N.Y. Comp. Codes R. & Regs. tit. 6 § 847.3

Current through Register Vol. 46, No. 53, December 31, 2024
Section 847.3 - Definitions and conditions

The several terms, words, or phrases hereinafter mentioned shall be construed as follows:

(a)Item no.

In table I an item number is assigned to each specifically designated waters or portions thereof.

(b) Waters Index Number as appearing in table I shall mean that number or abbreviation which has been assigned to any specifically designated waters or portions thereof for the purpose of identification.
(1) The numbering or index system used to identify specific waters of New York State was adopted from that used by the New York State Conservation Department in its biological survey series of reports on the watersheds of the State. The primary waters of a drainage basin such as rivers or large lakes are usually referred to by name or abbreviation. Tributaries of primary waters are consecutively numbered progressing upstream from the mouth. Ponds and lakes are numbered consecutively as they are encountered, such numbers being preceded by the letter P. Tributaries of such lakes or ponds are numbered consecutively as they enter, progressing clockwise around the lake or pond from its outlet or mouth. When isolated lakes and ponds are referenced by a waters index number, it is merely for convenience of their identification and location within a subdrainage basin, and it is not necessarily indicative of their being tributary to any waters to which no surface connection is shown on the reference maps.
(2) This system was applied to the basin under consideration by the Conservation Department in its biological survey of the Lake Ontario watershed in 1939 and has been closely followed in connection with the identification of the waters with the following exceptions: Some of the stream numbers do not run consecutively due to the omission of streams originally shown on the older maps employed by the Conservation Department at the time of its 1939 survey, but not shown on newer maps reproduced herein. Conversely, a few streams and ponds not shown on the older maps but appearing on the newer maps are designated by the letters a, b, c, etc.
(3) The system as applied to the identification of waters in the Lake Ontario drainage basin may be illustrated as follows:

Waters index numberName of watersExplanation
Ont.Lake OntarioPrimary waters.
Ont. 99Fourmile CreekThe 99th tributary entering Lake Ontario numbering clockwise from the mouth at Tibbetts Point.
Ont. 107Shipbuilders CreekThe 107th tributary entering Lake Ontario numbering clockwise from the mouth at Tibbetts Point.
Ont. 107-P 112aUnnamed PondIndicates that this body of water is within or adjacent to Shipbuilders Creek sub-basin and follows the 112th pond encountered in the waters index system.

(c) The abbreviations trib., tribs., subtrib. and subtribs. indicating tributary, tributaries, subtributary and subtributaries shall mean any stream, lake, pond, or other body of surface water which flows into any other stream, pond, or other body of surface water. Where no tributaries or subtributaries are mentioned, the specifically designated waters shall include only the stream, lake, pond, or other body of water designated by such waters index number; where tributaries or subtributaries are mentioned after the waters index number, the specifically designated waters shall include the stream, lake, pond, or other body of surface water designated by such waters index number and all tributaries and subtributaries thereof which are shown on the reference maps, unless exceptions are expressly stated.
(d)Name as appearing in table I shall mean the name by which the specifically designated waters are generally known and which name may appear on the reference maps. In cases of specifically designated waters which have no name, the named tributary to which the unnamed waters are tributary is indicated as far as possible.
(e)Description as appearing in table I shall mean a brief indication as to the location of the specifically designated waters. Entries may include designations of segments or sections of waters to which a particular assignment of a class and standards shall apply. Also included in this column is any useful information pertinent to the classification or standards.
(f)Map ref. no. as appearing in table I means map reference number and indicates one or more of the following numbered maps reproduced herein completely, or in part in section 847.9, infra, on which maps the specifically designated waters and their index numbers are shown within the topographical limit line of the described drainage basin.

Map ref. No.Name of quadranglePublished byEdition
C-16seRedwoodCorps of Engineers, U.S. Army1942
D-14neCape Vincent NorthCorps of Engineers, U.S. Army1942
D-14seCape Vincent SouthU.S. Geological Survey1942
D-15nwSawmill BayCorps of Engineers, U.S. Army1942
D-15neClaytonCorps of Engineers, U.S. Army1943
D-15swChaumontCorps of Engineers, U.S. Army1942
D-15seDexterCorps of Engineers, U.S. Army1943
D-16nw LafargevilleCorps of Engineers, U.S. Army1943
D-16neTheresaCorps of Engineers, U.S. Army1948
D-16sw BrownvilleCorps of Engineers, U.S. Army1943
D-16seBlack RiverCorps of Engineers, U.S. Army1942
E-14nwGalloo IslandCorps of Engineers, U.S. Army1942
E-14nePoint PeninsulaCorps of Engineers, U.S. Army1942
E-14seStony PointCorps of Engineers, U.S. Army1942
E-15nwHenderson BayCorps of Engineers, U.S. Army1942
E-15neSackets HarborCorps of Engineers, U.S. Army1943
E-15swHendersonCorps of Engineers, U.S. Army1943
E-15seAdamsCorps of Engineers, U.S. Army1943
E-16nwWatertownCorps of Engineers, U.S. Army1943
E-16neSouth RutlandU.S. Geological Survey1943
E-16swRodmanCorps of Engineers, U.S. Army1943
E-16seBarnes CornersCorps of Engineers, U.S. Army1943
E-17nw CopenhagenCorps of Engineers, U.S. Army1943
F-17swNew BostonCorps of Engineers, U.S. Army1943
F-14swWest of TexasU.S. Geological Survey1955
F-14seTexasU.S. Geological Survey1955
F-15nwEllisburgCorps of Engineers, U.S. Army1943
F-15neSandy CreekCorps of Engineers, U.S. Army1943
F-15swPulaskiCorps of Engineers, U.S. Army1943
F-15seRichlandCorps of Engineers, U.S. Army1943
F-16nwBoylstonCorps of Engineers, U.S. Army1943
F-16neWorth CenterCorps of Engineers, U.S. Army1943
F-16swOrwellCorpsof Engineers, U.S. Army1943
F-16seRedfieldCorps of Engineers, U.S. Army1943
F-17nwSears PondCorps of Engineers, U.S. Army1943
F-17swNorth OsceolaCorps of Engineers, U.S. Army1943
F-17se HighmarketCorps of Engineers, U.S. Army1944
G-3seFort NiagaraU.S. Geological Survey1948
G-4swSixmile CreekU.S. Geological Survey1948
G-4seWilsonU.S. Geological Survey1948
G-5swNewfaneU.S. Geological Survey1950
G-5seBarkerU.S. Geological Survey1949
G-6sw LyndonvilleU.S. Geological Survey1951
G-6seAshwoodU.S. Geological Survey1952
G-7swKentU.S. Geological Survey1951
G-7seKendallU.S. Geological Survey1951
G-8swHamlinU.S. Geological Survey1952
G-8seHiltonU.S. Geological Survey1952
G-9swBraddock HeightsU.S. Geological Survey1952
G-10swNinemile PointU.S. Geological Survey1952
G-10se FurnacevilleU.S. Geological Survey1952
G-11sw PultneyvilleU.S. Geological Survey1952
G-11seSalmon CreekU.S. Geological Survey1952
G-12swSodus PointU.S. Geological Survey1953
G-12seNorth WolcottU.S. Geological Survey1953
G-13nwWest Ninemile PointCorps of Engineers, U.S. Army1943
G-13neOswego WestCorps of Engineers, U.S. Army1943
G-13swFair HavenCorps of Engineers, U.S. Army1943
G-13seHanibalCorps of Engineers, U.S. Army1943
G-13nwOswego EastCorps of Engineers, U.S. Army1943
G-14neNew HavenCorps of Engineers, U.S. Army1943
G-14swFultonCorps of Engineers, U.S. Army1943
G-14se PennellvilleCorps of Engineers, U.S. Army1943
G-15nwMexicoCorps of Engineers, U.S. Army1943
G-15neDugwayCorps of Engineers, U.S. Army1943
G-15swCentral SquareCorps of Engineers, U.S. Army1943
G-15seMalloryCorps of Engineers, U.S. Army1943
G-16nw WilliamstownCorps of Engineers, U.S. Army1943
G-16neWestdaleU.S. Geological Survey1946
G-16swPanther LakeCorps of Engineers, U.S. Army1943
G-17nwEast FlorenceCorps of Engineers, U.S. Army1943
G-17nePoint RockCorps of Engineers, U.S. Army1943
H-5nwLockportU.S. Geological Survey1948
H-5neGasportU.S. Geological Survey1950
H-6nwMedinaU.S. Geological Survey1951
H-6ne KnowlesvilleU.S. Geological Survey1950
H-6swAkronU.S. Geological Survey1951
H-6seOakfieldU.S. Geological Survey1952
H-7nwAlbionU.S. Geological Survey1952
H-7neHolleyU.S. Geological Survey1950
H-7swBatavia NorthU.S. Geological Survey1951
H-7seByronU.S. Geological Survey1950
H-8nwBrockportU.S. Geological Survey1952
H-8ne SpencerportU.S. Geological Survey1952
H-9nwRochester WestU.S. Geological Survey1952
H-9neRochester EastU.S. Geological Survey1952
H-10nwWebsterU.S. Geological Survey1952
H-10neOntarioU.S. Geological Survey1952
H-11nw WilliamsonU.S. Geological Survey1952
H-11neSodusU.S. Geological Survey1952
H-11swPalmyraU.S. Geological Survey1952
H-12nwRoseCorps of Engineers, U.S. Army1943
H-12neWolcottCorps of Engineers, U.S. Army1943
H-12swLyonsU.S. Geological Survey1953
H-12seSavannahU.S. Geological Survey1953
H-13nwRed CreekCorps of Engineers, U.S. Army1943
H-13neCatoCorps of Engineers, U.S. Army1943
H-13swMontezumaCorps of Engineers, U.S. Army1943
H-13seWeedsportCorps of Engineers, U.S. Army1943
H-14nwLysanderCorps of Engineers, U.S. Army1943

(g)Class as appearing in table I, and denoted by the letters AA, A, B, C or D opposite each specifically designated waters shall mean class AA, A, B, C or D as the case may be, as set forth in Part 701, supra.
(h)Standards as appearing in table I, and denoted by the letters AA, A, B, C or D, opposite each specifically designated waters, shall mean the standards of quality and purity established for class AA, A, B, C or D, as the case may be, as set forth in Part 701, supra. The symbol (T) after any class designation shall mean that the designated waters are trout waters and that the dissolved oxygen specification for trout waters shall apply thereto. The symbol (TS) after any standard designation shall mean that the designated waters are suitable for trout spawning and that the dissolved oxygen specification for trout spawning waters shall apply thereto.
(i) The term trout as used in this Part means any fish in the following genera: "Coregonus", "Oncorhynchus", "Prosopium", "Salmo", "Salvelinus" and "Thymallus".
(j) All streams or other bodies of water which appear as lines to indicate natural waters on the reference maps herein, and which are not specifically designated in table I shall be assigned the same classes and standards of quality and purity as the specifically designated waters to which they are directly tributary.
(k) All streams or other bodies of water which are not shown on the reference maps herein shall be assigned to class D, as set forth in Part 701, supra, except than any continuous flowing natural stream which is not shown on the reference maps shall have the same classification and assigned standards as the waters to which it is directly tributary.
(l) The Lake Ontario drainage basin shall be deemed to include the following: Lake Ontario proper within New York State; all other land and surface water areas tributary to Lake Ontario within New York State, except the drainage basins of the Black River, Oswego River, Mill Creek, Irondequoit Bay, Genesee River, Eighteenmile Creek, the area between Eighteenmile Creek and the Niagara River, and the Niagara River; that portion of the Barge Canal in the Lake Ontario drainage basin as heretofore defined.

N.Y. Comp. Codes R. & Regs. Tit. 6 § 847.3