The following base values for wildlife are established:
1. | Big game | |
a. Deer | $500 | |
b. Pronghorn | $1,000 | |
c. Elk, moose, and bighorn sheep, see North Dakota Century Code section 20.1-01-03 | ||
2. | Upland game birds | |
a. Prairie chicken | $500 | |
b. Sage grouse | $500 | |
c. Turkey | $250 | |
d. Upland game bird (e.g., pheasant, grouse, gray partridge) | $50 | |
3. | Migratory game birds | |
a. Swan | $200 | |
b. Sandhill crane | $100 | |
c. Goose | $50 | |
d. Redhead, canvasback, pintail | $75 | |
e. All other ducks and mergansers | $50 | |
f. Other migratory game birds | $50 | |
4. | Nongame birds | |
a. Species of conservation priority | ||
(1) Level I species (horned grebe, American white pelican, American bittern, Swainson's hawk, ferruginous hawk, yellow rail, willet, upland sandpiper, long-billed curlew, marbled godwit, Wilson's phalarope, Franklin's gull, black tern, black-billed cuckoo, Sprague's pipit, grasshopper sparrow, Baird's sparrow, Nelson's sharp-tailed sparrow, lark bunting, chestnut-collared longspur) | $400 | |
(2) Level II species (northern harrier, prairie falcon, American avocet, short-Eared owl, red-headed woodpecker, loggerhead shrike, sedge wren, dickcissel, Le Conte's sparrow, bobolink) | $300 | |
(3) Level III species (Brewer's sparrow, McCown's, longspur) | $200 | |
b. Waterbirds (e.g., Egret, heron, loon, grebe) | ||
Whooping crane | $1,000 | |
Egret and heron | $50 | |
Loon | $200 | |
Grebe | $50 | |
c. Shorebirds (e.g., avocet, sandpiper, killdeer) | $50 | |
d. Raptors | ||
Golden Eagle | $500 | |
Bald Eagle | $1,000 | |
Peregrine | $1,000 | |
e. All other raptors (e.g., Vulture, hawk, owl, falcon) | $100 | |
f. All other birds | $25 | |
Except: English sparrows, blackbirds, crows, starlings | No Value | |
5. | Protected furbearers and small game mammals | |
a. Bear | $1,000 | |
b. Bobcat and lynx | $500 | |
c. Mountain lion | $1,000 | |
d. Wolf | $1,000 | |
e. Red fox and coyote | $75 | |
f. Otter, fisher, pine marten, wolverine | $200 | |
g. All other protected furbearers | $50 | |
h. Small game mammals (e.g., rabbit, gray squirrel, fox squirrel) | $25 | |
6. | Snapping Turtle | $50 |
7. | Fish and Freshwater mussels The values of fish are those listed in the American Fisheries Society Special Publication No. 30, "Investigation and Monetary Values of Fish and Freshwater Mussell Kills", 2003 mussels are those listed in the American Fisheries Society Special Publication No. 35, "Investigation and Monetary Values of Fish and Freshwater Mollusk Kills", 2017. A copy is available for viewing at the Bismarck office of the North Dakota game and fish department. This publication may be purchased by writing to the following address: American Fisheries Society 5410 Grosvenor Lane, Suite 100 Bethesda, MD 20814 | |
7. | Fish and other aquatic species restitution values | |
Value per Fish | ||
a. Walleye (zander, hybrids) | $30 | |
b. Sauger (suageye, hybrids) | $30 | |
c. Northern pike | $30 | |
d. Black bass (largemouth, smallmouth) | $30 | |
e. Channel catfish | $30 | |
f. Flathead catfish | $30 | |
g. Salmon | $30 | |
h. Trout | $30 | |
i. Sunfish (bluegill, pumpkinseed, green sunfish, longear sunfish, orange spotted sunfish, hybrids) | $15 | |
j. Crappie (white, black) | $15 | |
k. Yellow perch | $15 | |
l. Burbot | $15 | |
m. White bass | $15 | |
n. Pallid sturgeon | $1,000 | |
o. Paddlefish | $500 | |
p. Sturgeon (lake, shovelnose) | $300 | |
q. Muskellunge | $300 | |
r. Other nongame fish | $10 | |
s. Live aquatic bait, including fish species (fathead minnows, creek chubs, white suckers, stickleback, and smelt), and frogs, salamanders, leeches, and crayfish | $10 per gallon, minimum of $20 | |
t. Turtles. The restitution values for turtles are as follows: | ||
(1) Painted turtle | $50 per turtle | |
(2) All other turtle species | $200 per turtle |
N.D. Admin Code 30-04-07-01
General Authority: NDCC 20.1-01-03
Law Implemented: NDCC 20.1-01-03