N.D. Admin. Code 72-02.2-02-04

Current through Supplement No. 394, October, 2024
Section 72-02.2-02-04 - Licensing - Terms and conditions
1. Licenses are issued for a calendar year beginning January first and ending December thirty-first. When applying for a license, the applicant shall sign the application form affirming by oath the information provided is correct.
2. The licenses available and the fees for each license are as follows:
a. Contestant - Twenty-five dollars.
b. Judge - Twenty-five dollars.
c. Manager - Fifty dollars.
d. Matchmaker - Fifty dollars.
e. Physician - No fee.
f. Promoter - Two hundred fifty dollars.
g. Referee - Twenty-five dollars.
h. Second or trainer - Twenty-five dollars.
i. Timekeeper - Twenty-five dollars.
3. Except for a contestant, every licensee shall:
a. Be at least eighteen years of age.
b. Have at least one year of verifiable experience and proficiency in either professional or amateur mixed fight style competition.
c. Be licensed for each role the licensee has in the event, and if more than one, only may be required to pay the fee for the highest prices license issued to the licensee.
d. Understand the commissioner will honor the actions of other regulatory jurisdictions.
e. Understand the commissioner or commission may issue a verbal warning for the first infraction of the law or rules, a written warning for a second infraction, and a suspension up to six months for a third infraction. The commissioner or commission, without warning, may suspend a license for a violation that endangers the life or health of any person.
4. To become licensed, a contestant shall:
a. Be at least eighteen years of age.
b. Have a mixed martial arts national identification card issued by the association of boxing commissions and combative sports and if not, make application through the commissioner.
c. Provide the contestant's legal name and professional name, photo identification, address, contact telephone number, social security number, birth date, height, weight, eye color, and any distinguishing marks.
d. Provide the names and addresses of the contestant's manager and trainer.
e. If a female contestant, certify the contestant is not pregnant.
f. Disclose whether the contestant has been suspended during the preceding twelve months, by which jurisdiction, and for what reason.
g. Present documented evidence the contestant has been tested within six months of application by a laboratory in the United States which possesses a certificate under the Clinical Laboratory Improvement Act [ 42 U.S.C. 263 a], to detect the presence of bloodborne pathogens, as identified by the commissioner, with negative results.
h. Disclose the date of the contestant's most recent physical examination, any serious bodily injuries, any serious head injuries, any surgeries, and whether the contestant is using any prescriptions or medications. If the commissioner or commission member determines a question exists as to the medical condition of a contestant, a complete physical examination may be required, at the contestant's expense. Upon completion of the examination, the physician chosen shall submit a report directly to the commissioner and to the contestant. The physician's report shall affirmatively state whether the contestant has the health and fitness to safely compete in a mixed fighting style competition. The physician's report must be filed with the commissioner in the contestant's permanent medical record.
i. Understand the contestant may not compete in a contest or exhibition within seven days after their previous contest nor within ninety days of a contest in which the contestant was unable to defend himself or herself.
j. Understand the commissioner may honor the actions of other regulatory jurisdictions.
k. Understand the commissioner may hold an informal hearing to determine whether a contestant should be licensed or whether an existing license should be suspended or revoked. The contestant or designated representative may attend.
l. Understand the commissioner may deny the contestant's license application or suspend or revoke an existing license if, in the judgment of the commissioner or commission, the contestant is guilty of an act detrimental to the integrity of mixed fighting style competition, or to the public interest.
m. Understand the commissioner or commission may issue a verbal warning for the first infraction of the law or rules, a written warning for a second infraction, and a suspension up to six months for a third infraction. The commissioner or commission, without warning, may suspend a license for a violation that endangers the life or health of any person.
n. Understand the contestant may request an informal hearing before the commissioner to review the suspension or revocation of a license for a recent knockout, injury, or other medical reason to provide proof of sufficiently improved physical condition. The contestant also may request an informal hearing before the commissioner to review a suspension or revocation of a license for a positive drug test, providing a false alias, or having false identification or providing a false document or information to obtain a license.

N.D. Admin Code 72-02.2-02-04

Effective October 1, 2006.
Amended by Administrative Rules Supplement 2016-361, July 2016, effective 7/1/2016.
Amended by Administrative Rules Supplement 2020-378, October 2020, effective 10/1/2020.

General Authority: NDCC 53-01-07

Law Implemented: NDCC 53-01-01.1, 53-01-02