The Commission may assess civil penalties whenever it determines that an owner of an animal operation with an animal waste management system or an OIC of an animal waste management system willfully violates the requirements of G.S. 90A-47, Part 2. In addition to violations in G.S. 90A-47.5(a), a failure to designate a properly certified OIC of the animal waste management system as required by G.S. 90A-47.2(a) may result in the assessment of civil penalties.
15A N.C. Admin. Code 08F .0502
Temporary Adoption Eff. January 7, 1997;
Eff. August 1, 1998;
Readopted Eff. September 1, 2018.
Temporary Adoption Eff. 1/7/1997;
Eff. 8/1/1998.