N.Y. Comp. Codes R. & Regs. tit. 6 § 878.6

Current through Register Vol. 46, No. 53, December 31, 2024
Section 878.6 - Table I



Item No.Waters Index NumberNameDescriptionMapRef. No.ClassStandards
1H-240-144 portionEast Canada CreekFrom mouth to dam at P 704a (Kyser Lake).J-21nw H-21sw H-20seCC(T)
2H-240-144 portionEast Canada CreekFrom dam at P 704a (Kyser Lake) to dam of Niagara Mohawk Power Corporation impoundment at P 704b.H-20seBB(T)
3H-240-144 portionEast Canada CreekFrom dam at Niagara Mohawk Power Corporation impoundment at P 704b to dam at Dolgeville.H-20seCC(T)
4H-240-144 portionEast Canada CreekFrom dam at Dolgeville to trib. 37 (Brayhouse Brook).H-20se H-21sw H-21nw G-21CC(T)
5H-240-144 portionEast Canada CreekFrom trib. 37 (Brayhouse Brook) to source. This portion is located within forest preserve.G-21
6H-240-144-P 703b, P 703cTribs. of East Canada CreekH-21swCC
7H-240-144-P 703aEast Canada Lake or Beardslee LakeH-21sw H-20seCC(T)
8H-240-144-P 703a-a, 1 and trib.Tribs. of East Canada LakeH-21sw H-20seCC
9H-240-144-2a, 2b, 3Tribs. of East Canada CreekH-20seCC
10H-240-144-4 portionBacon BrookFrom mouth to trib. 2.H-20seCC(T)
11H-240-144-4 portionBacon BrookFrom trib. 2 to source.H-20se H-21swCC
12H-240-144-4-a, 1aTribs. of Bacon BrookH-20seCC
13H-240-144-4-2Trib. of Bacon BrookH-20se H-21swCC(T)
14H-240-144-4-2-1Subtrib. of Bacon BrookH-21swCC(T)
15H-240-144-4-2-2Subtrib. of Bacon BrookAt Bacon Brook Road Crossing.H-21swCC(TS)
16H-240-144-4-2-2 -1Subtrib. of Bacon BrookH-21swCC(T)
17H-240-144-4-2-2 -2Subtrib. of Bacon BrookH-21swCC
18H-240-144-4-6, 8Tribs. of Bacon BrookH-21swCC
19H-240-144-4-7Trib. of Bacon BrookH-21swCC(T)
20H-240-144-P 704aKyser LakeH-20seBB
21H-240-144-5 portion as described and all tribs. excluding trib. 3Ransom Creek or Gillette CreekFrom mouth to trib 2.H-20sw H-20se H-20neCC
21.1H-240-144-5 portion as describedRansom Creek or Gillette CreekFrom trib. 2 to source.H-20se H-20swCC(T)
22H-240-144-5-3 and trib. including P 704c and trib.Trib. of Ransom CreekH-20seCC(T)
23H-240-144-P 705bTrib. of East Canada CreekH-20seCC
25H-240-144-6 including P 705, P 705aTribs. of East Canada CreekH-20seCC
26H-240-144-7Beaver BrookH-20se H-20neCC(TS)
27H-240-144-7-2Trib. of Beaver BrookH-20seCC(T)
28H-240-144-7-2-aSubtrib. of Beaver BrookH-20seCC
29H-240-144-7-2a and trib.Trib. of Beaver BrookH-20se H-20neCC
30H-240-144-8, P 705cTribs. of East Canada CreekIsolated Pond (P 705c)H-20seCC
31H-240-144-9 portionSpruce CreekFrom mouth to dam below Spruce Lake (P 706a).H-20se H-20neCC(TS)
32H-240-144-9 portionSpruce CreekFrom dam below Spruce Lake (P 706a) to trib. 17.H-20neAAAA
33H-240-144-9 portionSpruce CreekFrom trib. 17 to trib. 24.H-20ne H-20nwCC
34H-240-144-9 portionSpruce CreekFrom trib. 24 to source. Part not within forest preserve.H-20ne H-20nw G-20CC
35H-240-144-9-1a, 1Tribs. of Spruce CreekH-20neCC(T)
36H-240-144-9-1b, 1cTribs. of Spruce CreekH-20neCC
37H-240-144-9-2Trib. of Spruce CreekH-20neCC(T)
38H-240-144-9-2-1Subtrib. of Spruce CreekH-20neCC
39H-240-144-9-3, 4Tribs. of Spruce CreekH-20neCC
40H-240-144-9-5 portionBeaver CreekKnown also as Beaver or Little Falls Beaver Brook. From mouth to dam at P 706.H-20neCC(T)
41H-240-144-9-5 portion including P 706Beaver CreekFrom dam at P 706 to source.H-20ne H-20nwAAAA(T)
42H-240-144-9-5-1Trib. of Beaver CreekH-20neCC(T)
43H-240-144-9-5-2 and trib., 2a, 3, 3aTribs. of Beaver CreekH-20ne H-20nwAAAA
44H-240-144-9-5-5, and 6Tribs. of Beaver CreekH-20nwAAAA(T)
45H-240-144-9-5-8Trib. of Beaver CreekH-20nwCC
46H-240-144-9-6, P 706c, P 706dTrib. of Spruce CreekH-20neCC(T)
47H-240-144-9-P 706a, P 706bTribs. of Spruce CreekSpruce Lake (P 706a)H-20neAAAA
48H-240-144-9-7, 8 and trib.Tribs. of Spruce CreekH-20neAAAA(T)
49H-240-144-9-10, 10a and trib. including P 706eTribs. of Spruce CreekH-20neAAAA
50H-240-144-9-11 portion including trib. 1Murphy BrookKnown also as Kettle or Beaver Brook. From mouth to trib. 2.H-20neAAAA(T)
51H-240-144-9-11 portion and tribs.Murphy BrookFrom trib. 2 to source. Parts not in forest preserve.H-20ne H-21nwCC
52H-240-144-9-12Anthony BrookKnown also as Bellinger Brook.H-20neAAAA
53H-240-144-9-12-1Trib. of Anthony BrookH-20neAAAA(T)
54H-240-144-9-13a, 14Tribs. of Spruce BrookH-20neAAAA
55H-240-144-9-15 portionTrib. of Spruce BrookFrom mouth to trib. 1.H-20neAAAA
56H-240-144-9-15 portion and tribs. 1, 2Trib. of Spruce CreekFrom trib. 1 to P 707.H-20neAA
57H-240-144-9-15-P 707 and tribs. portionSubtribs. of Spruce CreekParts not in forest preserve.H-20neAA
58H-240-144-9-15-P 708 and tribs. portionKlondike ReservoirParts not in forest preserve.H-20neCC
59H-240-144-9-16 and 17Tribs. of Spruce CreekPorter Brook (trib. 16).H-20neCC(T)
60H-240-144-9-18 and tribs. portionBuck CreekParts not in forest preserve.H-20neCC
61H-240-144-9-19 and trib. 1Hallet BrookBrant Branch (trib. 1).H-20ne H-20nwCC(T)
62H-240-144-9-21 and tribs., 23Tribs. of Spruce CreekH-20ne H-20nwCC
63H-240-144-9-24, 25 and tribs., 25a and all tribs. portionTribs. of Spruce CreekParts not in forest preserve.H-20ne H-20nwCC
64H-240-144-9-25b, 26, 27Tribs. of Spruce CreekStreams located within forest preserve.H-20ne G-20
65H-240-144-10 portionCold BrookFrom mouth to P 709 (Dolgeville Reservoir).H-20se H-20neCC(TS)
66H-240-144-10 portionCold BrookFrom P 709 to source.H-20neAAAA(T)
67H-240-144-10-1Trib. of Cold BrookH-20neCC(TS)
68H-240-144-10-3Trib. of Cold BrookH-20neCC(TS)
69H-240-144-10-5 portionMang BrookFrom mouth to P 708a.H-20neCC(TS)
70H-240-144-10-5 portion including P 708aMang BrookFrom P 708a to source.H-20neAAAA(TS)
71H-240-144-10-5aTrib. of Cold BrookH-20neCC(T)
72H-240-144-10-P 709Dolgeville ReservoirH-20neAAAA
73H-240-144-10-6Trib. of Cole BrookH-20neAAAA
74H-240-144-11 portionMiddle Sprite CreekFrom mouth to trib. 4.H-20se H-21sw H-21seCC(T)
75H-240-144-11 portionMiddle Sprite CreekFrom trib. 4 to source. Parts not in forest preserve.H-21se H-21ne H-21swCC(T)
76H-240-144-11-1 portion including P 709b, P 709c, P 709d, P 709eLittle Sprite CreekFrom mouth to trib. 3.H-21swCC(T)
77H-240-144-11-1 portionLittle Sprite CreekFrom trib. 3 to source.H-21swCC(TS)
78H-240-144-11-1- 2Trib. of Little Sprite CreekH-21swCC
79H-240-144-11-1- 3 portion including P 709fTrib. of Little Sprite CreekFrom mouth to trib. 2.H-21sw H-21seCC(T)
80H-240-144-11-1- 3 portionTrib. of Little Sprite CreekFrom trib. 2 to source.H-21seCC(TS)
81H-240-144-11-1- 3-2 portionSubtrib. of Little Sprite CreekFrom mouth to P 709g.H-21seCC(T)
82H-240-144-11-1- 3-2 portion including P 709gSubtrib. of Little Sprite CreekFrom P 709g to source.H-21seCC(TS)
83H-240-144-11-1- 3-2-a, 1Subtribs. of Little Sprite CreekH-21seCC
84H-240-144-11-1- 3-2aSubtrib. of Little Sprite CreekH-21seCC
85H-240-144-11-2Rasho Perry StreamIncluding stream known as Hayes Brook.H-21swCC(T)
86H-240-144-11-4Trib. of Middle Sprite CreekH-21seCC(T)
87H-240-144-11-5 portion including P 712aTrib. of Middle Sprite CreekFrom mouth to and including P 712a. Waters located within forest preserve.H-21se
88H-240-144-11-5 portionTrib. of Middle Sprite CreekFrom P 712a to source.H-21se H-21neCC
89H-240-144-11-5-1Subtrib. of Middle Sprite CreekAlso connects to H-240-144-13-2-a-P 712.H-21ne H-21seCC
90H-240-144-11-P 713 and tribs.Tribs. of Middle Sprite CreekHillabrandt Vly (P 713). Waters located within forest preserve.H-21se H-21ne
91H-240-144-12Phipps BrookKnown also as Zoller or John B. Galusha Stream.H-21sw H-21nwCC(T)
92H-240-144-13 portionSprite CreekFrom mouth to power plant 0.75 mile below trib. 2.H-21nwCC(T)
93H-240-144-13 portionSprite CreekFrom power plant 0.75 mile below trib. 2 to P 716 (Lily Lake).H-21nw H-21neCC
94H-240-144-13-1Trib. of Sprite CreekH-21nwCC(T)
95H-240-144-13-2 portionTrib. of Sprite CreekPart not in forest preserve.H-21nw H-21neCC(T)
96H-240-144-13-2-a, P 712Subtribs. of Sprite CreekAlso connects to H-240-144-11-5-1.H-21ne H-21seCC
97H-240-144-13-P 715Impoundment on Sprite CreekH-21neCC
98H-240-144-13-5, 5a, P 715a, and all tribs. portionTribs. of Sprite CreekParts not in forest preserve.H-21neCC
99H-240-144-13-P 716Lily LakeWaters are located within forest preserve.H-21ne
100H-240-144-13-P 717 portionCanada LakeParts not in forest preserve.H-21ne H-21nwBB(T)
101H-240-144-13-P 717-1 portionTrib. of Canada LakeParts not in forest preserve.H-21neBB
102H-240-144-13-P 717-P 718 portionWest LakeParts not in forest preserve.H-21neBB
103H-240-144-13-P 717-1-P 718-1 and tribs.Burnt Vly StreamStreams are located within forest preserve.H-21ne
104H-240-144-13-P 717-1-P 718-2 portionPine Lake OutletFrom mouth to P 724a, including easterly branch of stream to P 724. Parts not in forest preserve.H-21neCC(T)
105H-240-144-13-P 717-1-P 718-2 portion including P 724aPine Lake OutletFrom P 724a to P 724 (Pine Lake).H-21neCC
106H-240-144-13-P 717-1-P 718-2-1 portionNine Corner Lake OutletParts not in forest preserve.H-21neCC(T)
107H-240-144-13-P 717-1-P 718-2-1-P 719Nine Corner LakeLake is located within forest preserve.H-21ne
108H-240-144-13-P 717-1-P 718-2-2 portionStoner Lakes OutletFrom mouth to 0.2 mile below trib. 1. Parts not in forest preserve.H-21neCC(T)
109H-240-144-13-P 717-1-P 718-2-2 portionStoner Lakes OutletFrom 0.2 mile below trib. 1 to P 721 (Stoner Lakes). Stream section is located within forest preserve.H-21ne
110H-240-144-13-P 717-1-P 718-2-2-1 and P 720Tribs. of Stoner Lakes OutletGoose Egg Lake or Broomstick Lake (P 720). Waters are located within forest preserve.H-21ne
111H-240-144-13-P 717-1-P 718-2-2-P 721Stoner LakesLakes are located within forest preserve.H-21ne
112H-240-144-13-P 717-1-P 718-2-2-P 721-1, 2 including P 722 and trib., P 723Tribs. of Stoner LakesStoner Lakes (P 722). Waters are located within forest preserve.H-21ne
113H-240-144-13-P 717-1-P 718-2-2-P 721-2-1 and P 723a portionSubtribs. of Stoner LakesPart not in forest preserve.H-21neCC(T)
114H-240-144-13-P 717-1-P 718-2-2-P 721-2-1aSubtrib. of Stoner LakesStream is located within forest preserve.H-21ne
115H-240-144-13-P 717-1-P 718-2-2-P 721-2a and trib. portionTrib. of Stoner LakesParts not in forest preserve.H-21neCC
116H-240-144-13-P 717-1-P 718-2-P 724 portionPine LakeParts not in forest preserve.H-21neBB
117H-240-144-13-P 717-1-P 718-2-P 724-1, all tribs. and P 725Tribs. of Pine LakeIndian Lake Outlet (trib. 1). Indian Lake (P 725). Waters are located within forest preserve.H-21ne H-22nw
118H-240-144-13-P 717-1-P 178-3 including P 726Tribs. of West LakeMud Lake (P 726).H-21neCC
119H-240-144-13-P 717-2 including P 727 portionTribs. of Canada LakeGreen Lake (P 727). Parts not in forest preserve.H-21neBB
120H-240-144-13-P 717-2-1, including P 728 portionTribs. of Green LakeParts not in forest preserve.H-21neCC
121H-240-144-13-P 717-2-1-P 729 and trib. a including P 730Tribs. of Green LakeOtter Lake (P 729). Stewart Lake (P 730). Waters are located within forest preserve.H-21ne H-22nw
122H-240-144-13-P 717-2-1a portionTrib. of Green CreekPart not in forest preserve.H-21ne H-22nwCC
123H-240-144-13-P 717-3 and trib. 1aTribs. of Canada LakeIrving Pond Outlet (trib. 3).H-22nwCC
124H-240-144-13-P 717-3-P 732 portionIrving PondParts not in forest preserve.H-22nwBB
125H-240-144-13-P 717-3-P 732-1 portionTrib. of Irving PondPart not in forest preserve.H-22nwCC(T)
126H-240-144-13-P 717-3-P 732-1-1, P 733, P 734 and tribs., P 736, P 736a, P 736b and P 736cTribs. of Irving PondPrairie Lake (P 733). Bellows Lake (P 734). Little Holmes Lake (P 736). Winter Lake (P 736a). Fisher Vly Lake (P 736b). Little Oxborn Lake (P 736c). Waters are located within forest preserve.H-22nw
127H-240-144-13-P 717-4 and tribs. including P 738, P 738a, P 714Tribs. of Canada LakeMud Lake (P 714). Waters are located within forest preserve.H-21ne
128240-144-16 and trib. a, P 738b, P 738cFly BrookH-21nw H-20neCC(T)
129H-240-144-17 portionCarr CreekFrom mouth to trib. 1.H-21nwCC(TS)
130H-240-144-17 portionCarr CreekFrom trib. 1 to source.H-21nw H-20neCC(TS)
131H-240-144-17-1Tribs. of Carr CreekH-21nwCC(TS)
131.1H-240-144-17-1a, 1b and trib. 2Tribs. of Carr CreekH-20neCC
132H-240-144-18 portion including trib. a and trib.Moose CreekParts not in forest preserve.H-21nw H-21neCC(T)
133H-240-144-18-1 portionTrib. of Moose CreekFrom mouth to trib. 1.H-21nwCC(T)
134H240-144-18-1 portion including tribs. 1, 1a, P 739Trib. of Moose CreekFrom trib. 1 to source.H-21nwCC(TS)
135H-240-144-19 including P 739bLittle Moose CreekKnown also as Bliss Creek.H-21nwCC
136H-240-144-20 portionJeffers BrookAlso known as McClure Brook.H-21nwCC(T)
137H-240-144-20 portion including P 740Jeffers BrookFrom P 740 to source.H-21nwBB
138H-240-144-20-a, 1a, P 740a, P 740bTribs. of Jeffers BrookH-21nwCC
139H-240-144-21 portionAyers CreekAlso known as Pleasant Lake Stream. From mouth to trib. 6.H-21nwCC
140H-240-144-21 portionAyers CreekFrom trib. 6 to source. Parts not in forest preserve.H-21nw H-21neCC(T)
141H-240-144-21-2 portionTrib. of Ayers CreekFrom mouth to P 740c.H-21nwCC(TS)
142H-240-144-21-2 portion including P 740cTribs. of Ayers CreekFrom P 740c to source. Parts not in forest preserve.H-21nwCC(TS)
143H-240-144-21-2- 1Subtrib. of Ayers CreekPortion formerly Norton Brook.H-21nwCC(TS)
144H-240-144-21-2- 1-a, P 740dSubtribs. of Ayers CreekH-21nwCC
145H-240-144-21-6Subtrib. of Ayers CreekH-21nwCC(T)
146H-240-144-21-7 including P 744a portionSubtrib. of Ayers CreekParts not in forest preserve.H-21nw H-21neCC
147H-240-144-21-7-P 745Pleasant LakeH-21neBB
148H-240-144-21-7-P 745-1Trib. of Pleasant LakeH-21neCC
149H-240-144-21-P 746Ayers LakeH-21neCC
150H-240-144-22 portionTrammel CreekFrom mouth to 1.4 miles upstream.H-21nwCC
151H-240-144-22 portionTrammel CreekFrom 1.4 miles upstream to trib. 3a.H-21nwCC(T)
152H-240-144-22 portionTrammel CreekFrom trib. 3a to source. Stream is located within forest preserve.H-21nw H-20ne G-20 G-21
153H-240-144-22-aTrib. of Trammel CreekH-21nwCC
154H-240-144-22-1a, 1b, 1Tribs. of Trammel CreekH-21nwCC(T)
155H-240-144-22-2 portionTrib. of Trammel CreekParts not in forest preserve.H-21nw H-20neCC(T)
156H-240-144-22-2-a portionSubtrib. of Trammel CreekParts not in forest preserve.H-21nwCC
157H-240-144-22-2-1 portionSubtrib. of Trammel CreekParts not in forest preserve.H-21nw H-20neCC
158H-240-144-22- 2-P 748Little Mud LakeLake is located within forest preserve.H-20ne
159H-240-144-22-3 portionTrib. of Trammel CreekPart not in forest preserve.H-21nwCC(T)
160H-240-144-22-3b portionTrib. of Trammel CreekPart not in forest preserve.H-21nwDD
161H-240-144-22-3a, 3c, 3d, 3e, 4a and trib.Tribs. of Trammel CreekStreams are located within forest preserve.H-21nw H-20ne G-20 G-21
162H-240-144-23Trib. of East Canada CreekH-21nwCC
163H-240-144-25 portionStony BrookParts not in forest preserve.H-21nwCC(T)
164H-240-144-25-1, 2, P 749a portionTribs. of Stony BrookWaters are in forest preserve.H-21nw G-21
165H-240-144-25-P 749Stony Brook LakeLake is located within forest preserve.H-21nw
166H-240-144-26 portionTrib. of East Canada CreekPart not in forest preserve.H-21nwCC(T)
167H-240-144-27Trib. of East Canada CreekH-21nwCC(T)
168H-240-144-28 portionNorth CreekFrom mouth to trib. 1. Parts not in forest preserve.H-21nwCC
169H-240-144-28 portionNorth CreekFrom trib. 1 to source. Stream is located within forest preserve.H-21nw H-21ne
170H-240-144-28-P 750Knapp ReservoirH-21nwBB
171H-240-144-28-P 750-1 portionHart Vly StreamPart not in forest preserve.H-21nw G-21CC
172H-240-144- 28-P 750-1-1, 2, 2a, 2b, 3, 3a, 4 and tribs. including P 751, P 752Tribs. of Hart Vly StreamLittle Chub Lake (P 751). Hart Vly Lake (P 752). Waters are located within forest preserve.G-21
173H-240-144-28-P 750-1-4-P 752aSubtrib. of Hart Vly StreamG-21CC
174H-240-144-28-P 750-2 including P 753, P 754 and trib. 1, P 755Long Lake outletKnapps Long Lake (P 753). Long Pond (P 755). Waters are located within forest preserve.H-21nw H-21ne
175H-240-144-28-1 and tribs. including P 756, P 757, P 758, P 759, P 760, P 761Spectacle outletConglin Lakes (P 758). Dexter Lake (P 759). Spectacle Lakes (P 760). Dry Lake (P 761). Waters are located within forest preserve.H-21ne H-21nw G-21
176H-240-144- 28-2 and tribs. portionTribs. of North CreekParts not in forest preserve.H-21neCC
177H-240-144-28-P 762 and tribs. and including P 762a, P 763, P 764, P 765, P 766Waters Millpond (P 762)Long Lake (P 763). Third Lake (P 764). Fourth Lake (P 765). Broomstick Lake (P 766). Waters are located within forest preserve.H-21ne
178H-240-144-28a including P 761aTribs. of East Canada CreekH-21nwCC
179H-240-144-29 and tribs.Windfall CreekStreams are located within forest preserve.H-21nw G-21
180H-240-144-33 and P 770Brandy BrookHouse Pond (P 770). Waters are located within forest preserve.H-21nw G-21
181H-240-144-33-1 portionTrib. of Brandy BrookPart not in forest preserve.G-21CC
182H-240-144-34 and P 771Tribs. of East Canada CreekRed House Lake (P 771). Waters are located within forest preserve.G-21
183H-240-144-34-a including P 770aTribs. of East Canada CreekG-21 H-21nwCC
184H-240-144-P 772Oregon PondG-21CC
185H-240-144-35 and tribs. portionLimestone CreekPart not in forest preserve.G-21CC
186H-240-144-37 portionBrayhouse BrookParts not in forest preserve.G-21CC(T)
187H-240-144-37 trib. including P 773, P 774, P 775 and P 776Tribs. of Brayhouse BrookWest Creek Lake (P 773). Black Creek Lake (P 774). Deer Lake (P 775). Bills Pond (P 776). Waters are located within forest preserve.G-21
188H-240-144-38 and tribs. including P 777, P 778, P 778a, P 779, P 780Black Cat outletFerris Lake (P 777). Iron Lake (P 779). Black Cat Lake (P 780). Waters are located within forest preserve.G-21
189H-240-144-38a and P 781Tribs. of East Canada CreekMountain Pond (P 781). Waters are located within forest preserve.G-21
190H-240-144-38bTrib. of East Canada CreekStream is located within forest preserve.G-21
191H-240-144-P 782Franks PondPond is located within forest preserve.G-21
192H-240-144-42 portionTrib. of East Canada CreekParts not in forest preserve.G-21CC
193H-240-144-42-1 and P 783Subtribs. of East Canada CreekAlso connects to H-240-144- 38-1-P 777.G-21CC
194H-240-144-43 and tribs. 1 and trib., 4 including P 784 and trib., 5, 6, 8, 9 and tribs.Goldmine StreamKnown also as North Branch. From mouth to source at P 786 (Morehouse Lake). Christian Lake (P 784). Parts not in forest preserve.G-21CC(T)
195H-240-144- 43-11, 11a portionTribs. of Goldmine StreamParts not in forest preserve.G-21CC
196H-240-144-P 786Morehouse LakeG-21BB(T)
197H-240-144-P 786-1, 2 and tribs. portionTribs. of Morehouse LakeParts not in forest preserve.G-21CC
198H-240-144-P 786-3 including P 787, 4 including P 788Tribs. of Morehouse LakeBarto Lake (P 787). Mud Pond (P 788).G-21CC
199H-240-144-44 and tribs., including P 790, P 790a, P 791a, P 791, P 793 portionWest branchBig Alderbed (P 790). Blind Mans Vly (P 790a). Bennett Vly (P 791). Trout Lake (P 793). Parts not in forest preserve.G-21CC(T)

N.Y. Comp. Codes R. & Regs. Tit. 6 § 878.6