An applicant may submit a request to the director to perform stream and wetland restoration work on clean Ohio protected property previously purchased under the clean Ohio conservation program.
Other funds may be used to restore clean Ohio property, but mitigation of wetland loss funding cannot be used as a match by the applicant for a clean Ohio project and clean Ohio funds shall not be used to fulfill a wetland loss mitigation requirement. No mitigation credit can be received for previous clean Ohio property acquisitions. Any such mitigation credit funds generated by restoration activities must be used for long-term support, management, and stewardship of the protected property, or to fund future restoration projects in the same hydrologic unit codes (HUC)-8 watershed.
Ohio Admin. Code 164-2-21
Five Year Review (FYR) Dates: 02/15/2029
Promulgated Under: 119.03
Statutory Authority: 164.05, 164.26, Chap. 119
Rule Amplifies: 164.05, 164.22