Current through Register Vol. 39, No. 13, January 2, 2025
Section 07M .1102 - POLICY STATEMENTS(a) Clean, beach quality material that meets the criteria set forth in Rule 15A NCAC 07H .0312 dredged from navigation channels within the active nearshore or ocean beach as defined in 15A NCAC 07H .0305 or inlet hazard area as defined in 15A NCAC 07H .0304(2) shall not be removed permanently from the active nearshore, beach or inlet hazard area unless the Director of the Division of Coastal Management determines that no practicable alternative exists pursuant to the criteria in G.S. 113A-120(a)(9). Preferably, this dredged material will be disposed of on the ocean beach or shallow active nearshore area where environmentally acceptable and compatible with other uses of the beach.(b) The Division of Coastal Management shall grant proposals for the use of dredged material in disposal sites not privately owned shall be available by anyone proposing placement in or on the active nearshore, ocean beach, or inlet hazard area in a manner not inconsistent with Paragraph (a) of this Rule based on the availability of dredged material, priority of the requests, and consideration of the criteria in G.S. 113A-120(a).15A N.C. Admin. Code 07M .1102
Authority G.S. 113A-107;
Eff. October 1, 1992.Authority G.S. 113A-107;
Eff. 10/1/1992.Readopted by North Carolina Register Volume 37, Issue 19, April 3, 2023 effective 3/1/2023.