Current through all regulations passed and filed through December 30, 2024
Section 3301-46-01 - Innovative education pilot programs(A) As used in this section "innovation" means a new, experimental or disruptive educational approach that is developed based on an identified need and seeks continuous improvement in student achievement or student growth. An innovative educational approach is not expected to be evidence-based; however, it should be workable, and it must be tested and evaluated over time to gauge effectiveness.(B) Applications submitted pursuant to Section 3302.07 of the Revised Code shall conform with the format, deadlines and criteria established by the department. No later than the thirtieth of March of each year, the department shall publish forms, instructions, and deadlines for applications for the upcoming school year on the department's website.(C) The application shall include, but not be limited to, the following:(1) A detailed description of the proposed innovative pilot program, including how the program meets the department's definition of innovation;(2) Measurable outcomes, performance indicators and method of evaluation;(3) Anticipated costs or savings associated with the program, if any;(4) Specific time lines for planning, implementation, and evaluation;(5) Identification of the specific statutory provisions and/or rules for which an exemption request is made;(6) Rationale for each exemption request;(7) Specific period of time for which each exemption is requested;(8) The potential impact of the proposed innovative pilot program on data reporting, student assessments, student learning, graduation requirements, compliance with federal law, and/or any other areas that may be impacted;(9) A description of what will happen if the proposed pilot program fails; and(10) A disclosure of whether the applicant is currently subject to any corrective action plan by the department of education or the state board of education.(D) If an application requests an exemption in order to provide professional development for educators, the application must contain high quality professional development activities as defined by standards for professional development adopted by the state board of education, which are available on the department's website.(E) The department may request any supplemental information it determines necessary to properly evaluate applications, including a request for an interview.(F) No school district, educational service center, or chartered nonpublic school shall fail to adhere to any of the specific statutory provisions and/or rules for which an exemption request is made prior to the date that an exemption is granted.(G) Each school district, educational service center, or chartered nonpublic school receiving an exemption shall make an annual report and such other reports as required by the department of education, in such form and containing such information as may reasonably be necessary to evaluate whether or not objectives of the pilot program are being met. Applications to continue programs approved in accordance with this rule shall not be considered complete until an annual evaluation report is completed and submitted to the department.(H) A program that has been approved under this section may be terminated by the Superintendent of Public Instruction or by the school district, educational service center, or chartered nonpublic school that has received the exemption. The effective date of the termination of the program and the exemption shall be as follows: (1) A termination initiated by the Superintendent of Public Instruction is effective on the date determined by the Superintendent of Public Instruction. The Superintendent will indicate the cause of the termination in writing. The decision to terminate a program under this paragraph is at the sole discretion of the Superintendent of Public Instruction and is final.(2) A termination initiated by a school district, educational service center, or chartered nonpublic school is effective on the date indicated, in writing, by the district, educational service center, or chartered nonpublic school and no later than the end of the same school year. Replaces: 3301-46-01
Ohio Admin. Code 3301-46-01
Effective: 11/5/2020
Five Year Review (FYR) Dates: 11/05/2025
Promulgated Under: 119.03
Statutory Authority: 3301.07, 3302.07
Rule Amplifies: 3302.07
Prior Effective Dates: 01/29/1990, 03/23/2009, 05/31/2014