Item No. | Waters Index Number | Name | Description | Map Ref. No. | Class | Standards |
1 | Pa 63-13 portion as described | Cassadaga Creek | From mouth to Chadakoin River. | 4 | C | C |
2 | Pa 63-13 portion as described | Cassadaga Creek | From Chadakoin River to point 0.25 mile below trib. 15. | 4, 3 | C | C |
3 | Pa 63-13 portion as described | Cassadaga Creek | From point 0.25 mile below trib. 15 to trib. 16. | 3 | B | B |
4 | Pa 63-13 portion as described | Cassadaga Creek | From trib. 16 to Bear Lake Outlet. | 3, 7 | C | C |
5 | Pa 63-13 portion as described | Cassadaga Creek | From Bear Lake Outlet to trib. 32. | 7 | C | C(T) |
6 | Pa 63-13 portion as described | Cassadaga Creek | From trib. 32 to P 133. | 7 | C | C |
7 | Pa 63-13-1a | Forbes Brook | Enters Cassadaga Creek approximately 2.3 miles southeast of Levant. | 4 | C | C(T) |
8 | Pa 63-13-1 | Tributary of Cassadaga Creek | Enters Cassadaga Creek approximately 1.5 miles southeast of Levant. | 4 | C | C |
9 | Pa 63-13-P 121a | Clay Pond | Located approximately 1.0 mile southeast of Levant. | 4 | C | C |
10 | Pa 63-13-2, 3 | Tributaries of Cassadaga Creek | Enter Cassadaga Creek from north approximately at Levant. | 4 | C | C |
11 | Pa 63-13-5, 6 | Tributaries of Cassadaga Creek | Enter Cassadaga Creek approximately 1.0 mile westerly of Levant. | 4 | C | C |
12 | Pa 63-13-6-P 128 | Brick Pond | Located approximately 1.3 miles west of Levant. | 4 | C | C |
13 | Pa 63-13-7, 8 and tribs. | Tributaries of Cassadaga Creek | Enter Cassadaga Creek approximately 0.5 and 0.8 mile, respectively, north of Brick Pond. | 4 | C | C |
14 | Pa 63-13-9 and tribs. | Folsom Creek | Enters Cassadaga Creek approximately 0.4 mile southeast of Ross Mills. | 4 | C | C |
15 | Pa 63-13-9a, 9b, 10 | Tributaries of Cassadaga Creek | Enter Cassadaga Creek approximately 0.75, 0.8 and 1.3 miles, respectively, northwest of Ross Mills. | 4 | C | C |
16 | Pa 63-13-11 | Seeley Creek | Enters Cassadaga Creek approximately 1.1 miles northwest of Ross Mills. | 4 | C | C |
17 | Pa 63-13-12 | Tributary of Cassadaga Creek | Enters Cassadaga Creek approximately 0.2 mile above Seeley Creek. | 4 | C | C |
18 | Pa 63-13-13 and tribs. | Goodfellow Creek | Enters Cassadaga Creek approximately 1.3 miles south of Gerry. | 4, 3 | C | C |
19 | Pa 63-13-13a | Tributary of Cassadaga Creek | Enters Cassadaga Creek approximately 1.0 mile southwest of Gerry. | 3 | C | C |
20 | Pa 63-13-14 portion as described | Hatch Creek | From mouth to point 0.4 mile upstream. Enters Cassadaga Creek approximately 1.0 mile southwest of Gerry. | 3 | C | C(T) |
21 | Pa 63-13-14 portion as described | Hatch Creek | From point 0.4 mile above mouth to source. | 3, 4 | C | C |
22 | Pa 63-13-14-1a | Tributary of Hatch Creek | Enters Hatch Creek approximately 0.1 mile above its mouth. | 3 | C | C(T) |
23 | Pa 63-13-14-1, 2, 2a, 3, 4, 5 and tribs. | Tributaries of Hatch Creek | 4 | C | C | |
24 | Pa 63-13-15, 16, 17, 18 and tribs. | Tributaries of Cassadaga Creek | Enter Cassadaga Creek between Hatch Creek and Towerville Creek. Trib. 15 enters approximately 0.9 mile above Hatch Creek. Trib. 16 enters approximately 1.0 mile above Hatch Creek. | 3 | C | C |
25 | Pa 63-13-19 portion as described | Towerville Creek | Enters Cassadaga Creek approximately 0.7 mile northeast of Towerville Corners. From mouth to point 1.0 mile upstream. | 3 | C | C |
26 | Pa 63-13-19 portion as described and including all tribs. | Towerville Creek | From point 1.0 mile above mouth to source. | 3 | C | C(T) |
27 | Pa 63-13-19a portion as described | Crooked Creek | Enters Cassadaga Creek approximately 0.7 mile southeast of Redbird. From mouth to point 0.3 mile below trib. 1. | 3 | C | C(T) |
28 | Pa 63-13-19a portion as described | Crooked Creek | From point 0.3 mile below trib. 1 to source. | 3, 4 | C | C |
29 | Pa 63-13-19a-1 | Tributary of Crooked Creek | Enters Crooked Creek approximately 1.8 miles northeasterly of Redbird. | 3, 4 | C | C |
30 | Pa 63-13-20 portion as described | Mill Creek | From mouth to trib. 18. | 3 | C | C(T) |
31 | Pa 63-13-20 portion as described | Mill Creek | From trib. 18 to source. | 3, 7, 8 | C | C |
32 | Pa 63-13-20-1 and tribs. | Meadow Creek | Enters Mill Creek approximately 0.4 mile east of Redbird. | 3 | C | C(T) |
33 | Pa 63-13-20-1a | Tributary of Mill Creek | Enters Mill Creek appromimately 0.8 mile above its mouth. | 3 | C | C(T) |
34 | Pa 63-13-20-2 | Cold Brook | Enters Mill Creek approximately 1.0 mile above its mouth. | 3 | C | C(T) |
35 | Pa 63-13-20-3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 and tribs. | Tributaries of Mill Creek | Enter Mill Creek between Cold Brook and trib. 11. | 3, 7, 8 | C | C |
36 | Pa 63-13-20-11 | Tributary of Mill Creek | Enters Mill Creek approximately 1.7 miles southwesterly of Charlotte Center. | 8 | C | C(T) |
37 | Pa 63-13-20-12 | Tributary of Mill Creek | Enters Mill Creek approximately 0.1 mile above trib. 11. | 8 | C | C(T) |
38 | Pa 63-13-20-12-1, 2, 4, 5 | Subtributaries of Mill Creek | 8 | C | C | |
39 | Pa 63-13-20-12-3 | Subtributary of Mill Creek | Enters approximately 1.8 miles southeast of Charlotte Center. | 8 | C | C(T) |
40 | Pa 63-13-20-13 portion as described | Dighton or Dykeman Creek | From mouth to trib. 2. Enters Mill Creek approximately 1.1 miles southwesterly of Charlotte Center. | 8 | C | C(T) |
41 | Pa 63-13-20-13 portion as described | Dighton or Dykeman Creek | From trib. 2 to source. | 8, 7 | C | C |
42 | Pa 63-13-20-13-1, 2, 3, 4, 5 | Tributaries of Dighton Creek | All tribs. of Dighton Creek. Trib. 2 enters approximately 2.9 miles southeast of Pickett School. | 7 | C | C |
43 | Pa 63-13-20-14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, and tribs. | Tributaries of Mill Creek | All tribs. entering Mill Creek above trib. 13. | 8 | C | C |
44 | Pa 63-13-20a, 21, 22 | Tributaries of Cassadaga Creek | Enter Cassadaga Creek between Redbird and Bear Lake Outlet. | 3, 7 | C | C |
45 | Pa 63-13-23 | Bear Creek or Bear Lake Outlet | Enters Cassadaga Creek approximately 1.7 miles east of Centralia. | 7 | C | C |
46 | Pa 63-13-23-1 portion as described | Bugby Creek | From mouth to trib. 3. Enters Bear Lake Outlet approximately 1.4 miles northeast of Centralia. | 7 | C | C |
47 | Pa 63-13-23-1 portion as described | Bugby Creek | From trib. 3 to source. | 7 | C | C |
48 | Pa 63-13-23-1-1a | Tributary of Bugby Brook | Enters Bugby Brook approximately 0.9 mile above its mouth. | 7 | C | C |
49 | P 129a | Perrin Lake or Vandemark Pond | Located approximately 0.6 mile east of Centralia. | 7 | B | B |
50 | Pa 63-13-23-1-1, 2 and tribs. | Tributaries of Bugby Creek | Enter approximately 0.7 and 0.6 mile, respectively, southeasterly of Centralia. | 7 | C | C |
51 | Pa 63-13-23-1-2-P 129b | Waite Pond | Located approximately 1.0 mile northwesterly of Centralia. | 7 | C | C |
52 | Pa 63-13-23-1-3, 4, 5, 6 and tribs. | Tributaries of Bugby Creek | Enter Bugby Creek approximately 0.6, 0.5 and 0.6 mile southerly of Centralia. | 7, 3 | C | C |
53 | Pa 63-13-23-1a | Crandall's or Holland Brook | Enters Bear Lake Outlet approximately 0.3 mile above Bugby Brook. | 7 | C | C(T) |
54 | Pa 63-13-23-2 and tribs. | Tributary of Bear Lake Outlet | Enters approximately 1.0 mile above Bugby Brook. | 7 | C | C |
55 | Pa 63-13-23-2-1-P 129c | Chan Smith Pond | Located approximately 0.5 mile northeast of Centralia. | 7 | C | C |
56 | Pa 63-13-23-3 portion as described | Tributary of Bear Lake Outlet | Enters approximately 2.0 miles south of Stockton. From mouth to trib. 1. | 7 | C | C |
57 | Pa 63-13-23-3 portion as described | Tributary of Bear Lake Outlet | From trib. 1 to source. | 7 | C | C |
58 | Pa 63-13-23-3-1, 2, 3 and tribs. | Subtributary of Bear Lake Outlet | Trib. 1 enters approximately 1.2 miles southeasterly of Stockton. | 7 | C | C |
59 | Pa 63-13-23-4 and tribs. | Tributary of Bear Lake Outlet | Enters approximately 1.6 miles south of Stockton. | 7 | C | C |
60 | Pa 63-13-23-5 portion as described | Flagg, Gillis, Ivett or Parkhurst Brook | Enters Bear Lake Outlet approximately 1.0 mile south of Stockton. From mouth to point 0.5 mile upstream. | 7 | C | C |
60.1 | [Repealed] | |||||
61 | Pa 63-13-23-5 portion as described | Flagg, Gillis, Ivett or Parkhurst Brook | From 0.5 mile upstream of mouth to source. | 7 | C | C(T) |
62 | Pa 63-13-23-5-1, 2, 3, 4 and tribs. | Tributaries of Flagg, Gillis, Ivett or Parkhurst Brook | 7 | C | C(T) | |
63 | Pa 63-13-23-6 | Tributary of Bear Lake Outlet | Enters at Stockton. | 7 | C | C |
64 | Pa 63-13-23-7 and tribs. | Stockton Creek | Enters Bear Lake Outlet approximately 0.7 mile below Bear Lake. | 7 | C | C |
65 | Pa 63-13-23-P131 and all tribs. | Bear Lake | Located approximately 2.0 miles northwest of Stockton. | 7 | A | A |
66 | Pa 63-13-24 and tribs. | Tributary of Cassadaga Creek | Enters approximately 3.0 miles southeast of Stockton. | 7 | C | C |
67 | Pa 63-13-25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30 and tribs. | Tributaries of Cassadaga Creek | Trib. 25 enters approximately 0.7 mile northwest of Moons. Trib. 30 enters approximately 0.1 mile below Pickett Brook. | 7 | C | C |
68 | Pa 63-13-31 portion as described | Pickett Brook | From mouth to trib. 7. Enters approximately 1.0 mile southwest of Pickett School. | 7 | C | C(T) |
69 | Pa 63-13-31 portion as described | Pickett Brook | From trib. 7 to source. | 7 | C | C |
70 | Pa 63-13-31-1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and tribs. | Tributaries of Pickett Brook | Trib. 7 enters approximately 1.5 miles east of center of Cassadaga. | 7 | C | C |
71 | Pa 63-13-32 | Tributary of Cassadaga Creek | Enters approximately 0.4 mile above Pickett Brook. | 7 | C | C |
72 | Pa 63-13-33 and tribs. and P 132 | Tributary of Cassadaga Creek and Burnham Lake | Enters approximately 1.1 miles south of center of Cassadaga. | 7 | B | B |
73 | Pa 63-13-34 and tribs. | Tributary of Cassadaga Creek | Enters approximately 0.5 mile south of center of Cassadaga. | 7 | C | C |
74 | Pa 63-13-P 133 | Lower Cassadaga Lake | Located at Cassadaga. | 7 | B | B |
75 | Pa 63-13-P 133-1, 2 | Tributaries of Lower Cassadaga Lake | Enter from southwest. | 7 | C | C |
76 | Pa 63-13-P 133-1-P 134 | Tributary of Lower Cassadaga Lake | Located at upper terminus of trib. 1. | 7 | C | C |
77 | Pa 63-13-P 133-3 | Tributary of Lower Cassadaga Lake | Connecting Lower and Middle Lakes. | 7 | C | C |
78 | Pa 63-13-P 133-3-P 135 | Middle Cassadaga Lake | Between Lower and Upper Cassadaga Lakes. | 7 | C | C |
79 | Pa 63-13-P 133-3-P 135-1 and tribs. | Tributary of Middle Cassadaga Lake | Enters from west. | 7 | C | C |
80 | Pa 63-13-P 133-3-P 135-2 | Tributary of Middle Cassadaga Lake | Connecting Middle and Upper Cassadaga Lakes. | 7 | C | C |
81 | Pa 63-13-P 133-3-P 135-2-1 | Subtributary of Middle Cassadaga Lake | Enters from west. | 7 | B | B |
82 | Pa 63-13-P 133-3-P 135-P 136 | Upper Cassadaga Lake | Located approximately 1.0 mile northwest of Cassadaga. | 7 | B | B |
83 | Pa 63-13-P 133-3-P 135-2-P 136-a including P 138 | Tributary of Upper Cassadaga Lake | Enters from west. | 7 | C | C |
84 | Pa 63-13-P 133-3-P 135-P 136-1 | Tributary of Upper Cassadaga Lake | Enters from west. | 7 | C | C |
85 | Pa 63-13-P 133-3-P 135-P 136-2 | Tributary of Upper Cassadaga Lake | 7 | C | C | |
86 | Pa 63-13-P 133-3-P 135-P 136-2-1, 2, 3, 4 and tribs. | Subtributaries of Upper Cassadaga Lake | 7 | C | C | |
87 | Pa 63-13-P 133-3-P 135-P 136-2-P 137 | Mud Pond or Cummings Lake | Located approximately 0.9 mile northwest of center of Cassadaga. | 7 | C | C |
N.Y. Comp. Codes R. & Regs. Tit. 6 § 800.7