N.Y. Comp. Codes R. & Regs. tit. 6 § 864.6

Current through Register Vol. 46, No. 53, December 31, 2024
Section 864.6 - Table I



Item No.Waters Index NumberNameDescriptionMap Ref. No.ClassStandards
1H portionHudson RiverFrom Battery to New York-Bronx county line within boundaries of New York State.R-23se, R-24sw, R-24nw, S-23ne, S-24nwII
2H portionHudson RiverFrom New York-Bronx county line within boundaries of New York State to Bear Mountain Bridge (see Part 858).P-24sw, Q-24sw, Q-24se, Q-24nw, Q-24ne, S-24seSBSB
3H-P 1028Boat basin in Central ParkR-24swBB
4H-P 1029The lake in Central ParkR-24swBB
5H-P 1031Unnamed pond in Central ParkR-24swBB
6H-P 1033The reservoir in Central ParkDistribution reservoir for City of New York.R-24swAAAA
7H-4Saw Mill RiverSee official classifications of Saw Mill River drainage basin (Part 859).
8H-7 and trib. 7-1Trib. of Hudson RiverTidal portion. Fresh water portion.R-24nwSC CSC C
9H-8Skunk Hollow BrookTidal portion. Fresh waters portion.Q-24swSC CSC C
10H-10Trib. of Hudson RiverTidal portion.Q-24swSCSC
11H-11 and 11-P 23a, 11-P 23North BrookTidal portion. Fresh waters portion.Q-24sw, Q-24seSC CSC C
12H-12Crumkill CreekTidal portion.Q-24swSCSC
13H-13Sparkill CreekSee official classifications of Sparkill Creek drainage basin (Part 856.)
14H-14, 14-1a, 14-P 23c-1, 14-P 23c-1-P 23dBarney BrookTidal portion. Fresh waters portion.Q-24seSC CSC C
15H-14-1a-P 23bSubtrib. of Barney BrookVillage of Irvington distribution reservoir.Q-24seAA
16H-14-P 23cIrvington ReservoirVillage of Irvington distribution reservoir.Q-24seAA
17H-15Trib. of Hudson RiverTidal portion. Fresh waters portion.Q-24seSC CSC C
18H-16, 16-1a, 16-1a- P 23eSunnyside BrookTidal portion. Fresh waters portion.Q-24seSC CSC C
19H-17, 17-1, 17-2, 17-P 27b, 17-P 27c, 17-1-P 27, 17-1-P 27-1, 17-1-P 27-2, 17-1-P 27-1-P 27dSheldon BrookTidal portion. Fresh waters portion.Q-24seSC CSC C
19.1H-18Andre BrookEnters from east approximately 0.8 mile below trib. 20.Q-24seCC
20H-20 portionPocantico RiverFrom mouth to P 28. Tidal portion.Q-24seSBSB
21H-20 portionPocantico RiverFrom P 28 to P 30.Q-24seCC(T)
22H-20 portionPocantico RiverFrom P 30 to P 33.Q-24neBB(T)
23H-20 portionPocantico RiverFrom P 33 to source.Q-24neCC
24H-20-P 28PondQ-24seBB
25H-20-1, 1-1, 1-1-P 28aGory BrookQ-24se, Q-24neCC
26H-20-2 and trib. 2-1Rockefeller BrookQ-24seCC
27H-20-2- P 28bPondQ-24seBB
28H-20-2- P 28c, P 28d, P 28e, P 28fPondsUsed as water supply for Pocantico Hills Estate.Q-24seAA
29H-20-P 30Pocantico LakeUsed as water supply for New Rochelle Water Company.Q-24seAA
30H-20-4 and trib. 4-1aTrib. of Pocantico RiverQ-24seCC
31H-20-4-1a-P 30aNew LakeQ-24seBB
32H-20-6 and trib. 6-3Caney BrookQ-24neCC
33H-20-6-P 39aLodge PoolQ-24neBB
34H-20-7, 8 and tribs. 8-1, 8-1aTribs. of Pocantico RiverQ-24ne, Q-24seCC
35H-20-7-P 31aPondQ-24seBB
36H-20-8-1a-P 31bPondQ-24neBB
37H-20-8-1-P 31cPondQ-24neBB
38H-20-9, 9-2, 2-1a, 2-1b, 9-2a, 9-3, 9-5Washburn CreekQ-24neCC
39H-20-9-P 32Kinderogen LakeQ-24neBB
40H-20-9-2a-P 32bHardscrabble LakeQ-24neBB
41H-20-9-2-1b-P 32cPondQ-24neBB
42H-20-9a, 10, 10a, 14, 16, 16a, 17 and tribs. 17-1, 17-2Tribs. of Pocantico RiverQ-24neCC
43H-20-P 33c, P 33dPondsQ-24neCC
44H-20-11a and tribs. 11a-1, 11a-2Trib. of Pocantico RiverQ-24neCC(T)
45H-20-11a-P 32aCampfire LakeQ-24neBB
46H-20-11a-2-P 32dPondQ-24neBB
47H-20-9a-P 39b, P 39cPondsQ-24neBB
48H-20-14-P 33aPondQ-24neBB
49H-20-P 33Echo LakeQ-24neBB
50H-20aTrib. of Hudson RiverTidal portion.Q-24seSCSC
51H-20a-P 28gFriemont PondQ-24seBB
52H-21Nyack BrookTidal portion. Fresh waters portion.Q-24swSC CSC C
53H-22, 23, 24, 24-P 30iTribs. of Hudson RiverTidal portions. Fresh waters portion.Q-24se, Q-24swSC CSC C
54H-26 and trib. 26-1Trib. of Hudson RiverTidal portions. Fresh waters portion.Q-24neSC CSC C
55H-26-P 38PondQ-24neBB
56H-26aKemey's CoveTidal portion.Q-24neSCSC
57H-27 and trib. 27-2Sparta BrookTidal portions. Fresh waters portion.Q-24neSC CSC C
58H-27-P 40aPondQ-24neBB
59H-28 portionSing Sing CreekFrom mouth to N.Y.C. Railroad.Q-24neSCSC
60H-28 portion, 28-2, 28-2-1, 28-2-2, 28-2-1-1, 28-2-1-1-1, 28-2-1-2Sing SingFrom N.Y.C. Railroad to trib. 2.Q-24neCC
61H-28-2-2-P 33gPurdy PondQ-24neBB
62H-28-3, 3-1,3-2,3-3, 3-1-1Trib. of Sing Sing CreekQ-24neCC
63H-28-3-1-P 33iPondQ-24neBB
64H-28-3-1-1-P 33hPondQ-24neBB
65H-28-3-P 33eOliver PondQ-24neBB
66H-28-3-3-P 33fPondQ-24neBB
67H-31 portionCroton RiverTidal portion from mouth to 0.1 mile upstream from trib. 2.Q-24nw, Q-24neSCSC
68H-31 portionCroton RiverFrom 0.1 mile upstream from trib. 2 to trib. 3.Q-24neBB
69H-31 portionCroton RiverFrom trib. 3 to P 44.Q-24neAA(T)
70H-31-1 and trib. 1-1Trib. of Croton RiverQ-24neCC
71H-31-1-P 42cRockhill PondQ-24neBB
72H-31-2 portionTrib. of Croton RiverFrom mouth to P 42b.Q-24neCC
73H-31-2 portionIndian BrookFrom P 42b to source.Q-24neCC
74H-31-2-P 42bIndian Brook ReservoirUsed as water supply.Q-24neAA
75H-31-2-ISubtrib. of Croton RiverQ-24neAA
76H-31-2-1-P 42aLittle LakeQ-24neBB
77H-31-2-1-P 43Cliffdale PondQ-24neBB
78H-31-3 and trib. 3-1Trib. of Croton RiverQ-24neCC
79H-31-3-P 43aPondQ-24neBB
80H-31-3-1-P 43bGlendale LakeQ-24neBB
81H-31-4, 4-1, 6Tribs. of Croton RiverQ-24neCC
82H-31-P 44 portionNew Croton ReservoirPortion of Croton Lake, from New Croton Dam to a point 1.0 mile upstream of New Croton Gate House. Impoundment of New York City water supply system. This and all upstream tribs. are protected also by rules and regulations adopted by the New York City Department of Environmental Protection and approved by N.Y. State Department of Health.Q-24ne, P-24seAAAA
83H-31-P 44 portionNew Croton ReservoirPortion of Croton lake from 1.0 mile upstream of New Croton Gate House to Muscoot Reservoir. (Same general comment as preceding item.)Q-24ne, P-25sw, Q-25nwAA
84H-31-P 44 portionNew Croton ReservoirPortion known as Muscoot Reservoir. (Same general comment as two preceding items.)P-25swAA
85H-31-P 44-1a and tribs. 1a-1, 1a-2Colabaugh BrookParts not in New York City-owned lands.Q-24neBB
86H-31-P 44-1a-P 45Collaberg PondQ-24neBB
86.1H-31-P 44-1a-P 45-1,2 and trib. 2-1Tribs. of Collaberg PondQ-24neCC
87H-31-P 44-1a- 1-P 45cDream Lake(Dream Lake also known as Aschman Pond.)Q-24neBB
88H-31-P 44-1a-2-P 45dBlue LakeQ-24neBB
89H-31-P 44-1Dixie BrookParts not in New York City-owned lands.P-24seBB
90H-31-P 44-1-P 45a, P 45bTwin LakesP-24-seBB
91H-31-P 44-2 portionHunter BrookFrom mouth to P 49a. Parts not in New York City-owned lands.P-24seBB(TS)
92H-31-P 44-2 portionHunter BrookFrom P 49a (Mill Pond) to trib. 11.P-24seCC(TS)
93H-31-P 44-2 portionHunter BrookFrom trib. 11 to source.P-24seCC
94H-31-P 44-2-1Trib. of Hunter BrookP-24seBB
95H-31-P 44-2-P 49aMill PondP-24seBB(T)
96H-31-P 44-2-2, 2-3, 2-4, 2-4-1, 2-6, 2-6-1Trib and subtribs. of Hunter BrookP-24seCC
97H-31-P 44-2-2-4-1-P 49b, P 49cPondsP-24seBB
98H-31-P 44-2-2-6-1-P 49dPondP-24seBB
99H-31-P 44-2-2-6-P 49ePondP-24seBB
100H-31-P 44-2-8Trib. of Hunter BrookP-24seCC(TS)
101H-31-P 44-2-8-P 49fPondP-24seBB
102H-31-P 44-2-11Trib. of Hunter BrookP-24seCC
103H-31-P 44-2-11-P 49g, P 49hPondsP-24seBB
104H-31-P 44-2-11-P 49iLoretta LakeP-24seBB
105H-31-P 44-2a, 2a-1, 2b, 3, 3-1, 3-3, 4, 4-1, 5Tribs. of Croton ReservoirQ-24ne, P-24seBB
106H-31-P 44-6 and tribs. 6-1, 6-P 44bTrib. of Croton ReservoirParts not in New York City-owned lands.Q-24neBB
107H-31-P 44-6-1-P 44aDeer PondQ-24neBB
108H-31-P 44-7Trib. of New Croton ReservoirParts not in New York City-owned lands.Q-24ne, P-24seBB(T)
109H-31-P 44-8, 9, 9a, 10Tribs. of Croton ReservoirParts not in New York City-owned lands.Q-24ne, P-24seBB
110H-31-P 44-10-P 44cPondQ-24neBB
111H-31-P 44-10-P 46PondP-24seCC
112H-31-P 44-11, 12-1, 12-2, 12a, 13Tribs. of Croton ReservoirParts not in New York City-owned lands.Q-24ne, P-24se, P-25swBB
112.1H-31-P 44-12Trib. of New Croton ReservoirP-25swBB(TS)
113H-31-P 44-14Muscoot RiverFrom mouth at P 44 (Croton Reservoir) to P 50 (Amawalk Reservoir).P-25sw, P-24seAA(TS)
113.1H-31-P 44-14Muscoot RiverFrom P 50 to source.P-25sw, P-24se, P-24neAA(T)
113.2H-31-P 44-14-1a,1bTribs. of Muscoot RiverP-25swCC
114H-31-P 44-14-1 portionHallocks Mill BrookFrom mouth to 1.4 miles upstream from mouth.P-24seAA(T)
115H-31-P 44-14-1 portionHallocks Mill BrookFrom 1.4 miles upstream from mouth to trib. 6.P-24seCC(T)
116H-31-P 44-14-1 portionHallocks Mill BrookFrom trib. 6 to P 48.P-24seCC
117H-31-P 44-14-1-1,4Tribs. of Hallocks Mill BrookP-24seCC
118H-31-P 44-14-1-4-P 44eeJunior PondP-24seBB
119H-31-P 44-14-1-5Scholdofer BrookP-24seCC
120H-31-P 44-14-1-6 and trib. 6-1Trib. of Hallocks Mill BrookP-24seCC
121H-31-P 44-14-1-6-1-1, 2Subtribs. of Hallocks Mill BrookP-24seCC
122H-31-P 44-14-1-6-1-1- P 47aSparkle LakeP-24seBB
123H-31-P 44-14-1-6-P 47bPondP-24seBB
124H-31-P 44-14-1-6-2a, 2b, 3, P 47cSubtribs. of Hallocks Mill BrookP-24seCC
125H-31-P 44-14-1-P 48Crom PondP-24seBB
126H-31-P 44-14-1-P 48-2Trib. of Crom PondP-24seCC
127H-31-P 44-14-1-P 48-2-P 49Mohansic LakeUsed as water supply for Mohansic State Park.P-24seAA
128H-31-P 44-14-1-P 48-2-P 49-2Trib. of Mohansic LakeP-24seCC
129H-31-P 44-14-1-P 48-3 and tribs. 3-1, 3-3Trib. of Crom PondP-24seCC
131H-31-P 44-14-P 50Amawalk ReservoirImpoundment of New York City water supply system. This and all upstream tribs. are protected also by rules and regulations adopted by the New York City Department of Environmental Protection and approved by N.Y. State Department of Health.P-24se, P-25swAA
132H-31-P 44-14-P 50-1,1-1, 2, 2-1Tribs. of Amawalk ReservoirParts not in New York City-owned lands.P-24se, P-25swBB
133H-31-P 44-14-P 50-1-P 50gGranite LakeP-24seBB
134H-31-P 44-14-P 50-2-P 50aShenorock LakeP-25swBB
135H-31-P 44-14-P 50-2-1-P 50bPondP-25swBB
136H-31-P 44-14-P 50-2-1-P 50fPondP-24seCC
137H-31-P 44-14-1c, 3Tribs. of Muscoot RiverP-24seCC
138H-31-P 44-14-3-P 50c, P 50d, P 50ePondsP-24seBB
139H-31-P 44-14-4 portionSecor BrookFrom mouth to trib. 2.P-24seCC(T)
140H-31-P 44-14-4 portion and tribs. 4-1, 4-2, 4-3Secor BrookFrom trib. 2 to source.P-24se, P-24neCC
141H-31-P 44-14-4-P 51Secor LakeWater source for Carmel Water District No. 1P-24seAA
142H-31-P 44-14-4-P 51-2 and trib. 2-1Trib. of Secor LakeP-24neCC
143H-31-P 44-14-5, 6Tribs. of Muscoot RiverP-24se, P-24neCC
144H-31-P 44-14-6-P 52bLake MacGregorP-24neBB
145H-31-P 44-14-7Trib. of Muscoot RiverP-24neAA
146H-31-P 44-14-7-1 and tribs.Subtrib. of Muscoot RiverP-24neCC
147H-31-P 44-14-7-P 52Kirk LakeP-24ne, P-25nwBB
148H-31-P 44-14-7-P 52-1 and tribs. 1-1, 1-2, 1-3Trib. of Kirk LakeP-24neCC
149H-31-P 44-14- 7-P 52-1- P 52aPondP-24neBB
150H-31-P 44-14-P 53Lake Mahopac(Used as public water supplies.)P-24se, P-25sw, P-25nw, P-24neAA
151H-31-P 44-14-P 53-1Trib. of Lake MahopacP-25nwCC
152H-31-P 44-14-P 53-1-P 54Wixon PondP-25nwBB
153H-31-P 44-15Angle Fly BrookParts not in New York City-owned lands.P-25swCC(TS)
154H-31-P 44-15-1, 2, 2-1, 3, 4Tribs. of Angle Fly BrookP-25swCC(TS)
155H-31-P 44-15a, 15a-1, 16, 16-P 44eTribs. of New Croton ReservoirParts not in New York City-owned lands.P-25swCC
156H-31-P 44-16aTrib. of New Croton ReservoirParts not in New York City-owned lands.P-25swCC
157H-31-P 44-17 portionPlum BrookFrom mouth to trib. 4. Parts not in New York City-owned lands.P-25swBB(TS)
158H-31-P 44-17 portionPlum BrookFrom trib. 4 to P 57b.P-25swCC(TS)
159H-31-P 44-17 portionPlum BrookFrom P 57b to source.P-25swCC
160H-31-P 44-17-1, 1a, 2, 3, 3a, 5, 6, 6-1, 6-2, 6-3, 6-4, 6-5, 6-6, 6-7, 6-1-1, 6a, 7Tribs. of Plum BrookP-25swCC
161H-31-P 44-17-3a-P 44fPondP-25swBB
162H-31-P 44-17-5-P 57aLake LincolndaleP-25swBB
163H-31-P 44-17-P 57bPondP-25swBB
164H-31-P 44-17-6a-P 57cTeakettle Spout LakeP-25swBB
165H-31-P 44-18 portionTrib. of New Croton ReservoirFrom mouth to P 57d. Parts not in New York City-owned lands.P-25swCC
165.1H-31-P 44-18 portionTrib. of New Croton Reservoir.From P 57d to trib. 4.P-25swCC(T)
165.2H-31-P 44-18 portionTrib. of New Croton ReservoirFrom trib. 4 to source.P-25swCC
166H-31-P 44-18-P 57dPondP-25swCC
167H-31-P 44-18-3, 3a, 4Subtribs. of New Croton ReservoirP-25swCC
168H-31-P 44-19, 19a, 20Tribs. of New Croton ReservoirParts not in New York City-owned lands.P-25swCC
169H-31-P 44-20-P 44gLake PurdyP-25swBB
170H-31-P 44-22 and tribs. 22-1, 22-2Trib. of New Croton ReservoirParts not in New York City-owned lands.P-25swCC
171H-31-P 44-23 portionWest Branch Croton RiverFrom mouth to P 59. (Croton Falls Reservoir.)P-25swAA(TS)
172H-31-P 44-23 portionWest Branch Croton RiverFrom P 59 to P 67 (West Branch Reservoir).P-25nwAA(TS)
173H-31-P 44-23 portionWest Branch Croton RiverFrom P 67 to P 76 (Boyd Corners Reservoir).P-25nwAA(T)
174H-31-P 44-23 portionWest Branch Croton RiverFrom P 76 to P 76j (Sagamore Lake). Parts not in New York City-owned lands.P-24neCC(T)
175H-31-P 44-23 portionWest Branch Croton RiverFrom P 76j to source.P-24neCC
176H-31-P 44-23-P 59 portionCroton Falls ReservoirWithin 1.0 mile radius of dam. Impoundment of New York City water supply system. This and all upstream tribs. are protected also by rules and regulations adopted by the New York City Department of Environmental Protection and approved by N.Y. State Department of Health. Water may be pumped to Delaware Aqueduct.P-25sw, P-25nwAAAA(T)
177H-31-P 44-23-P 59 portionCroton Falls ReservoirRemainder of Croton Falls Reservoir. (Same general comment as preceding item.)P-25sw, P-25nwAA(T)
178H-31-P 44-23-P 59-1Green Briar BrookP-25swBB
178.1H-31-P 44-23-P 59-2 portionMud Pond Brook(Outlet.) From mouth to trib. 5.P-25sw, P-25nwAA(TS)
178.2H-31-P 44-23-P 59-2 portionMud Pond BrookFrom trib. 5 to P 60.P-25sw, P-25nwAA(T)
179H-31-P 44-23-P 59-2-1, 2-2-1, 4, 5, 5-1Tribs. of Mud Pond BrookP-25sw, P-25nwCC
179.1H-31-P 44-23-P 59-2-2, 2-3aTrib. of Mud Pond BrookP-25sw, P-25nwC(TS)
180H-31-P 44-23-P 59-2-2-1-P 59aPondP-25swBB
181H-31-P 44-23-P 59-2-4-P 59bLake CasseP-25nwBB
182H-31-P 44-23-P 59-2-P 60Mud Pond(Pond owned by City of New York.)P-25nwAA
183H-31-P 44-23-P 59-2a, 2bTribs. of Croton Falls ReservoirParts not in New York City-owned lands.P-25nwBB
184H-31-P 44-23-P 59-3Trib. of Croton Falls ReservoirParts not in New York City-owned lands.P-25nwAA(TS)
185H-31-P 44-23-P 59-3-P 61Lake GileadP-25nwAA(T)
186H-31-P 44-23-P 59-4Trib. of Croton Falls ReservoirParts not in New York City-owned lands.P-25nwBB
186.1H-31-P 44-23-P 59-5 portionMichaels BrookFrom mouth to Rt. 6 bridge.P-25nwBB(T)
187H-31-P 44-23-P 59-5 portionMichaels Brook (or Carmel Brook)Parts not in New York City-owned lands. From Rt. 6 bridge to source.P-25nwBB
188H-31-P 44-23-P 59-5-1, 2, 4Tribs. of Michaels BrookP-25nwCC
189H-31-P 44-23-P 59-5-P 61aPondP-25nwBB
190H-31-P 44-23-P 59-6 portionMiddle Branch Croton RiverFrom mouth to P 62 (Middle Branch Reservoir).P-25nwAA(T)
191H-31-P 44-23-P 59-6 portionMiddle Branch Croton RiverFrom P 62 to P 62a (Lake Carmel). Parts not in New York City-owned lands.P-25nwCC(TS)
192H-31-P 44-23-P 59-6 portionMiddle Branch Croton RiverFrom P 62a to P 63 (Stump Pond).P-25nw, O-25swCC(T)
193H-31-P 44-23-P 59-6-P 62Middle Branch Reservoir(Same general comment as in Item No. 131.)P-25nwAA
194H-31-P 44-23-P 59-6-P 62-1, 1-P 62b, 2, 2-1, 2-2,3, 4Tribs. of Middle Branch Reservoir and subtribs.Parts not in New York City-owned lands.P-25nwCC
195H-31-P 44-23-P 59-6-P 62aLake CarmelP-25nwBB
195.1H-31-P 44-23-P 59-6-P 62a-1Tirb. of Lake CarmelP-25nwD
196H-31-P 4 4-23-P 59-6-1-2, 1-3, 1-4Subtribs. of Middle Branch Croton RiverP-25nwCC
196.1H-31-P 44-23-P 59-6-1Beaver BrookP-25nwC(TS)
197H-31-P 44-23-P 59-6-3 and trib. 3-2aTrib. of Middle Branch Croton RiverP-25nwCC
198H-31-P 44-23-P 59-6-3-P 62cPondP-25nwBB
199H-31-P 44-23-P 59-6-4, 4a, 5aTribs. of Middle Branch Croton RiverP-25nwCC
200H-31-P 44-23-P 59-6-5a-P 52dPondP-25nwBB
201H-31-P 44-23-P 59-6-7Trib. of Middle Branch Croton RiverP-25nwCC
202H-31-P 44-23-P 59-6-7-P 52ePondP-25nwBB
203H-31-P 44-23-P 59-6-P 63Stump PondO-25swBB
204H-31-P 44-23-P 59-6-P 63-1Stump Pond StreamO-25swCC
205H-31-P 44-23-P 59-6-P 63-1-P 64Mill PondO-25swBB
206H-31-P 44-23-P 59-6-P 63-1-2a, 3Tribs. of Stump Pond StreamO-25swCC
207H-31-P 44-23-P 59-6-P 63-1-2a-P 64aBallard LakeO-25swBB
208H-31-P 44-23-P 59-6-P 63-1-3-P 64bPondO-25swBB
209H-31-P 44-23-P 59-6-P 63-1-4 and tribs. 4-1, 4-2Trib. of Stump Pond StreamO-25swCC
210H-31-P 44-23-P 59-6-P 63-1-4-1-P 64cSubtrib. of Stump Pond StreamO-25swBB
211H-31-P 44-23-P 59-6-P 63-1-4-2-P 64dSubtrib. of Stump Pond StreamO-25swBB
212H-31-P 44-23-P 59-6-P 63-1-5Trib. of Stump Pond StreamO-25swCC
213H-31-P 44-23-P 59-6-P 63-1-5-P 64gPondO-25swBB
214H-31-P 44-23-P 59-6-P 63-1-P 64e, P 64f, P 64hPondsO-25swBB
215H-31-P 44-23-P 59-6-P 63-1-6Trib. of Stump Pond StreamO-25swCC
216H-31-P 44-23-P 59-6-P 63-2 and trib. 2-1Trib. of Stump PondO-25swCC
217H-31-P 44-23-P 59-6-P 63-2-P 65Browns PondO-25swBB
218H-31-P 44-23-P 59-6-P 63-2-P 65aLake DutchessO-25swBB
218.1H-31-P 44-23-P 59-6-P 63-2-P 65a-2-1,2Subtribs. of Lake DutchessO-25swCC
219H-31-P 44-23-P 59-10Trib. of Croton Falls ReservoirP-25swBB
220H-31-P 44-23-1Crafts BrookParts not in New York City-owned lands.P-25nwCC(T)
221H-31-P 44-23-1-1, 1a, 1b, 2Tribs. of Crafts BrookP-25nwCC
222H-31-P 44-23-1-1a-P 59cPondP-25nwBB
223H-31-P 44-23-1-1b-P 59dPondP-25nwBB
224H-31-P 44-23-P 67West Branch Reservoir(Same general comment as in Item No. 131.)P-25nwAAAA(T)
225H-31-P 44-23-P 67-1Trib. of West Branch ReservoirParts not in New York City-owned lands.P-25nwBB(TS)
226H-31-P 44-23-P 67-1-P 69Long PondP-25nwBB
227H-31-P 44-23-P 67-1-P 69-1,2 and trib. 2-1Tribs. of Long PondP-25nw, P-24neCC
228H-31-P 44-23-P 67-1-P 69-2-1-P 69aSubtrib. of Long PondP-25nwBB
229H-31-P 44-23-P 67-1-P 69-2-P 69bDixon LakeP-25nwBB
230H-31-P 44-23-P 67-1-P-69-2-P 69cPondP-25nwBB
231H-31-P 44-23-P 67-3,4Tribs. of West Branch ReservoirParts not in New York City-owned lands.P-25nwBB
232H-31-P 44-23-P 67-5Trib. of West Branch ReservoirP-24nw, P-24neAA(TS)
233H-31-P 44-23-P 67-5-P 71Barrett PondP-25nwBB
233.1H-31-P 44-23-P 67-5-P 71-1Trib. of Barrett PondP-25nwCC
234H-31-P 44-23-P 67-6, 7-P 71aTribs. of West Branch ReservoirParts not in New York City-owned lands.P-25nwBB
234.1H-31-P 44-23-P 67-7Gypsy Trail BrookP-25nwBB(TS)
235H-31-P 44-23-P 67-7-2Subtrib. of West Branch ReservoirP-25nwC
236H-31-P 44-23-P 67-7-P 72Pine PondP-25nwBB
237H-31-P 44-23-P 67-7-P 72-1, 1-P72b, 2, 2-1, 2-1-1, 3Tribs. of Pine PondP-25nwCC
238H-31-P 44-23-P 67-7-P 72-2-1-P 72aPondP-25nwBB
239H-31-P 44-23-P 67-7aTrib. of West Branch ReservoirParts not in New York City-owned lands.P-25nwBB
240H-31-P 44-23-P 67-8Horse Pond BrookParts not in New York City-owned lands.P-25nwBB(TS)
241H-31-P 44-23-P 67-8-2, 3, 3-1, 5, 6a, 6b, 7, 7-P 67b, 8, 9, 10,11, 12,13Tribs. of Horse Pond BrookP-25nw, O-25swCC
242H-31-P 44-23-P 67-8-2-P 73Dean PondP-25nwBB
243H-31-P 44-23-P 67-8-P 67aPondP-25nwBB
244H-31-P 44-23-P 67-8-10-P 67cPondO-25swBB
245H-31-P 44-23-P 67-8-P 67dSouth LakeO-25swBB
246H-31-P 44-23-P 67-8-P 67ePondO-25swBB
247H-31-P 44-23-P 67-9Trib. of West Branch ReservoirParts not in New York City-owned lands.P-25nwBB
248H-31-P 44-23-P 67-10Trib. of West Branch ReservoirP-25nwAA
249H-31-P 44-23-P 67-10-P 74Lake Gleneida(Same general comment as in Item No. 131.) Water supply for Carmel Water District No. 2.P-25nwAAAA(T)
250H-31-P 44-23-3Trib. of West Branch Croton RiverParts not in New York City-owned lands.P-25nwBB(TS)
251H-31-P 44-23-3-P 75China PondP-25nwBB
252H-31-P 44-23-4Trib. of West Branch Croton RiverParts not in New York City-owned lands.P-25nwBB
253H-31-P 44-23-4-P 75aClear poolP-25nwBB
254H-31-P 44-23-P 76Boyd Corners Reservoir(Same general comment as in Item No. 131.)P-25nw, P-24neAAAA
255H-31-P 44-23-P 76-1Trib. of Boyd Corners ReservoirParts not in New York City-owned lands.P-24neCC
256H-31-P 44-23-P 76-1-P 77PondP-24neBB
257H-31-P 44-23-P 76-2Trib. of Boyd Corners ReservoirParts not in New York City-owned lands.P-24neCC
258H-31-P 44-23-P 76-3 portionLeetown BrookFrom mouth to trib. 1. Parts not in New York City-owned lands.P-25nw, P-24neCC(T)
259H-31-P 44-23-P 76-3 portionLeetown BrookFrom trib. 1 to P 76aP-25nw, O-25swCC(TS)
259.1H-31-P 44-23-P 76-3 portionLeetown BrookFrom P 76a to source.O-25swCC
260H-31-P 44-23-P 76-3-P 77aPondP-25nw, P-24neBB
261H-31-P 44-23-P 76-3-1aTrib. of Leetown BrookP-25nwCC
262H-31-P 44-23-P 76-3-1a-P 77bPondP-25nwBB
263H-31-P 44-23-P 76-3-1a-P 77cSeven Hills LakeP-25nw, P-24neBB
264H-31-P 44-23-P 76-3-1bTrib. of Leetown BrookP-25nwCC
265H-31-P 44-23-P 76-3-1Trib. of Leetown BrookP-25nwAA
266H-31-P 44-23-P 76-3-1-P 79 and trib. P 79-1White Pond(Same general comment as Item No. 131.)P-25nw, O-25swAA
267H-31-P 44-23-P 76-3-3, 3-1, 4Tribs. of Leetown BrookO-25swCC
268H-31-P 44-23-P 76-3-P 76aPondO-25swBB
269H-31-P 44-23-P 76-4Bailey BrookP-25nwCC
270H-31-P 44-23-P 76-4-P 76bPondP-25nwBB
271H-31-P 44-23-P 76-4-1, 1-1, 1-2, 1-2-1, 1a, 3Tribs. of Bailey BrookP-25nwCC
272H-31-P 44-23-P 76-4-1-2-P 76cSubtrib. of Bailey BrookP-25nwBB
273H-31-P 44-23-P 76-4-1-P 76dPondP-25nwBB
274H-31-P 44-23-P 76-4-P 76eLake WinhamP-25nwBB
275H-31-P 44-23-P 76-4-3-P 76eePondP-25nwBB
276H-31-P 44-23-5Black Pond BrookP-24ne, O-24seCC(T)
277H-31-P 44-23-5-P 76f, 1, 1a, 1a-1, 2, 2-1, 3, 3-1Tribs. of Black Pond BrookP-24ne, O-24seCC
278H-31-P 44-23-5-P 76g, P 76iPondsP-24neBB
279H-31-P 44-23-5-P 76hJohn PondP-24neBB
280H-31-P 44-23-5-P 80Black PondO-24seBB
281H-31-P 44-23-P 76jSagamore LakeP-24neBB
282H-31-P 44-23-8, 8-1, 8-1a, 8-1b, 8-1b-P 76K, 9, 10Tribs. of West Branch Croton RiverP-24neCC
283H-31-P 44-24 portionEast Branch Croton RiverFrom mouth to P 89 (East Branch Reservoir).P-25sw, P-25nw, P-25neAA(T)
284H-31-P 44-24 portionEast Branch Croton RiverFrom P 89 to trib. 16.P-25neAA(T)
285H-31-P 44-24 portionEast Branch Croton RiverFrom trib. 16 to Pawling.P-25ne, O-25seCC(T)
286H-31-P 44-24 portionEast Branch Croton RiverFrom Pawling to source. (Part of N.Y.C. water supply.)O-25seCC(T)
287H-31-P 44-24-1 portionHolly StreamFrom mouth to trib. 3. Parts not in New York City-owned lands.P-25sw, P-25nw, P-25seCC
288H-31-P 44-24-1 portionTrib. of East Branch Croton RiverFrom trib. 3 to source.P-25seCC
289H-31-P 44-24-1-3Holly StreamP-25se, P-25swCC
290H-31-P 44-24-1-3-P 81Winters Pond(Also known as Beaver Pond.)P-25sw, P-25seCC
291H-31-P 44-24-1-3-P 81aPondP-25swBB
292H-31-P 44-24-1-4, 5Subtribs. of East Branch Croton RiverP-25se, P-25neCC
293H-31-P 44-24-1-5-P 82aSubtrib. of East Branch Croton RiverP-25seCC
294H-31-P 44-24-1-P 82, 7, 7-P 82b, 8, 9, 9-1Subtribs. of East Branch Croton RiverP-25seCC
295H-31-P 44-24-P 83Diverting Reservoir(Same general comment as in Item No. 131.)P-25nw, P-25ne, P-25swAAAA
296H-31-P 44-24-2aTrib. of East Croton RiverParts not in New York City-owned lands.P-25neCC
297H-31-P 44-24-3 portionTonetta BrookFrom mouth to 0.7 mile upstream from mouth.P-25neAA
298H-31-P 44-24-3 portion and tribs. 3-2, 3-3, 3-4Tonetta BrookFrom 0.7 mile upstream from mouth to source at P 85 (Lake Tonetta).P-25neCC
299H-31-P 44-24-3-P 85Lake TonettaP-25neBB
300H-31-P 44-24-4, 5, 5-P 83a, 6-P 83b, 6, 8Tribs. of East Branch Croton RiverParts not in New York City-owned lands.P-25neCC
301H-31-P 44-24-9Trib. of East Branch Croton RiverP-25neAA(T)
302H-31-P 44-24-9-1 and trib. 1-1Subtribs. of East Branch Croton RiverP-25neCC
303H-31-P 44-24-9-P 86Bog Brook Reservoir(Same general comment as in Item No. 131.)P-25neAAAA
303.1H-31-P 44-24-9-P 86-4 portionTrib. of Bog Brook ReservoirFrom mouth to trib. 3.P-25neCC(T)
304H-31-P 44-24-9-P 86-2, 2-1, 4 portion, 4-1, 4-2, 4-3, 4-5, 4-1-P 87, 4-2-P 88Tribs. of Bog Brook ReservoirParts not in New York City-owned lands. Trib. 4 portion from trib. 3 to source.P-25neCC
305H-31-P 44-24-P 89East Branch Reservoir(Same general comment as in Item No. 131. Also known as Sodom Reservoir.)P-25neAAAA
306H-31-P 44-24-P 89-1, 2, 4, 4-1, 4-1-P 90, 5, 6, 6-1, 7, 7-1, 7-2, 7-3, 7-3-2, 7-3-P 89a, 7-4, 8, 8-1Tribs. of East Branch ReservoirParts not in New York City-owned lands.P-25neCC
307H-31-P 44-24-P 89-7-P 92Haines PondP-25neBB
308H-31-P 44-24-P 89-10 and trib. 10-P 89bPeach Lake BrookParts not in New York City-owned lands.P-25ne, P-25seCC
309H-31-P 44-24-P 89-10-P 93Peach LakeP-25seBB
310H-31-P 44-24-P 89-10-P 93-1, 1a, 2, 3Tribs. of Peach Lake(Tribs. 1, 1a, and 2 diverge to a common mouth.)P-25seCC
310.1H-31-P 44-24-10,13, 13-1, 1a, 2, 3, P 89c, 13-1-1Tribs. of East Croton RiverSalmos Daily Brook is trib. 13.P-25neCC(TS)
311H-31-P 44-24-11, 14, 16, 16-1Tribs. of East Croton RiverParts not in New York City-owned lands.P-25neCC
311.1H-31-P 44-24-17 portionDeforest Corners BrookFrom mouth to P 93a (Lost Lake).P-25neCC(T)
312H-31-P 44-24-17 portion and tribs. 17-1, 17-2, 17-3, 17-4, 17-5Deforest Corners BrookTrib. 17 portion from P 93a to P 93bP-25neCC
313H-31-P 44-24-17-P 93aLost LakeP-25neBB
314H-31-P 44-24-17-P 93bPutnam LakeP-25neBB
315H-31-P 44-24-17aTrib. of East Branch Croton RiverP-25neCC
316H-31-P 44-24-18 and trib. 18-1Trib. of East Branch Croton RiverP-25neCC
317H-31-P 44-24-18-P 89dLake CharlesP-25neBB
318H-31-P 44-24-18-P 89d-1Trib. of Lake CharlesP-25neCC
319H-31-P 44-24-19, 19-P 93cTrib. of East Branch Croton RiverP-25neCC
320H-31-P 44-24-19-P 94Little PondP-25neBB
321H-31-P 44-24-21, 21-P 89eTrib. of East Branch Croton RiverP-25neCC
322H-31-P 44-24-22Haviland Hollow Brook(Also known as Quaker Brook.)P-25neCC(TS)
323H-31-P 44-24-22-2a, 3, 5, 6Tribs. of Haviland Hollow BrookPortions of Haviland Hollow Brook and some of its tribs. are partially or entirely within Connecticut.P-25neCC
323.1H-31-P 44-24-22-7, 7-2Tirb. and subtrib. of Haviland Hollow BrookP-25neC(TS)
324H-31-P 44-24-22aTrib. of East Branch Croton RiverP-25neCC
325H-31-P 44-24-23 and trib. 23-2Mountain BrookP-25ne, O-25seCC
326H-31-P 44-24-24Trib. of East Branch Croton RiverP-25neCC
327H-31-P 44-24-25, 25-1-5, 25-1-5-P 89f, 25-1-5-P 89g, 25-1-P 89h, 25-1-6, 25-1-6 P89i, 25-1-6-1, 25-1-6-2, 25-1-P 89l, 25-1-P 89mMuddy BrookP-25ne, O-25se, O-25swCC
327.1H-31-P 44-24-25-1 portionTrib. of Muddy BrookFrom mouth to Rt. 311 Bridge.P-25ne, O-25se, O-25swCC(T)
327.2H-31-P 44-24-25-1 portionTrib. of Muddy BrookFrom Rt. 311 bridge to P 89h.O-25se, O-25swCC(TS)
327.3H-31-P 44-24-25-1 portionTrib. of Muddy BrookFrom P 89h (Holmes Pond) to source.O-25swCC
328H-31-P 44-24-25-1-6-P 89jDenton PondO-25swBB
329H-31-P 44-24- 25-1-6-2-P 89kSolomon LakeO-25swBB
330H-31-P 44-24-25-1-7, 8Subtribs. of Muddy BrookO-25swCC
331H-31-P 44-24-25-1-8-P 89nSubtrib. of Muddy BrookO-25swBB
331.1H-31-P 44-24-25-3 portionTrib. of Muddy BrookFrom mouth to P 97a.P-25ne, P-25nwCC(T)
332H-31-P 44-24-25-2, 3 portion, 3-1, 3-2, 3-3, 3-4, 3-4-1a, 3-4-2, 3-4-4, 3-4-P 97, 4, 5, 5a, 6, 7, 7-2Tribs. of Muddy BrookTrib. 3 portion from P 97a to source.O-25sw, P-25ne, O-25se, P-25nwCC
333H-31-P 44-24-25-3-4-P 97dWonder LakeP-25nwBB
334H-31-P 44-24-25-3-4-P 97eSubtrib. of Muddy BrookP-25nwBB
335H-31-P 44-24-25-3-P 97aPondP-25nwBB
336H-31-P 44-24-25-3-P 97bSmith LakeP-25nwBB
337H-31-P 44-24-25-3-P 97b-1Trib. of Smith LakeP-25nwCC
338H-31-P 44-24-25-4-P 97cMendel PondP-25neBB
339H-31-P 44-24-25-7-2-P 97fSubtrib. of Muddy BrookP-25neBB
340H-31-P 44-24-25-P 98Ice Pond(Also known as Croton Pond.)P-25neBB
341H-31-P 44-24-25-P 98-1, 1-1, 1-1-1, 1-2, 1-5, 1-P 98a, 1-5-P 101a, 2, 2-1Tribs. of Ice PondP-25neCC
342H-31-P 44-24-25-P 98-1-1-P 99, P 99-1, P 99-1-P 99a, P 99-1-P 99bBrewster PondP-25neCC
342.1H-31-P 44-24-26Stephens BrookO-25seC(TS)
343H-31-P 44-24-26-2Trib. of Stephens BrookO-25seCC
344H-31-P 44-24-P 102, 30Trib. of East Branch Croton RiverO-25seCC
345H-31-P 44-24-31 and tribs. 31-1, 31-1aTrib. of East Branch Croton RiverO-25se, O-25swCC(TS)
346H-31-P 44-24-31-1a-P 102aSubtrib. of East Branch Croton RiverO-25seBB
347H-31-P 44-24-31-P 102bPondO-25swBB
348H-31-P 44-24-31-P 89oBallard PondO-25swBB
349H-31-P 44-24-32 portionBrady BrookFrom mouth to trib. 5.O-25seCC(TS)
350H-31-P 44-24-32 portionBrady BrookFrom trib. 5 to source.O-25seCC(T)
351H-31-P 44-24-32-2, 3, 5Tribs. of Brady BrookO-25seCC(T)
352H-31-P 44-24-32-3-P 89pPondO-25seCC
353H-31-P 44-24-32-5-P 89qPondO-25seCC
354H-31-P 44-24-32-6, 8, 8-1, 8-2, 8-P 89x, 9, 10, 10-P 89r, 12, 13, 15Tribs. of Brady BrookO-25seCC
354.1H-31-P 44-24-33 portionTrib. of East Branch Croton RiverFrom mouth to P 89s (Harmony Lake).O-25se, O-25swCC(TS)
355H-31-P 44-24-33-3Subtrib. of East Branch Croton RiverO-25se, O-25swCC
356H-31-P 44-24-33-P 89sHarmony LakeO-25seCC
357H-31-P 44-24-34, 34-P 89f, 35, 35-P 89v, 37Tribs. of East Branch Croton RiverO-25seCC
358H-31-P 44-24-35-P 89uRay LakeO-25seBB
359H-31-P 44-24-P 89wPondO-25seCC
360H-31-P 44-25, 25-2Trib. of New Croton ReservoirParts not in New York City-owned lands.P-25swCC
361H-31-P 44-26 portionTiticus RiverFrom mouth to P 103 (Titicus Reservoir).P-25swAA(T)
362H-31-P 44-26 portionTiticus RiverFrom P 103 to Connecticut State line. Parts not in New York City-owned lands.P-25seCC(TS)
363H-31-P 44-26-P 103Titicus Reservoir(Same general comment as in Item No. 131.)P-25sw, P-25seAAAA(T)
364H-31-P 44-26-P 103-1, 3, 3-P 103a, 4, 4a, 5, 5-P 103b, 5-1, 5-2, 5-1-1, 5-1-1a, 5-1-2, 6Tribs. of Titicus ReservoirParts not in New York City-owned lands.P-25se, P-25swCC
365H-31-P 44-26-3 portionCrook BrookFrom mouth to trib. 3. Parts not in New York City-owned lands.P-25seCC(T)
366H-31-P 44-26-3 portion, 3-2, 3-3Crook BrookFrom trib. 3 to source.P-25seCC(T)
367H-31-P 44-26-3-5, 6, 7Tribs. of Crook BrookP-25seCC
368H-31-P 44-26-3-3-P 103cPondP-25seBB
369H-31-P 44-26-3-5-P 103dPondP-25seBB
370H-31-P 44-26-3-P 103e, P 103f, P 103gPondP-25seBB
371H-31-P 44-26-3-P 103hPondP-25seBB
372H-31-P 44-26-4, 4-P 103k, 5, 7, 7-P 103j, 8, 8-2, 10Tribs. of Titicus RiverP-25seCC
373H-31-P 44-26-4-P 103iPondP-25seCC
374H-31-P 44-26-P 104PondP-25seCC
375H-31-P 44-26-12 portionTrib. of Titicus RiverFrom mouth to New York-Connecticut state line.P-25seCC
376H-31-P 44-26-13 portion and tribs. 13-1, 13-2Mopus BrookFrom New York-Connecticut state line to source. (Mouth is in Connecticut.)P-25seCC
377H-31-P 44-27, 28Tribs. of New Croton ReservoirParts not in New York City-owned lands.P-25swCC
378H-31-P 44-28-P 106PondP-25swCC
378.1H-31-P 44-29 portionHorton BrookFrom (N.Y.C.) Muscoot Reservoir to 0.2 mile north of where Nash Rd. crosses brook. (Muscoot Reservoir also called New Croton Reservoir.)P-25swCC(TS)
379H-31-P 44-29 portionHorton BrookParts not in New York City-owned lands. From 0.2 mile north of where Nash Rd. crosses brook to source.P-25sw, P-25seCC
380H-31-P 44-29-P 106aLake ValerieP-25swBB
381H-31-P 44-29-3, 3-1, 5, 6Tribs. of Horton BrookP-25swCC
382H-31-P 44-30 and trib. 30-2Trib. of New Croton ReservoirParts not in New York city-owned lands.P-25swCC
383H-31-P 44-30-P 44hPondP-25swBB
384H-31-P 44-31Trib. of New Croton ReservoirParts not in New York City-owned lands.P-25swCC
385H-31-P 44-31-3, 4 and tribs. 4-P 107b, 4-1, 4-1-P 107c, 4-1-1Subtribs. of New Croton ReservoirP-25swCC
386H-31-P 44-31-P 107aLake KatonahP-25swBB
387H-31-P 44-31-P 108PondP-25swCC
388H-31-P 44-33, 33-P 107dTrib. of New Croton ReservoirParts not in New York City-owned lands.P-25swCC
389H-31-P 44-35 portionCross RiverFrom mouth to P 109 (Cross River Reservoir).P-25swAA(T)
390H-31-P 44-35-P 109 portionCross River ReservoirWithin 1.0 mile radius of dam. (Same general comment as in Item No. 131.)P-25swAAAA(T)
391H-31-P 44-35-P 109 portionCross River ReservoirRemainder of reservoir. (Same general comment as in Item No. 131.)P-25sw, P-25se, Q-25nw, Q-25neAA(T)
392H-31-P 44-35-P 109-1, 2, 2-P 109aTribs. of Cross River ReservoirParts not in New York City-owned lands.P-25swBB
392.1H-31-P 44-35-P 109-5 portion, 5-1Indian BrookFrom mouth to 0.1 mile above trib. 2P-25seCC(TS)
393H-31-P 44-35-P 109-5 portionIndian BrookParts not in New York City-owned lands. From 0.1 mile above trib. 2 to source.P-25seCC
394H-31-P 44-35-P 109-5-2, 2-2, 2-3, 2-P 110a, 3, 4, 4-1, 4-1-P 112, 6, 7Subtribs. of Cross River ReservoirP-25 sw, P-25seCC
394.1H-31-P 44-35-P 109-5-2-P 111aPondLocated north of Mt. Holly Rd. and east of Holly Branch Rd.P-25swCC(T)
395H-31-P 44-35-P 109-5-2-2-P 110Subtrib. of Cross River ReservoirP-25seCC
396H-31-P 44-35-P 109-6 portionCross River (Waccabuc River)From mouth to trib. 7. Parts not in New York City-owned lands.P-25seAA(TS)
397H-31-P 44-35-P 109-6 portionCross River (Waccabuc River)From trib. 7 to P 117 (Lake Waccabuc).P-25seAA(T)
398H-31-P 44-35-P 109-6-2, 2-1a, 2-2, 2-2-1, 2-2-1a, 3, 4, 5a, 6a, 7, 7-1aTribs. of Cross River and subtribs.P-25se, Q-25neCC
399H-31-P 44-35-P 109-6-7-P 114Lake Kitchawan(Also known as Cross Pond.)Q-25neBB
400H-31-P 44-35-P 109-6-7-P 114-1, 1-1, 1a, 3Tribs. of Lake KitchawanQ-25ne, P-25seCC
401H-31-P 44-35-P 109-6-8, 8-1, 10, 11, 12, 12-1Tribs. of Cross RiverP-25seCC
402H-31-P 44-35-P 109-6-P 109bPondP-25seBB
403H-31-P 44-35-P 109-6-13 and tribs. 13-1, 13-3, 13-4, 13-4-1, 13-4-P 115bTruesdale StreamP-25seCC
404H-31-P 44-35-P 109-6-13-P 115aTruesdale LakeP-25seBB
405H-31-P 44-35-P 109-6-P 117Lake WaccabucP-25seAA
406H-31-P 44-35-P 109-6-P 117-1, 2, 3Tribs. of LakeWaccabucP-25seCC
407H-31-P 44-35-P 109-6-P 117-3-P 118Lake OscaletaP-25seBB
408H-31-P 44-35-P 109-6-P 117-3-P 118-1, 2Tribs. of Lake Oscaleta(Source of trib. 2 is in Connecticut.)P-25seCC
409H-31-P 44-35-P 109-6-P 117-3-P 118-1-P 119Lake RippowamP-25seBB
410H-31-P 44-35-P 109-7Trib. of Cross River ReservoirQ-25neAA
411H-31-P 44-35-P 109-8Franklin BrookParts not in New York City-owned lands.Q-25neBB
412H-31-P 44-35-P 109-8-1, 1a, 3Tribs. of Franklin BrookQ-25neCC
413H-31-P 44-35-P 109-10Tub BrookParts not in New York City-owned lands.Q-25neCC
414H-31-P 44-35-P 109-10-1aTrib. of Tub BrookQ-25neCC
415H-31-P 44-35-P 109-11Trib. of Cross River ReservoirParts not in New York City-owned lands.Q-25ne, Q-25nwCC
416H-31-P 44-35-P 109-11-P 109c, 1 and tribs. 1-1, 1-P 109dSubtribs. of Cross River ReservoirQ-25nwCC
417H-31-P 44-35-P 109-11-P 120Pea PondQ-25nw, Q-25neCC
418H-31-P 44-35-P 109-13Trib. of Cross River ReservoirParts not in New York City-owned lands.P-25sw, Q-25nwBB
418.1H-31-P 44-36 portionStone Hill RiverFrom mouth to trib. 5.P-25sw, Q-25nwCC(TS)
419H-31-P 44-36 portionStone Hill RiverFrom trib. 5 to trib. 16a. Parts not in New York City-owned lands.Q-25nw, Q-25neCC(T)
420H-31-P 44-36 portionStone Hill RiverFrom trib. 16a to source.Q-25neBB(T)
420.1H-31-P 44-36-2 portionBroad BrookFrom mouth to trib. 3.Q-25nwCC(TS)
421H-31-P 44-36-2 portion and tribs. 2-2, 2-3, 2-4, 2-4-1, 2-4-2, 2-5, 2-P 44k, 2-7, 2-P 44l, 2-7-1Broad BrookTrib. 2 portion from trib. 3 to source.Q-25nwCC
422H-31-P 44-36-2-P 44jPondQ-25nwBB
423H-31-P 44-36-5, 6 and tribs. 6-2, 6-3, 6-4, 6-2-P 44n, 6-3-P 44o, 6-4-1Tribs. of Stone Hill RiverQ-25nwCC
424H-31-P 44-36-P 44mPondQ-25nwCC(T)
425H-31-P 44-36-P 44pPondQ-25nwBB
426H-31-P 44-36-9, 9-1, 11, 11-1, 11-2, 11-2a, 11-4, 11-4a, 11-1-1, 11-4-1, 13, 13a, 13a-P 44q, 13b, 13c, 14, 14-1, 14-1a, 14a, 15, 15-1, 15-1-1, 15-1-2, 15-P 124c, 15-P 124d, 15-2a, 15-2a-1, 15-2a-P 124e, 15-3, 15-4, 15-4-P 124f, 15-5, 15-6, 16Tribs. of Stone Hill RiverQ-25nw, Q-25neCC
427H-31-P 44-36-11-P 122PondQ-25neBB
428H-31-P 44-36-11-P 122-1, 1-1, 1-1a, 1-2, 1-1-1, 1-1-2, 2, 3Subtribs. of Stone Hill RiverQ-25neCC
429H-31-P 44-36-11-P 122-2-P 122aBlue Heron LakeQ-25neBB
430H-31-P 44-36-11-P 122-2-P 122a-1, 2, 3Tribs. of Blue Heron LakeQ-25neCC
431H-31-P 44-36-11-P 122-2-P 122a-2-P 122cPondQ-25neBB
432H-31-P 44-36-P 124, P 124aPondQ-25neBB
433H-31-P 44-36-15-P 124bPondQ-25neBB
434H-31-P 44-36-P 124g, P 124hGilmore PondsQ-25neBB
435H-31-P 44-36-16a, 17a, 18, 20, 21Tribs. of Stone Hill RiverQ-25neCC
436H-31-P 44-36-21-P 124iPondQ-25neBB
437H-31-P 44-37St. Mary's Lake Brook(Trib. 37 now flows into trib. 36 before entering P 44.) Parts not in New York City-owned lands.P-25sw, Q-25nwCC
438H-31-P 44-37-P 44rLake MarieQ-25nwBB
439H-31-P 44-38Katonah BrookParts not in New York City-owned lands.P-25swCC
440H-31-P 44-39, 40Tribs. of New Croton ReservoirParts not in New York City-owned lands.P-25swCC
441H-31-P 44-41, 42Tribs. of New Croton ReservoirParts not in New York City-owned lands.Q-25nw, P-25swBB
441.1H-31-P 44-41-1aTrib. of New Croton ReservoirP-25swBB(TS)
442H-31-P 44-43 portionKisco RiverFrom mouth to trib. 5. Parts not in New York City-owned lands.Q-25nwBB(TS)
443H-31-P 44-43 portionKisco RiverFrom trib. 5 to trib. 12.Q-25nwCC(TS)
444H-31-P 44-43 portionKisco RiverFrom trib. 12 upstream 0.3 mile to an unnamed pond.Q-25nwCC
444.1H-31-P 44-43 portionKisco RiverFrom unnamed pond 0.3 mile upstream of trib. 12 to source at P 127 (Howlands Lake).Q-25nwCC
445H-31-P 44-43-1, 1a, 2, 2-P 44s, 3, 4, 5, 5-1, 6, 7, 8, 8-3-3, 8-5Tribs. of Kisco RiverQ-25nw, Q-24neCC
445.1H-31-P 44-43-8-3Subtrib. of Kisco RiverQ-25nwCC(T)
446H-31-P 44-43-5-P 44tPondQ-24neBB
447H-31-P 44-43-5-P 44uCockrene PondQ-24neBB
448H-31-P 44-43-9 and tribs. 9-1, 9-4, 9-4-1, 9-4-2, 9-5Chappaqua BrookQ-25nw, Q-24neCC
449H-31-P 44-43-9-4-1-P 44vSubtrib. of Chappaqua BrookQ-24neCC
450H-31-P 44-43-10 and tribs. 10-2, 10-3a, 10-4, 10-5Trib. of Kisco RiverQ-24ne, Q-25nwCC
451H-31-P 44-43-10-2-P 44wSubtrib. of Kisco RiverQ-25nwBB
452H-31-P 44-43-10-P 44x, P 44yPondsQ-25nwBB
453H-31-P 44-43-11 and trib. 11-P 125Trib. of Kisco RiverQ-25nwCC
454H-31-P 44-43-12-1, 12-2, 12-4, 12-6, 12-7, 12-7-P 125cTrib. of Kisco RiverQ-25nwCC
454.1H-31-P 44-43-12Trib. of Kisco RiverQ-25nwCC(T)
455H-31-P 44-43-12-1-P 44zSubtrib. of Kisco RiverQ-25nwCC
456H-31-P 44-43-12-4-P 125aPondQ-25nwAA
457H-31-P 44-43-12-P 125bPondQ-25nwBB
458H-31-P 44-43-14Trib. of Kisco RiverQ-25nwCC
459H-31-P 44-43-P 125dPondQ-25nwBB
460H-31-P 44-43-P 127Howlands LakeQ-25nwBB
461H-31-P 44-43-P 127-1, 3Tribs. of Howlands LakeQ-25nwCC
462H-31-P 44-44 and tribs. 44-P 127a, 44-P 127bTrib. of New Croton ReservoirParts not in New York City-owned lands.Q-24neBB
463H-31-P 44-45-2, 45-2-1, 45-3Tribs. Gedney BrookParts not in New York City-owned lands.Q-24neBB
463.1H-31-P 44-45, 46, 46-1Gedney Brook, Cornell BrookParts not in New York City-owned lands.Q-24neBB(TS)
464H-31-P 44-46-P 128, 46-P 128b, 46-1-1, 46-3, 46-3-1Tribs. of Cornell BrookParts not in New York City-owned lands.Q-24neBB
465H-31-P 44-46-3-P 128cOwl LakeQ-24neBB
465.1H-31-P 44-47Trib. of New Croton ReservoirQ-24neBB(T)
465.2H-31-P 44-49Trib. of New Croton ReservoirQ-24neBB(TS)
466H-31-P 44-49-2, 50, 51Tribs. of New Croton ReservoirParts not in New York City-owned lands.Q-24neBB
467H-31-P 44-49-P 33bStill LakeQ-24neBB
468H-31-P 44-51-P 128dPondQ-24neCC
469H-31-P 44-51-P 128d-1Subtrib. of New Croton ReservoirQ-24neCC
470H-31-P 44-51-P 128eJourneys End LakeQ-24neBB
471H-31-P 44-51-P 128fDream LakeQ-24neBB
472H-31-P 44-54 and tribs. 54-1, 54-2, 54-2-1, 54-3, 54-3-1, 54-3-2, 54-3-P 128g, 54-3-P 128hBailey BrookParts not in New York City-owned lands.Q-24neBB
473H-31-P 44-54-P 128aTeatown LakeQ-24neBB
474H-31-P 44-54-P 128a-1Trib. of Teatown LakeQ-24neCC
475H-31-P 44-54-4, 4-1, 5Tribs. of Bailey BrookQ-24neCC
476H-31-P 44-54-4-P 128iVernay LakeQ-24neBB
477H-31-P 44-54-4-P 128jShadow LakeQ-24neBB
478H-31-P 44-54-5-P 128kPondQ-24neBB
479H-31-P 44-54-P 128lMiller PondQ-24neBB
480H-31-P 44-54-P 128mBakwin PondQ-24neBB
481H-31-P 44-55 and trib. 55-1Purdy PondParts not in New York City-owned lands.Q-24neBB
482H-31-P 44-55-P 128oNaumburg PondQ-24neBB
483H-31-P 44-55-1-P 128nFrankcrest PondQ-24neBB
484H-33Trib. of Hudson RiverTidal portion.Q-24nwSCSC
485H-33aTrib. of Hudson RiverTidal portion. Fresh water portion.Q-24nwSC CSC C
486H-34Trib. of Hudson RiverTidal portion. Fresh water portion.Q-24nwSC CSC C
487H-34-P 45e, P 45f, P 45gPondsQ-24nwBB
488H-40Trib. of Hudson RiverTidal portion. Fresh water portion.Q-24nwSC CSC C
489H-P 130, P 134, P 137aPondsQ-24nwCC
490H-43 portionLake Tiorati BrookTidal portion. Fresh water portion. From mouth to P 140a. (Also known as Cedar Pond Brook.)Q-24nwSC CSC C(TS)
491H-43 portionLake Tiorati BrookFrom P 140a to Palisades Interstate Park boundary.Q-24nw, Q-23neCC(TS)
492H-43 portionLake Tiorati BrookFrom Palisades Interstate Park boundary to P 152 (Lake Tiorati).Q-23ne, P-23seBB(TS)
493H-43-1Minisceongo CreekTidal portion. Fresh water portion to trib. 8.Q-24nw, Q-23neSC CSC C
493.1H-43-1Minisceongo CreekFrom trib. 8 to trib. 11. Upstream of trib. 11 is named North Branch Minisceongo Creek.Q-23neCC(T)
494H-43-1-P 141, P 141a, P 142, P 142a, P 142b, P 143, P 143c, P 144a, P 142cTribs. of Minisceongo CreekQ-24nwCC
495H-43-1-4Trib. of Minisceongo CreekQ-24nwCC
496H-43-1-P 145, P 145aPondsQ-24nw, Q-23neBB
497H-43-1-P 146Garnersville ReservoirUsed as water supply for New York Water Service Company.Q-23neAAAA
498H-43-1-7, 8, 8-P 146a, 9Tribs. of Minisceongo CreekQ-23neCC
499H-43-1-8-P 147PondQ-23neBB
500H-43-1-9-P 147aGurnee LakeQ-23neBB
501H-43-1-10 and tribs. 10-2a,10-2a-1, 10-3, 10-4, 10-P 148, 10-P 149South Branch Minisceongo CreekQ-23neCC
502H-43-1-10-P 150PondQ-23neBB
503H-43-1-11 portionNorth Branch Minisceongo CreekFrom mouth to trib. 5.Q-23neCC(T)
504H-43-1-11 portionNorth Branch Minisceongo CreekFrom trib. 5 to P 150c.Q-23neBB(T)
505H-43-1-11-1Trib. of North Branch Minisceongo CreekQ-23neDD
505.1H-43-1-11-3Trib. of North Branch Minisceongo CreekQ-23neCC
506H-43-1-11-1-P 148aCheesecote PondQ-23neBB
507H-43-1-11-3-P 148bPondQ-23neBB
508H-43-1-11-5 portionHorse Chock BrookFrom mouth to P 150a (First Reservoir).Q-23neCC
509H-43-1-11-5 portion and 5-2bHorse Chock BrookFrom P 150a to source. (Letchworth Village water supply.)Q-23neAA(TS)
510H-43-1-11-5-P 150a, P 150b, P 150j, 5-2, 2a, 4First, second, and third reservoirsLetchworth Village water supply.Q-23neAA
511H-43-1-11-P 150cLake WelchQ-23neAA
512H-43-1-11-9 and trib. 9-1Beaver Pond BrookQ-23neBB
513H-43-1-11-9-P 150dBreakneck PondQ-23neAAAA
514H-43-1-11-10, 11Tribs. of North Branch Minisceongo CreekQ-23neBB
515H-43-P 140aPondQ-24nwBB
516H-43-P 150e, P 150fStony Point ReservoirQ-23neAA
517H-43-3Trib. of Lake Tiorati BrookQ-23neCC
518H-43-3-P 150n, P 150gPondsQ-23neBB
519H-43-4 and tribs. 4-1, 4-4, 4-5, 4-5a and 4-5-2Trib. and subtribs. of Lake Tiorati BrookQ-23ne, P-23se, P-24swAA
520H-43-4-P 150mAmbreys PondQ-23ne, P-23seBB
521H-43-4-P 150hPondP-23seBB
522H-43-4-5a-P 150jSubtrib. of Lake Tiorati BrookP-23seBB
523H-43-4-P 150iLake TompkinsP-24swBB
524H-43-5, 6, 6-P 150k, 8Tribs. of Lake Tiorati BrookQ-23neCC
524.1H-43-6Tribs. of Lake Tiorati BrookQ-23neCC(TS)
525H-43-7 and tribs. 7-2, 7-3, 7-9, 7-9a, 7-9-P 151b, 7-9-5, 7-10, 7-11Stillwater BrookP-23seBB
526H-43-9, 11, 11-2, 17, 18, 19Tribs. of Lake Tiorati BrookP-23se, Q-23neBB
526.1H-43-11-1Trib. of Lake Tiorati BrookP-23se, Q-23neB(TS)
527H-43-P 152Lake TioratiP-23seAA
528H-44Furnace BrookTidal portion. Fresh water portion. Source is P 5430, at junction of Watch Hill and Furnace Wood Rds.Q-24nw, P-24sw, P-24seSC CSC C
528.1H-44-P 5430PondP-24swCC
529H-44-1aTrib. of Furnace BrookTidal portion. Fresh water portion.Q-24nwSC BSC B
530H-44-1b and trib. 1b-P 155aTrib. of Furnace BrookTidal portion.Q-24nwSCSC
531H-44-P 155b, P 155jPondsQ-24nwBB
532H-44-3, 4, 5, 5-1, 5a, 6Tribs. of Furnace BrookQ-24nw, P-24sw, P-24seCC
533H-44-3-P 155cPondQ-24nwBB
534H-44-P 155Furnace Brook PondQ-24nwBB
535H-44-5-P 155d, P 155ePondsQ-24nwBB
536H-44-5a-P 155f, P 155gPondsQ-24nwBB
537H-44-6-P 156Dickerson Pond(Also known as Swan Lake.)P-24swBB
538H-44-7 and tribs. 7-1, 7-1-1Trib. of Furnace BrookP-24swBB
539H-44-9 and trib. 9-2Trib. of Furnace BrookP-24swCC
540H-44-9-2-P 155hSubtrib. of Furnace BrookP-24swBB
541H-44-P 155iNelson PondP-24swCC
542H-46 and tribs. 46-3, 46-3-1, 46-3-2, 46-3-3, 46-3-1-P 157a, 46-3-2-P 157b, 46-4Trib. of Hudson RiverTidal portion. Fresh water portion.Q-24nwSC CSC C
543H-46aTrib. of Hudson RiverTidal portion. Fresh water portion.Q-24nwSC CSC C
544H-P 157PondQ-24nwCC
545H-47, 47-P 158, 47-P 159Trib. of Hudson RiverTidal portion. Fresh water portion.Q-24nwSC CSC C
546H-48a and trib. 48a-2Trib. of Hudson RiverTidal portion. Fresh water portion.Q-24nwSC CSC C
547H-48a-P 159bPondQ-24nwBB
548H-48a-P 159aLake BoyceQ-23neBB
549H-P 161a, P 161bPondsP-24swCC
550H-49Trib. of Hudson RiverTidal portion. Fresh water portion.Q-24nwSC CSC C
551H-P 160Lake MeahaghP-24sw, Q-24nwCC
552H-P 160-P 161PondP-24swBB
553H-P 160-1, 1-P 160aTrib. of Lake MeahaghP-24swCC
554H-50a, 50b, 50b-P 161c, 50cTribs. of Hudson RiverTidal portions. Fresh water portions.P-24swSC CSC C
555H-50c-P 161dPondP-24swCC
556H-51 portionDickey BrookFrom mouth to New York City Railroad culvert at 0.7 mile upstream from mouth.P-24swSCSC
557H-51 portionDickey BrookFrom New York City Railroad culvert to 1.2 miles upstream from mouth.P-24swCC
558H-51 portion and tribs. 51-4, 51-4-1, 51-4-1-P 161f, 51-5, 51-P 161hDickey BrookFrom 1.2 miles upstream from mouth to source.P-24swBB
559H-51-4-P 161gPeterson PondP-24swBB
560H-51-P 161eLoundsberry PondP-24swBB
561H-53Trib. of Hudson RiverTidal portion. Fresh water portion.P-24swSC CSC C
562H-P 162aPondP-24swCC
563H-54 and trib. 54-P 163McGregory BrookTidal portion. Fresh water portion.P-24swSC CSC C
564H-55 portionPeekskill CreekFrom mouth to 0.8 mile upstream from mouth.P-24swSCSC
565H-55 portionPeekskill Hollow CreekFrom 0.8 mile upstream from mouth to P 169.P-24swBB
566H-55 portionPeekskill Hollow CreekFrom P 169 to trib. 6.P-24swAA(TS)
567H-55 portionPeekskill Hollow CreekFrom trib. 6 to source.P-24sw, P-24se, P-24neCC(TS)
568H-55-1 portionAnnsville CreekFrom mouth to 0.2 mile upstream of mouth.P-24swCC
568.1H-55-1 portionAnnsville CreekFrom 0.2 mile upstream of mouth to outlet of P 165.P-24swCC
568.2H-55-1 portionAnnsville CreekFrom inlet of P 165 to source.P-24swCC(TS)
568.3H-55-1-1a, 2Tribs. of Annsville CreekP-24swCC
568.4H-55-1-1, and trib.Tribs. of Annsville CreekP-24swCC(TS)
569H-55-1-P 165Wallace PondP-24swBB
570H-55-1-2-P 165aLake AliceP-24swBB
571H-55-2 portionCanopus CreekFrom mouth to P 165b.P-24swBB
572H-55-2 portionCanopus CreekFrom P 165b to P 168a.P-24sw, P-24neBB(T)
573H-55-2-P 165bCortlandt LakeP-24swBB
574H-55-2-P 165b-1Subtrib. of Canopus CreekP-24swCC
575H-55-2-P 165b-1-P 165cPondP-24swBB
576H-55-2-1, 3 and trib. 3-2Tribs. of Canopus CreekP-24swCC
577H-55-2-3-P 165dPondP-24swBB
578H-55-2-3-P 166Lake CelesteP-24swBB
579H-55-2-3-P 166-2 and trib. 2-2Trib. of Lake CelesteP-24swCC
580H-55-2-3a, 3b, 4Tribs. of Canopus CreekTrib. 4 is Indian Lake Creek.P-24sw, P-24se, P-24nwCC
581H-55-2-4-P 167Indian LakeP-24nw, P-24swAA
582H-55-2-5, 7-1, 7-1-1, 7-3, 7-P 167cTribs. of Canopus CreekP-24nw, P-24neCC
582.1H-55-2-7, 7-2Trib. and subtrib. of Canopus CreekP-24ne, P-24nwCC(TS)
583H-55-2-7-2-P 167aSubtrib. of Canopus CreekP-24nw, P-24neBB
584H-55-2-7-3-P 167bSubtrib. of Canopus CreekP-24neBB
585H-55-2-P 168PondP-24neBB
586H-55-2-8 and tribs. 8-2a, 8-P 168d, 8-P 168eTrib. of Canopus CreekP-24neCC
587H-55-2-8-P 168c, P 168fSubtribs. of Canopus CreekP-24neBB
588H-55-2-8-2a-P 168qSubtrib. of Canopus CreekP-24neBB
589H-55-2-P 168aCanopus LakeP-24neAA
590H-55-2-11, 11aTribs. of Canopus CreekP-24neCC
591H-55-2-11-P 168bPelton RoadP-24neAA
592H-55-3 and trib. 3-1Trib. of Peekskill Hollow CreekP-24swCC
593H-55-3-P 169aPondP-24swBB
594H-55-P 169PondWater supply for City of Peekskill.P-24swAA
595H-55-P 163aPondP-24swAA
596H-55-4, 4-1, 4a, 5, 6, 6-1, 6-1a, 6-1b, 6-2, 6-2-2Tribs. of Peekskill Hollow CreekP-24sw, P-24seCC
597H-55-6-P 169bPondP-24swBB
598H-55-6-1-P 169c, P 170Subtrib. of Peekskill Hollow CreekP-24swBB
599H-55-6-P 170aGregory PondP-24seBB
600H-55-7Trib. of Peekskill Hollow CreekP-24swCC
601H-55-7-P 171aPondP-24swBB
602H-55-7-P 171Lake PeekskillP-24swBB
603H-55-7-P 171-1 and trib. 1-P 171bTrib. of Lake PeekskillP-24swCC
604H-55-8Oscawana BrookP-24sw, P-24se, P-24neCC
604.1H-55-8-1, 2, 5, 5a and P 147bTribs. of Oscawana BrookP-24se, P-24neCC
605H-55-8-1-P 169dPondP-24seBB
606H-55-8-2-P 173PondP-24seBB
607H-55-8-P 173a, P 174, P 174aPondsP-24seCC
608H-55-8-P 174cPondP-24neBB
609H-55-8-P 175Oscawana LakeP-24neAA
610H-55-8-P 175-1, 1-1, 2, 2-1, 2-2, 3Tribs. of Oscawana LakeP-24neCC
611H-55-8-P 175-1-P 176Mud LakeP-24neBB
612H-55-8-P 175-1-P 177Clear LakeP-24neBB
613H-55-9Trib. of Peekskill Hollow CreekP-24seCC
614H-55-11Mohegan OutletP-24seCC
615H-55-11-P 179Lake MoheganP-24seBB
616H-55-12 portionShrub Oak BrookFrom mouth to P 179a.P-24seCC(TS)
616.1H-55-12 portionShrub Oak BrookFrom P 179a to trib. 4.P-24seCC(T)
617H-55-12 portionShrub Oak BrookFrom trib. 4 to source at P 182 (Osceola Lake).P-24seCC
618H-55-12-P 179aPondP-24seCC(T)
619H-55-12-1, 3, 9 and trib. 9-P 179cTribs. of Shrub Oak BrookP-24seCC
620H-55-12-P 179bPondP-24seBB
621H-55-12-4 and trib. 4-1Barger BrookP-24seCC
622H-55-12-4-P 181Barger PondP-24seBB
623H-55-12-4-P 181-2 and trib. 2-1aTrib. of Barger PondP-24seCC
624H-55-12-P 182Osceola LakeP-24seBB
625H-55-12-P 182-1, 2Tribs. of Osceola LakeP-24seCC
626H-55-13, 13-P 182a, 14, 14a, 15, 16, 17aTribs. of Peekskill Hollow CreekP-24se, P-24neCC
627H-55-16-P 183Bryant PondP-24neBB
628H-55-17Wiccopee BrookP-24neBB(TS)
629H-55-17-1, 2 and trib. 2-1Tribs. of Wiccopee BrookP-24neCC
630H-55-17-P 183aWiccopee ReservoirP-24neAA
631H-55-17-3, 4, 5Tribs. of Wiccopee BrookP-24neAA
632H-55-17-P 183cStillwater PondP-24neBB(T)
633H-55-18 and tribs. 18-1, 18-1a, 18-2, 18-5, 18-6Roaring BrookP-24neCC
634H-55-18-P 183bRoaring Brook LakeP-24neBB
635H-55-19, 19-1, 20, 21Tribs. of Peekskill Hollow CreekP-24neCC
636H-55-20-P 183dLake OssiP-24neBB
637H-55-P 183eLake TibetP-24neBB
638H-56 and tribs. 56-1a, 56-2, 56-P 165ePutnam CreekTidal portion. Fresh water portion. Dickiebusch Lake (P 165e).P-24swSC CSC C
639H-57, 57a and trib. 57a-1Tribs. of Hudson RiverTidal portions. Fresh water portions.P-24swSC CSC C
640H-58 portion and tribs., 58-1-2, 58-1a, 58-1b, 58-2, 58-2-1, 58-3, 58-3-2, 58-4Doddletown Brook and tribs. and subtribs.Tidal portions. Fresh water portions. Trib. 58 from mouth to 0.3 mile below trib. 1. and from trib. 4 to source.P-24sw, P-23seSC CSC C
640.1H-58 portion and 58-1Doodletown Brook and trib.Fresh water portions. Trib. 58 from 0.3 mile below trib. 1 to trib. 4P-24sw, P-23seCC(TS)
641H-59Brocey BrookTidal portion. Fresh water portion.P-24swSC CSC C
642H-59-P 165fPondP-24swBB
643H-60Trib. of Hudson RiverTidal portion. Fresh water portion.P-24swSC BSC B
644H-60-P 184Hessian LakeP-24swBB(T)

N.Y. Comp. Codes R. & Regs. Tit. 6 § 864.6