N.Y. Comp. Codes R. & Regs. tit. 6 § 821.6

Current through Register Vol. 46, No. 53, December 31, 2024
Section 821.6 - Table I



ItemNo.Waters Index NumberNameDescriptionMapRef. No.ClassStandards
1Ont. 117 portionGenesee RiverFrom south limits of barge canal to trib. 25.H-9swBB
2Ont. 117 portionGenesee RiverFrom trib. 25 to NYS Route 36 bridge at Mt. Morris.H-9sw J-9nw J-8ne J-8se K-8ne K-8nwCC
3Ont. 117 portionGenesee RiverFrom NYS Route 36 bridge at Mt. Morris to Mt. Morris Dam.K-8nwAA
3.1Ont. 117 portionGenesee RiverFrom Mt. Morris dam to NYS Route 245 bridge at Portageville.K-8nw K-8sw K-7seBB
4Ont. 117 portionGenesee RiverFrom NYS Route 245 bridge at Portageville to dam at Belmont.K-7se L-7 M-7CC
5Ont. 117 portionGenesee RiverFrom dam at Belmont to the mouth of Dyke Creek (trib. 184 of the Genesee River).M-7 M-8CC(T)
6Ont. 117 portionGenesee RiverFrom mouth of Dyke Creek (trib. 184) to Stannard Road bridge.M-8AA(T)
7Ont. 117 portionGenesee RiverFrom Stannard Road bridge to New York - Pennsylvania boundary.M-8CC(T)
8Ont. 117-14 portionRed CreekFrom mouth to Crittenden Road bridge.H-9swBB
9Ont. 117-14 portionRed CreekFrom Crittenden Road bridge to source.H-9swCC
10Ont. 117-14-a, 1 and tribs., 1a, 1b, 1c, 2 and tribs., 4 and tribs., 5 and trib., 6, 6a 6b and trib., 7Tribs. of Red CreekH-9sw H-9seCC
11Ont. 117-15a and tribs., 15b, 16Tribs. of Genesee RiverH-9sw H-9nwCC
12Ont. 117-18 portionLittle Black CreekFrom mouth to point 1000 ft. above Chili Ave. bridge.H-9sw H-9nwCC
13Ont. 117-18 portionLittle Black CreekFrom point 1000 ft. above Chili Ave. bridge to Pixley Road Bridge.H-9nwBB
14Ont. 117-18 portionLittle Black CreekFrom Pixley Road bridge to source.H-9nw H-8neCC
15Ont. 117-118-aTrib. of Little Black CreekH-9nwBB
16Ont. 117-18-1 and tribs. including P8b, 8c, 2 and trib., 2aa, 2a and trib., 3, 5, 5a and trib., 5b and tribs., 5c, 6c and tribs., 6d, 6f and tribs.Tribs. of Little Black CreekH-9sw H-9nw H-8neCC
17Ont. 117-19 portionBlack CreekFrom mouth to Spillway dam at Churchville.H-9sw H-8se H-8swCC
18Ont. 117-19 portionBlack CreekFrom Spillway dam at Churchville to trib. 20.H-8swBB
19Ont. 117-19 portionBlack CreekFrom trib. 20 to trib. 30.H-8sw H-7seCC
20Ont. 117-19 portionBlack CreekFrom trib. 30 to source.H-7se J-7ne J-7nw J-7se J-7swCC
21Ont. 117-19-a and tribs., b, c, d and tribs., 1 and trib., 2 and tribs.Tribs. of Black CreekH-9sw H-8seCC
22Ont. 117-19-2-P9, P9aSubtribs. of Black CreekH-9swCC
23Ont. 117-19-2a and trib., 2b, 2c, 3 and trib., 3aTribs. of Black CreekH-9sw H-8seCC
24Ont. 117-19-4Mill CreekKnown also as Blue Pond Outlet.H-8seCC
25Ont. 117-19-4-a and trib., 1, 2, 2a, 2bTribs. of Mill CreekH-8seCC
26Ont. 117-19-4-P 11Blue PondH-8seBB
27Ont. 117-19-4-P 11-aTrib. of Blue PondH-8seCC
28Ont. 117-19-4-P 11-1Blue Pond InletKnown also as Mill Creek.H-8seCC(T)
29Ont. 117-19-4-P 11-1-2 and trib., 2a and trib.Tribs. of Blue Pond InletH-8se H-8swCC
30Ont. 117-19-5, 6 and trib., 6a and tribs., 6c and tribs., 6d and trib., 7 and tribs., 7aTribs. of Black CreekH-8se H-9swCC
31Ont. 117-19-8Onion CreekH-8se H-8neCC
32Ont. 117-19-8-1, 1a, b, c, d, f and tribs.Tribs. of Onion CreekH-8se H-8neCC
33Ont. 117-19-8a, 9 and tribs.Tribs. of Black CreekHotel Creek (trib. 9).H-8se H-8swCC
33.1Ont. 117-19-10 portion and trib. 4Trib. of Black CreekFrom mouth to 1.3 miles upstream of mouth.H-8se H-8sw H-8neCC(TS)
33.2Ont. 117-19-10 portion and tribs. except 4; 11 and tribs., 11a and tribs., 12, 13 and tribs.Tribs. of Black CreekFrom 1.3 miles upstream of mouth to source.H-8se H-8swCC
34Ont. 117-19-P 13Trib. of Black CreekH-8swBB
35Ont. 117-19-14 portionTrib. of Black CreekFrom mouth to Bangs Road.H-8swBB
36Ont. 117-19-14 portionTrib. of Black CreekFrom Banks Road to source.H-8sw H-8se H-8neCC
37Ont. 117-19-15 portionTrib. of Black CreekFrom mouth to Kendall Road.H-8swBB
38Ont. 117-19-15 portionTrib. of Black CreekFrom Kendall Road to source.H-8swCC
39Ont. 117-19-15-aSubtrib. of Black CreekH-8swCC
40Ont. 117-19-16 and tribs., 17 and tribs., 18, 19a, 20, 21, 22 and tribs., 25 and tribs., 26 and tribs., 27 and tribs., 27aTribs. of Black CreekH-8sw H-8nw H-7se H-7neCC
41Ont. 117-19-28 portionSpring CreekFrom mouth to trib. 3.H-7seCC
42Ont. 117-19-28 portionSpring CreekFrom trib. 3 to trib. 7.H-7se H-7swCC(T)
43Ont. 117-19-28 portionSpring CreekFrom trib. 7 to source.H-8swCC
44Ont. 117-19-28-2, 3 and tribs., 4 and trib., 4a, 4b, 5 and trib., 5a, 5b, 5cTribs. of Spring CreekH-7se H-7swCC
45Ont. 117-19-28-6Mill BrookH-7se H-7swCC(T)
46Ont. 117-19-28- 6-a,bTribs. of Mill BrookH-7se H-7swCC
47Ont. 117-19-28-7, 9 and tribs.Tribs. of Mill BrookH-7swCC
48Ont. 117-19-28-P 15aVeterans Hospital PondH-7swCC
49Ont. 117-19-28aTrib. of Black CreekH-7seCC
50Ont. 177-19-28a-P 16Mill PondKnown also as Byron Pond.H-7seCC
51Ont. 117-19-29, 29a and trib.Tribs. of Black CreekH-7seCC
52Ont. 117-19-30Bigelow CreekH-7se H-7sw J-7nwCC
53Ont. 117-19-30-1Trib. of Bigelow CreekH-7seCC
54Ont. 117-19-30-P 17Godfrey's PondH-7seBB
55Ont. 117-19-30-3Thornell BrookH-7se H-7swCC(T)
56Ont. 117-19-30-3aTrib. of Bigelow CreekH-7seCC
57Ont. 117-19-30-P 18Horseshoe LakeH-7se H-7swBB
58Ont. 117-19-30-4Trib. of Bigelow CreekH-7se J-7ne J-7nwCC
59Ont. 117-19-30-4- P 18a, P 19Chapin's Pond (P 18a) Seven Springs Pond (P 19)J-7nwBB
60Ont. 117-19-30-4- P 19aSubtrib. of Bigelow CreekJ-7nwCC
61Ont. 117-19-30a and trib., 31, 32, 32a, 32b, 32c, 33, 33a, 34, 34a, 34b, 34c, 34d, 35a, 36 and tribs., 37, 38a, 39, 39b, 39c, 39d, 39e and tribs., 40, 40a, 40b, 40c, 41, 41a, 41b, 43 and trib., 45a, 45b and trib., 45cTribs. of Black CreekH-7se J-7ne J-7nw J-7sw J-7seCC
62Ont. 117-19a, 19b, 20 and trib., 21, 22, 23 and tribs., 23a and trib., 24 and trib., 24aTribs. of Genesee RiverH-9sw H-8seCC
63Ont. 117-25 portionOatka CreekFrom mouth of NYS Route 251 (Canaraugus Road) bridge at Scottsville.H-9swBB
64Ont. 117-25 portionOatka CreekFrom NYS Route 251 (Canaraugus Road) bridge at Scottsville to Union St. which is located approximately 0.5 mile upstream of trib. 2.H-9sw H-8seBB(T)
64.1Ont. 117-25 portionOatka CreekFrom Union St. to Wheatland Center Road which is approximately 1.75 miles upstream.H-8seBB(TS)
64.2Ont. 117-25 portionOatka CreekFrom Wheatland Center Road to "Blue Hole" (located 1.5 miles upstream from Monroe County line).H-8se J-8ne J-8nw H-8swBB(T)
65Ont. 117-25 portionOatka CreekFrom "Blue Hole" (located 1.5 miles upstream from Monroe County line) to Perry or Circular Hill Road bridge.H-8swCC
66Ont. 117-25 portionOatka CreekFrom Perry or Circular Hill Road bridge to Main St. (Route 5) Spillway dam in LeRoy.H-8sw J-8nwCC
67Ont. 117-25 portionOatka CreekFrom Main St. (Route 5) Spillway dam in LeRoy to dam at Munsen St.J-8nw J-7neBB
68Ont. 117-25 portionOatka CreekFrom dam at Munsen St. to trib. 48aJ-7ne J-7seCC
69Ont. 117-25 portionOatka CreekFrom trib. 48a to trib. 58.J-7sw J-7se K-7nwCC
70Ont. 117-25 portionOatka CreekFrom trib. 58 to water supply dam (0.25 mile above tribs. 74b and 75).K-7nw K-7neCC(T)
71Ont. 117-25 portionOatka CreekFrom water supply dam (0.25 mile above tribs. 74b and 75) to 0.6 mile above trib. 75b.K-7nwAA(T)
72Ont. 117-25 portionOatka CreekFrom 0.6 mile above trib. 75b to source.K-7nwAA
73Ont. 117-25-1a and tribs., 1 and tribs., 1b, 2, 2bTributaries of Oatka CreekH-9sw H-8se J-8neCC
74Ont. 117-25-3Guthrie CreekJ-8neCC(T)
75Ont. 117-25-3a and trib.Tributary of Oatka CreekJ-8ne H-8seCC
76Ont. 117-25-4 and tribs. including P 23Spring CreekMcNaughton Pond (P 23).J-8neCC(TS)
78Ont. 117-25-6, 6a and tribs.Tributaries of Oatka CreekH-8swCC
79Ont. 117-25 P 24cTributary of Otka CreekH-8swCC
80Ont. 117-25-7Mud CreekJ-8nw J-8swCC
81Ont. 117-25-7-1, 1a, 1b, 1c, 2 and tribs., 3Tributaries of Mud CreekJ-8nwCC
82Ont. 117-25-7-4 portionTributary of Mud CreekFrom mouth to LeRoy Reservoir.J-8nwCC
83Ont. 117-25-7-4 portionTributary of Mud CreekFrom LeRoy Reservoir to source.J-8nw J-8swAA
84Ont. 117-25-7-4-P 24aLeRoy ReservoirJ-8nwAA
85Ont. 117-25-7-4aTributary of Mud CreekJ-8nw J-8swCC
86Ont. 117-25-8 and tribs., 8a and trib., 8b and tribs.Tributaries of Oatka CreekH-8sw H-7se J-8nw J-7neCC
87Ont. 117-25-P 24bTributary of Oatka CreekJ-8nwCC
88Ont. 117-25-P 25Tributary of Oatka CreekJ-8nwBB
89Ont. 117-25-P 25aTributary of Oatka CreekJ-7neCC
90Ont. 117-25-10 and tribs., 11, 12 and tribs., 12a, 13 and tribs., 14, 14a, 14b, 14c and trib., 15 and trib., 16, 16a, 17 and tribs., 18, 19 and trib.Tributaries of Oatka CreekJ-7ne J-8nw J-8sw J-7seCC
91Ont. 117-25-20 portionPearl CreekFrom mouth to trib. 3.J-7seCC(T)
92Ont. 117-25-20 portionPearl CreekFrom trib. 3 to source.J-7seCC
93Ont. 117-25-20-1 and trib., 2 and tribs., 2a, 3 and tribs., 4, 5 and tribs., 5a, 5b and trib., 5c, 6Tributaries of Pearl CreekJ-7se J-8swCC
94Ont. 117-25-20a and tribs. 21 and tribs. including P 25b, 25 and tribs., 26a and tribs. including P 25c, 28 and tribs., 28a, 29 and tribs., 32 and tribs., 35 and tribs., 35a, 35b, 35c and trib., 36, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43 and trib. including P 25d, 45, 46 and tribs., 48, 48a, 49, 50 and tribs., 52, 52a, 53, 54, 54aTributaries of Oatka CreekVillage Brook (trib. 28). Cascade Brook (trib. 28a). Red Brook (trib. 35c). Jenkins Pond (P 25d).J-7se J-7ne J-7sw K-7neCC
95Ont. 117-25-55Tributary of Oatka CreekJ-7swCC
96Ont. 117-25-55-P 26aWarsaw ReservoirJ-7swAAAA
97Ont. 117-25-56 and tribs., 56a, 56b, 57 and tribs., 58 and tribs., 58a, 59 and tribs.Tributaries of Oatka CreekStony Creek (trib. 57).J-7sw K-7ne K-7nwCC
98Ont. 117-25-59a and tribs. including P 27bTributaries of Oatka CreekK-7nwCC
99Ont. 117-25-59a-P 27aSubtributary of Oatka CreekK-7nwAAAA
100Ont. 117-25-59b, 60 and tribs., 62 and tribs., 63, 64, 67, P30, 71 and trib., 73, 74Tributaries of Oatka CreekRelyea Creek (trib. 60).K-7nw K-7neCC
100.1Ont. 117-25-65 portionTributary of Oatka CreekMouth to Erie RR Crossing.K-7nw K-7neCC(T)
100.2Ont. 117-25-65 portionTributary of Oatka CreekErie RR Crossing to source.K-7nwCC
100.3Ont. 117-25-66Tributary of Oatka CreekK-7neCC(T)
100.4Ont. 117-25-68 portionTributary of Oatka CreekMouth to Gainsville-North Gainsville Road Crossing.K-7nw K-7neCC(T)
100.5Ont. 117-25-68 portionTributary of Oatka CreekFrom Gainsville-North Gainsville Road Crossing to source.K-7nwCC
100.6Ont. 117-25-68-a, b, c and tribs., dSubtributaries of Oakta CreekK-7nwCC
100.7Ont. 117-25-70 portionWarner CreekFrom mouth to 0.1 mile downstream of trib. 2.K-7neCC(T)
100.8Ont. 117-25-70 portionWarner CreekFrom 0.1 mile downstream of trib. 2 to source.K-7neCC
100.9Ont. 117-25-70-1a, 2, 3, 4, 5 and trib., 5a, 5bTributaries of Warner CreekK-7neCC
101Ont. 117-25-74a and tribs.Tributary of Oatka CreekK-7nwAA
102Ont. 117-25-74bTributary of Oatka CreekK-7nwCC
102.1Ont. 117-25-75Tributary of Oatka CreekK-7nwCC(T)
103Ont. 117-25-75a, 75b, 76Tributaries of Oatka CreekK-7nwAA
104Ont. 117-25a, 26 and trib.Tributaries of Genesee RiverH-9sw J-9nwCC
105Ont. 117-27 portionHoneoye CreekFrom mouth to trib. 13.J-9nw J-9neCC
106Ont. 117-27 portionHoneoye CreekFrom trib. 13 to trib. 14.J-9neCC
107Ont. 117-27 portionHoneoye CreekFrom trib. 14 to P 33b.J-9neBB
108Ont. 117-27 portionHoneoye CreekFrom P 33b to NYS Route 65 crossing in Honeoye Falls (V).J-9neBB
109Ont. 117-27 portionHoneoye CreekFrom NYS Route 65 crossing in Honeoye Falls (V) to source.J-9ne J-9seCC
110Ont. 117-27-1a, 2, 3 and trib., 4 and tribs., including P 30g, P 30h, P 32a, P 30jTributaries of Honeoye CreekJ-9nw J-9neCC
111Ont. 117-27-3aTributary of Honeoye CreekEnters from north approximately 0.3 mile upstream of trib. 3.J-9nw H-9swDD
112Ont. 117-27-6, 7 and trib.Tributaries of Honeoye CreekH-9sw J-9swCC
113Ont. 117-27-7-P 33Rush ReservoirH-9swCC
114Ont. 117-27-8, 9 and trib.Tributaries of Honeoye CreekH-9sw J-9nwCC
115Ont. 117-27-P 33aTributary of Honeoye CreekJ-9nwCC
116Ont. 117-27-10, 10a, 11 and tribs., 11a, 12 and trib., 13 and tribs. including P 35, P 35a, 14 and tribs.Tributaries of Honeoye CreekSpring Brook (trib. 14).H-9sw J-9nw H-9se J-9ne J-9seCC
117Ont. 117-27-P 33b, P 36Tributaries of Honeoye CreekJ-9neBB
118Ont. 117-27-17 and tribs., 17a and trib., 18, 19 and trib., 19a, 19b and trib., 19c, 19d and trib., 20, 21 and tribs.Tributaries of Honeoye CreekDark Hollow Brook (trib. 21).J-9ne J-9seCC
119Ont. 117-27-21-P 37South PondJ-9neCC
120Ont. 117-27-21a, 22, 23 including P 38Tributaries of Honeoye CreekMud Creek (P38).J-9ne J-9seCC
121Ont. 117-27-23-P 39, P 40Round Pond (P 39) Long Pond (P 40)J-9neCC
122Ont. 117-27-26 and tribs., 27 and tribsTributaries of Honeoye CreekJ-9seCC
123Ont. 117-27-28 portionBebee CreekFrom mouth to trib. 3.J-9se J-10swCC
124Ont. 117-27-28 portionBebee CreekFrom trib. 3 to source.J-10sw J-10nwCC
125Ont. 117-27-28-1 and tribs., 2 and trib., 3, 5 and tribs., 6 and tribs. including P 40d, 6a and tribs. including P 40c, 7 and tribs. including P 40bTributaries of Bebee CreekSchackleton Pond (P 40d).J-9se J-10sw J-10nwCC
126Ont. 117-27-29 and tribs., 31 and trib., 32 and trib., 32a, 33Tributaries of Honeoye CreekJ-9seCC
127Ont. 117-27-34Hemlock OutletJ-9seCC
128Ont. 117-27-34-a, b, 1, 2, 3 and trib., 5, 5a and trib., 5b, 6 and trib., 6a, 6b, 6c, 7 and tribs., 8, 9, 10Tributaries of Hemlock OutletKinney Creek (trib. 7).J-9se J-9swCC
129Ont. 117-27-34-11 portionCanadice OutletFrom mouth to Rochester (C) water supply diversion dam.J-9seCC
130Ont. 117-27-34-11 portionCanadice OutletFrom Rochester (C) water supply diversion dam to trib. 1.J-9seAAAA
131Ont. 117-27-34-11 portionCanadice OutletFrom trib. 1 to source.J-9se K-9neAAAA(T)
132Ont. 117-27-34- 11-1 and trib., 2, 2a, 3, 3a, 3b, 3c, 3d, 3e, 3f, 3g, 4a, 4b, 6aTributaries of Canadice OutletJ-9se K-9neCC
133Ont. 117-27-34- 11-P 43Canadice LakeK-9neAAAA(TS)
134Ont. 117-27-34- 11-P 43-a, b, c, d and trib., e, f, l and trib., 2, 3 and trib., 4 and tribs., 5 and tribs., 5a and tribs., 5b, 5c, 5d, 5e, 5f, 5gTributaries of Canadice LakeK-9neCC
135Ont. 117-2-7-34- 12, 12a, 13 and trib.Tributaries of Hemlock OutletJ-9se J-9swCC
136Ont. 117-27-34-P 44Hemlock LakeK-9neAAAA(T)
137Ont. 117-27-34-P 44-4, 6, 6a, 6b, 6c, 6d, 6e, 6f, 6g, 6h, 6i, 6j, 6kTributaries of Hemlock LakeJ-9se K-9neCC
138Ont. 117-27-34-P 44-7 portionSpringwater CreekKnown also as Hemlock Inlet. From mouth to trib. 4.K-9neCC
139Ont. 117-27-34-P 44-7 portionSpringwater CreekFrom trib. 4 to source.K-9ne K-9seCC(TS)
140Ont. 117-27-34-P 44-7-1 portionReynolds GullyFrom mouth to trib. 2.K-9neCC(TS)
141Ont. 117-27-34-P 44-7-1 portionReynolds GullyFrom trib. 2 to source.K-9neCC
142Ont. 117-27-34-P 44-7-1-a, 1, 3, 4 and subtrib. 2-1Tributaries of Reynolds GullyK-9neCC
142.1Ont. 17-27-34-P 44-7-1-2Tributaries of Reynolds GullyK-9neCC(TS)
143Ont. 117-27-34-P 44-7-a and tribs., b, cTributaries of Springwater CreekK-9neCC
144Ont. 117-27-34-P 44-7-4Limekiln CreekKnown also as Green Gulf Brook.K-9ne K-9seCC(TS)
145Ont. 117-27-34-P 44-7-4-1 and tribs., 1a and trib., 2Tributaries of Limekiln CreekK-9neCC
146Ont. 117-27-34-P 44-7-4-2a portionTributary of Likekiln CreekFrom mouth to 0.25 mile above mouth.K-9neCC
147Ont. 117-27-34-P 44-7-4-2a portion, including trib. 1Tributary of Limekiln CreekFrom 0.25 mile above mouth to source.K-9neAAAA
148Ont. 117-27-34-P 44-7-4-3a, 4, 4a, 4b, 4c, 4d, 4e, 4f, 4g, 4h, 4i, 5Tributaries of Limekiln CreekK-9ne K-9seCC
149Ont. 117-27-34-P 44-7-4a, 6a and trib., 6b and trib., 7, 7a, 7b, 7c and trib., 7d, 8Tributaries of Springwater CreekK-9ne K-9nw K-9seCC
149.1Ont. 117-27-34-P 44-7-5 portionTributary of Springwater CreekFrom mouth to barrier falls (0.4 mile from mouth).K-9neCC(TS)
149.2Ont. 117-27-34-P 44-7-5 portionTributary of Springwater CreekFrom barrier falls (0.4 mile from mouth) to source.K-9nw K-9neCC
149.3Ont. 117-27-34-P 44-7-5-1 including P 44a, 2, 2aSubtributaries of Springwater CreekK-9nw K-9neCC
150Ont. 117-27-34-P 44-7-9, 10Tributaries of Springwater CreekK-9seCC(TS)
151Ont. 117-27-34-P 44-7-10-1 portionSubtributary of Springwater CreekFrom mouth to 1.0 mile upstream from mouth.K-9seCC(TS)
151.1Ont. 117-27-34-P 44-7-10-1 portion and trib. 1-aSubtribuary of Springwater CreekFrom 0.1 mile upstream from mouth to source.K-9seCC
152Ont. 117-27-34-P 44-7-10aTributary of Springwater CreekK-9seCC
153Ont. 117-27-34-P 44-7-P 48, P 49, P 50Tributaries of Springwater CreekK-9seBB
154Ont. 117-27-34-P 44-7-11 portionPokamoonshine GulfFrom mouth to P 54.K-9seCC
155Ont. 117-27-34-P 44-7-11 portionPokamoonshine GulfFrom P 54 to source.K-9seCC(TS)
156Ont. 117-27-34-P 44-7-11-P 54Kemp PondK-9seCC
157Ont. 117-27-34-P 44-7a, 7b, 7c, 7d, 7e, 7f, 7g and trib., 7h, 7i, 7j, 7k, 7l, 7m, 7n, 7o, 7p and trib., 7q, 8, 8a and trib., 9, 9a, 9b, 9c, 9dTributaries of Hemlock LakeK-9ne K-9nw J-9se J-9swCC
158Ont. 117-27-35, 36 and tribs., 37 and tribs., 38, 39 and tribs., 39a and trib., 42 and trib., 43 and tribs., 44 and tribs., 44a and trib., 46, including P 40e, 48a and tribs., 49Tributaries of Honeoye CreekJ-9se J-10sw K-10nwCC
158.1Ont. 117-27-47 portionMill CreekFrom mouth to Lake Road.J-9se J-10swCC
158.2Ont. 117-27-47 portionMill CreekFrom Lake Road to trib. 15b.J-10swCC(TS)
158.3Ont. 117-27-47 portionMill CreekFrom trib. 15b to source.J-10sw K-10nwCC
158.4Ont. 117-27-47 all tribs. and subtribs.Tributaries of Mill CreekJ-10swCC
159Ont. 117-27-P 57Honeoye LakeJ-9se K-9neAAAA
160Ont. 117-27-P 57-1 and tribs., 2 and trib., 5, 6 and tribs, 6a, 6b, 6c, 6d, 6e, 7, 8, 9, 9a and trib.Tributaries of Honeoye LakeJ-9se J-10sw K-9ne K-10nwCC
161Ont. 117-27-P 57-10 portionHoneoye InletFrom mouth to trib. 12.K-9ne K-10nwCC
162Ont. 117-27-P 57-10 portionHoneoye InletFrom trib. 12 to source.K-10nwCC(T)
163Ont. 117-27-P 57-10-1, 3, 6, 7, 10, 12, 13, 13a and trib., 14 and trib., 5, 15a, 16 and tribs., 17, 17a, 18, 18a, 19, 19aTributaries of Honeoye InletK-9ne K-10nwCC
164Ont. 117-27-P 57-10a, 10b and trib., 10c, 10d, 10e and trib., 10f, 10g, 10h, 10i, 10j, 10k, 11, 12 and tribs., 13 and trib., 14, 14a, 14b, 15, 16Tributaries of Honeoye LakeK-9ne J-9seCC
165Ont. 117-28 portionDugan CreekFrom mouth to trib. 2.J-9nw J-8neCC
166Ont. 117-28 portion including P 59cDugan CreekFrom trib. 2 to Barks Road crossing.J-8neCC(T)
167Ont. 117-28 portionDugan CreekFrom Barks Road crossing to source.J-8neCC
168Ont. 117-28-2Tributary of Dugan CreekJ-8neCC
169Ont. 117-28-P 59, P 59aTributaries of Dugan CreekJ-8neCC
170Ont. 117-29 including P 60, 29a including P 60a, 29b including P 60e, P 60f, 30 and tribs. including P 60b, P 60d, 30a including P 60g, 31 and tribs. including P 61a, 32, 33 including P 60hTributaries of Genesee RiverLong Pond (P 60). Markham Pond (P 60g). Grant Pond (P 60h).J-9nw J-8neCC
171Ont. 117-31-P 61Horseshoe PondJ-8ne J-9nwCC
172Ont. 117-34 and trib. 1White CreekYopp Brook (trib. 1).J-8neCC(T)
173Ont. 117-34-aTributary of White CreekJ-8neCC
174Ont. 117-35 and tribs. including P 62b, 35a, 35b, 36, 38, 39 and trib.Tributaries of Genesee RiverJ-8neCC
175Ont. 117-35-P 62, P 62aSubtributaries of Genesee RiverJ-8neCC
176Ont. 117-40 including P 64 and P 66Conesus CreekJ-8ne J-8se J-9swCC
177Ont. 117-40-a, 1 and tribs., 3, 3a, P 64a, 4, 5 and tribs., 5a, 5b, 5c and P 66a, 5d and trib., 5eTributaries of Conesus CreekLittle Conesus Creek (trib. 1). Bull Head Pond (P 64a).J-8ne J-9nw J-9swCC
179Ont. 117-40 P 67Conesus LakeJ-9sw K-9nwAAAA
180Ont. 117-40-P 67-1, 2, and tribs., 3, 3a, 4 and tribs., 5, 5a, 6 and tribs., 7 and trib., 8, 8a, 8b, 8c, 8e, 8f, 8g, 8h, 8iTributaries of Conesus LakeWilkins Creek (trib. 2).J-9sw K-9nwCC
181Ont. 117-40-P 67-2-P 67aTributary of Wilkins CreekIsolated pond.J-9swCC
182Ont. 117-40-P 67-9North McMillan CreekK-9nw J-9swCC
183Ont. 117-40-P 67-9-a, b, 1 and tribs.Tributaries of North McMillan CreekK-9nwCC
184Ont. 117-40-P 67-9-2 portionTributary of North McMillan CreekFrom mouth to Livonia Reservoir Dam.K-9nwCC
185Ont. 117-40-P 67-9-2 portion including P 67b and tribs.Tributary of North McMillan CreekFrom Livonia Reservoir Dam to source. Livonia Reservoir (P 67b).K-9nwAA
186Ont. 117-40-P 67-9-2-a,bSubtributaries of North McMillan CreekK-9nwCC
187Ont. 117-40-P 67-9-3Tributary of North McMillan CreekK-9nw J-9nwCC
188Ont. 117-40-P 67-10Conesus InletK-9nwCC
189Ont. 117-40-P 67-10-1, 1a, 2 and tribs. including P 68, P 68a, 2a, 2b, 2c, 2d, 2e, 2f, 2g, 2h and trib., 2i and tribs., 3, 3a, 3b, 3c, 3d, 3e and tribs., 3f and tribs., 3g, 3h and trib., 4 and trib., 4a, 4b and tribs., 5 and tribs., 6, 6a, 7 and tribs., 8 and trib., 8a, 8b, 8cTributaries of Conesus InletSouth McMillan Creek (trib. 2).K-9nw K-9neCC
190Ont. 117-40-P 67-10a, 10b, 10c, 11, 11a, 12, 12a, 12b, 13 and trib., 14, 14a, 15, 16 and tribs., 17, 18, 19, 20 and tribs.Tributaries of Conesus LakeK-9nw K-8ne J-9swCC
191Ont. 117-41 including P 62c, 42 and tribs. including P 69a, 43 and tribs., 43a, 44, 44a, 45 and tribs., 46 and tribs., 46a, 49 and tribs., 50, 50a, 51, 51a, 51b, 52 and trib.Tributaries of Genesee RiverJ-8ne J-8nw J-8seCC
192Ont. 117-53 and tribs. including P 71Salt CreekKnown also as Bidwell's Creek. Bairds Creek (trib. 2).J-8se J-8swCC
193Ont. 117-53a, 55 and tribs., 55aTributaries of Genesee RiverJ-8seCC
194Ont. 117-56 portionTributary of Genesee RiverFrom mouth to trib. 1.J-8seCC
195Ont. 117-56 portionTributary of Genesee RiverFrom trib. 1 to source.J-8seCC
196Ont. 117-56-1Subtributary of Genesee RiverJ-8seCC
197Ont. 117-57 and tribs., 57a, 57b, 57c, P 73, 59 and trib.Tributaries of Genesee RiverJaycox Creek (trib. 57). Hemp Pond (P 73).J-8se J-9swCC
198Ont.117-59-P 73aSubtributary of Genesee RiverJ-8seAAAA
199Ont.117-60Beards CreekJ-8se J-8sw K-8nw J-7seCC
200Ont. 117-60-1 and tribs., 2 and tribs.Tributaries of Beards CreekJ-8se J-8sw K-8nwCC
201Ont.117-60-2-P 73bLake LeRoyKnown also as Lake LaGrange.J-8swAA
202Ont. 117-60-3, 4 and tribs., 4a, 4b, 5, 5a, 6, 7a, 8 and tribs.Tributaries of Beards CreekJ-8sw K-8nw J-7seCC
203Ont. 117-61 and tribs., 62, 63Tributaries of Genesee RiverJ-8seCC
204Ont. 117-66 portionCanaseraga CreekFrom mouth to trib. 21.J-8se K-8ne K-9nw K-9swCC
205Ont. 117-66 portionCanaseraga CreekFrom trib. 21 to 0.95 mile above trib. 27 (at Steuben-Livingston county line).K-9sw L-9CC(T)
205.1Ont.117-66 portionCanaseraga CreekFrom 0.95 mile above trib. 27 (at Steuben-Livingston county line) to trib. 28 (Sugar Creek).L-9CC(TS)
205.2Ont. 117-66 portionCanaseraga CreekFrom trib. 28 (Sugar Creek) to trib. 42.L-9 L-8CC(T)
206Ont. 117-66 portionCanaseraga CreekFrom trib. 42 to trib. 46.L-8 K-8swCC
207Ont. 117-66 portionCanaseraga CreekFrom trib. 46 to source.K-8swCC(TS)
208Ont. 117-66-a and trib., b, c and tribs., 1 and tribs., 2 and tribs.Tributaries of Canaseraga CreekTrib. c known formerly as Ont. 117-68. Buck Run Creek (trib. 1).K-8ne K-8nw J-8seCC
209Ont. 117-66-3 portionKeshequa CreekFrom mouth to Craig Colony Water Supply Dam.K-8neCC
210Ont. 117-66-3 portionKeshequa CreekFrom Craig Colony Water Supply Dam to trib. 6.K-8neAA
211Ont. 117-66-3 portionKeshequa CreekFrom trib. 6 to source.K-8ne K-8nw K-8sw L-8CC
212Ont. 117-66-3-1, 5 and tribs., 6 and tribs., 7 and tribs., 8, 10, 10a and trib., 11 and trib., 12, 13 and tribs., 14, 15, 16 and tribs., 17 and tribs., 18 and trib., 18a and tribs., 21 and tribs., 22, 22a, 22b and tribs., 24 and tribs.Tributaries of Keshequa CreekK-8ne K-8nw K-8se K-8swCC
213Ont. 117-66-3-25 portionNewville CreekKnown also as Little Dansville Creek. From mouth to trib. 3.K-8swCC(T)
214Ont. 117-66-3-25 portionNewville CreekFrom trib. 3 to source.K-8swCC
215Ont. 117-66-3- 25 -1, 2 and tribs., 2aTributaries of Newville CreekK-8swCC
216Ont. 117-66-3- 25 -3 and tribs.Dunn's BrookK-8swAAAA(T)
217Ont. 117-66-3-25 3a, 4 and trib., 5Tributaries of Newville CreekK-8swCC
218Ont. 117-66-3-25-P 84aNunda ReservoirK-8swAA
219Ont. 117-66-3-26 and tribs., P 82, P 82a, P 84, P 82bTributaries of Keshequa CreekP 82b located at source of trib. 3.K-8swCC
219.1Ont. 117-66-3- 26-3-1Subtributary of Keshequa CreekK-8swDD
220Ont. 117-66-3-29Spring BrookK-8sw K-7seCC(T)
221Ont. 117-66-3- 29-1Tributary of Spring BrookK-7seCC
222Ont. 117-66-3-29 -P 86aTributary of Spring BrookK-7seBB
223Ont. 117-66-3-30 and trib.Little Spring BrookK-7seCC(TS)
224Ont. 117-66-3-30a, 31 and trib., 31a, 32, 33 and trib., 33a, 34 and tribs., 35, 35a, 35b, 36 and tribs., 36a, 37, 37b and trib., 37c, 38, 39Tributaries of Keshequa CreekK-8swCC
225Ont. 117-66-5 and tribs., 5a, 6a and tribs., 6b and tribs., 8aTributaries of Canaseraga CreekK-8neCC
226Ont. 117-66-8State DitchK-8ne K-8seCC
227Ont. 117-66-8-2Tributary of State DitchK-8neCC
228Ont. 117-66-8-2-1 portionBradner CreekFrom mouth to 1.2 miles below trib. 3 (at bridge on Whites Bridge Road).K-8ne K-9swCC
229Ont. 117-66-8-2-1 portionBradner CreekFrom 1.2 miles below trib. 3 to source.K-9sw K-8seCC(TS)
230Ont. 117-66-8-2- 1-1 and tribs., 1a, 1b and tribs., 2a, 3, 4 and trib., P 86d, 4a and trib., 6Tributaries of Bradner CreekK-9sw K-8seCC
231Ont. 117-66-8-3 and trib., 4, 4a, 5 and trib., 6 and tribs.Tributaries of State DitchTwo Mile Creek (trib 3).K-8ne K-8seCC
232Ont. 117-66-12, 13, 14 and trib., 15, 15a, 16, 16a, 17 and tribs., 17aa, 17bb and trib., 17cc, 17dd and trib., 17ee, 17ff, 17gg, 17hh, 17jj, 17kk, 17ll, 17a and tribs.Tributaries of Canaseraga CreekK-8ne K-9nw K-9swCC
233Ont. 117-66-18 portionMud CreekFrom mouth to Dansville Reservoir diversion intake.K-9swCC
234Ont. 117-66-18 portionMud CreekFrom Dansville Reservoir diversion intake to source.K-9swAAAA
235Ont. 117-66-18-2 and trib., 3 and trib., 4, 5 and trib., 6, 7, 8 including P 91, 9, 9a, 9b and trib., 10 and tribs., 10a and trib.Tributaries of Mud CreekK-9swCC
236Ont. 117-66-18-P 90aTributary of Mud CreekK-9swCC
237Ont. 117-66-18-11Tributary of Mud CreekK-9swAAAA
238Ont. 117-66-18a, 18b and trib., 19a, 21 and trib., 21a, 21b, 21c and tribs.Tributaries of Canaseraga CreekK-9swCC
239Ont. 117-66-22 portionMill CreekFrom mouth to trib. 15.K-9sw K-9se L-9CC(TS)
239.1Ont. 117-66-22 portionMill CreekFrom trib. 15 to source.L-9CC(T)
240Ont. 117-66-22-1 portionLittle Mill CreekFrom mouth to 1.0 mile above mouth (at lower water supply dam).K-9swCC(T)
241Ont. 117-66-22-1 portionLittle Mill CreekFrom 1.0 mile above mouth (at lower water supply dam to trib. 3a.K-9swAAAA(TS)
242Ont. 117-66-22-1 portionLittle Mill CreekFrom trib. to source.K-9sw K-9nwAAAA
243Ont. 117-66-22-1- a and tribs.Tributary of Little Mill CreekK-9swCC
244Ont. 117-66-22-1- 1Tributary of Little Mill CreekK-9swAAAA
245Ont. 117-66-22-1- 1-P 92b, P 92c, P 92dSubtributaries of Little Mill CreekK-9swCC
246Ont. 117-66-22-1- 2Van Dorn BrookK-9swAAAA(TS)
247Ont. 117-66-22-1- 2-a, b, 1Tributaries of Van Dorn BrookK-9swAAAA
248Ont. 117-66-22-1- P 92fDansville storage reservoirK-9swAAAA
249Ont. 117-66-22-1- 3 portionTributary of Little Mill CreekFrom mouth to 0.5 mile above trib. 1 (at Springwater Town Line Road).K-9swAAAA(T)
250Ont. 117-66-22-1- 3 portionTributary of Little Mill CreekFrom 0.5 mile above trib. 1 (at Springwater Town Line Road) to source.K-9swAAAA
251Ont. 117-66-22-1- 3-1Subtributary of Little Mill CreekK-9swAAAA
252Ont. 117-66-22-1- 3aSpring RunK-9swAAAA(T)
253Ont. 117-66-22-1- 3b, 3c, 4, 4a, 4bTributaries of Little Mill CreekK-9swAAAA
254Ont. 117-66-22-2, 3Tributaries of Mill CreekK-9swCC
255Ont. 117-66-22-4Tributary of Mill CreekK-9swCC(TS)
256Ont. 117-66-22-4a, 5 including P 94, 6, 7 and trib.Tributaries of Mill CreekK-9sw K-9seCC
257Ont. 117-66-22-8Tributary of Mill CreekK-9seCC
258Ont. 117-66-22-8 -P 97, P 97bSubtributaries of Mill CreekClement Pond (P 97). Marsch Pond (P 97b).K-9seCC
259Ont. 117-66-22-8 -P 97a and trib.Subtributary of Mill CreekK-9se K-9swCC
260Ont. 117-66-22-8 -P 98Kimmel PondK-9seBB
261Ont. 117-66-22-8 -P 98a, P 98bMarl Bed Pond (P 98a) Wayland Rod and Gun Club Pond (P 98b)K-9seCC
262Ont. 117-66-22-8 -P 98a-1 and tribs.Tributaries of Marl Bed PondK-9seCC
263Ont. 117-66-22-8a, 8b including P 98c, 9, 10 and trib. including P 98dTributaries of Mill CreekK-9seCC
264Ont. 117-66-22-11 portionTributary of Mill CreekFrom mouth to P 100.K-9seCC
265Ont. 117-66-22-11 portion and trib., including P 100Tributary of Mill CreekFrom P 100 to source. Days or Daybrook Pond (P 100).K-9seCC(T)
266Ont. 117-66-22- 12, 13 and trib., 14 including P 100a, 15, P 101, 16 and tribs., 17Tributaries of Mill CreekSpring Pond (P 100a).K-9se L-9CC
267Ont. 117-66-22aTributary of Canaseraga CreekK-9swCC
268Ont. 117-66-23 portionTributary of Canaseraga CreekFrom mouth to P 101a.K-9swCC
269Ont. 117-66-23 portion including P 101aTributary of Canaseraga CreekFrom P 101a to source. Dansville Fish and Game Club Pond (P 101a).K-9swCC(T)
270Ont. 117-66-23-1, 2Subtributaries of Canaseraga CreekK-9swCC
271Ont. 117-66-24 and tribs.Tributary of Canaseraga CreekK-9swCC
272Ont. 117-66-25 portionStony BrookFrom mouth to trib. 1.K-9swCC(T)
273Ont. 117-66-25 portionStony BrookFrom trib. 1 to trib. 3.K-9swBB(T)
274Ont. 117-66-25 portionStony BrookFrom trib. 3 to trib. 6.K-9sw L-9CC(T)
275Ont. 117-66-25 portionStony BrookFrom trib. 6 to source.L-9CC
276Ont. 117-66-25-1 and trib., P 101b, 2Tributaries of Stony BrookK-9sw L-9BB
277Ont. 117-66-25-3Tributary of Stony BrookK-9sw K-9seCC(T)
278Ont. 117-66-25-3- 1, 2, 2a, 2b, 3Subtributaries of Stony BrookK-9sw L-9CC
279Ont. 117-66-25-4 and tribs.Tributary of Stony BrookL-9CC
280Ont. 117-66-25-5Tributary of Stony BrookL-9CC(T)
281Ont. 117-66-25-6 portionTributary of Stony BrookFrom mouth to trib. 1.L-9CC(T)
282Ont. 117-66-25-6 portion including P 102Tributary of Stony BrookFrom trib. 1 to source.L-9CC
283Ont. 117-66-25- 6-1Subtributary of Stony BrookL-9CC(T)
284Ont. 117-66-25- 6-1-1Subtributary of Stony BrookL-9CC
285Ont. 117-66-25- 6-2Subtributary of Stony BrookL-9CC
286Ont. 117-66-25-7, 8, 9Tributaries of Stony BrookL-9CC
287Ont. 117-66-25a and trib., 26 and tribs., 26a, 27 including P 102aTributaries of Canaserga CreekK-9sw L-9CC
288Ont. 117-66-28 portionSugar CreekFrom mouth to 0.2 mile above trib. 10a.L-9 K-9sw K-8seCC(T)
289Ont. 117-66-28 portionSugar CreekFrom 0.2 mile above trib. 10a to source.K-8seCC
290Ont. 117-66-28-1, 2, 2a, P 102c, 3, 4, and trib., 5, 6 and tribs., 7 and tribs., 8, 9 and tribs., 9a, 10 and trib., 10a, 10b, 10c, 10d, 11Tributaries of Sugar CreekIsolated Pond (P 102c) located approximately 0.5 mile west of Ossian Center.K-8seCC
291Ont. 117-66-28a, 28b, 29 including P 102b, 30Tributaries of Canaseraga CreekL-8 L-9CC
292Ont. 117-66-31 portionSlader CreekFrom mouth to trib. 1.L-8CC(T)
293Ont. 117-66-31 portionSlader CreekFrom trib. 1 to source.L-8CC
294Ont. 117-66-31-1 and tribs., 2, 3 and tribs., 4, 5, 6, 7Tributaries of Slader CreekL-8CC
295Ont. 117-66-32 and tribs., 33 and tribs., 34, 35, 36 and trib., 37, 38 and tribs., 39, 40Tributaries of Canaserga CreekL-8CC
296Ont. 117-66-41Hoveys BrookL-8CC(T)
297Ont. 117-66-41-1 and trib., 2, 3, 4, 5, 6Tributaries of Hoveys BrookL-8 K-8seCC
298Ont. 117-66-42 and tribs., P 104, 43, 44, 44a, 44b and trib., 45, 46, 47 and trib., 48 and tribs., 49, 50 and trib.Tributaries of Canaserga CreekL-8 K-8sw K-8seCC
299Ont. 117-67 including P 106, 60 including P110Tributaries of Genesee RiverK-8nwCC
300Ont. 117-P 110aMt. Morris Dam ImpoundmentK-8nwBB
301Ont. 117-69a portionTributary of Genesee RiverFrom mouth to west boundary of Letchworth State Park.K-8BB
302Ont. 117-69a portion and tribs.Triburary of Genesee RiverFrom west boundary of Letchworth State Park to source.K-8nwCC
303Ont. 117-70 portionSilver Lake OutletFrom mouth to west boundary of Letchworth State Park.K-8nwBB
304Ont. 117-70 portionSilver Lake OutletFrom west boundary of Letchworth State Park to P 113.K-8nw K-7neCC
305Ont. 117-70 portionSilver Lake OutletFrom P 113 to source.K-7seCC
306Ont. 117-70-1 and tribs., 2 and tribs., 3 and tribs., 4 and trib., 4a and trib., P 114Tributaries of Silver Lake OutletLacy Creek (trib. 3).K-8nw K-7neCC
307Ont. 117-70-P 111Tributary of Silver Lake OutletK-8nwCC
308Ont. 117-70-P 112, P 113Tributaries of Silver Lake OutletK-8nw K-7neCC
309Ont. 117-70-P 115Silver LakeK-7neAA
310Ont. 117-70-P 115-a, e, fTributaries of Silver LakeK-7neCC
311Ont. 117-70-P 115-b portionTributary of Silver LakeFrom mouth to Silver Springs-Perry Road.K-7neBB
312Ont. 117-70-P 115-b portionTributary of Silver LakeFrom Silver Springs Perry Road to source.K-7neCC
313Ont. 117-70-P 115-c, d, portionsTributaries of Silver LakeFrom mouth to West Lake Road.K-7neBB
314Ont. 117-70-P 115-c, d, portionsTributaries of Silver LakeFrom West Lake Road to sources.K-7neCC
315Ont. 117-70-P 115-1Silver Lake InletK-7ne J-7seCC
316Ont. 117-70-P 115-1, P115-dTributary of Silver Lake InletPond located approximately 1.5 miles upstream from mouth of Silver Lake Inlet.K-7neCC
317Ont. 117-70-P 115-1-1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 5a, 6 and trib. including P 115aTributaries of Silver Lake InletK-7ne J-7seCC
318Ont. 117-71, 71a, 72a, 75Tributaries of Genesee RiverK-8nwBB
319Ont. 117-72 and tribs., 73 and trib., 74, 75a, 76, 77 and tribs., 79, portionsTributaries of Genesee RiverFrom mouths to boundaries of Letchworth State Park. Eastover Brook (trib. 76).K-8nwBB
320Ont. 117-72 and tribs., 73, 74, 75a, 76, 77 and tribs., 79, portionsTributaries of Genesee RiverFrom Letchworth State Park boundary to sources.K-8nwCC
321Ont. 117-79a, 80, 80cTributaries of Genesee RiverK-8nwBB
322Ont. 117-79b, 79c and trib., 80a, 80b, 81, portionsTributaries of Genesee RiverFrom mouths to boundaries of Letchworth State Park.K-8nw K-7ne K-8swBB
323Ont. 117-79b, 79c, 80a, 80b, 81 and trib., portionsTributaries of Genesee RiverFrom Letchworth State Park boundary to sources.K-8nw K-8swCC
324Ont. 117-82 and tribs., 85 and trib.Tributaries of Genesee RiverK-8sw K-7swBB
325Ont. 117-83, 86 and tribs., portionsTributaries of Genesee RiverFrom mouths to Letchworth State Park boundary.K-8swBB
326Ont. 117-83, 86 and tribs., portionsTributaries of Genesee RiverFrom Letchworth State Park boundary to sources.K-8swCC
327Ont. 117-87 portionWolf CreekFrom mouth to west boundary of Letchworth State Park.K-7seBB
328Ont. 117-87 portion including P 123, P 123aWolf CreekFrom west boundary of Letchworth State Park to source.K-7neCC
329Ont. 117-87-P 124Tributary of Wolf CreekK-7neCC
330Ont. 117-87-1, 2, 3 and tribs., 4 and trib., 5 including P 123bTributaries of Wolf CreekPond located 0.5 mile north of Village of Castile.K-7ne K-7seCC
331Ont. 117-87-7Tributary of Wolf CreekK-7neCC(T)
332Ont. 117-87-8, 8a, 9Tributaries of Wolf CreekK-7neCC
333Ont. 117-88, 88a, portionsTributaries of Genesee RiverFrom mouths to Letchworth State Park boundary.K-7seBB
334Ont. 117-88, 88a, portionsTributaries of Genesee RiverFrom Letchworth State Park boundary to sources.K-7seCC
335Ont. 117-88bTributary of Genesee RiverK-7seBB
336Ont. 117-89 including P 124aTributary of Genesee RiverK-7seBB(T)
337Ont. 117-90 portionTributary of Genesee RiverFrom mouth to west boundary of Letchworth State Park.K-7seBB
338Ont. 117-90 portionTributary of Genesee RiverFrom west boundary of Letchworth State Park to source.K-7seCC
339Ont. 117-90-a, 1, 2, 3, 3aSubtributaries of Genesee RiverK-7seCC
340Ont. 117-91 portion including P 125 and P 125aTributary of Genesee RiverFrom mouth to west boundary of Letchworth State Park.K-7seBB
341Ont. 117-91 portionTributary of Genesee RiverFrom west boundary of Letchworth State Park to source.K-7seCC
342Ont. 117-93 and tribs., 94 and tribs., 94a, 95 and tribs., 96, 97 and tribs., 98a and tribs., 99, 102 and tribs., 103Tributaries of Genesee RiverK-7se K-8sw L-7CC
343Ont. 117-104 portion including P 125c, P 133aWiscoy CreekFrom mouth to 0.25 mile below trib. 4.K-7se L-7 K-7swCC(T)
344Ont. 117-104 portionWiscoy CreekFrom 0.25 mile below trib. 4 to NY Route 39 crossing in Pike.K-7se K-7swCC(TS)
345Ont. 117-104 portionWiscoy CreekFrom NY Route 39 crossing in Pike to 0.15 mile above Route 39 crossing in Pike.K-7swBB(TS)
346Ont. 117-104 portionWiscoy CreekFrom 0.15 mile above Route 39 crossing in Pike to source.K-7sw K-6CC(TS)
347Ont. 117-104-1, 1a, 1b and tribs., 2 and trib.Tributaries of Wiscoy CreekK-7sw L-7CC
348Ont. 117-104-3 portionEast Koy CreekFrom mouth to Barrier Dam.K-7seCC(T)
349Ont. 117-104-3 portion including P 126 and P 128East Koy CreekFrom Barrier Dam to source.K-7se K-7ne K-7nw K-6CC(T)
350Ont. 117-104-3-1a, 3 and trib., 4, 5 and tribs., 6, 7 and tribs., 7f, 9, 9a, 10 and tribs., 11, 11a, 11b, 12 and trib., 12a, 13 and trib.Tributaries of East Koy CreekK-7se K-7sw K-7ne K-7nwCC
350.1Ont. 117-104-3-10a, 11aaTributaries of East Koy CreekTriburary 11aa enters from north 0.1 mile west of Gainsville village line.K-7se K-7nwCC(T)
351Ont. 117-104-3-14 portionTributary of East Koy CreekFrom mouth to trib. 3.K-7nwCC(T)
352Ont. 117-104-3-14 portionTributary of East Koy CreekFrom trib. 3 to source.K-7nw K-6CC
353Ont. 117-104-3-14 -1, 3, P 132Tributaries of Smith CreekK-7nw K-6CC
353.1Ont. 117-104-3- 14-2Tributary of Smith CreekK-7nwCC(T)
353.2Ont. 117-104-3- 14-2-a, b, cSubtributaries of Smith CreekK-7nwCC
354Ont. 117-104-3- 15a, 16Tributaries of East Koy CreekK-7nwCC
354.1Ont. 117-104-3-15 portionTributary of East Koy CreekFrom mouth to trib. 2.K-7nwCC(T)
354.2Ont. 117-104-3-15 portionTributary of East Koy CreekFrom trib. 2 to source.K-7nwCC
354.3Ont. 117-104-3- 15-1 and trib., 1a, 2, 2a, 2bSubtributaries of East Koy CreekK-7nwCC
354.4Ont. 117-104-3-17Tributary of East Koy CreekK-7nwCC(T)
355Ont. 117-104-3-P 133Wethersfield PondK-7nwAA
356Ont. 117-104-3-18 and trib., 18aa, 18a, 19Tributaries of East Koy CreekK-7nw K-6CC
357Ont. 117-104-3a and trib., 3b, 3c, 3d, 4a, 4b, 4c, 5Tributaries of Wiscoy CreekEmery Brook (trib. 5).K-7se K-7swCC
357.1Ont. 117-104-4 and trib.Tributary of Wiscoy CreekK-7swCC(T)
358Ont. 117-104-6Bush BrookK-7swCC(T)
359Ont. 117-104-7 portionSpring BrookFrom mouth to 1.0 mile upstream from mouth.K-7swCC(T)
359.1Ont. 117-104-7 portionSpring BrookFrom 1.0 mile upstream from mouth to source.K-7swCC
360Ont. 117-104-8 portionTrout BrookFrom mouth to trib. 4a.K-7swCC(TS)
360.1Ont. 117-104-8 portionTrout BrookFrom trib. 4a to source.K-7swCC(T)
361Ont. 117-104-8-1Tributary of Trout BrookK-7swCC(T)
362Ont. 117-104-8-1aSubtributary of Trout BrookK-7swCC(T)
362.1Ont. 117-104-8- 1-a-1Subtributary of Trout BrookK-7swCC
363Ont. 117-104-8-2, 3, 4Tributaries of Trout BrookK-7swCC(T)
364Ont. 117-104-8- 4-1Subtributary of Trout BrookK-7swCC(T)
365Ont. 117-104-8- 4-1-1Subtributary of Trout BrookK-7swCC
366Ont. 117-104-8- 4-2, 3 and trib., 5Subtributaries of Trout BrookK-7swCC
366.1Ont. 117-104-8- 4-4Subtributary of Trout BrookK-7swCC(T)
366.2Ont. 117-104-8- 4-4-1Subtributary of Trout BrookK-7swCC
367Ont. 117-104-8-4a, 4b, 6aTributaries of Trout BrookK-7sw K-7nwCC
368Ont. 117-104-8a and tribs., 8b, 9 and tribs., 9a, 10 and trib., 10a, 10b and trib., 10c, 10d, 11a, 12a and trib.Tributaries of Wiscoy CreekK-7swCC
368.1Ont. 117-104-11Tributary of Wiscoy CreekK-7swCC(T)
369Ont. 117-104-12Tributary of Wiscoy CreekK-6CC(T)
370Ont. 117-104-12-1 and trib.Subtributary of Wiscoy CreekK-6CC
371Ont. 117-104-12-2Subtributary of Wiscoy CreekK-6CC(T)
372Ont. 117-104-12- 3, 4, P 137, 5Subtributaries of Wiscoy CreekK-6CC
373Ont. 117-104-13, 15 and trib., 19, P 140Tributaries of Wiscoy CreekK-6CC
373.1Ont. 117-104-14 portionTributary of Wiscoy CreekFrom mouth to Rochester and Pittsburgh RR crossing.K-6CC(T)
373.2Ont. 117-104-14 portionTributary of Wiscoy CreekFrom Rochester and Pittsburgh RR crossing to source.K-6 K-7swCC
373.3Ont. 117-104-16Tributary of Wiscoy CreekK-6CC(T)
373.4Ont. 117-104-16-1 and trib., 2Subtributaries of Wiscoy CreekK-6CC
373.5Ont. 117-104-17 portionTributary of Wiscoy CreekFrom mouth to Dream Lake Dam.K-6CC(T)
373.6Ont. 117-104-17 portion including P 138c, P138dTributary of Wiscoy CreekFrom Dream Lake Dam to source. Dream Lake (P 138c). Lake Willene (P 138d).K-6CC
373.7Ont. 117-104-18 portionTributary of Wiscoy CreekFrom mouth to 0.1 mile upstream from confluence of trib. 1.K-6CC(T)
373.8Ont. 117-104-18 portionTributary of Wiscoy CreekFrom 0.1 mile upstream from confluence of trib. 1 to source.K-6CC
373.9Ont. 117-104-18-1Subtributary of Wiscoy CreekK-6CC
374Ont. 117-104-P 138a, P138bTributaries of Wiscoy CreekK-6CC(T)
375Ont. 117-104-P 139Wilson PondK-6CC
376Ont. 117-105 and tribs., 106, 107, 108, 109 and trib., 110, 111 and tribs., 112, 113, 114 and tribs., 115Tributaries of Genesee RiverL-7CC
376.1Ont. 117-116 and tribs.Tributary of Genesee RiverL-7DD
377Ont. 117-117 portionRush CreekFrom mouth 0.3 mile below trib. 11.L-7CC
378Ont. 117-117 portionRush CreekFrom 0.3 mile below trib. 11 to source.L-7 L-8CC(T)
379Ont. 117-117-1, 2 and trib., 3, 4, 5 and tribs., 6, 7, 8 and tribs., 8a, 9 and tribs. including P 141, 10, 11 and trib., 12 and trib., 13, 14 and tribs., 15, 16 and trib., 17 and trib., 18Tributaries of Rush CreekL-7 L-8CC
380Ont. 117-118 portionCold CreekFrom mouth to 0.5 mile downstream of trib. 6.L-7CC
380.1Ont. 117-118 portionCold CreekFrom 0.5 mile downstream of trib. 6 to 0.5 mile downstream of trib. 8.L-7 K-7swCC(TS)
380.2Ont. 117-118 portionCold CreekFrom 0.5 mile downstream of trib. 8 to source.K-7swCC
381Ont. 117-118-1 and tribs., 2 and tribs., 3, 4, 5, 7Tributaries of Cold CreekSixtown Creek (trib. 2).L-7 L-6 K-7swCC
381.1Ont. 117-118-6 portionElm CreekFrom mouth to 0.9 mile upstream of mouth.K-7swCC(TS)
381.2Ont. 117-118-6 portion and tribs.Elm CreekFrom 0.9 mile upstream of mouth to source.K-7swCC
382Ont. 117-118-7-P 142Spring LakeL-7CC
383Ont. 117-118-8 and trib., including P 134a, 9 and trib., 10, 10aTributaries of Cold CreekK-7swCC
384Ont. 117-119 and trib., 120, 121, 122 and tribs., 123, 124 and trib., 125 and tribs., 126, 127 and tribs., 128 and tribs., 129 and tribs., 130 and tribs., P 143, 132 and trib.Tributaries of Genesee RiverHoughton Creek (trib. 128).L-7CC
384.1Ont. 117-131 and trib.Tributary of Genesee RiverL-7CC(TS)
385Ont. 117-132-P 144Lily PondL-7CC
386Ont. 117-133, 134, 135 and trib.Tributaries of Genesee RiverL-7CC
387Ont. 117-136 portionCaneadea CreekFrom mouth to Rushford Lake (P 146).L-7CC
388Ont. 117-136 portionCaneadea CreekFrom Rushford Lake (P 146) to trib. 13.L-7 L-6CC
389Ont. 117-136 portionCaneadea CreekFrom trib. 13 to trib. 21.L-6CC
390Ont. 117-136 portionCaneadea CreekFrom trib. 21 to source.L-6CC(T)
391Ont. 117-136-1, 2, 3 and trib.Tributaries of Caneadea CreekL-7CC
392Ont. 117-136-P 146Rushford LakeL-7BB(T)
393Ont. 117-136-4 portionRush CreekFrom Rushford Lake (P 146) to trib. 8.L-7CC(TS)
394Ont. 117-136-4 portionRush CreekFrom trib. 8 to source.L-7 L-6CC(TS)
395Ont. 117-136-4-2, 3, 5aTribs. of Rush CreekL-7CC
396Ont. 117-136-4- 5a-P 146aConservation Camp PondL-7CC(T)
397Ont. 117-136-4-6 and trib., 7, 8, 9 and tribs., 10, 11Tribs. of Rush CreekL-7 L-6CC
398Ont. 117-136-5, 6Tribs. of Caneadea CreekTribs. formerly tributary to Caneadea Creek, now enter P 146 directly.L-7CC
399Ont. 117-136-7Trib. of Caneadea CreekTrib. formerly tributary to Caneadea Creek, now enters P 146 directly.L-7CC(T)
400Ont. 117-136-7-1Subtrib. of Caneadea CreekL-7CC
401Ont. 117-136-8 portionTrib. of Caneadea CreekFrom mouth upstream 0.9 mile to Van Dusen Road.L-7CC(TS)
401.1Ont. 117-136-8 portion, 9, 10 and tribs., 11 and tribs., 12 and tribs., 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 and tribs., 18Tribs. of Caneadea CreekFrom Van Dusen Road to source.L-7CC
402Ont. 117-136-19 portionRock BottomFrom mouth to 1.0 mile above mouth.L-6CC
403Ont. 117-136-19 portionRock Bottom CreekFrom 1.0 mile above mouth to source.L-6CC(T)
404Ont. 117-136-19-1 including P 147, 2Tributaries of Rock Bottom CreekL-6CC
405Ont. 117-136-20 and tribs., 21, P 148, P 149, 23Tributaries of Caneadea CreekL-6CC
405.1Ont. 117-136-22Trib. of Caneadea CreekL-6CC(TS)
406Ont. 117-137, 138 and tribs., 139 including P 150, P 151, 140 and tribs. including P 150a, 141 and trib., 142, 143, 144 and tribs., including P 153 and P 154, 145 and tribs., 146 and tribs., 147 and tribs.Tributaries of Genesee RiverCrawford Creek (trib. 140). Wigwam Creek (trib. 147). Hanging Bog Pond (P 150a).L-7CC
406.1Ont. 117-147-4-P 154aAllen LakeL-7CC(T)
407Ont. 117-148Black CreekL-7 L-6CC
408Ont. 117-148-1 and trib., 2, 3, 4, 5Tributaries of Black CreekL-7CC
409Ont. 117-148-P 155Rockville ReservoirL-7CC
410Ont. 117-148-6 and tribs., 7, 8 and tribs., 9, 10 and tribs., 11, 12 and tribs., 13 and trib., 14, 15 and trib., 16, 17, 18Tributaries of Black CreekL-7 L-6CC
411Ont. 117-149 and tribs., 150 and trib., 151 and trib., 152, 153, 154Tributaries of Genesee RiverWhite Creek (trib. 149).L-7 M-7CC
412Ont. 117-155Angelica CreekL-7 L-8CC
413Ont. 117-155-1, 2 and tribs., 3, 4, 5 and trib., 6 and trib., 7 and trib., 8Tributaries of Angelica CreekBaker Creek (trib. 2).L-7 L-8CC
414Ont. 117-155-9 portionBlack CreekFrom mouth to 1.0 mile above mouth.L-8CC
415Ont. 117-155-9 portionBlack CreekFrom 1.0 mile above mouth to 4.0 miles above mouth.L-8CC(T)
416Ont. 117-155-9 portionBlack CreekFrom 4.0 miles above mouth to source.L-8CC
417Ont. 117-155-9-1 and trib., 2 and trib., 3, 4 and trib., 5, 6, 7, 8 and trib., 9Tributaries of Black CreekL-8CC
418Ont. 117-155-10, 11, 12, 13 and trib., 14 and trib., 15 and trib., 16Tributaries of Angelica CreekL-8CC
419Ont. 117-156 and tribs., 157 and trib., 158, 159 including P 156, 160 and tribs., 161 and trib., 162 including P 157, 163Tributaries of Genesee RiverL-7CC
420Ont. 117-164Van Campen CreekL-7 M-7CC
421Ont. 117-164-1 and tribs., 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and trib., 7 including P 158, 8 and trib., 8a, 9 and tribs., 11, 12, 13, 14 and trib., 15 and trib., 16, P 160Tributaries of Van Campen CreekMoss Creek (trib.8). North Branch (trib. 9).L-7 M-7CC
421.1Ont. 117-164-10 portionSouth Branch Van Campen CreekFrom mouth to trib. 8.CC
421.2Ont. 117-164-10 portionSouth Branch Van Campen CreekFrom trib. 8 to source.CC(T)
422Ont. 117-165 and trib., 166, 167 and tribs.Tributaries of Genesee RiverPhillips Creek (trib. 167).L-8 M-7 M-8CC
423Ont. 117-167-3-P 160aPalmer PondL-8CC
424Ont. 117-168 and trib., 169 and tribs., including P 159a, P 159b, P 159c, 171 and trib., 172 and trib.Tributaries of Genesee RiverPlum Bottom Brook (trib. 169). Long Gore Creek (trib. 171). Amity Lake (P 159a). Saunders Lake (P 159b).M-7 M-8CC
425Ont. 117-173 portionGordon BrookFrom mouth to trib. 1.M-7 M-8CC
426Ont. 117-173 portionGordon BrookFrom trib. 1 to 0.3 mile above trib. 3.M-7CC(T)
427Ont. 117-173 portionGordon BrookFrom 0.3 mile above trib. 3 to source.M-7CC
428Ont. 117-173-1, 2, 3, 4Tributaries of Gordon BrookM-7CC
429Ont. 117-174 and trib., 175 and tribs., including P 161Tributaries of Genesee RiverDry Creek (trib. 174). Knight Creek (trib. 175).M-7 M-8CC
429.1Ont. 117-176 and tribs.Vandermark CreekM-8 L-8CC(TS)
430Ont. 117-176-10-P 161bAlfred LakeM-8CC
431Ont. 117-176-P 161aAlfred Rod and Gun PondL-8CC(T)
432Ont. 117-177Tributary of Genesee RiverM-8CC
433Ont. 117-178Browning Spring RunM-8CC(T)
434Ont. 117-178aTributary of Genesee RiverM-8CC
435Ont. 117-179Phillips Spring RunM-8CC
436Ont. 117-179-1Tributary of Phillips Spring RunM-8CC(T)
437Ont. 117-180 portionBrimmer BrookFrom mouth to 0.3 mile below trib. 1.M-8 M-7CC
437.1Ont. 117-180 portionBrimmer BrookFrom 0.3 mile below trib. 1 to trib. 4.M-7CC(T)
437.2Ont. 117-180 portion and tribs., 181 and trib., 182 and tribs., 183, P 162Brimmer BrookFrom trib. 4 to source. Crowner Brook (trib. 182).M-7 M-8CC
438Ont. 117-184 portionDyke CreekFrom mouth to 1.0 mile above mouth.M-8CC
439Ont. 117-184 portionDyke CreekFrom 1.0 mile above mouth to Andover (V) west boundary.M-8CC(T)
440Ont. 117-184 portionDyke CreekFrom Andover (V) west boundary to source.M-8 M-9CC
441Ont. 117-184-P 182, 1 and trib., 2 and trib., 3 and trib., 4 and tribs., 5 and tribs., 6, 7, 8 and trib., 10, 11, and subtrib. 9-1Tribs. of Dyke CreekTrapping Brook (trib. 1). Elm Valley Brook (trib. 5).M-8CC
441.1Ont. 117-184-9Indian CreekM-8CC(TS)
442Ont. 117-184-12Railroad BrookM-8CC
443Ont. 117-184-12-P 164Andover PondM-8CC
444Ont. 117-184-12-1 portionMarsh CreekFrom mouth to 0.5 mile above mouth.M-8CC
445Ont. 117-184-12-1 portionMarsh CreekFrom 0.5 mile above mouth to 1.2 miles above mouth.M-8CC(T)
446Ont. 117-184-12-1 portion, including all tribs. and P 163Marsh CreekFrom 1.2 miles above mouth to source.M-8 M-9CC
447Ont. 117-184-12- 2, 3, 4Tributaries of Railroad BrookM-8CC
448Ont. 117-184-13, 15 and tribs., 16 and tribs., 17 and tribs., 18 and tribs., 19, 20Tributaries of Dyke CreekM-8 M-9CC
448.1Ont. 117-184-14Best Hollow BrookM-8CC(TS)
448.2Ont. 117-184-14, all tribs.Tribs. of Best Hollow BrookM-8CC
449Ont. 117-185 portionCold BrookFrom mouth to 1.0 mile above mouth.M-8CC(T)
450Ont. 117-185 portion, including trib. 1Cold BrookFrom 1.0 mile above mouth to source.M-8CC
451Ont. 117-P 165aWellsville Rod and Gun Club PondM-8CC(T)
452Ont. 117-186, 186aTributaries of Genesee RiverM-8CC
453Ont. 117-187 portionChenunda CreekFrom mouth to 0.5 mile above trib. 1.M-8CC(T)
454Ont. 117-187 portionChenunda CreekFrom 0.5 mile above trib. 1 to trib. 11.M-8CC(T)
455Ont. 117-187 portionChenunda CreekFrom trib. 11 to source.M-8CC(T)
456Ont. 117-187-1 and trib., 2, 3 and trib., 4 and tribs.Tributaries of Chenunda CreekM-8CC
457Ont. 117-187-5 portionFulmer Valley BrookFrom mouth to trib. 5.M-8CC(T)
458Ont. 117-187-5 portionFulmer Valley BrookFrom trib. 5 to trib. 6.M-8CC(TS)
458.1Ont. 117-187-5 portionFulmer Valley BrookFrom trib. 6 to source.M-8CC
459Ont. 117-187-5-1, 2, 3, 4 and trib., and subtrib. 5-1Tributaries of Fulmer Valley BrookM-8CC
459.1Ont. 117-187-5-5Trib. of Fulmer Valley BrookM-8CC(T)
460Ont. 117-187-5-6 portionTributary of Fulmer Valley BrookFrom mouth to trib. 3.M-8CC(TS)
460.1Ont. 117-187-5-6 portionTrib. of Fulmer Valley BrookFrom trib. 3 to source.M-8CC
461Ont. 117-187-5- 6-1 and subtrib. 2-1Subtributary of Fulmer Valley BrookM-8CC
461.1Ont. 117-187-5- 6-2Subtrib. of Fulmer Valley BrookM-8CC(TS)
462Ont. 117-187-5-6, 3 and trib.Subtributary of Fulmer Valley BrookM-8CC(T)
463Ont. 117-187-6, 7, 8 and tribs., 9, 10, 11 and tribs., 12, 13Tributaries of Chenunda CreekM-8CC
464Ont. 117-188Tributary of Genesee RiverM-8CC
465Ont. 117-189 portionFord BrookFrom mouth to 1.0 mile above mouth.M-8CC
466Ont. 117-189 portionFord BrookFrom 1.0 mile above mouth to source.M-8 M-7CC(T)
467Ont. 117-189-1 portionSouth BranchFrom mouth to trib. 2.M-8CC(T)
467.1Ont. 117-189-1 portionSouth BranchFrom trib. 2 to source.M-8CC
468Ont. 117-189-1-1Tributary of South BranchM-8CC(T)
469Ont. 117-189-1-1a, 2aTributaries of South BranchM-8CC
469.1Ont. 117-189-1-2Trib. of South BranchM-8CC(TS)
470Ont. 117-189-2, 3, 4, 4a and tribs.Tributaries of Ford BrookM-8CC
471Ont. 117-190, 191 and tribs.Tributaries of Genesee RiverM-8CC
472Ont. 117-192Marsh CreekM-8CC(T)
473Ont. 117-192-2, 3 and tribs., portionTributaries of Marsh CreekPortions of tribs. 2 and 3 and their tribs. within New York State. Orebed Creek (trib. 2). Redwater Creek (trib. 3).M-8CC(TS)
473.1Ont. 117-192-1Tributary of Marsh CreekM-8CC
474Ont. 117-193 and trib., 194, 195, 196, 197 and trib., 198 and trib., 199, 200 and tribs., portionTributaries of Genesee RiverPortions of trib. 200 and tribs. within New York State.M-8CC
475Ont. 117-201 portionCryder CreekFrom New York-Pennsylvania boundary to trib. 16.M-8 M-9CC(T)
476Ont. 117-201 portionCryder CreekFrom trib. 16 to source.M-9CC
477Ont. 117-201-1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10Tributaries of Cryder CreekM-8CC
478Ont. 117-201-11 portionWileyville CreekFrom mouth to trib. 2.M-8CC
479Ont. 117-201-11 portionWileyville CreekFrom trib. 2 to New York-Pennsylvania boundary.M-8 M-9CC(TS)
480Ont. 117-201-11-1Tributary of Wileyville CreekM-8CC
482Ont. 117-201-11- 2-1, 2, 2a, 3, portionTributaries of Spring Mills CreekPortion of trib. 2 within New York State.M-8CC
483Ont. 117-201-11-3Tributary of Wileyville CreekM-9CC
484Ont. 117-201-11-4 portionTributary of Wileyville CreekFrom mouth to 0.5 mile below trib. 2.M-9CC(TS)
485Ont. 117-201-11-4 portionTributary of Wileyville CreekFrom 0.5 mile below trib. 2 to source.M-9CC
486Ont. 117-201-11- 4-1 and trib., 2Subtributaries of Wileyville CreekM-9CC
487Ont. 117-201-11- 5, 6, 7, 8, portionTributaries of Wileyville CreekPortion of trib. 8 within New York State.M-9CC
488Ont. 117-201-12 and trib.Tributary of Cryder CreekM-8CC
489Ont. 117-201-13Tributary of Cryder CreekM-8 M-9CC(T)
490Ont. 117-201-13-1Subtributary of Cryder CreekM-9CC(TS)
491Ont. 117-201-14, 15, 16, 17 and portionTributary of Cryder CreekFrom mouth to Allegany- Steuben county line.M-9CC(TS)
492Ont. 117-201-14 and trib., portionTributary of Cryder CreekFrom Allegany-Steuben county line to source.M-9CC
492.1Ont. 117-201-15, 16Tributaries of Cryder CreekM-9CC(TS)
492.2Ont. 117-201-17 portionTributary of Cryder CreekFrom mouth to trib. 1.M-9CC(TS)
492.3Ont. 117-201-17 and trib., portionTributary of Cryder CreekFrom trib. 1 to source.M-9CC
492.4Ont. 117-201-P 166Cryder PondM-9CC
493Ont. 117-201-18 and trib., 19 and trib.Tributaries of Cryder CreekM-9CC
494Ont. 117-204-4 and trib., portionAinsworth BrookPortion of trib. 4 within New York State.M-8CC

N.Y. Comp. Codes R. & Regs. Tit. 6 § 821.6