Current through all regulations passed and filed through December 30, 2024
Section 3342-6-11.3 - Administrative policy regarding leave of absence for temporary disability(A) Policy statement. A leave of absence without pay may be granted upon written request for a period not to exceed six months following expiration of accumulated sick leave benefits, when an employee is on extended absence due to illness, pregnancy or temporary disability. The employee shall furnish satisfactory medical proof of such illness, pregnancy or temporary disability.(B) Pregnancy, childbirth, and related conditions. Upon written request, a pregnant employee shall be granted a leave of absence without pay subject to the following provisions: (1) Length of leave. Leaves of absence shall be limited to the period of time that the pregnant employee is unable to perform the substantial and material duties of the employee's position. This period may include reasonable predelivery, delivery, and recovery time, as certified by a licensed physician, not to exceed six months. Such leave shall not include time being requested for purposes of child care following the recovery of the employee. (See rule 3342-6-11.10 of the Administrative Code.)(2) Physicians's certificate. A pregnant employee requesting a leave of absence without pay must present, at the time the request is made, a licensed physicians's certificate stating the probable period for which the employee will be unable to perform the substantial and material duties of the employee's position due to pregnancy, childbirth or related medical conditions.(3) Sick leave usage. Upon request and in accordance with the rules governing use of sick leave, a pregnant employee shall be permitted to use any or all of the employee's accumulated sick leave credit only for the period of time, as certified by the licensed physicians's certificate, that the employee is unable to work as a result of pregnancy, childbirth, or related medical conditions. An employee using sick leave credit shall not be prevented from receiving a leave of absence without pay for the remainder of the period as defined in paragraph (B)(1) of this rule.(4) Child care. An employee may, at the discretion of the appointing authority, be granted a leave of absence without pay for the purpose of child care. (See rule 3342-6-11.10 of the Administrative Code.).(C) A statement by the employee's physician regarding the employee's fitness to perform the prerequisite of a return to work at the expiration of leave following temporary disability or pregnancy. Upon receipt of this certificate by the appointing authority, the employee will be restored to his/her former classification, provided the employee is capable of performing the normal assigned duties.(D) The university will continue the insurance coverage provided for in the employee's benefit program for the duration of the disability leave; however, any applicable insurance benefit is created solely by the terms of the written group policy in effect at the university on the effective date of the leave. In no way is this administrative policy statement to be construed to create any liability on behalf of the university that is not already created by law. Replaces: 3342-6- 11.3
Ohio Admin. Code 3342-6-11.3
Effective: 3/1/2015
Promulgated Under: 111.15
Statutory Authority: 3341.01
Rule Amplifies: 3341.01, 3341.04
Prior Effective Dates: 11/4/1977, 10/26/1979, 2/14/1983, 6/29/1992, 7/31/1992, 6/1/2007