Ohio Admin. Code 1501:14-6-02

Current through all regulations passed and filed through December 30, 2024
Section 1501:14-6-02 - Distance limitations on the placement of lime mining wastes (LMW)
(A) LMW is not to be applied as a soil additive within one hundred feet of an intermittent or perennial stream or wetland. This distance may be increased for an exceptionally high value stream or wetland.
(B) LMW is not to be placed within five hundred feet upstream of an existing legitimately used surface source intake or within three hundred feet of an existing legitimately used water well supply or within three hundred feet of an existing developed groundwater spring. For a pre-existing LMW site which is closer than these distances on October 8, 2001, the permittee is to provide a demonstration that the lesser distance will not have an adverse impact upon human health or the environment.
(C) LMW is not to be placed within three hundred feet of an occupied dwelling unless the owner provides a written waiver, except for pre-existing LMW sites which are closer to dwellings than three hundred feet on October 8, 2001, are exempt from this requirement.
(D) The distance limitations in paragraphs (A) to (C) of this rule apply to all placement of lime mining wastes, unless otherwise approved by the chief.

Ohio Admin. Code 1501:14-6-02

Effective: 6/27/2024
Five Year Review (FYR) Dates: 11/26/2025
Promulgated Under: 119.03
Statutory Authority: 1514.08, 1514.081
Rule Amplifies: 1514.02, 1514.081
Prior Effective Dates: 08/01/2005, 05/15/2015