WQS = (RfD x RSC) x Body Weight / (FCR x BCF)
WQS = water quality standard or criteria;
RfD = reference dose;
RSC = Relative Source Contribution;
FCR = fish consumption rate (based upon 17.5 gm/person-day);
BCF = bioconcentration factor or bioaccumulation factor (BAF), as appropriate.
Pursuant to Section 304(a) of the Federal Water Pollution Control Act as amended, BCF or BAF values, literature values, or site specific bioconcentration data shall be based on EPA publications; FCR values shall be average consumption rates for a 70 Kg adult for the lifetime of the population; alternative FCR values may be used when it is considered necessary to protect localized populations that may be consuming fish at a higher rate; RSC values, when made available through EPA publications pursuant to Section 304(a) of the Federal Clean Water Pollution Control Act to account for non-water sources of exposure may be either a percentage (multiplied) or amount subtracted, depending on whether multiple criteria are relevant to the chemical;
WQS = (RfD x RSC) x Body Weight / [WCR+(FCRxBCF)]
WQS = water quality standard or criteria;
RfD = reference dose;
RSC = Relative Source Contribution;
FCR = fish consumption rate (based upon 17.5 gm/person-day);
BCF = bioconcentration factor or bioaccumulation factor (BAF), as appropriate;
WCR = water consumption rate (assumed to be two liters per day for adults).
To protect sensitive groups, exposure shall be based on a 10 Kg child drinking one liter of water per day. Standards may also be based on drinking water standards based on the requirements of the Federal Safe Drinking Water Act, 42 U.S.C. 300(f)(g)-1. For non-carcinogens, specific numerical water quality standards have not been included in this Rule because water quality standards to protect aquatic life for all toxic substances for which standards have been considered are more stringent than numerical standards to protect human health from non-carcinogens through consumption of fish. Standards to protect human health from non-carcinogens through water consumption are listed under the water supply classification standards in Rule .0211 of this Section. The equations listed in this Subparagraph shall be used to develop water quality based effluent limitations on a case-by-case basis for toxic substances that are not presently included in the water quality standards. Alternative FCR values may be used when it is necessary to protect localized populations that may be consuming fish at a higher rate;
The values listed in Subparts (i) through (xvii) of this Part may be adjusted by the Commission or its designee on a case-by-case basis to account for site-specific or chemical-specific information pertaining to the assumed BCF, FCR, or CPF values or other data.
15A N.C. Admin. Code 02B .0208
Eff. February 1, 1976;
Amended Eff. May 1, 2007; April 1, 2003; February 1, 1993; October 1, 1989; January 1, 1985; September 9, 1979;
Readopted Eff. November 1, 2019.
Eff. 2/1/1976;
Amended Eff. 5/1/2007; April 1, 2003; February 1, 1993; October 1, 1989; January 1, 1985; September 9, 1979.