(2) Major Capital Improvement Schedules (i) The reasonable costs that may be recovered for qualified major capital improvements may not exceed the recoverable costs, as determined by DHCR. In making such determination, DHCR shall, unless for good cause shown or otherwise specified, refer to such reasonable costs as specified in the Reasonable Cost Schedule found in the Reasonable Cost Schedule that is in effect at the time that the contract for work for the major capital improvement was executed.(ii) The Reasonable Cost Schedule shall provide the recoverable cost of major capital improvements that fall within the following main three categories: 1. Major Systems; i. The maximum recoverable costs shall be presented for the following classes of work: (g) Elevator Replacement; and(h) Elevator Modernization.2. Fa'ade, Parapet, Roof; i. The maximum recoverable costs shall be presented for the following classes of work: 3. Other Systems. i. The maximum recoverable costs shall be presented for the following classes of work: (d) Intercom; and may include such other systems as DHCR may determine.(iii) Each class of major capital improvement may list more detailed types of capital improvement work. Each class of major capital improvement described in the Schedule may be inclusive of additional costs that can be associated with the type of improvements listed within such class.(iv) The costs of each type of major capital improvement work will be listed as per unit, per unit of measurement or per piece of equipment, as is appropriate given the nature of the improvement.(v) The maximum recoverable costs for each type of major capital improvement specified in the initial Reasonable Cost Schedule shall be based on a survey of such construction costs undertaken for such installation. (a) The maximum recoverable costs listed in the Reasonable Cost Schedule shall be initially published and made available for public review and comment in conjunction with the promulgation process required for adoption of this regulation.(vi) Periodic Review of Reasonable Cost Schedule: Every year after adoption of this regulation, DHCR shall assess and review the categories of major capital improvements, the classes of work within categories eligible for major capital improvements and the maximum recoverable costs listed for the types of major capital improvement costs identified in the Reasonable Cost Schedule.
(vii) Procedure: (a) When applying for a temporary major capital improvement rent increase, owners are required to submit an itemized list of work performed with a description or explanation of the reason or purpose of such work. (1) Costs may be granted for related expenses that are not specified in the actual schedule, if they are found to be: (i) within or below the maximum costs for the class of work,(ii) are necessary for the claimed improvement, and(iii) eligible for reimbursement as a major capital improvement.(2) Costs will not be granted for expenses which are ineligible for major capital improvement rent increases.(3) Only the actual and verifiable amounts expended by owners for qualifying major capital improvement costs will be the basis for any temporary major capital improvement rent increase. Qualifying owners will, therefore, be awarded a temporary major capital improvement rent increase on the lesser of either:(i) the actual amount expended, or(ii) the maximum reasonable cost from the schedule, and such other additional items that are eligible as a major capital improvement but are not listed as part of the Reasonable Cost Schedule.(b) The schedule provides a maximum of costs that can be granted for eligible major capital improvements. All costs granted for a temporary major capital improvement rent increase must be actual, reasonable, verifiable, and meet all other regulatory requirements.(viii) Waiver of Application of Reasonable Cost Schedule(a) Owners may apply for a waiver of application of the Reasonable Cost Schedule. The waiver request will be denied, unless the owner satisfies the waiver requirements provided herein, and the Division finds the waiver of the application of the schedule to be reasonable and warranted under the circumstances set forth in such application.(b) If an owner's application for a waiver of the reasonable cost schedule is denied, the owner's maximum recoupment shall be limited to that required by the applicable Reasonable Cost Schedule.(c) Notwithstanding any waiver of the reasonable cost schedule, not all costs claimed for a temporary major capital improvement rent increase may be awarded, as the costs of items claimed may be disallowed, in whole or in part, pursuant to all other requirements set forth in this section that must be met and fully supported.(d) Pursuant to the requirements specified below, such application must be fully supported and demonstrate that the claimed costs underlying the temporary MCI rent increase are:(1) not identified in the Reasonable Cost Schedule, or(2) necessarily and appropriately priced higher than those costs listed in the Reasonable Cost Schedule due to the unique nature of the installation and the circumstances surrounding such installation, and such costs are accurate, reasonable, necessary, verifiable, and eligible for a rent increase under these circumstances, or(3) that use of the Reasonable Cost Schedule will cause an undue hardship and the use of alternative procedures are appropriate to the interests of the owner, the tenants, and the public, and the costs of such improvement are accurate, reasonable, necessary, verifiable, and eligible for a rent increase under the circumstances.(e) Owners must request a waiver of the use of the Reasonable Cost Schedule in writing and accompany the application with the information and documentation as specified in subparagraph (x) of this paragraph.(ix) Requirements for Waiver under Specific Circumstances (a) At the time of the initial application for a temporary major capital improvement rent increase, an owner must apply for a waiver of application of the Reasonable Cost Schedule. Such application shall include all necessary requirements set forth in subparagraph (viii) of this paragraph and must also meet the following requirements:
(1) Non-Landmarked Buildings (Buildings not designated by the Landmark Commission): (i) A licensed engineer or architect must certify that:(A) the major capital improvement costs for which an owner seeks a temporary major capital improvement rent increase are accurate and reasonable under the circumstances; and(B) there is no common ownership or other financial interest between the contractor installing the replacement or upgrade and the ownership entity of the owner; and(C) a bid process was conducted and supervised by a licensed architect or engineer.(2) Landmarked Buildings (Buildings designated by the Landmark Commission): The costs beyond those permitted by the reasonable cost schedule that were the result of any law, regulation, rule, or requirement under which the premises have been designated a landmark building.
(3) Capital Improvement Work Performed While Also Under Another Governmental Agency's Supervision: DHCR may also accept the cost of contract where:
(i) the building is subject to both (a) the Rent Stabilization Law, and (b) another housing program, and(ii) the contract is approved by or awarded under the supervision of a state, city or local housing entity in conjunction with that affordable housing program, and(iii) such supervision includes a process by which such supervising agency reviews the costs to assure they are reasonable.(4) Emergency Capital Improvements: DHCR may also accept the cost of contract where capital improvements were performed to remedy an emergency condition and for which the owner paid more than the reasonable costs due to such emergency. The costs must be actual, reasonable, necessary, verifiable, and eligible for a rent increase under the circumstances.
(5) Interim Rules: (i) An owner may apply for a waiver of application of the Reasonable Cost Schedule if, prior to the effective date of this subparagraph (ix), it has either: (A) entered a contract for the performance of major capital improvement work within two years immediately preceding January 27, 2021, the final adoption date of Emergency Regulation HCR 26-20-00012, or(B) submitted to DHCR an application for a temporary major capital improvement rent increase.(ii) The recoverable costs will be determined according to the applicable Reasonable Cost Schedule and these provisions, but the owner need not submit evidence of compliance with the bidding requirements set forth in clause (b) of subparagraph (x); owner may instead submit for review alternative means of establishing the reasonableness of the major capital improvement costs sought to be recovered.(iii) For pending major capital improvement applications, an owner was required to make this waiver application within 60 days of June 16, 2020, unless in the context of processing the major capital improvement application the owner was directed by DHCR to submit an application for waiver. (x) Waiver Procedure: As part of the written Waiver application for non-emergency capital improvements, owners must submit the following:
(a) A certification by a licensed architect or engineer stating that:(1) The purchases and contracts, whose costs owner seeks to recover have been awarded on the basis of analysis and bidding to the fullest extent possible, but with no less than three bidders having been solicited to perform the work unless the owner can demonstrate that the work is so highly specialized that such bids cannot be extended;(2) List of items for which owner solicited bids were necessary;(3) The costs claimed by owner for the major capital improvement work are accurate and reasonable, provided that the architect or engineer's basis for such conclusion is fully and credibly supported;(4) All changes to the original agreed upon scope of work were necessary to the underlying major capital improvement and reasonably priced;(5) The owner selected the lowest responsible bidder or the bidder best suited to perform the major capital improvement work, provided that the architect or engineer's basis for such conclusion is credibly supported; and(6) Such other and additional proof as DHCR may require to ascertain the need for the waiver and the certification of such reasonable, necessary, verifiable, and eligible costs.(b) Certification by owner that it has complied with bid process requirements including submission of: (1) Tabulation of all bids received; and(2) Copies of all bids received; and(3) A certification by each bidder disclosing whether the owner or any board member, general partner, officer or employee of owner, and/or principal or employee of any managing agent retained by owner, has a direct or indirect interest in the bidder or in the compensation to be received by the bidder pursuant to the proposed contract. Failure to accurately and fully complete this certification may result in the rejection of the bid for purposes of determining owner's application for waiver of the use of the Reasonable Cost Schedule, as well as rejection and a dismissal of the major capital improvement application; and(4) Detailed description of the items for which owner initially solicited bids.(c) A certification by the owner's architect or engineer certifying the necessity, appropriateness, and reasonableness of the costs of all changes to the original agreed upon scope of work that were performed in connection with the major capital improvement, along with a description of the changes in the scope, price, or time of completion of the work related to each change order.(xi) For Emergency Capital Improvement MCI Applications: The owner must submit a statement from an independent engineer or architect describing the emergency, why the costs were greater than those in the schedule, that the costs were reasonable for the situation, and why the owner could not obtain three bids in a timely manner due to the exigent circumstances.
(xii) Notice: As part of the MCI application process, any request by an owner for a waiver of application of the Reasonable Cost Schedule shall be made available to the tenants of the subject building(s) with an opportunity to comment on and contest the waiver.
(xiii) Operational Bulletin The initial Operational Bulletin 2020-1 including all amendments, shall be issued pursuant to this paragraph. The Operational Bulletin 2020-1 and all amended versions shall be available in hardcopy form at 92-31 Union Hall Street, Jamaica, Queens, New York, and will be available on DHCR's website at www.hcr.ny.gov.