Ohio Admin. Code 3335-11-02.2

Current through all regulations passed and filed through December 30, 2024
Section 3335-11-02.2 - Pending criminal law suit
(A) Whenever a criminal court exercises jurisdiction over acts which allegedly constitute a disruption by university rules, the university shall not exercise jurisdiction, except in an extraordinary case. In such a case, the university may bring the student before a hearing officer and panel to determine whether the student poses a clear and present danger of repeated or continued violation of rule 3335-11-02 of the Administrative Code. If the panel finds that such a danger exists, it shall recommend that the student's continued enrollment be dependent on the imposition of strict disciplinary probation, under such terms and conditions as the hearing officer may specify (except that the student may not be deprived of university scholarship, loan, grant-in-aid, or employment).
(B) The term of probation shall last until such time as the hearing officer finds that the danger no longer exists. This finding may be initiated by the officer or upon petition by the student.
(C) If a probation violation is alleged to have occurred, the student will be subject to an immediate hearing before a hearing officer. If found in violation of probation, the student will be temporarily suspended or dismissed from the university pending a full hearing.

Replaces: 3335-11- 02.2

Ohio Admin. Code 3335-11-02.2

Effective: 8/18/1986
Promulgated Under: 111.15
Statutory Authority: 3335
Rule Amplifies: 3335.08
Prior Effective Dates: 03/13/1978, 06/16/1986, 08/18/1986