Section 62-04-08-09 - Referee test procedures for water softening equipment1.Water quality. Water used for test runs shall have a hardness of between fifteen and twenty grains per gallon [256.5 and 342 milligrams per liter] (as calcium carbonate), ph in range of six and nine tenths to eleven, and water temperature shall be between fifty-five degrees and sixty-five degrees Fahrenheit [12.77 and 18.33 degrees Celsius]. If unavailable in natural form, it shall be prepared to this specification in the ratio of two-thirds calcium and one-third magnesium. To determine hardness of the influent water, a constant percentage of influent water shall be collected during the test run and the composite tested for hardness by accepted water hardness test methods. (As described in the water conditioning foundation engineering manual and "Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Waste Water", published by American public health association, 1790 Broadway, New York, New York). 2.Water softener test.a. The softener shall be connected to water supply in accordance with manufacturer's standard installation instructions. b. A meter shall be placed in outlet line from the softener to measure rate of flow and volume of water. c. The softener shall operate within water pressure range and shall be regenerated in accordance with manufacturer's instructions. With softener valves in softening position, water delivered at outlet shall be tested by accepted water hardness test methods with one grain per gallon [17.1 milligrams per liter] hardness leakage as the determining end point. 3.Softening flow rate.a. Softening capacity runs shall be at constant rate of flow at fifty percent of manufacturer's specified softening rate. This shall be considered equivalent performance to the intermittent flow obtained in the home. b. A pressure drop test shall be made. The pressure loss from inlet to outlet of softener, including valving and exchanger at manufacturer's specified softening flow rate, shall not exceed fifteen pounds per square inch [6.80 kilograms per 6.45 square centimeters]. 4.Test records.a. Hardness of effluent shall be tested at intervals of not less than ten percent of the total softening run and shall meet test specified below. b. Five complete softening capacity runs shall be made on each model. Data for the first two runs shall be discarded. Capacity shall be based on the average of three succeeding runs which do not show a variance of ten percent from the average. c. Hardness test shall be one grain per gallon [17.1 milligrams per liter] of hardness leakage as the determining end point as described in accepted water hardness test procedures. 5.Softening capacity.a. Capacity of the water softener is to be determined only between points at which hardness of effluent meets the accepted water hardness test. b. Softening capacity rating in grains of hardness removed shall be the gallon capacity multiplied by the average hardness of the raw water as determined by a composite percentage sample required under subsection 1. General Authority: NDCC 43-18.1-03
Law Implemented: NDCC 43-18.1-04
N.D. Admin Code 62-04-08-09