N.D. Admin. Code 13-03-28-04

Current through Supplement No. 394, October, 2024
Section 13-03-28-04 - Loan nonaccrual policy and procedures
1. Policy or procedure must prohibit the accrual of interest or fees on any loan upon which principal or interest has been in default for a period of ninety days or more.
2. Policy or procedure must require loans to be placed in nonaccrual status if maintained on a cash or cost recovery basis under generally accepted accounting principles because of deterioration in the financial condition of the borrower, or for which payment in full of principal or interest is not expected.
3. Policy or procedure must allow nonaccrual noncommercial loan to be restored to accrual status when:
a. Its past due status is less than ninety days, generally accepted accounting principles does not require it to be maintained on the cash or cost recovery basis, and the credit union is plausibly assured of repayment of the remaining contractual principal and interest within a reasonable period;
b. When it otherwise becomes both well secured and in the process of collection; or
c. The asset is a purchased impaired loan and it meets the criteria under generally accepted accounting principles for accrual of income under the interest method specified therein.
4. Policy or procedure must allow nonaccrual commercial loans to be restored to accrual status provided the following conditions are satisfied:
a. The restructuring and any chargeoff taken on the loan are supported by a current, well documented credit evaluation of the borrower's financial condition and prospects for repayment under the revised terms.
b. Repayment performance is demonstrated and would involve timely payments under the restructured loan's terms of principal and interest in cash or cash equivalents. In returning the member business workout loan to accrual status, sustained historical repayment performance for a reasonable time prior to the restructuring may be taken into account. Such a restructuring must improve the collectability of the loan in accordance with a reasonable repayment schedule and does not relieve the credit union from the responsibility to promptly charge off all identified losses.
5. After a formal restructure of a member business loan, if the restructured loan has been returned to accrual status, the loan otherwise remains subject to the nonaccrual standards of this rule. If any interest payments received while the member business loan was in nonaccrual status were applied to reduce the recorded investment in the loan the application of these payments to the loan's recorded investment must not be reversed and interest income must not be credited. Likewise, accrued but uncollected interest reversed or charged off at the point the member business workout loan was placed on nonaccrual status cannot be restored to accrual; it can only be recognized as income if collected in cash or cash equivalents from the member.

N.D. Admin Code 13-03-28-04

Adopted by Administrative Rules Supplement 371, January 2019, effective 1/1/2019.

General Authority: NDCC 6-01-04

Law Implemented: NDCC 6-06-06