N.D. Admin. Code 75-02-02.1-24

Current through Supplement No. 394, October, 2024
Section 75-02-02.1-24 - Spousal impoverishment prevention
1. For purposes of this section:
a. "Community spouse" means the spouse of an institutionalized spouse or the spouse of a home and community-based services spouse.
b. "Family member" means only minor or dependent children, dependent parents, or dependent siblings of the institutionalized spouse, home and community-based services spouse, or community spouse who are residing with the community spouse. For purposes of applying this definition, a family member is dependent only if that family member is, and may properly be, claimed as a dependent on the federal income tax return filed by the institutionalized spouse or home and community-based services spouse, or the community spouse, or filed jointly by both.
c. "Home and community-based services spouse" means an individual who:
(1) Requires care of the type provided in a nursing facility, but chooses to receive home and community-based services in the community; and
(2) Is married to a spouse who resides in the community at least one day of each month.
d. "Institutionalized spouse" means an individual who:
(1) Requires care in a medical institution, a nursing facility, a swing bed, or the state hospital and, at the beginning of the individual's institutionalization, was likely to be in the facility for at least thirty consecutive days even though the individual does not actually remain in the facility for thirty consecutive days; and
(2) Is married to a spouse who resides in the community at least one day of each month.
e. "Monthly maintenance needs allowance" means for a community spouse, the greater of the amount authorized by the legislative assembly per month or the minimum amount permitted under section 1924(d)(3) of the Act [ 42 U.S.C. 1396r-5(d)(3) ], as adjusted pursuant to section 1924(g) of the Act [ 42 U.S.C. 1396r-5(g) ].
a. At the request of an institutionalized spouse, a home and community-based services spouse, or a community spouse, at the beginning of the first continuous period of institutionalization of the institutionalized spouse, or the beginning of the first continuous period of receipt of home and community-based services by a home and community-based services spouse, and upon receipt of relevant documentation of assets, the total value described in subdivision b shall be assessed and documented.
b. There shall be computed, as of the beginning of the first continuous period of institutionalization of the institutionalized spouse, or as of the beginning of the first continuous period of receipt of home and community-based services by a home and community-based services spouse:
(1) The total value of the countable assets to the extent either the institutionalized spouse or the community spouse, or the home and community-based services spouse and the community spouse, has an ownership interest; and
(2) A spousal share, which is equal to one-half of all countable assets, but not less than the minimum amount permitted under section 1924(f)(2)(A)(i) of the Act [ 42 U.S.C. 1396r-5(f)(2)(A)(i) ], as adjusted pursuant to section 1924(g) of the Act [ 42 U.S.C. 1396r-5(g) ], and not more than the maximum amount permitted under section 1924(f)(2)(A)(ii)(II) of the Act [ 42 U.S.C. 1396r-5(f)(2)(A)(ii)(II) ], as adjusted pursuant to section 1924(g) of the Act [ 42 U.S.C. 1396r-5(g) ].
c. In determining the assets of the institutionalized spouse at the time of application, all countable assets held by the institutionalized spouse, the community spouse, or both, must be considered available to the institutionalized spouse to the extent they exceed the community spouse countable asset allowance.
d. In determining the assets of the home and community-based services spouse at the time of application, all countable assets held by the home and community-based services spouse, the community spouse, or both, must be considered available to the home and community-based services spouse to the extent they exceed the community spouse asset allowance.
e. During the continuous period in which the spouse is in an institution or receiving home and community-based services, and after the month in which an institutionalized spouse or a home and community-based services spouse is determined to be eligible for benefits under this chapter, no countable assets of the community spouse may be deemed available to the institutionalized spouse or home and community-based services spouse.

Assets owned by the community spouse are not considered available to the institutionalized spouse or home and community-based services spouse during this continuous period of eligibility. A transfer of assets or income by the community spouse for less than fair market value is governed by section 75-02-02.1-33.1 and shall be considered in determining continuing eligibility of the institutionalized spouse or home and community-based services spouse.

f. The institutionalized spouse or home and community-based services spouse is not ineligible by reason of assets determined under subdivision c or d to be available for the cost of care if:
(1) The institutionalized spouse or the home and community-based services spouse has assigned to the state any rights to support from the community spouse; or
(2) It is determined that a denial of eligibility would work an undue hardship because the presumption described in subsection 3 of section 75-02-02.1-25 has been rebutted.
g. An institutionalized spouse or home and community-based services spouse is allowed the medically needy asset limit of three thousand dollars.
h. An institutionalized spouse or a home and community-based services spouse is asset eligible if the total value of all countable assets owned by both spouses is less than the total of the community spouse countable asset allowance and the institutionalized spouse asset limit or home and community-based services asset limit, as applicable. The assets may be owned by either spouse provided that the requirements of subdivision i are complied with.
i. An institutionalized spouse or a home and community-based services spouse may transfer an amount equal to the community spouse countable asset allowance, but only to the extent the assets of the institutionalized spouse or home and community-based services spouse are transferred to, or for the sole benefit of, the community spouse. Such transfers, when made by an individual who has otherwise qualified for Medicaid benefits, must be completed before the next regularly scheduled redetermination of eligibility. During this period, such assets are not counted as available to the institutionalized spouse even though the assets are not yet transferred.
(1) When an eligible institutionalized spouse or home and community-based services spouse exceeds the asset limits due to an increase in the value of assets or the receipt of assets not previously owned, the institutionalized spouse or home and community-based services spouse may transfer additional assets to the community spouse equal to no more than the current community spouse countable asset allowance less the total value of assets owned by the community spouse, previously transferred to, or for the sole benefit of, the community spouse under this subdivision.
(2) If a transfer made under this subdivision causes the total value of all assets owned by the community spouse immediately prior to the transfer, plus the value of all assets transferred at any time under this subdivision, to equal or exceed the current community spouse asset allowance, no further transfer may be made under paragraph 1.
(3) If a court has entered an order against an institutionalized spouse for the support of a community spouse, assets required by such order to be transferred, by the institutionalized spouse to the community spouse, may not be counted as available to the institutionalized spouse even though the assets are not yet transferred.
3. A community spouse may retain or receive assets, which do not exceed the community spouse countable asset allowance, for purposes of determining the Medicaid eligibility of the institutionalized spouse. The community spouse countable asset allowance means the spousal share determined under paragraph 2 of subdivision b of subsection 2, as adjusted pursuant to section 1924(g) of the Act [ Pub. L. 105-33; 111 Stat. 549; 42 U.S.C. 1396r-5(g) ] plus:
a. Any additional amount transferred under a court order in the manner and for the purpose described in paragraph 4 of subdivision i of subsection 2; or
b. Any additional amount established through a fair hearing conducted under subsection 6.
4. Countable assets include all assets that are not specifically excluded. The provisions of section 75-02-02.1-28.1 governing asset exclusions apply to this section.
5. Income calculations must consider income in the manner provided for in section 75-02-02.1-34, income considerations, section 75-02-02.1-37, unearned income, section 75-02-02.1-38, earned income, section 75-02-02.1-38.1, post-eligibility treatment of income, section 75-02-02.1-38.2, disregarded income, section 75-02-02.1-39, income deductions, and section 75-02-02.1-40, income levels, except:
a. No income of the community spouse may be deemed available to an institutionalized spouse during any month in which an institutionalized spouse is in the institution, or to a home and community-based services spouse during any month in which that spouse receives home and community-based services; and
b. No institutionalized spouse may be income eligible for Medicaid in any month in which that spouse's income, after all income disregards and deductions other than the deduction of amounts provided to a spouse or family member, exceed an amount equal to that individual's current monthly medical expenses, not covered by a third party, plus the medically needy income level for one.
6. The provisions of this section describing the treatment of income and assets for the community spouse do not describe that treatment for the purposes of determining Medicaid eligibility for the community spouse or for children of the community spouse.
a. Notice must be provided of the amount of the community spouse income allowance, of the amount of any family allowances, of the method of computing the amount of the community spouse countable asset allowance, and of the right to a fair hearing respecting ownership or availability of income and assets, and the determination of the community spouse monthly income or countable asset allowance. The notice must be provided, upon a determination of Medicaid eligibility of an institutionalized spouse, to both spouses, and upon a subsequent request by either spouse or a representative acting on behalf of either spouse, to the spouse making the request.
b. A community spouse, or an institutionalized spouse or a home and community-based services spouse, is entitled to a fair hearing under chapter 75-01-03 if application for Medicaid has been made on behalf of the institutionalized spouse or home and community-based services spouse and either spouse is dissatisfied with a determination of:
(1) The community spouse monthly income allowance;
(2) The amount of monthly income otherwise available to the community spouse as determined in calculating the community spouse monthly income allowance;
(3) The computation of the spousal share of countable assets;
(4) The attribution of countable assets; or
(5) The determination of the community spouse countable asset allowance.
c. Any hearing respecting the determination of the community spouse countable asset allowance must be held within thirty days of the request for the hearing.
d. If either spouse establishes that the community spouse needs income, above the level provided by the monthly maintenance needs allowance, due to exceptional circumstances resulting in significant financial duress, the monthly maintenance needs allowance for that spouse must be increased to an amount adequate to provide necessary additional income.
(1) If either spouse establishes that the assets included within the community spouse countable asset allowance generate an amount of income inadequate to raise the community spouse's income to the monthly maintenance needs allowance, to the extent that total assets permit, the community spouse countable asset allowance for that spouse must be increased to an amount adequate to provide such a monthly maintenance needs allowance. For purposes of calculations made under this subdivision, all income of the institutionalized spouse that could be made available to a community spouse, in accordance with the calculation of the community spouse monthly income allowance under this subsection, must be treated as having been made available before an additional amount of assets may be allocated to the community spouse under this subdivision.
(2) To establish a need for an increased asset allowance under this subdivision, the applicant, recipient, or the community spouse must provide verification of all income and assets of the community spouse.
(3) The amount of assets adequate to provide a monthly maintenance needs allowance for the community spouse must be based on the cost of a single premium lifetime annuity selected by the department that provides monthly payments equal to the difference between the monthly maintenance needs allowance and other income of both spouses not generated by either spouse's countable assets.
(4) The monthly maintenance needs allowance amount upon which calculations under this subdivision are made must be the amount in effect upon filing of the appeal.
(5) The estimate of the cost of an annuity described in paragraph 3 must be substituted for the amount of assets attributed to the community spouse if the amount of assets previously determined is less than the estimate. If the amount of assets attributed to the community spouse prior to the hearing is greater than the estimate of the cost of an annuity described in paragraph 3, the attribution of assets to the community spouse made prior to the hearing must be affirmed.
(6) No applicant, recipient, or community spouse is required to purchase an annuity as a condition of the applicant or recipient's eligibility for Medicaid benefits.
8. Any transfer of an asset or income is a disqualifying transfer under section 75-02-02.1-33.1 or 75-02-02.1-33.2, whether made by a community spouse, a home and community-based services spouse, or an institutionalized spouse, unless specifically authorized by this section. The income that may be received by or deemed provided to an ineligible community spouse, and the asset amounts that an ineligible community spouse may retain, are intended to allow that community spouse to avoid impoverishment. They are not intended to allow the community spouse to make transfers of assets or income, for less than adequate consideration, which would disqualify the institutionalized spouse or home and community-based services spouse, if made by the institutionalized spouse or home and community-based services spouse.

N.D. Admin Code 75-02-02.1-24

Amended by Administrative Rules Supplement 2016-360, April 2016, effective 4/1/2016.
Amended by Administrative Rules Supplement 2021-383, January 2022, effective 1/1/2022.

General Authority: NDCC 50-06-16, 50-24.1-04

Law Implemented: NDCC 50-24.1-02; 42 USC 1396r-5