N.D. Admin. Code 69-05.2-12-03

Current through Supplement No. 393, July, 2024
Section 69-05.2-12-03 - Performance bond - Surety bond

Surety bonds shall be subject to the conditions of subsections 6 and 7 of North Dakota Century Code section 38-14.1-16 and the following conditions:

1. The notice required by subsection 6 of North Dakota Century Code section 38-14.1-16 shall be by certified mail to the permittee and the commission and is not effective until received by both.
a. Cancellation is not effective for lands subject to bond coverage which are disturbed after receipt of notice, but prior to approval by the commission.
b. The commission may approve cancellation if a replacement bond is filed by the permittee prior to the cancellation date, or the permit is revised so that the surface coal mining operations approved under the permit are reduced to cover all the costs for completion of reclamation operations.
2. The bond must provide that:
a. The surety will promptly notify the permittee and the commission of any notice received or action filed alleging the insolvency or bankruptcy of the surety, or alleging any violations of regulatory requirements which could result in suspension or revocation of the surety's license to do business.
b. If the surety becomes unable to fulfill its obligations under the bond, it shall immediately notify the permittee and the commission.
c. The surety and permittee are jointly and severally liable.
d. The surety may not cancel the bond during the period of liability, except as provided in subsection 6 of North Dakota Century Code section 38-14.1-16 and subsection 1 of this section.
3. Upon the incapacity of a surety by reason of bankruptcy, insolvency, or suspension or revocation of its license to do business in North Dakota, the permittee is deemed to be without bond coverage and shall, after receiving notice from the commission, substitute for that surety, a surety licensed to do business in North Dakota, or provide a substitute performance bond. If substitution is not made within thirty days, the commission may suspend the permit. If substitution is not made within ninety days, the commission will suspend the permit, and the operator shall cease surface mining activities and comply with section 69-05.2-13-11.

N.D. Admin Code 69-05.2-12-03

Effective August 1, 1980; amended effective June 1, 1983; May 1, 1988; May 1, 1990.

General Authority: NDCC 38-14.1-03 Law

Implemented: NDCC 38-14.1-16