be found at: http://www.csuohio.edu/undergradcatalog/geninfo/aboutuni/about2.htm.
(E) Cleveland state university shall allow service members including guard & reserve to be readmitted to a program when they have to suspend their studies for military service. The Cleveland state university policy is provided here and at the Cleveland state university registrar's site - http://www.csuohio.edu/enrollmentservices/registrar/register/:
(1) Students who are called to active military duty have two options for their class work. Students may:
(a) Withdraw ("W") from all courses with a full refund of all tuition and fees; or
(b) Take an incomplete ("I") for all courses with the understanding that the "I" would be extended until the student has had an opportunity to finish class requirements following the student's return to school after the completion of active duty status.
(2) Affected students shall present an official copy of the military orders to the office of the university registrar (KB 1414) and to their instructors. The office of the university registrar shall provide copies of the orders to the office of treasury services and financial aid office. All questions about financial aid implications can be directed to the veterans certifying officer at (216) 687-5326.
(F) Cleveland state university has an institutional refund policy aligned with Title IV of the Higher Education Act of 1965. This is concerned with refunds for reasons other than withdrawals for military service. When veterans and service members withdraw from a course the refund awarded shall be guided by the university policy for student refunds in general (available publically at http://www.csuohio.edu/offices/treasuryservices/refunds/#schedules#schedules):
(1) Effective with the introduction of multi-term registration and wait listing, beginning with the fall 2012 semester, a one hundred per cent refund shall be granted only through the first week of class for regular fall and spring semesters. Refunds for dropped or withdrawn classes during week two shall be prorated at seventy-five per cent. Refunds during week three are prorated at fifty per cent and during week four are prorated at twenty-five per cent. Exceptions to this published refund policy shall not be considered.
(2) Students who withdraw from a class after the official refund period is concluded are not eligible for a refund.
(3) The official date of withdrawal is the date the course change is presented to the registrar's office, not the date the student informs an instructor. A student's withdrawal shall be submitted online. This shall be the basis for computing the student's refund.
(4) Courses cancelled by Cleveland state university shall be refunded at one hundred per cent.
(G) Cleveland state university shall allow veterans and service members to use its existing appeals process for transfer students to appeal the award of college credit for military service.
(H) Cleveland state university shall provide veterans and service members with an education plan detailing how they will fulfill all the requirements necessary to graduate and the expected timeline of completion. All academic requirements including general education and program/major specific requirements are provided through a well-established on-line tool, the degree audit, available to the student, advisor and coordinator of the veteran student success program. All veterans and service members are encouraged to use their individual degree audit and periodically consult with their advisor on their progress. The VSSP coordinator can help veterans and service members to understand and use their degree audit.
(I) Cleveland state university shall designate a point of contact for academic and financial advising, including access to disability services, to assist veterans and service members with successful completion of their studies and with their job searches. Cleveland state university points of contact are:
(1) Financial advising: VA veteran success counselor, veterans certifying officer
(2) Academic advising: Status (e.g. undergraduate - freshman etc, graduate) dependent - the veteran student success program shall direct veterans and service members to the appropriate advisor/advising office.
(3) Disability services: VA veteran success counselor and the veteran student success program work with the Cleveland state university office of disability services and various VA programs to provide veterans and service members with services and shall refer veterans and service members to programs as appropriate.
(4) Job searches: The veteran student success program works with the Cleveland state university career services center (CSC) to assist veterans and service members with job searches including how to incorporate military training and service in to a civilian resume.
(5) Whatever the need, the veteran student success program and the VA vetsuccess counselor shall work with all veterans and service members attending Cleveland state university to find the right person/program to assist them and better ensure successful completion of their studies.

Ohio Admin. Code 3344-86-01

Effective: 12/1/2014
Promulgated Under: 111.15
Authorized By: 111.15
Amplifies: 3344