N.D. Admin. Code 43-02-03-19.3

Current through Supplement No. 394, October, 2024
Section 43-02-03-19.3 - Earthen pits and receptacles

Except as otherwise provided in this section and sections 43-02-03-19.4, 43-02-03-19.5, and 43-02-03-51.3, no saltwater, drilling mud, crude oil, waste oil, or other waste may be stored in earthen pits or open receptacles except in an emergency and upon approval by the director.

A lined earthen pit or open receptacle may be temporarily used to retain oil, water, cement, solids, or fluids generated in well plugging operations. A pit or receptacle used for this purpose must be sufficiently impermeable to provide adequate temporary containment of the oil, water, or fluids. The contents of the pit or receptacle must be removed within seventy-two hours after operations have ceased and must be disposed of at an authorized facility in accordance with section 43-02-03-19.2. Within thirty days after operations have ceased, the earthen pit shall be reclaimed and the open receptacle shall be removed. The director may grant an extension of the thirty-day time period to no more than one year for good reason.

The director may permit pits or receptacles used solely for the purpose of flaring casinghead gas. A pit or receptacle used for this purpose must be sufficiently impermeable to provide adequate temporary containment of fluids. Permission for such pit or receptacle must be conditioned on locating the pit not less than one hundred fifty feet [45.72 meters] from the vicinity of wells and tanks and keeping it free of any saltwater, crude oil, waste oil, or other waste. Saltwater, drilling mud, crude oil, waste oil, or other waste must be removed from the pit or receptacle within twenty-four hours after being discovered and must be disposed of at an authorized facility in accordance with section 43-02-03-19.2.

The director may permit pits used solely for storage of freshwater used in completion and well servicing operations. Permit applications for freshwater pits must be submitted on a sundry notice and must be valid for a period of one year but may be reauthorized upon application. Freshwater pits must be lined and no pit constructed for this purpose may be wholly or partially constructed in fill dirt unless approved by the director. The director may approve chemical treatment to municipal drinking water standards upon application.

The freshwater pit must have signage on all sides accessible to vehicular traffic clearly identifying the usage as freshwater only.

The director may permit portable-collapsible receptacles used solely for storage of fluids used in completion and well servicing operations, although no flowback fluids may be allowed. Permit applications for such receptacles must be submitted on a sundry notice and must be valid for a period of one year but may be reauthorized upon application. Such receptacles must utilize a sealed inner bladder, erected to conform to American petroleum institute standards, and may not be wholly or partially constructed on fill dirt unless approved by the director. Such receptacles must have signage on all sides accessible to vehicular traffic clearly identifying the fluid contained within.

The director may permit portable-collapsible single sidewall, double liner open top receptacles used solely for storage of fluids used in completion and well servicing operations, although no flowback fluids may be allowed. Such receptacles must have signage on all sides accessible to vehicular traffic clearly identifying the fluid contained within. Permits for such receptacles must be submitted on a sundry notice and must be valid for a period of one year but may be reauthorized upon application. Permits for such receptacles must include at least the following information:

1. The name and address of the operator.
2. Legal location of the site where the open top receptacle will be located.
3. Structural engineering analysis of the open top receptacle including panels and connection system.
4. Schematic drawings depicting the following:
a. As-built or proposed cut and fill diagram showing how the open top receptacle will be located in a cut area of the site.
b. The site that includes its dimensions or proposed dimensions and the height, location, and calculated capacity of the perimeter berm and any other spill containment structures.
c. Fill pipe or filling mechanism designed to protect the liner system from the initial force of water entering the open top receptacle.
d. Isolation valves in the produced water and freshwater flow lines.
e. Location of the concrete jersey barriers around the open top receptacle to avert vehicular traffic and impede the flow of water in the event of a breach.
5. Descriptions of the following:
a. The double liner system including liner specifications.
b. Sand pad and geotextile liner used to protect the liner system.
c. Real-time leak detection and monitoring system, including between the liners and visual inspections.
d. Overfill and low-level detection systems.
e. Mechanical integrity testing plan using freshwater of the system.
f. Emergency plan for emptying the open top receptacle and addressing resources on standby in the event of a breach.
g. Estimated setup and deconstruction dates.

The director may docket the permit application for hearing to gather additional information necessary to evaluate the proposed open top receptacle and site.

Permits may contain such terms and conditions as the director deems necessary.

Any permit issued under this section may be revoked by the commission after notice and hearing if the permittee fails to comply with the terms and conditions of the permit, any directive of the director, or any applicable rule or statute.

Any permit issued under this section may be modified or suspended by the director for good cause.

Permits are transferable only with approval of the director.

N.D. Admin Code 43-02-03-19.3

Amended by Administrative Rules Supplement 2014-352, April 2014, effective April 1, 2014. .
Amended by Administrative Rules Supplement 2016-362, October 2016, effective 10/1/2016.
Amended by Administrative Rules Supplement 376, April 2020, effective 4/1/2020.
Amended by Administrative Rules Supplement 2024-392, April 2024, effective 4/1/2024.

General Authority: NDCC 38-08-04

Law Implemented: NDCC 38-08-04