Current through all regulations passed and filed through December 2, 2024
Section 1501-7-01 - Definition of terms(A) "Agricultural use" means water used for crop irrigation, livestock watering, nurseries, or other agricultural purposes by a person engaged in the production of crops, vegetables, trees, shrubs, flowers, seeds, livestock, or poultry.(B) "Applicant" means the person, individual, corporation, partnership, proprietor, or public agency that is making a request for a lease or sale of water.(C) "Canal" means a constructed open channel or waterway that transports water and is on canal lands as defined in section 1520.01 of the Revised Code.(D) "Canal reservoir" means any artificial lake or impoundment created by a dam that was constructed to provide water to any canal system in this state. The canal reservoirs are Buckeye Lake, East Reservoir, Forty Acre Pond, Grand Lake St. Marys, Indian Lake, Lake Loramie, Long Lake, Nesmith Lake, Nimisila Reservoir, North Reservoir, Summit Lake, Tuscarawas River Diversion Dam Reservoir, and West Reservoir.(E) "Chief" means the chief of the division of parks and watercraft, department of natural resources, state of Ohio.(F) "Commercial use" means water used by a business and includes, but is not limited to, motels, hotels, restaurants, marinas, and golf courses.(G) "Dam" means any artificial barrier together with appurtenant works, which either does or may impound water or liquefied material.(H) "Department" means the department of natural resources, state of Ohio.(I) "Director" means the director of the department of natural resources, state of Ohio.(J) "Division" means the division of parks and watercraft of the department of natural resources, state of Ohio.(K) "Domestic use" means withdrawal of water from a canal or canal reservoir by an individual for use on residential property by means of a pump or other device that generally has a discharge line with an outside diameter of not more than one and one- half inches. This definition excludes water withdrawn for public water supply use.(L) "Fire protection use" means water used for firefighting and training for firefighting.(M) "Hydroelectric power generation use" means water used specifically for the generation of electricity by water turbines.(N) "Person" means any agency of this state, any political subdivision of this state or the United States, or any legal entity defined as a person under section 1.59 of the Revised Code.(O) "Public water supply use" means water used by a system that pipes water for human consumption if such system has at least fifteen service connections or regularly serves at least twenty individuals sixty or more days out of the year.Ohio Admin. Code 1501-7-01
Effective: 6/30/2024
Five Year Review (FYR) Dates: 4/30/2026
Promulgated Under: 119.03
Statutory Authority: 1520.03, 1501.01
Rule Amplifies: 1520.03
Prior Effective Dates: 03/10/2003