Ohio Admin. Code 3334-1-04

Current through all regulations passed and filed through December 30, 2024
Section 3334-1-04 - Setting of fees
(A) The authority may establish and impose reasonable fees for the transactions specified in this rule:
(1) For its services provided in administering, managing and supervising the authority's college savings programs, the authority may charge its account owners fees in such amounts as are necessary, in the sole discretion of the authority, to pay all costs and expenses for the authority's said services.
(2) For non-sufficient fund occurrences, for account ownership changes for beneficiary changes, for other requests from account owners and/ or beneficiaries which require the authority's personnel to perform excessive and/or labor intensive work in order to comply with said request and/or for any other unique situation which the authority reasonably deems to warrant the imposition of a fee.
(B) The authority, in its sole discretion, may waive or suspend, in whole or in part, any one or more of the fees set forth in paragraph (A)(2) of this rule upon application by an account owner or other interested person. The authority may require documentation or other evidence before granting any such waiver or suspension.

Ohio Admin. Code 3334-1-04

Five Year Review (FYR) Dates: 8/31/2021 and 01/16/2025
Promulgated Under: 111.15
Statutory Authority: 3334.08
Rule Amplifies: 3334.08, 3334.09, 3334.18
Prior Effective Dates: 07/21/1991, 01/01/1994, 06/17/1996, 09/25/1997, 07/25/1998, 10/13/2000, 08/21/2006, 01/16/2015
Effective: 1/16/2015
Five Year Review (FYR) Dates: 10/27/2014 and 01/16/2020
Promulgated Under: 111.15
Statutory Authority: 3334.08
Rule Amplifies: 3334.08, 3334.09, 3334.18
Prior Effective Dates: 7/21/91, 6//17/96, 9/25/97, 10/13/00, 8/21/06