N.Y. Comp. Codes R. & Regs. tit. 6 § 811.6

Current through Register Vol. 46, No. 53, December 31, 2024
Section 811.6 - Table I



ItemNo.Waters Index NumberNameDescriptionMapRef. No.ClassStandards
1Pa 3 portionChemung RiverFrom New York - Pennsylvania boundary (0.5 mile west of Waverly) to New York -Pennsylvania boundary (800' upstream from trib. 6).M-13seAA
2Pa 3 portionChemung RiverFrom New York - Pennsylvania boundary (near mouth to trib. 6b) to trib. 16 (Bentley Creek).M-13se M-13swAA
3Pa 3 portionChemung RiverFrom trib. 16 to trib. 29 (Hoffman Brook).M-13sw M-12seCC
4Pa 3 portionChemung RiverFrom trib. 29 to old bridge site (400' feet downstream from trib. 43).M-12se M-12swAA
5Pa 3 portionChemung RiverFrom old bridge site to source, confulence of trib. 57 (Tioga River) and trib. 58 (Cohocton River).M-12sw M-12nw M-11se M-11neCC
6Pa 3-1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and all tribs.Tribs. of Chemung RiverDry Brook (trib. 4).M-13seCC
7Pa 3-6 portionWynkoop CreekFrom mouth to trib. 11.M-13se M-13swCC
8Pa 3-6 portion as describedWynkoop CreekFrom trib. 11 to trib. 19M-13sw M-13seCC(T)
8.1Pa 3-6 portion as describedWynkoop CreekFrom trib. 19 to 0.25 mile below trib. 24.M-13se M-13neCC(TS)
9Pa 3-6 portion as describedWynkoop CreekFrom 0.25 mile below trib. 24 to source.M-13se M-13neCC
10Pa 3- 6-1a, 1, 2, 3, 4a, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 21, 22, 23 portion, 24, 25, 26, 27 and all tribs. including P 11aTribs. of Wynkoop CreekMallory Creek (trib. 7). Portion of trib. 23 from 0.25 mile above mouth to source.M-13sw M-13sw M-13ne M-13nwCC
10.1Pa 3-6-23 portionTrib. of Wynkoop CreekFrom mouth to 0.25 mile above mouth.M-13neCC(TS)
11Pa 3-6b, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, and all tribs.Tribs. of Chemung RiverHenyon Hollow Brook (trib. 10), Roberts Hollow Brook (trib. 11).M-13se M-13swCC
12Pa 3-14 portionBaldwinCreekFrom mouth to Ashland-Elmira town line.M-13swCC
13Pa 3-14 portionBaldwin CreekFrom Ashland-Elmira town line to trib. 2M-13swBB
14Pa 3-14 portionBaldwin CreekFrom trib. 2 to trib. 14.M-13sw M-13nwCC
14.1Pa 3-14 portion as describedBaldwin CreekFrom trib. 14 to trib. 17.M-13nwCC(T)
14.2Pa 3-14 portion as describedBaldwin CreekFrom trib. 17 to source.M-13nwCC
15Pa 3-14-a, 1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12, 14, 15, 16, 17, 21, 22, 23, and all tribs., including P 15c, P 16b, P 16cTribs. of Baldwin CreekTrib. a formerly Pa 3-13 Hoffman Hollow Brook (trib. 1), Goldsmith Creek (trib. 3), Elston Hollow Brook (trib. 7), Beaver Pond (P 16b).M-13sw M-13nw M-12se M-12neCC
16Pa 3-15, 16, 17a, and all tribs.Tribs. of Chemung RiverBentley Creek (trib. 16).M-13sw M-12seCC
17Pa 3-18 portionSeeley CreekFrom mouth to trib. 6 (Dry Run).M-12seCC
18Pa 3-18 portion as describedSeeley CreekFrom trib. 6 to New York - Pennsylvania boundary.M-12se M-12swCC(T)
19Pa 3-18-a, b, c, dTribs. of Seeley CreekTribs. a and b connect to Pa 3-22.M-12seCC
20Pa 3-18-1 portion as describedSouth Creek or Christian Hollow BrookFrom mouth to New York - Pennsylvania boundary.M-12seCC
21Pa 3-18-1-1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and all tribs.Tribs. of South CreekChristian Hollow Brook (trib. 1).M-12seCC
22Pa 3-18-1-7 and tribs.Tribs. of South CreekM-12seCC(T)
23Pa 3-18-1-8, 9, 10, and all tribs.Tribs. of South CreekM-12seCC
24Pa 3-18-2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 7a, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, and all tribs., including P 21c and P 21dTribs. of South CreekDry Run (trib. 6), Bird Creek (trib. 7), Mudlick Creek (trib. 10), Clark Hollow Brook (trib. 10-3).M-12se M-12sw M-11seCC
25Pa 3-19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, and all tribs, including P 16, P 24Tribs. of Chemung RiverPa 3-22 connected to Pa 3-18 by tribs. a and b of Pa 3-18. Miller Pond (P 16), Miller or Coldbrook Creek (trib. 22), Troups Creek (trib. 25).M-12seCC
26Pa 3-28 and tribs.Newtown Creek Drainage BasinThe Newtown Creek drainage basin was subject of separate report, classifications for which waters have been adopted.
27Pa 3-29 portion as described and trib. 1Hoffman BrookFrom mouth to outlet of Elmira Reservoir (P 19).M-12seCC
28Pa 3-29 portion and tribs. 2 through 6 including P 19Hoffman Brook and Elmira ReservoirFrom outlet of Elmira Reservoir (P 19) to source.M-12se M-12sw M-12neAA
29Pa 3-29-P 18, P 18aElmira city reservoirsNo junction with natural surface waters.M-12seExempt waters not classified
30Pa 3-31, 32, 33, 34, 34a, 35, 36, 37, 38, and all tribs.Tribs. of Chemung RiverHendy Creek (trib. 36).M-12se M-12swCC
31Pa 3-39 portionSingsing CreekFrom mouth to trib. 3.M-12sw M-12nwCC(T)
32Pa 3-39 portion as describedSingsing CreekFrom trib. 3 to 1.0 mile below trib. 5.M-12nwCC
33Pa 3-39 portion as describedSingsing CreekFrom 1.0 mile below trib. 5 to trib. 6.M-12nwCC(TS)
34Pa 3-39 portion as describedSingsing CreekFrom trib. 6 to source.M-12nw L-12swCC
35Pa 3-39-a, b, 1, 1a, 2, 2a, 2b, 2c, and all tribs. including P 21Tribs. of Singsing CreekCuthrie Run or Breed Hollow Brook (trib. 1), Lowe Pond (P 21).M-12sw M-12nwCC
35.1Pa 3-39-2b-1 and trib. 1Subtrib. of Singsing CreekM-12nwDD
36Pa 3-39-3 including P 21aTribs. of Singsing CreekM-12nwCC(T)
37Pa 3-39-3-1Subtrib. of Singsing CreekM-12nwCC
38Pa 3-39-3-P 21b and trib.Subtrib. of Singsing CreekIsolated pond and trib.M-12nw M-12neCC
39Pa 3-39-4, 5Trib. of Singsing CreekM-12nwCC
40Pa 3-39-5a and trib.Trib. of Singsing CreekM-12nwCC(T)
40.1Pa 3-39-5a-1Subtrib. of Singsing CreekM-12nwCC(TS)
41Pa 3-39-6, 7, 8, 8a, 8b, 9, 10, 11, 12, and all tribs.Tribs. of Singsing CreekMadison Creek (trib. 8), Willis Creek (trib. 8-1).M-12nw M-12ne L-12swCC
42Pa 3-40 and tribs., 41 and trib.Tribs. of Chemung RiverM-12swCC
43Pa 3-42 portionWinfield CreekFrom mouth to trib. 1.M-12sw M-12nwCC
44Pa 3-42 portion as describedWinfield CreekFrom trib. 1 to source.M-12nwCC
45Pa 3-42-aTrib. of Winfield CreekM-12nwCC
46Pa 3-42-1Trib. of Winfield CreekM-12nwCC(T)
47Pa 3-42-2, 2a, 3, 3a, 4, 5, 6, and all tribs. including P 22aTribs. of Winfield CreekGardner, Winters or Hammond Creek (Trib. 2).M-12nw M-11neCC
48Pa 3-43, 44, 44a, 44b, 45, 46, and all tribs.Tribs. of Chemung RiverGillette Creek (trib. 46).M-12sw M-11seCC
49Pa 3-47Wisky CreekM-11seCC
50Pa 3-47-1 and trib.Bailey CreekM-11seCC
51Pa 3-47-2 portion as describedCaton CreekFrom mouth to 0.5 mile below trib. 1.M-11seCC
52Pa 3-47-2 portionCaton CreekFrom 0.5 mile below trib. 1 to source.M-11seCC(T)
53Pa 3-47-2-1, 2, 3 and tribs.Tribs. of Caton CreekBarnard Creek or West Branch Caton Creek (trib. 1).M-11seCC
54Pa 3-48Trib. of Chemung RiverM-11se M-11neCC
55Pa 3-49 portion as describedTrib. of Chemung RiverFrom mouth to trib. 1.M-11neCC
56Pa 3-49 portion as describedTrib. of Chemung RiverFrom trib. 1 to source.M-11neBB
57Pa 3-49-1Subtrib. of Chemung RiverM-11neBB
58Pa 3-50, 51 and tribs.Tribs. of Chemung RiverGorton Creek (trib. 50), Narrows Creek (trib. 51).M-11ne M-12nwCC
59Pa 3-52 portionPost CreekFrom mouth to Erie Railroad Bridge near end of E. Pulteney Street in Corning.M-11neCC
60Pa 3-52 portionPost CreekFrom Erie Railroad Bridge to High Street Bridge in Corning.M-11neBB
61Pa 3-52 portionPost CreekFrom High Street Bridge in Corning to trib. 3.M-11ne M-12nwCC
62Pa 3-52 portion as describedPost CreekFrom trib. 3 to source.M-12nw L-12swCC(TS)
63Pa 3-52-a, 1Tribs. of Post CreekKerrick Creek or Mormon Hollow Brook (trib. 1).M-11neCC
64Pa 3-52-1a and trib.Tribs. of Post CreekCallahan Ditch (trib. 1a).M-11neCC
65Pa 3-52-2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 7b, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, 15, and all tribs.Tribs. of Post CreekWelsh Creek (trib. 2), East Creek (trib. 8).M-11ne M-12nw L-12sw L-11seCC
66Pa 3-53, 56, 56aTribs. of Chemung RiverMonkey Run (Trib. 53)M-11neCC
66.1Pa 3-55 portion as describedCutler CreekFrom mouth to Hamilton Street Bridge.M-11neCC
66.2Pa 3-55 portion as describedCutler CreekFrom Hamilton Street Bridge to trib. 3.M-11neCC(TS)
66.3Pa 3-55 portion as described and tribs. excluding trib. 2Cutler CreekFrom trib. 3 to source.M-11neCC
66.4Pa 3-55-2 and trib.Borden Creek and Erwin CreekMouth to source.M-11neCC(TS)
67Pa 3-57 portionTioga riverFrom mouth to New York-Pennsylvania boundary.M-11ne M-11nw M-11se M-11swCC
68Pa 3-57-1, 1a, 2, 3, 4, and all tribs.Tribs. of Tioga RiverWeaver Hollow Brook (trib. 1), Mulholland Creek (trib. 3).M-11ne M-11nw M-11se M-11swCC
68.1Pa 3-57-1-P 23bErwin PondLocated approx. 2.25 miles southwest of Village of Cooper Plains.M-11nwCC(T)
69Pa 3-57-5 portionCanisteo RiverFrom mouth to bridge 1.0 mile below Hornell.M-11sw M-10se M-10ne M-10nw M-10sw L-10sw L-9se L-9CC
70Pa 3-57-5 portion as describedCanisteo RiverFrom bridge 1.0 mile below Hornell to Seneca Street Bridge at Hornell (1.0 mile upstream from trib. 47).L-9CC
71Pa 3-57-5 portion as describedCanisteo RiverFrom Seneca Street Bridge to Arkport Dam Spillway.L-9CC(T)
72Pa 3-57-5 portion as describedCanisteo RiverFrom Arkport Dam Spillway to source.L-9 L-8CC
73Pa 3-57-5-1, 2, 3, and all tribs.Tribs. of Canisteo RiverCole Creek (trib. 1), Beekman Hollow Brook (trib. 3).M-11sw M-11nwCC
74Pa 3-57-5-5 portion as describedGoodhue CreekFrom mouth to 0.5 mile above mouth.M-11swCC
75Pa 3-57-5-5 portionGoodhue CreekFrom 0.5 mile above mouth to trib. 1.M-11sw M-11nwCC(T)
76Pa 3-57-5-5 portion as described including P 26Goodhue CreekFrom trib. 1 to source. Duck Pond (P 26).M-11nw M-10neCC
77Pa 3-57-5-5-1, 2, 3a, 3, and all tribs.Tribs. of Goodhue CreekOnawasa Creek (trib. 2).M-11nw M-10neCC
78Pa 3-57-5-5-3aTrib. of Goodhue CreekM-10neCC(T)
79Pa 3-57-5-5-4, 5, 6 and tribs.Tribs. of Goodhue CreekM-10ne M-11nwCC
80Pa 3-57-5-5-P 27Goodhue LakeM-10neBB
81Pa 3-57-5-6 through 19, and all tribs.Tribs. of Canisteo RiverReuben Brook (trib. 6a), Tuscarora Creek (trib. 8), Elk Creek (trib. 8-9), North Branch Tuscarora Creek (trib. 8-11), East Lick Creek (trib. 8-18), South Branch Tuscarora Creek (trib. 8-21), Catherine Creek (trib. 10), Canatoga Creek (trib. 12), Myers Creek (trib. 14), Tracy, Talbot or Travis Creek (trib. 18).M-11sw M-10se M-10sw M-10ne M-10nw M-9ne M-9seCC
82Pa 3-57-5- 19-P 28Cranberry PondM-10neCC
83Pa 3-57-5-20 through 21b, and all tribs.Tribs. of Canisteo RiverHelmer Creek (trib. 20).M-10ne M-10nwCC
84Pa 3-57-5-22 and trib.Cameron CreekTrib. of Canisteo River.M-10nwCC(T)
85Pa 3-57-5-23, 23a, 24, 24a, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 30a, 31, 32, 32a, 33, 34, 34a, 35, and all tribs.Tribs. of Canisteo RiverMud Hollow Brook (trib. 32).M-10nw L-10sw M-9ne L-9seCC
86Pa 3-57-5-36 portion as describedBaker CreekFrom mouth to 0.6 mile above mouth.L-9seCC
87Pa 3-57-5-36 portionBaker CreekFrom 0.6 mile above to source.L-9seCC(T)
88Pa 3-57-5-36-1Trib. of Baker CreekL-9seCC
89Pa 3-57-5-36a through 39, and all tribs.Tribs. of Canisteo RiverKinner Hollow or Taylor Hollow Creek (trib. 36a), Stephen Creek (trib. 37), Colonel Bills Creek (trib. 38), Gravel Run (trib. 38-4), Barkalow Hollow Brook (trib. 38-4-1), Two Bridge Run (trib. 38-5), Red Spring Run (38-7), Rock Run (trib. 38-8), Jefferson Creek (trib. 38-9), Dennis Creek (trib. 38-10), Brickyard Creek (trib. 38-10-2), Peak Creek (trib. 38-10-3), Milwaukee Creek (trib. 38-11), Baker or Orbs Creek (trib. 39).L-9se M-9neCC
90Pa 3-57-5-40 portion as describedBennett CreekFrom mouth to trib. 6.L-9se M-9neCC
91Pa 3-57-5-40 portionBennett CreekFrom trib. 6 to source.M-9 M-9CC(T)
92Pa 3-57-5-40-1, 3, 4, 5a, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, and all tribs., trib. 40-2 portion and tribs.Tribs. of Bennett CreekPurdy Creek (trib. 1), Bear Lick Hollow Creek (trib. 1-3), Fall Creek (trib. 2) from mouth to trib. Creek (trib. 3), Slate Creek (trib. 6), Colby Creek (trib. 7), Erskin Hollow Brook (trib. 8), Norton Hollow Brook (trib. 10).L-9se L-9 M-9 M-9neCC
92.1Pa 3-57-5-40-2 portion as describedFall CreekFrom trib. 1 to source.M-9CC(T)
93Pa 3-57-5-40-11 portionRock CreekFrom mouth to 0.5 mile below trib. 2.M-9CC(TS)
94Pa 3-57-5-40-11 portionRock CreekFrom 0.5 mile below trib. 2 to source.M-9CC(T)
95Pa 3-57-5-40-11-1 through 3, and all tribs.Tribs. of Rock CreekM-9CC
96Pa 3-57-5-40-12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, and all tribs.Tribs. of Bennett CreekWoodward Hollow Brook (trib. 12), Fisher Hollow Brook (trib. 12-2), Bank Hollow Brook (trib. 12-3), Cole Hollow Brook (trib. 13), Christian Hollow Brook (trib. 14).M-9 M-9ne M-9seCC
97Pa 3-57-5-40-20Ohuran CreekM-9CC(TS)
98Pa 3-57-5-40-21Trib. of Bennett CreekM-9CC
99Pa 3-57-5- 40a, 40b, 40c, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, and all tribs. including P 29a, P 29bTribs. of Canisteo RiverHammer Creek (trib. 41), Cunningham Creek (trib. 42), Crosby Creek (trib. 45), Honey Run (trib. 45-1), Chauncey Run (trib. 46).L-9se L-9CC
100Pa 3-57-5-47 portion as describedCanacadea CreekFrom mouth to trib. 4.L-9CC
100.1Pa 3-57-5-47-P 29cAlmond Dam ReservoirLocated on Canacadea Creek, approx. 1.8 miles upstream from westerly boundary of City of Hornell.L-9BB
101Pa 3-57-5-47 portion as describedCanacadea CreekFrom trib. 4 to trib. 6.L-9CC(TS)
102Pa 3-57-5-47 portion as describedCanacadea CreekFrom trib. 6 to source.L-9 L-8 M-8CC
103Pa 3-57-5-47-1, 2, 3, 4, and all tribs.Tribs. of Canacadea CreekSpring Run Creek (trib. 3), Karr Valley Creek (trib. 4), McHenry Valley Creek (trib. 4-1).L-9 L-8CC
104Pa 3-57-5-47-5Trib. of Canacadea CreekL-9CC(T)
105Pa 3-57-5-47 -6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, and all tribs.Tribs. of Canacadea CreekL-9 L-8 M-8CC
106Pa 3-57-5-48 and tribs. including P 30, P 30a, P 30b, P 30cTribs. of Canisteo RiverBig Creek, Hungry Hollow Brook (trib. 7).L-9 L-9seCC
107Pa 3-57-5-49 portion as describedCarrington, Seeley, Reservoir or Stone CreekFrom mouth to outlet of P 34 (Reservoir #1 of Hornell City public water supply).L-9CC
108Pa 3-57-5-49 portion including P 34, P 35 and trib.Carrington CreekFrom outlet of P 34 to inlet of P 35 (Reservoir #3 of Hornell City public water supply).L-9AA
109Pa 3-57-5-49 portion as describedCarrington CreekFrom inlet of P 35 to trib. 12.L-9AA(TS)
110Pa 3-57-5-49 portionCarrington CreekFrom trib. 12 to source.L-9AA
111Pa 3-57-5-49-P 32Trib. of Carrington CreekIsolated pond.L-9CC
112Pa 3-57-5-49-1 and P 33aTrib. of Carrington CreekReservoir #4 of Hornell City public water supply (P 33a).L-9AA
113Pa 3-57-5-49-2 and trib.Trib. of Carrington CreekL-9CC
114Pa 3-57-5-49-3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and all tribs. including P 36Tribs. of Carrington CreekReservoir #2 of Hornell City public water supply (P 36).L-9AA
115Pa 3-57-5-49-7-P 36-1, 2 and tribs.Subtribs. of Carrington CreekL-9AA(T)
116Pa 3-57-5-49-7-P 37Trib. of Carrington CreekIsolated pond.L-9CC
117Pa 3-57-5-49-8 and tribs.Trib. of Carrington CreekL-9AA
118Pa 3-57-5-49-9Seeley CreekL-9AA(T)
119Pa 3-57-5-49-9-1, 2 and trib. 3, 4Tribs. of Seeley CreekL-9AA
120Pa 3-57-5-49 -10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, and all tribs. including P 37aTribs. of Carrington CreekL-9AA
122Pa 3-57-5-51 portion as describedHollis CreekFrom mouth to 1.0 mile above mouth.L-9CC
123Pa 3-57-5-51 portion as describedHollis CreekFrom 1.0 mile above mouth to P 37b.L-9CC(T)
124Pa 3-57-5-51 portion as describedHollis CreekFrom inlet of P 37b to source.L-9CC
125Pa 3-57-5-52The Marsh DitchL-9CC(T)
126Pa 3-57-5-52 -1 portionLimekill CreekFrom mouth to bridge 0.1 mile below trib. 1.L-9CC(TS)
127Pa 3-57-5-52-1 portion as describedLimekill CreekFrom bridge 0.1 mile below trib. 1 to Arkport water intake (located approximately 0.2 mile above trib. 2).L-9CC(TS)
128Pa 3-57-5-52-1 portion as describedLimekill CreekFrom Arkport water intake to source.L-9AAAA(TS)
129Pa 3-57-5-52-1-1, 2 and tribs.Tribs. of Limekill CreekL-9CC
130Pa 3-57-5-52-1-3Trib. of Limekill CreekL-9AAAA
131Pa 3-57-5-52 -1-1-P 37dTrib. of Limekill CreekIsolated pond.L-9AAAA
132Pa 3-57-5-52-2Trib. of The Marsh DitchL-9DD
133Pa 3-57-5-52-3 and trib.Trib. of The Marsh DitchL-9 L-8CC(T)
133.1Pa 3-57-5-52-3a portion as describedTrib. of Marsh DitchFrom mouth to 0.25 mile above mouth.L-9CC(TS)
133.2Pa 3-57-5-52-3a portion as describedTrib. of Marsh DitchFrom 0.25 mile above mouth to source.L-9CC
134Pa 3-57-5-52-4Trib. of The Marsh DitchL-9DD
135Pa 3-57-5-52-5 and trib.Tribs. of the Marsh DitchL-9CC(T)
136Pa 3-57-5-52 -6, 7, 8, 9Tribs. of The Marsh DitchL-9CC
137Pa 3-57-5-53, 53a, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, and all tribs.Tribs. of Canisteo RiverL-9 L-8CC
138Pa 3-57-6, 7, 8, and all tribs.Tribs. of Tioga RiverM-11sw M-11seCC
139Pa 3-57-9Glendening CreekFrom mouth to confluence of trib. 1 (South Branch Glendening Creek) and trib. 2 (North Branch Glendening Creek).M-11swCC
140Pa 3-57-9-1 and tribs.South Branch Glendening CreekM-11swCC
141Pa 3-57-9-2North Branch Glendening CreekM-11swCC
142Pa 3-57-9-2-1aTrib. of North Branch Glendening CreekFrom mouth to outlet of P 37c.M-11swCC
143Pa 3-57-9-2- 1a-P 37cSubtrib. of North Branch Glendening CreekM-11swCC(T)
144Pa 3-57-9-2-1 trib., 2 and tribs., 3Tribs. of North Branch Glendening CreekM-11swCC
145Pa 3-57-9a, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 18, 19, 20, and all tribs.Tribs. of Tioga RiverRyer Creek (trib. 12), Stowell Creek (trib. 13), Cooks Creek (trib. 14), Church Creek (trib. 15), tribs. Morgan Creek (trib. 16), Watson Creek (trib. 18), Steamtown Creek (trib. 19).M-11sw M-11seCC
146Pa 3-57-21 portionConwanesque RiverFrom mouth to New York-Pennsylvania boundary.M-11se M-11swCC
147Pa 3-58 portionCohocton RiverFrom mouth to trib. 22.M-11ne M-11nw L-11sw L-10seCC
148Pa 3-58 portionCohocton RiverFrom trib. 22 to trib. 45, approximately 300 feet above route 15 bridge at Cohocton.L-10se L-10ne L-10nw L-9 K-9seCC(T)
149Pa 3-58 portionCohocton RiverFrom trib. 45 to route 371 bridge at Cohocton.K-9se K-10swBB(T)
150Pa 3-58 portion as describedCohocton RiverFrom route 371 bridge at Cohocton to trib. 51.K-10swCC(T)
150.1Pa 3-58 portion as describedCohocton RiverFrom trib. 51 to source.K-10sw K-9se K-9neCC(TS)
151Pa 3-58-1 portions as described, 1a, 2, and all tribs.Tribs. of Cohocton RiverErwin Hollow Brook (trib. 1), Hodamans Creek (trib. 1-1). Portion of Erwin Hollow Brook from mouth to Village of Painted Post boundary. Also portion of Erwin Hollow Brook from trib. 4 to source.M-11neCC
151.1Pa 3-58-1 portion as describedErwin Hollow BrookFrom Village of Painted Post boundary to trib. 4.M-11neCC(TS)
152Pa 3-58-3Meads CreekM-11ne M-11nw L-11se L-11neCC(T)
153Pa 3-58-3-1, 2 and tribs.Tribs. of Meads CreekFrog Hollow Brook (trib. 2).M-11ne M-11nwCC
154Pa 3-58-3-3 portion as describedDry RunFrom mouth to 1.0 mile above trib. 1.M-11nw M-11neCC
155Pa 3-58-3-3 portion as describedDry RunFrom 1.0 mile above trib. 1 to source.M-11ne M-11seCC(TS)
156Pa 3-58-3-3-a, 1, 2, 3b, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and all tribs.Tribs. of Dry RunStanton Creek (trib. 1).M-11nw M-11ne L-11se L-12swCC
157Pa 3-58-3-3- P 38Cinnamon or Hornby LakeL-11seCC
158Pa 3-58-3-4, 5, 6, 7, 8 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, and all tribs.Tribs. of Meads CreekPine Creek (trib. 11).M-11nw L-11se L-11sw L-12sw L-11neCC
159Pa 3-58-4, 5, 5a, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, and all tribs.Tribs. of Cohocton RiverCurtic Creek (trib. 6), Stoney Run (trib. 7), Wolf Run (trib. 8), McNutt Run (trib. 80-1).M-11nw L-11swCC
160Pa 3-58-11 including P 40Michigan CreekThurston Pond (P 40).M-11nw M-10neCC
161Pa 3-58-11-1, 2, 3, 4, 4a, 4b, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and all tribs.Tribs. of Michigan CreekBurr Hollow Brook (trib. 3).M-11nw M-10neCC
162Pa 3-58-11-10Trib. of Michigan CreekM-10neCC(T)
163Pa 3-58-11-10-1 and P 41Subtrib. of Michigan CreekM-10neCC
164Pa 3-58-11-11, 12, 13 and tribs.Tribs. of Michigan CreekM-10neCC
165Pa 3-58-12 through 14, and all tribs.Tribs. of Cohocton RiverL-11sw M-11nw L-10se M-10neCC
166Pa 3-58-15Mud CreekFrom mouth to outlet of Lamoka Lake (P 47).L-11sw L-11seCC
167Pa 3-58-15-a including P 42a, 1, 2, 3, 3a, 4, 4aTribs. of Mud CreekL-11swCC
168Pa 3-58-15-4-P 42Peterson LakeL-11swCC
169Pa 3-58-15-5Trib. of Mud CreekL-11swCC
170Pa 3-58-15-5-P 43, P 44Tribs. of Mud CreekSanford or Kettle Lake (P 43).L-11swCC
171Pa 3-58-15-5-P 43-2 including P 44aTrib. of Sanford LakeL-11swCC
172Pa 3-58-15-5-P 44bTrib. of Mud CreekIsolated pond.L-11swCC
173Pa 3-58-15-5-P 43-2-P 45Van Keuren or Parker LakeL-11swCC
174Pa 3-58-15-5-P 43-2- P 45-1 including P 45aTrib. of Van Keuren LakeL-11swCC
175Pa 3-58-15- 5-P 46Round LakeIsolated lake.L-11swCC
176Pa 3-58-15-5-P 46aTrib. of Mud CreekIsolated pond.L-11swCC
177Pa 3-58-15-5a through 11, and all tribs.Tribs. of Mud CreekBirdseye Hollow Brook (trib. 9).L-11sw L-11se L-11nwCC
178Pa 3-58-15- P 47Lamoka LakeIncluding lower arm (Mud Creek or Mill Pond) and connecting channel.L-11se L-11neAA
179Pa 3-58-15-P 47-1 through 3a and all tribs.Tribs. of Lamoka LakeL-11se L-11neCC
180Pa 3-58-15-P 47-4Trib. of Lamoka LakeConnecting channel between Lamoka Lake (P 47) and Waneta Lake (P 48).L-11neAA
181Pa 3-58-15-P 47-4-1Subtrib. of Lamoka LakeTributary of connecting channel between lakes.L-11neCC
182Pa 3-58-15-P 47-4-P 48Waneta or Little LakeL-11neAA
183Pa 3-58-15-P 47-4-P 48-1a through 3cTribs. of Waneta LakeL-11neCC
184Pa 3-58-15-P 47-4-P 48-4Trib. of Waneta LakeFunctions to feed water from Waneta and Lamoka Lakes to Keuka Lake.L-11neAA
185Pa 3-58-15-P 47-4-P 48-5 through 7 and tribs.Tribs. of Waneta LakeL-11neCC
186Pa 3-58-15-P 47-5 through 9 and all tribs. including P 49Tribs. of Lamoka LakeLittle Tobehanna Creek (trib. 5), Tobehanna Creek (trib. 6).L-11ne L-12nw L-11seCC
187Pa 3-58-15a including P 44cTrib. of Cohocton RiverL-11swCC
188Pa 3-58-16 portionEagle Valley BrookFrom mouth to 0.3 mile above mouth.L-11swCC(T)
189Pa 3-58-16 portion as described and tribs.Eagle Valley BrookFrom 0.3 mile above mouth to source and all tribs.L-11sw L-10seCC
190Pa 3-58-17, 18 and tribs.Tribs. of Cohocton RiverSmith Run or Freeman Hollow Brook (trib. 18).L-11sw L-10se L-11nwCC
191Pa 3-58-19 portion as describedStocking Creek or Babcock Hollow CreekFrom mouth to 0.4 mile above trib. 4.L-10seCC
192Pa 3-58-19 portion as describedStocking CreekFrom 0.4 mile above trib. 4 to trib. 7.L-10se M-10neCC(TS)
193Pa 3-58-19 portion as describedStocking CreekFrom trib. 7 to trib. 11.M-10ne L-10seCC(T)
193.1Pa 3-58-19 portion as describedStocking CreekFrom trib. 11 to source.L-10se L-10swCC
194Pa 3-58-19-1 through 11, and all tribs. including P 50Tribs. of Stocking CreekGulf Creek (trib. 3).L-10se M-10ne L-10sw M-10nwCC
195Pa 3-58-20 and trib. 1bTrib. of Cohocton RiverL-10seCC
196Pa 3-58-20- 1aWilkes CreekL-10seCC(T)
197Pa 3-58-20-1a-a, 1, 2 including P 50aTribs. of Wilkes CreekL-10seCC
198Pa 3-58-21 and trib.Trib. of Cohocton RiverL-10seCC
199Pa 3-58- P 51Lake SalubriaIsolated lake.L-10seBB
200Pa 3-58-P 51-1Trib. of Lake SalubriaL-10seCC
201Pa 3-58-P 51a, P 51b, P 52, P 53, P 53a, P 53b, P 57, and tribs.Tribs. of Cohocton RiverIsolated ponds.L-10seCC
202Pa 3-58-22, 23, 24 including P 61, P 61a, P 61b, P 61cTribs. of Cohocton RiverL-10seCC
203Pa 3-58-P 62Trib. of Cohocton RiverIsolated pond.L-10seCC
204Pa 3-58-25 portionHarrisburg Hollow BrookFrom mouth to trib. 1.L-10seCC(T)
205Pa 3-58-25 portion as describedHarrisburg Hollow Brookfrom trib. 1 to source.L-10se L-10neCC
206Pa 3-58-25-1 and tribs.Spaulding Creek or Clark StreamL-10seCC(TS)
207Pa 3-58-25-2, 3 and trib.Tribs. of Harrisburg Hollow BrookL-10se L-10neCC
208Pa 3-58-26, 27 portion as described and tribs. except trib. 27-1Tribs. of Cohocton RiverKnight Creek (trib. 26), Campbell Creek or Hollow Creek (trib. 27), from mouth to trib. 5. Sinclair Creek (trib. 27-2), Maxwell Creek (trib. 27-4).L-10se L-10sw L-9seCC
208.1Pa 3-58-27 portion as describedCampbell Creek or Wolf Hollow CreekFrom trib. 5 to 0.1 mile above trib. 11.L-10swCC(T)
208.2Pa 3-58-27 portion as describedCampbell Creek or Wolf Hollow CreekFrom 0.1 mile above trib. 11 to source.L-10sw L-9seCC
208.3Pa 3-58-27-1 portion as describedChamberlain BrookFrom mouth to 0.2 mile below trib. 2.L-10swCC
208.4Pa 3-58-27-1 portion as describedChamberlain BrookFrom 0.2 mile below trib. 2 to bridge 1.1 miles above trib. 2.L-10swCC(TS)
208.5Pa 3-58-27-1 portion as described and tribs.Chamberlain BrookFrom bridge 1.1 miles above trib. 2 to source.L-10swCC
209Pa 3-58-28 and tribs. including P 62b, P 62d, P 63a, P 63b, P 64a, P 64b, P 64cTribs. of Cohocton RiverFivemile Creek, Trout Run or Mutton Hollow Brook (trib. 8), Deer Lick Run (trib. 8-1), Waldo Creek (trib. 13), Center Creek (trib. 16), Dabell Creek, (trib. 18) and isolated ponds.L-10se L-10ne K-10se K-11sw L-11nwCC
210Pa 3-58-28-13-P 63Mud or Duck LakeL-10neCC
211Pa 3-58-29 through 30Tribs. of Cohocton RiverL-10se L-10ne L-10nw L-10swCC
212Pa 3-58-31 portionGoff CreekFrom mouth to trib. 9.L-10nw L-10swCC(TS)
213Pa 3-58-31 portion as describedGoff CreekFrom trib. 9 to bridge 1.5 miles above trib. 12.L-10sw L-9seCC(TS)
214Pa 3-58-31 portion as describedGoff CreekFrom bridge 1.5 miles above trib. 12 to source.L-9seCC
215Pa 3-58-31-1a, 1b, 1, 2, 3, 4, 4a, 5, 6, and all tribs.Tribs. of Goff CreekBoughton Creek (trib. 4).L-10nw L-10swCC
216Pa 3-58-31-7 and trib.Trib. of Goff CreekL-10sw L-10nwCC
217Pa 3-58-31-7-P 66Smith PondL-10nwBB
218Pa 3-58-31-7-P 66-1 and tribs.Trib. of Smith PondL-10nwCC
219Pa 3-58-31-8Trib. of Goff CreekL-10sw L-10nwCC
220Pa 3-58-31-9Trib. of Goff CreekL-10sw L-9seCC(T)
221Pa 3-58-31-10 and tribs. including P 68aRice Glen Brook and unnamed pondL-10sw L-9seCC
222Pa 3-58-31- 10-P 68Demons Pond or Lake DemonsIsolated pond.L-10swBB
223Pa 3-58-31-11, 12 and tribs.Tribs. of Goff CreekVan Camper Creek (trib. 12).L-9seCC
224Pa 3-58-32 through 33b, and all tribs.Tribs. of Cohocton RiverSalmon Creek (trib. 32).L-10nw L-10neCC
225Pa 3-58-34 portionCotton CreekFrom mouth to dam site.L-10nwCC(TS)
226Pa 3-58-34 portionCotton CreekFrom dam site to trib. 4.L-10nwCC(T)
227Pa 3-58-34 portion as describedCotton CreekFrom trib. 4 to source.L-10nwCC
228Pa 3-58-34-1 through 4Tribs. of Cotton CreekL-10nwCC
229Pa 3-58-34- P 70aTrib. of Cotton CreekVillage of Avoca concrete reservoir. No junction with natural surface waters.L-10nwExempt waters Not classified
230Pa 3-58-34- P 71Loucks PondL-10nwCC
231Pa 3-58-35 portion as describedTen Mile CreekFrom mouth to bridge 0.25 mile below trib. 3.L-10nwCC(TS)
231.1Pa 3-58-35 portion as described through 37, and all tribs. including P 71a, P 71b, P 71c, P 71d except trib. 35-2Tribs. of Cohocton RiverTen Mile Creek (trib. 35) from bridge 0.25 mile below trib. 3 to source. Spaulding Creek (trib. 35a).L-10nw L-10ne K-10swCC
231.2Pa 3-58-35-2 portion as describedWest CreekFrom mouth to 2.3 miles above trib. 4.L-10nw L-10neCC(TS)
231.3Pa 3-58-35-2 portion as described and tribs.West CreekFrom 2.3 miles above trib. 4 to source.L-10nw L-10ne K-10seCC
232Pa 3-58-38Neil CreekL-10nw L-9CC(TS)
233Pa 3-58-38-1Castle CreekL-10nw L-9CC(TS)
234Pa 3-58-38-1-1Trib. of Castle CreekL-10nw L-9CC(TS)
234.1Pa 3-58-38-1-1a through 4, and all tribs. including P 72, and all tribs. of Pa 3-58 -38-1-1Tribs. of Castle CreekCastle Pond (P 72).L-10nw L-9CC
235Pa 3-58-38-2, 2a, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and all tribs.Tribs. of Neil CreekMeadow Brook (trib. 4), Page Brook (trib. 7).L-10nw L-9CC
236Pa 3-58-38-9Trib. of Neil CreekL-9CC(T)
237Pa 3-58-38-10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 22, and all tribs. including P 78Tribs. of Neil CreekMud Lake (P 78).L-9CC
238Pa 3-58-38- P 79Loon LakeIsolated lake.L-9BB
239Pa 3-58-38- P 79, 1Trib. of Loon LakeL-9CC
240Pa 3-58-39 portionTwelvemile Creek or Lyon Hollow BrookFrom mouth to 0.8 mile below trib. 5L-10nwCC(TS)
241Pa 3-58-39 portionTwelvemile CreekFrom 0.8 mile below trib. 5 to trib. 13.L-10nw K-10swCC(T)
242Pa 3-58-39 portion as describedTwelvemile CreekFrom trib. 13 to source.K-10sw K-10seCC
243Pa 3-58-39-1, 1a, 2 and trib.Tribs. of Twelvemile CreekL-10nwCC
244Pa 3-58-39-3 portion as describedAvery Hollow BrookFrom mouth to bridge 0.2 mile above mouth.L-10nwCC
245Pa 3-58-39-3 portionAvery Hollow BrookFrom bridge 0.2 mile above mouth to trib. 1.L-10nwCC(T)
246Pa 3-58-39-3 portion as describedAvery Hollow BrookFrom trib. 1 to source.L-10nw K-10swCC
247Pa 3-58-39-3-1, 2 and trib.Tribs. of Avery Hollow BrookL-10nw K-10swCC
248Pa 3-58-39-4Trib. of Twelvemile CreekL-10nw K-10swCC
249Pa 3-58-38-5Trib. of Twelvemile CreekL-10nw K-10swCC(T)
250Pa 3-58-39-5 -1, 2Subtribs. of Twelvemile CreekK-10swCC
251Pa 3-58-39-5a through 8 and tribs.Tribs. of Twelvemile CreekK-10swCC
252Pa 3-58-39-9 portionLyon or Martin Hayes CreekFrom mouth to trib. 5.K-10sw K-10seCC(TS)
253Pa 3-58-39-9 portion as describedLyon CreekFrom trib. 5 to source.K-10seCC(TS)
254Pa 3-58-39-9-a, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7Tribs. of Lyon CreekK-10sw K-10seCC
255Pa 3-58-39-10 through 16, and all tribs. including P 80Tribs. of Twelvemile CreekK-10sw K-10seCC
256Pa 3-58-40 and tribs.Fairbrothers BrookL-10nw L-9CC
257Pa 3-58-40aa, 40a, 40b, 40cTribs. of Cohocton RiverCold Spring Brook (trib. 40a), Lackawanna Brook (trib. 40b), Erie Brook (trib. 40c).L-10nwCC(TS)
258Pa 3-58-41, 42, and all tribs. including P 82Tribs. of Cohocton RiverJones Brook (trib. 41).L-10nw L-9CC
258.1Pa 3-58-43 portion as describedSwitzer Brook or Davis CreekFrom mouth to 1.5 miles above mouth.L-10nwCC(TS)
258.2Pa 3-58-43 portion as described and tribs.Switzer Brook or Davis CreekFrom 1.5 miles above mouth to source.K-10swCC
258.3Pa 3-58-44, 45, 46, 47, 49, 50, and all tribs., including P 84, P 87, P 88Tribs. of Cohocton RiverReynolds Creek (trib. 44), Blackrick Hollow Brook or Davis Hollow Brook (trib. 45), Hinkle Hollow Brook (trib. 45-1).K-9se L-10nw K-10swCC
258.4Pa 3-58-48 portion as described and tribs.Kirkwood CreekFrom mouth to NYS Route 371.K-10swCC
258.5Pa 3-58-48 portion as describedKirkwood CreekFrom NYS Route 371 to source.K-10swCC(TS)
259Pa 3-58-51 portion as describedSpring BrookFrom mouth to bridge 0.5 mile above mouth.K-10swCC
260Pa 3-58-51 portionSpring BrookFrom bridge 0.5 mile above mouth to trib. 2.K-10swCC(T)
261Pa 3-58-51 portion as describedSpring BrookFrom trib. 2 to source.K-10swCC
262Pa 3-58-51-1 through 3Tribs. of Spring BrookK-10swCC
263Pa 3-58-52 and trib.Trib. of Cohocton RiverK-10sw K-9seCC
264Pa 3-58-53a and tribs. including P 88cTrib. of Cohocton RiverEast Wayland or Black Creek (trib. 53a), Erie Creek (trib. 53a-1), Lackawanna Creek (trib. 53a-2), Crawfords Creek (trib. 53a-3).K-9se K-10swCC(T)
265Pa 3-58-53bTrib. of Cohocton RiverK-9seCC
265.1Pa 3-58-53 and tribs., 54Tribs. of Cohocton RiverPardee Hollow Creek (trib. 53), Miller or Giles Hollow Brook (trib. 54).K-9seCC(TS)
265.2Pa 3-58-54-2, 3, 4Tribs. of Miller BrookK-9seCC
265.3Pa 3-58-54a, 55Tribs. of Cohocton RiverK-9seCC
265.4Pa 3-58-56 portion as describedTrib. of Cohocton RiverFrom mouth upstream 1.2 miles.K-9seCC(TS)
265.5Pa 3-58-56 portion as described and tribs.Trib. of Cohocton RiverFrom 1.2 miles upstream of mouth to source.K-9se K-9neCC
265.6Pa 3-58- 56a, 57Tribs. of Cohocton RiverK-9seCC
266Pa 3-58-58Trib. of Cohocton RiverK-9se K-9neCC(TS)
267Pa 3-58-58-1Subtrib. of Cohocton RiverK-9se K-9neCC
268Pa 3-58-58-2 and tribs.Subtrib. of Cohocton RiverK-9se K-9neCC(T)
269Pa 3-58-58-3 through 6Subtribs. of Cohocton RiverK-9se K-9neCC
270Pa 3-58-58a through 63, and all tribs. including P 89Tribs. of Cohocton RiverK-9neCC
271Pa 3a, 4, 5, 6, 7, 7a, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 19a, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, and all tribs.Tribs. of Chemung River system in PennsylvaniaFrom New York -Pennsylvania boundary to sources. Mapes Creek (Pa 11), Strait Creek (Pa 13), Camp Brook (Pa 18), Holden Creek (Pa 19), Redhouse Hollow Brook (Pa 19a), Buckley Brook (Pa 20), Cook Hollow Brook (Pa 24).M-13sw M-12se M-12sw M-11se M-11sw M-10se M-10swCC
271.1Pa 25 and tribs. 1 through 6, 8, 9, and all tribs.Troups CreekSquab Hollow Brook (Pa 25-5), Coover Hollow Brook (Pa 25-9-1).M-9se M-9CC
271.2Pa 25-7 portion as described and tribs.West Branch Troups Creek or Young Hickory Hollow CreekFrom mouth to 0.3 mile above trib. 3.M-9se M-9CC
271.3Pa 25-7 portion as describedWest Branch Troups Creek or Young Hickory Hollow CreekFrom 0.3 mile above trib. 3 to trib. 6.M-9se M-9CC(TS)
271.4Pa 25-7 portion as describedWest Branch Troups Creek or Young Hickory Hollow CreekFrom trib. 6 to source.M-9CC
271.5Pa 26 through 29, and tribs.Tribs. of Chemung River system in PennsylvaniaWhite Branch Creek (Pa 29).M-9se M-9CC

N.Y. Comp. Codes R. & Regs. Tit. 6 § 811.6