Section 1501:46-7-04 - Flotation devices prohibited; exceptions(A) No person shall use or offer for use by any person any inner tube ring, buoy, air mattress, beach ball or similar novelty device of inflatable air cell construction, nor any plastic foam flotation device in the waters of the division where swimming is prohibited, in division swimming pools, at division-operated beaches, or at boat swimming areas adjacent to division-operated beaches except as provided in paragraphs (B) and (C) of this rule and except at pools operated by concessionaires.(B) A coast guard approved wearable personal flotation device may be used as a safety aid to a swimmer when said swimmer is being assisted by a responsible and experienced swimmer and the device is being used in accordance with the labeling or users manual, properly secured, is the proper size and is undamaged. Suitable flotation devices may be used in conjunction with self-contained underwater breathing apparatus (S.C.U.B.A.) by persons engaged in scuba diving or skin diving when flotation devices are necessary to said activity. Float fishing tubes are permitted when used in accordance with rule 1501:46-15-15 of the Administrative Code. Children may use flotation devices in division wading pools when the child is being supervised by an adult. Ohio Admin. Code 1501:46-7-04
Effective: 6/30/2023
Five Year Review (FYR) Dates: 4/10/2023 and 06/30/2028
Promulgated Under: 119.03
Statutory Authority: 1546.04
Rule Amplifies: 1546.02, 1547.14, 1547.18
Prior Effective Dates: 04/14/1989, 03/01/1995, 11/07/2008, 12/15/2014, 05/08/2020