(5) Review in consultation with the faculty the college's pattern of administration (POA). The POA shall be consistent with the principles of faculty governance and the responsibilities of the dean. At the beginning of each five-year term, in consultation with the faculty, the dean shall either reaffirm or revise the existing POA. The existing POA shall be the starting point for the review of the POA and shall remain in effect until the process is complete. Any revisions to the existing POA shall be accomplished first with broad faculty input, obtained in a manner consistent with the college's established practices and procedures, and, second, with faculty approval, also consistent with the college's practices and procedures. If faculty approval is not achieved, the dean shall explain the rationale in writing for the departure in order to enhance communication and facilitate understanding. The POA will be submitted to the executive vice president and provost for approval. After approval, the POA shall be made available to all members of the faculty, be posted on the college web site, and be distributed to each department and the college office.
For purposes of defining minimum content the following shall be included in the POA:
(a) Introductory statement(c) Types of faculty appointments and their respective governance rights(d) Organization of college services and staff(e) Overview of college administration(f) Description of college faculty governance structure, including at least a college investigation and sanctioning committee (see rule 3335-04 of the Administrative Code) and a salary appeals committee(g) Policies governing faculty responsibilities and teaching assignments(h) Policies governing allocation of college resources(j) A statement recognizing in principle the presumption favoring faculty rule on those matters in which faculty have primary responsibility, including: curriculum, subject matter and methods of instruction, research, faculty status (appointment, promotion and tenure of faculty), and those aspects of student life which relate to the educational process. (Source: "AAUP Statement on Government of Colleges and Universities")