N.D. Admin. Code 75-03-36-17

Current through Supplement No. 394, October, 2024
Section 75-03-36-17 - Incident and sentinel event reporting

The child-placing agency shall have written policy outlining the documentation and reporting of incidents and sentinel events that occur while a child is in a foster care or adoption placement prior to the adoption finalization. The policy must include:

1. A description of an incident involving harassment, violence, discrimination, or an unplanned occurrence that resulted or could have resulted in injury to people or damage to property, specifically involving the general public, child in placement, foster care provider, prospective adoptive parents, or child-placing agency employee or nonemployee.
2. A description of an incident involving law enforcement, including in the case of a runaway, criminal activity, behavior resulting in harm to others, or restraint injury.
3. A description of a sentinel event as an unexpected occurrence involving death, serious injury or psychological injury not related to the natural causes of a client's illness or underlying condition, including any process variation for which a reoccurrence would carry a significant chance of a serious adverse outcome. Sentinel events include serious injury or trauma to a client, attempted suicide by the client, death of a client, or inappropriate sexual contact.
4. A requirement that notification must be made to custodian, parent, or guardian and the department immediately or within one business day.

N.D. Admin Code 75-03-36-17

Effective April 1, 2010.
Amended by Administrative Rules Supplement 2020-377, July 2020, effective 7/1/2020.
Amended by Administrative Rules Supplement 2024-392, April 2024, effective 4/1/2024.

General Authority: NDCC 50-11-03, 50-12-05

Law Implemented: NDCC 50-12-07