The department, through permit conditions, may approve proposed technical revisions to the injection well portion of a permit without requiring a permit amendment. These revisions may include the following:
1. Correcting typographical errors; 2. Modifying monitoring plan reporting requirements; 3. Modifying quantities or types of fluids injected that are within the capacity of the facility as permitted and would not interfere with its operation or its ability to meet permit conditions and would not change its classification; 4. Well construction requirements; 5. Adding wells to the wellfield within the permit area if the requirements of section 43-02-02.2-34 are met; 6. Modifying injection rates and pressures; 7. Modifying a well repair, abandonment, plugging, or conversion plan; and 8. Delaying the plugging requirement of subsection 4 of section 43-02-02.2-32 for an unused well. N.D. Admin Code 43-02-02.2-22
Effective January 1, 2009.General Authority: NDCC 38-12-02
Law Implemented: NDCC 38-12-02