N.Y. Comp. Codes R. & Regs. tit. 9 § 1611.1

Current through Register Vol. 46, No. 25, June 18, 2024
Section 1611.1 - The site

Sites for projects shall be selected with regard to municipal plans, where such exist. They shall be developed "in conformity with a plan or undertaking for the clearance, replanning, reconstruction or rehabilitation of a substandard and insanitary area or areas and for recreational and other facilities incidental or appurtenant thereto".


The project shall comply with all required zoning.

(1) Insofar as possible, projects shall make use of existing services and utilities; if these are not adequate, consult the provisions of the application for financial assistance and the loan and subsidy contract.
(2) Storm and sanitary sewers or combined sewers shall be accessible to the site, or other acceptable provisions shall be made for the disposition of storm water and sewerage.
(3) An adequate supply of water for drinking, household and fire protection purposes at adequate pressure must be available or must be made available to the project site.
(1) It is not desirable that the site be divided by heavy traffic arteries. It is preferred that roads within a project site be so laid out as to insure privacy and discourage through traffic, while adequate for necessary circulation and services.
(2) It is desirable that vehicular access ways be within 200 feet of the entrance to a building or dwelling unit. Access for fire-fighting equipment must be provided. Approval of the number and locations of and access to hydrants must be obtained from the local department having jurisdiction before final site plans are approved.
(3) Provide adequate parking space in accordance with local laws and ordinances convenient to the apartments. Provide ramp access from parking areas to adjacent sidewalks.
(4) Incinerators shall be provided for apartment buildings three stories or more in height. Row houses shall have garbage stations with proper access roads.
(e)Access and exterior standards.
(1) Avoid exterior steps as much as possible; where necessary, provide ramps not exceeding an eight per cent grade.
(2) Walks shall have a minimum gradient of one per cent and a maximum of eight per cent.
(3) All walks with a six per cent gradient or more shall be designed with special abrasive finishes and shall be provided with handrails.
(4) All site surface drainage shall be so designed that the walks shed water quickly and that drainage run-offs shall not cross walks.
(5) Walks constructed on fill shall be of asphalt concrete.
(6) Walks shall be designed to permit ready movement and maneuvering of wheelchairs.
(7) Sitting areas shall be dispersed throughout the site. They should be properly protected with adequate and acceptable shade trees and windbreaks.
(8) Entrance platforms to buildings shall have overhead protection which shall be so designed as to avoid dripping of water on platforms and adjacent walks.
(9) Exterior lighting shall be designed to insure full illumination of walks, adequate lighting of driveways and parking areas, and must be such as will provide for safety and convenience.
(10) Drying yard areas shall be located and designed to facilitate their use.
(11) Consideration should be given in row house projects to provide at the entrance to each apartment a space for limited floral or kitchen gardening.
(12) In the case of projects having dwelling units for both senior citizens and others, where play areas are installed for children, such play areas shall be located remote from the apartments for senior citizens.
(f)Coverage and density.
(1) Building coverage must not exceed 30 per cent of the net area within property lines of land acquired for immediate development. (Net site area is the area of the property proposed to be acquired, together with the area of the streets to be closed and other public properties incorporated in the project, but excluding streets to be left open, proposed new streets and land to be ceded or reserved for street widening or other purposes.)
(2) In determining density, consideration should always be given to all factors affecting the amenity value of space within or surrounding the project. The density to which a site may be developed will depend on its relation to existing population densities and the nature of surrounding improvements. The preference of the division is for the lowest density compatible with an economical use of land. In the case of a given site, decisions as to how many families can best be housed per acre, and as to the use of row houses, flats or multiple dwellings, should be made with reference to the city plan as a whole, as well as with reference to the land cost of the site per dwelling unit.
(3) On inexpensive land, with good topography, and without water or rock conditions, row houses usually are preferable; on other sites, multi-story structures are recommended.
(g)Minimum distances between buildings.

Column (A):

-Minimum distances between parallel longitudinal walls.

Column (B):

-Minimum distances between longitudinal walls and end walls; two end walls; corners of adjacent buildings; and between longitudinal walls and interior lot lines.

(2) When longitudinal walls are not parallel, the walls nearest to each other shall be required to be separated by the minimum distances in column (B), but the average distance between such walls shall be not less than column (A). For structures of different heights, these distances shall be averaged.

Story heightAB

(3) Orientation for sun and prevailing summer winds should be given due consideration.
(h)Location of apartments.

It is preferable that apartments for senior citizens not be scattered in various buildings, but be concentrated in separate buildings or sections of buildings. They should be located so as to have convenient access to project community facilities.

N.Y. Comp. Codes R. & Regs. Tit. 9 § 1611.1