N.D. Admin. Code 81-03-09.2-02

Current through Supplement No. 395, January, 2025
Section 81-03-09.2-02 - Sales factor weighting election
1. A taxpayer that is a corporation makes a sales factor weighting election by checking the sales factor weighting election box on its original North Dakota income tax return for the first year to which the election applies.
2. A taxpayer that is a sole proprietor apportioning income under subsection 5 of North Dakota Century Code section 57-38-04 makes a sales factor weighting election by attaching a statement to the taxpayer's individual income tax return for the first year to which the election applies.
3. A taxpayer's return making a sales factor weighting election for the first year is considered timely if filed by the prescribed due date, including extensions.
4. A sales factor weighting election is binding for five consecutive tax years. An election made on a tax return for a sixth consecutive year constitutes a new five-year election.
5. For any tax year that is not included under a sales factor weighting five-year election period, income is apportioned using equal weighting of the three factors under subsection 1 of North Dakota Century Code section 57-38.1-09.

N.D. Admin Code 81-03-09.2-02

Adopted by Administrative Rules Supplement 2016-361, July 2016, effective 7/1/2016.

General Authority: NDCC 57-38-56

Law Implemented: NDCC 57-38.1-09