N.D. Admin. Code 67.1-02-03-12

Current through Supplement No. 395, January, 2025
Section 67.1-02-03-12 - Special education endorsements

Re-education of a licensed teacher for special education schoolteaching may be accomplished by completing a special education disabilities content test meeting or exceeding the minimum scores determined by the board in the disability area to be taught.

1.Early childhood special education endorsement (19037). The applicant wishing to apply for the early childhood special education endorsement must:
a. Hold a valid North Dakota educator's professional regular license in special education, early childhood education, or elementary education.
b. Complete a minimum of twenty-two semester hours primarily at the graduate level in the following core coursework: children with exceptional learning needs, assessment of students with disabilities or special needs or assessment of young children, behavior management of students with disabilities, legal aspects of special education, and consultation and collaboration. Early childhood special education coursework, including characteristics and introduction of young children, methods and materials of young children with disabilities, assessment of young children, development of young children, including the domains of social, emotional cognition, language and literacy, and physical and adaptive must also be completed. A two semester hour early childhood special education practicum or internship must be completed.
c. The early childhood special education endorsement enables the applicant to teach early childhood special education birth through grade three.
d. A plan on file (formerly tutor in training) for the early childhood special education endorsement may be requested and must be completed within three years of assignment to teach early childhood special education. The plan on file request must include a letter requesting the endorsement from the administrator, identification of the special education mentor, transcripted documentation of three semester hours of completed coursework in special education, and documentation of enrollment in an institution of higher education in two additional courses specific to the early childhood special education regardless of how many hours already transcripted in special education. Transcript review will be done yearly to document progress toward completion of the plan. The applicant shall file a plan with the board upon becoming employed as an early childhood special education teacher, outlining how the endorsement will be completed within the three-year period.
2.Emotional disturbance special education endorsement. The applicant wishing to apply for the emotional disturbance special education endorsement must:
a. Hold a valid North Dakota educator's professional regular license in special education or early childhood, elementary, middle, or secondary education;
b. Complete a minimum of twenty-four semester hours primarily at the graduate level in the following core coursework: exceptional children and youth, assessment of students with disabilities, behavior management of students with disabilities, legal aspects of special education, and consultation and collaboration. Coursework specific to emotional disturbance must also be completed, including characteristics and introduction of emotional disturbance, methods and materials of emotional disturbance, transition, inclusive settings, and assistive technology. A two semester hour practicum or internship in emotional disturbance must also be completed. Secondary prepared teachers must also complete methods in elementary reading and elementary mathematics.
c. Have completed coursework in reading methods and mathematics methods, if prepared as a secondary teacher.
d. A plan on file (formerly tutor in training) for the emotional disturbance special education endorsement may be requested by the administrator and must be completed within three years of assignment to teach emotional disturbance special education. The plan on file request must include a letter requesting the endorsement from the administrator, identification of the special education mentor, transcripted documentation of three semester hours of completed coursework in special education, and documentation of enrollment in an institution of higher education in two additional courses specific to the emotional disturbance regardless of how many hours already transcripted in special education. Transcript review will be done yearly to document progress toward completion of the plan. A letter to request an extension of the plan on file must be received each year from the school administrator. The applicant shall file a plan with the board upon becoming employed as an emotional disturbance special education teacher, outlining how the endorsement will be completed within the three-year period.
e. As an elementary licensed grades one through eight teacher with a special education endorsement in emotional disturbance, the teacher would be qualified to:
(1) Teach in an elementary classroom;
(2) Teach or provide direct instruction to all elementary students with emotional disturbance;
(3) Teach or provide direct instruction to middle or high school students with emotional disturbance who are alternately assessed; or
(4) Consult prekindergarten through grade twelve students with emotional disturbance.
f. As a middle level licensed grades five through eight teacher in English, science, mathematics, or social studies with a special education endorsement in emotional disturbance, the teacher would be qualified to:
(1) Teach in a middle level classroom in the specific area of licensure;
(2) Teach or provide direct instruction to middle level students with emotional disturbance in the specific area of licensure;
(3) Teach or provide direct instruction to elementary, middle, or high school students with emotional disturbance who are alternately assessed; or
(4) Consult prekindergarten through grade twelve students with emotional disturbance.
g. As a secondary licensed grades five through twelve in the subjects of English and language arts, mathematics, science, or social studies with a special education endorsement in emotional disturbance, the teacher would be qualified to:
(1) Teach in a secondary level classroom in the specific area of licensure;
(2) Teach or provide direct instruction to secondary level students with emotional disturbance in the specific area of licensure;
(3) Teach or provide direct instruction in the specific area of licensure to middle or high school students with emotional disturbance who are alternately assessed; or
(4) Consult prekindergarten through grade twelve students with emotional disturbance.
3.Intellectually disabled special education endorsement. The applicant wishing to apply for the intellectually disabled special education endorsement must:
a. Hold a valid North Dakota educator's professional regular license in special education or early childhood, elementary, middle, or secondary education.
b. Complete a minimum of twenty semester hours at the undergraduate or graduate level in the following core coursework: exceptional children and youth, assessment of students with disabilities, behavior management of students with disabilities, legal aspects of special education, and consultation and collaboration. Coursework specific to intellectual disabilities must also be completed, including characteristics and introduction of intellectual disabilities, methods and materials of intellectual disabilities, transition, mental hygiene or psychology of adjustment or personality theory or abnormal psychology, and corrective reading. A two semester hour practicum or internship in intellectual disabilities must also be completed. Secondary prepared teachers must also complete methods in elementary reading and elementary mathematics.
c. A plan on file (formerly tutor in training) for the intellectual disabilities special education endorsement may be requested by the administrator and must be completed within three years of assignment to teach intellectual disabilities special education. The plan on file request must include a letter requesting the endorsement from the administrator, identification of the special education mentor, transcripted documentation of three semester hours of completed coursework in special education, and documentation of enrollment in an institution of higher education in two additional courses specific to the intellectual disabilities regardless of how many hours already transcripted in special education. A letter to request an extension of the plan on file must be received each year from the school administrator. Transcript review will be done yearly to document progress toward completion of the plan. The applicant shall file a plan with the education standards and practices board upon becoming employed as an intellectual disabilities special education teacher, outlining how the endorsement will be completed within the three-year period.
d. Elementary licensed grades one through eight teacher with a special education endorsement in intellectual disabilities, the teacher would be qualified to:
(1) Teach in an elementary classroom.
(2) Teach or provide direct instruction to all elementary students with intellectual disabilities.
(3) Teach or provide direct instruction to middle or high school students with intellectual disabilities who are alternately assessed.
(4) Consult prekindergarten through grade twelve students with intellectual disabilities.
e. Middle level licensed grades five through eight in English, science, mathematics, or social studies with a special education endorsement in intellectual disabilities, the teacher would be qualified to:
(1) Teach in a middle level classroom in the specific area of licensure.
(2) Teach or provide direct instruction to middle level students with intellectual disabilities in the specific area of licensure.
(3) Teach or provide direct instruction to middle school or high school students with intellectual disabilities who are alternately assessed.
(4) Consult prekindergarten through grade twelve students with intellectual disabilities.
f. Secondary licensed grades five through twelve or grades nine through twelve in one of the subjects of English or language arts, mathematics, science, or social studies with a special education endorsement in intellectual disabilities, the teacher would be qualified to:
(1) Teach in a secondary level classroom in the specific area of licensure.
(2) Teach or provide direct instruction to secondary level students with intellectual disabilities in the specific area of licensure.
(3) Teach or provide direct instruction in the specific area of licensure to middle school or high school students with intellectual disabilities who are alternately assessed.
(4) Consult prekindergarten through grade twelve students with intellectual disabilities.
4.Specific learning disabilities special education endorsement. The applicant wishing to apply for the learning disabilities special education endorsement must:
a. Hold a valid North Dakota educator's professional regular license in special education or early childhood, elementary, middle, or secondary education.
b. Complete a minimum of twenty-four semester hours primarily at the graduate level in the following core coursework: exceptional children and youth, assessment of students with disabilities, behavior management of students with disabilities, legal aspects of special education, and consultation and collaboration. Coursework specific to specific learning disabilities must also be completed, including characteristics and introduction of specific learning disabilities, methods and materials of specific learning disabilities, transition, inclusive settings, corrective reading methods, and assistive technology. A two semester hour practicum or internship in specific learning disabilities must also be completed. Secondary prepared teachers must also complete methods in elementary reading and elementary mathematics.
c. Have completed coursework in reading methods and mathematics methods, if prepared as a secondary teacher.
d. A plan on file (formerly tutor in training) for the specific learning disabilities special education endorsement may be requested by a letter from the administrator and must be completed within three years of assignment to teach specific learning disabilities special education. The plan on file request must include a letter requesting the endorsement from the administrator, identification of the special education mentor, transcripted documentation of three semester hours of completed coursework in special education, and documentation of enrollment in an institution of higher education in two additional courses specific to the specific learning disabilities regardless of how many hours already transcripted in special education. A letter to request an extension of the plan on file must be received each year from the school administrator. Transcript review will be done yearly to document progress toward completion of the plan. The applicant shall file a plan with the board upon becoming employed as a specific learning disabilities special education teacher, outlining how the endorsement will be completed within the three-year period.
e. Elementary licensed grades one through eight teacher with a special education endorsement in specific learning disabilities, the teacher would be qualified to:
(1) Teach in an elementary classroom.
(2) Teach or provide direct instruction to all elementary students with specific learning disabilities.
(3) Teach or provide direct instruction to middle or high school students with specific learning disabilities who are alternately assessed.
(4) Consult prekindergarten through grade twelve students with specific learning disabilities.
f. Middle level licensed grades five through eight teacher in English, science, mathematics, or social studies with a special education endorsement in specific learning disabilities, the teacher would be qualified to:
(1) Teach in a middle level classroom in the specific area of licensure.
(2) Teach or provide direct instruction to middle level students with specific learning disabilities in the specific area of licensure.
(3) Teach or provide direct instruction to elementary, middle, or high school students with specific learning disabilities who are alternately assessed.
(4) Consult kindergarten through grade twelve students with specific learning disabilities.
g. Secondary licensed grades five through twelve in subjects of English or language arts, mathematics, science, or social studies with a special education endorsement in specific learning disabilities:
(1) Teach in a secondary level classroom in the specific area of licensure.
(2) Teach or provide direct instruction to secondary level students with specific learning disabilities in the specific area of licensure.
(3) Teach or provide direct instruction in the specific area of licensure to middle or high school students with specific learning disabilities who are alternately assessed.
(4) Consult prekindergarten through grade twelve students with specific learning disabilities.
5.Special education strategist endorsement. The applicant wishing to apply for the special education strategist endorsement must:
a. Hold a valid North Dakota educator's professional regular license in special education or early childhood, elementary, middle, or secondary education.
b. Complete a minimum of thirty semester hours primarily at the graduate level in the following core coursework: exceptional children and youth, assessment of students with disabilities, behavior management of students with disabilities, legal aspects of special education, and consultation and collaboration. Coursework specific to special education strategist must also be completed, including characteristics and introduction of specific learning disabilities, intellectual disabilities, and emotional disturbance; methods and materials of intellectual disabilities, specific learning disabilities, and emotional disturbance; transition, inclusive settings, corrective reading methods, and assistive technology. Separate practicum or internship in each of specific learning disabilities, intellectual disabilities, and emotional disturbance must also be completed. Secondary prepared teachers must also complete methods in elementary reading and elementary mathematics.
c. Have completed coursework in reading methods and mathematics methods, if prepared as a secondary teacher.
d. A plan on file (formerly tutor in training) for the special education strategist endorsement may be requested by the administrator and must be completed within three years of assignment to teach. The plan on file request must include a letter requesting the endorsement from the administrator, identification of the special education mentor, transcripted documentation of three semester hours of completed coursework in special education, and documentation of enrollment in an institution of higher education in two additional courses specific to the education strategist regardless of how many hours already transcripted in special education. A letter to request an extension of the plan on file must be received each year from the school administrator. Transcript review will be done yearly to document progress toward completion of the plan. The applicant shall file a plan with the board upon becoming employed as a special education strategist teacher, outlining how the endorsement will be completed within the three-year period.
e. Elementary licensed grades one through eight teacher with a special education strategist endorsement in intellectual disabilities, specific learning disabilities, and emotional disturbance:
(1) Teach in an elementary classroom.
(2) Teach or provide direct instruction to all elementary students with intellectual disabilities, emotional disturbance, or specific learning disabilities.
(3) Teach or provide direct instruction to middle or high school students with intellectual disabilities, emotional disturbance, or specific learning disabilities who are alternately assessed.
(4) Consult prekindergarten through grade twelve students with intellectual disabilities, emotional disturbance, or specific learning disabilities.
f. Middle level licensed grades five through eight teacher with a special education strategist endorsement in intellectual disabilities, specific learning disabilities, and emotional disturbance:
(1) Teach in an elementary or a middle level classroom.
(2) Teach or provide direct instruction to all elementary or middle level students with intellectual disabilities, emotional disturbance, or specific learning disabilities.
(3) Teach or provide direct instruction to elementary, middle, or high school students with intellectual disabilities, emotional disturbance, or specific learning disabilities who are alternately assessed.
(4) Consult prekindergarten through grade twelve students with intellectual disabilities, emotional disturbance, or specific learning disabilities.
g. Secondary licensed grades five through twelve in subjects of English or language arts, mathematics, science, or social studies with a special education strategist endorsement in intellectual disabilities, specific learning disabilities, and emotional disturbance:
(1) Teach in a secondary level classroom in the specific area of licensure.
(2) Teach or provide direct instruction to all elementary students with intellectual disabilities, emotional disturbance, or specific learning disabilities.
(3) Teach or provide direct instruction in the specific area of licensure to middle or high school students with intellectual disabilities, emotional disturbance, or specific learning disabilities who are alternately assessed.
(4) Consult prekindergarten through grade twelve students with intellectual disabilities, emotional disturbance, or specific learning disabilities.
6.Gifted and talented endorsement.
a. The applicant wishing to apply for the gifted and talented endorsement must:
(1) Hold a valid North Dakota educator's professional regular license in special education or early childhood, elementary, middle, or secondary education.
(2) Complete a minimum of seventeen semester hours at the graduate level in the following coursework: children with exceptional learning needs, assessment, consultation and collaboration, characteristics and introduction of education of gifted students, methods and materials of gifted education, and two semester hours in gifted education practicum or internship.
(3) A plan on file (formerly tutor in training) for the gifted and talented endorsement may be requested by the administrator and must be completed within three years of assignment to teach. The plan on file request must include a letter requesting the endorsement from the administrator, identification of the special education mentor, transcripted documentation of three semester hours of completed coursework in special education, and documentation of enrollment in an institution of higher education in two additional courses specific to the gifted and talented endorsement regardless of how many hours already transcripted in special education. A letter to request an extension of the plan on file must be received each year from the school administrator. Transcript review will be done yearly to document progress toward completion of the plan. The applicant shall file a plan with the board upon becoming employed as a special education gifted and talented teacher, outlining how the endorsement will be completed within the three-year period.
b. Elementary, middle, or secondary prepared teacher with an endorsement in gifted and talented education:
(1) Teach in the specific area of licensure.
(2) Consult in gifted and talented programs prekindergarten through grade twelve.
7.Visually impaired special education endorsement.
a. The applicant wishing to apply for the visually impaired special education endorsement must:
(1) Hold a valid North Dakota educator's professional regular license in special education or early childhood, elementary, middle, or secondary education.
(2) Complete a minimum of twenty-two semester hours at the undergraduate or graduate level in the following core coursework: exceptional children and youth, assessment of students with disabilities, behavior management of students with disabilities, legal aspects of special education, and consultation and collaboration. Coursework specific to visual impairment disabilities must also be completed, including characteristics and introduction of visual impairment disabilities, methods and materials of visual impairment disabilities, assessment of students with visual impairment, orientation and mobility, communication and media with students with visual impairment, and Braille instruction. A two semester hour practicum or internship must also be completed.
(3) A plan on file (formerly tutor in training) for the visually impaired endorsement may be requested by the administrator and must be completed within three years of assignment to teach. The plan on file request must include a letter requesting the endorsement from the administrator, identification of the special education mentor, transcripted documentation of three semester hours of completed coursework in special education, and documentation of enrollment in an institution of higher education in two additional courses specific to the visual impairment endorsement regardless of how many hours already transcripted in special education. A letter to request an extension of the plan on file must be received each year from the school administrator. Transcript review will be done yearly to document progress toward completion of the plan. The applicant shall file a plan with the board upon becoming employed as a special education teacher, outlining how the endorsement will be completed within the three-year period.
b. Elementary licensed with a double major in elementary education and visually impaired or elementary licensed grades one through eight or grades one through six teacher with a special education endorsement in visually impaired:
(1) Teach in an elementary classroom.
(2) Teach or provide direct instruction to all elementary students with visual impairment.
(3) Teach or provide direct instruction to middle or high school students with visual impairment who are alternately assessed.
(4) Consult prekindergarten through grade twelve students with visual impairment.
c. Middle level licensed grades five through eight in English, science, mathematics, or social studies teacher with a special education endorsement in visually impaired:
(1) Teach in a middle level classroom in the specific area of licensure.
(2) Teach or provide direct instruction to middle level students with visual impairment in the specific area of licensure.
(3) Teach or provide direct instruction to elementary, middle, or high school students with visual impairment who are alternately assessed.
(4) Consult kindergarten through grade twelve students with visual impairment.
d. Secondary licensed grades five through twelve in core subjects of English or language arts, mathematics, science, or social studies with a special education endorsement in visually impaired:
(1) Teach in a secondary level classroom in the specific area of licensure.
(2) Teach or provide direct instruction to secondary level students with visual impairment in the specific area of licensure.
(3) Teach or provide direct instruction in the specific area of licensure to middle or high school students with visual impairment who are alternately assessed.
(4) Consult prekindergarten through grade twelve students with visual impairment.
8.Hearing-impaired (including deafness) special education endorsement.
a. The applicant wishing to apply for the hearing-impaired (including deafness) special education endorsement must:
(1) Hold a valid North Dakota educator's professional regular license in special education or early childhood, elementary, middle, or secondary education.
(2) Complete a minimum of twenty-eight semester hours at the undergraduate or graduate level in the following core coursework: exceptional children and youth, assessment of students with disabilities, behavior management of students with disabilities, legal aspects of special education, and consultation and collaboration. Coursework specific to deaf or hard of hearing must also be completed, including assessment of students with deaf and hard of hearing, transition, methods of teaching speech to deaf and hard of hearing children, methods of teaching language to deaf and hard of hearing children, methods of teaching reading and academic subject to deaf and hard of hearing children, characteristics of students with deaf and hard of hearing, audiology and oral rehabilitation, sign language. A two semester hour practicum or internship with children from birth to twenty-one must be completed.
(3) The hearing-impaired (including deafness) special education endorsement may be attached to a regular education license.
(4) A plan on file (formerly tutor in training) for the deaf or hard of hearing endorsement may be requested by the administrator and must be completed within three years of assignment to teach. The plan on file request must include a letter requesting the endorsement from the administrator, identification of the special education mentor, transcripted documentation of three semester hours of completed coursework in special education, and documentation of enrollment in an institution of higher education in two additional courses specific to the deaf and hard of hearing endorsement regardless of how many hours already transcripted in special education. A letter to request an extension of the plan on file must be received each year from the school administrator. Transcript review will be done yearly to document progress toward completion of the plan. The applicant shall file a plan with the education standards and practices board upon becoming employed as a special education deaf or hard of hearing teacher, outlining how the endorsement will be completed within the three-year period.
b. Elementary licensed with a double major in elementary education and hearing-impaired or elementary licensed grades one through eight teacher with a special education endorsement in hearing-impaired:
(1) Teach in an elementary classroom.
(2) Teach or provide direct instruction to all elementary students with hearing impairment.
(3) Teach or provide direct instruction to middle or high school students with hearing impairment who are alternately assessed.
(4) Consult prekindergarten through grade twelve students with hearing impairment.
c. Middle level licensed grades five through eight in English, science, mathematics, or social studies teacher with a special education endorsement in hearing-impaired:
(1) Teach in a middle level classroom in the specific area of licensure.
(2) Teach or provide direct instruction to middle level students with hearing impairment in the specific area of licensure.
(3) Teach or provide direct instruction to elementary, middle, or high school students with hearing impairment who are alternately assessed.
(4) Consult prekindergarten through grade twelve students with hearing impairment.
d. Secondary licensed grades five through twelve in the subjects of English or language arts, mathematics, science, or social studies teacher with a special education endorsement in hearing-impaired:
(1) Teach in a secondary level classroom in the specific area of licensure.
(2) Teach or provide direct instruction to secondary level students with hearing impairment in the specific area of licensure.
(3) Teach or provide direct instruction in the specific area of licensure to middle or high school students with hearing impairment who are alternately assessed.
(4) Consult prekindergarten through grade twelve students with hearing impairment.

N.D. Admin Code 67.1-02-03-12

Effective July 1, 2008; amended effective July 1, 2010; July 1, 2012.
Amended by Administrative Rules Supplement 2014-354, October 2014, effective 10/1/2014. .
Amended by Administrative Rules Supplement 368, April 2018, effective 4/1/2018.
Amended by Administrative Rules Supplement 2020-378, October 2020, effective 10/1/2020.

General Authority: NDCC 15.1-13-09, 15.1-13-10

Law Implemented: NDCC 15.1-13-10, 15.1-13-11, 15.1-13-14