Current through Supplement No. 395, January, 2025
Section 99-01.3-03-10 - Bank deposit and audit1. The cash profit, less a documented increase or plus the decrease in the starting cash on hand for the next gaming activity, plus cash and merchandise prizes paid by check and cost of coins for a prize board, must be deposited in the gaming account by the third banking day following the day of a bingo session or electronic quick shot bingo session; club special, prize board, tip board, seal board, or punchboard is removed from play; sports-pool game; calcutta event; raffle board event, poker occasion; day's or interim period's pull tab and prize board, and twenty-one or paddlewheel activity. However, the receipts for a raffle, calendar or master sports-pool board, or paddlewheel described by subsection 1 of section 99-01.3-11-01 must be deposited in the gaming account by the third banking day following receipt of the cash by the person responsible for the activity.2. For a day's pull tab activity, bingo session, electronic quick shot bingo session, raffle drawing, poker occasion, twenty-one and paddlewheel activity, and interim period's pull-tab activity involving a dispensing device, a deposit slip must reference a site, name of the game, game type, date of activity, and deposit amount. For an interim period deposit for electronic pull-tab activity, the deposit slip must reference a site, game type, date of activity, and deposit amount. The deposit amount for twenty-one and paddlewheel activity described by subsection 2 of section 99-01.3-11-01, may be combined. For a club special, prize board, prize board involving a dispensing device, tip board, seal board, punchboard, and series of paddlewheel ticket cards, a deposit slip must reference a site, game type, date removed from play or date of activity, deposit amount, and gaming stamp number. For a sports-pool board, raffle board, or calcutta board, a deposit slip must reference a site, date of the event or auction, deposit amount, and gaming stamp number. For all game types, an employee who prepares a deposit shall initial the bank deposit slip. If another employee makes the bank deposit and has access to the cash, the employee shall also initial the bank deposit slip.3. If a deposit slip is prepared for more than one game or game type, the deposit slip or supporting schedule must include the information required by subsection 2 for each game or game type. A supporting schedule must reconcile to a validated bank deposit receipt.4. For a bank deposit, a person shall record the amount to be deposited on the game's accounting record and retain a copy of the bank deposit slip and any supporting schedule. This person shall forward the accounting record, copy of the bank deposit slip, and any supporting schedule to a bookkeeper. A second person shall take custody of the bank deposit funds and the original of the bank deposit slip and take them to a financial institution or arrange for the funds to be deposited. If, before the bank deposit is made, the custody of bank deposit funds is transferred from a person to another person, face-to-face, and the cash is accessible to be counted, both persons shall participate in a count of the cash in the presence of each other and resolve any difference. After completing and documenting the cash count, both persons shall initial and date the original of the bank deposit slip. The person who makes the bank deposit shall forward the validated bank deposit receipt to a bookkeeper. A validated bank deposit receipt, copy of the bank deposit slip, and any supporting schedule must be included with the accounting records. An organization shall comply with this rule unless it uses another bank deposit procedure which has proper accounting control.5. If an employee prepares or has custody of a bank deposit which is not scheduled to be immediately deposited, the employee shall safeguard the funds.6. An employee who did not have access to the cash to be deposited shall, within a reasonable time, verify that the amount recorded on a daily or interim accounting record to be deposited was actually deposited according to a bank statement. The employee shall document the verification by initialing the accounting record and dating it. If more than one deposit amount is recorded on an accounting record, the employee shall initial the record for each verified deposit amount and date the record.7. A closed game or daily activity must be audited, within a reasonable time, by a person who did not conduct the game, have sole access to the games in play, and who did not have sole access to the total receipts or cash profit for the game's or day's activity. This person may not have sole signatory authority of the gaming account or sole electronic access to the gaming account other than to view account information and may not make electronic deposits, withdrawals, or transfers into or out of the account. This person may not audit a closed game or daily activity that was conducted by a common household member, spouse, child, parent, brother, or sister of the audit person. A drop box cash count team member may not be the person responsible for auditing the twenty-one or paddlewheel with a table activity. A person who audits a closed game or daily activity shall verify the number and value of unsold chances, gross proceeds, number and value of prizes, adjusted gross proceeds, and cash profit. If the audit reveals an irregularity, the person shall notify the appropriate organization representative.N.D. Admin Code 99-01.3-03-10
Effective May 1, 1998; amended effective July 1, 2000; July 1, 2002; July 1, 2004; October 1, 2006; July 1, 2010; July 1, 2012.Amended by Administrative Rules Supplement 2016-360, April 2016, effective 4/1/2016.Amended by Administrative Rules Supplement 369, July 2018, effective 7/1/2018.Amended by Administrative Rules Supplement 2022-387, January 2023, effective 1/1/2023.General Authority: NDCC 53-06.1-01.1
Law Implemented: NDCC 53-06.1-01.1